Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The New Era ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello all! I am here with my fourth story, but my other three are from zoids but one is from Fushigi Yugi. Check them out if you like and also I had a friend help me out in this story I am writing, her name is Leela and that is also her username so check out her awesome story called "Returning Evil." It's a Fushigi Yugi story too. Please read it! Enjoy Leela and me's story! Lee-Chan. ^-~

The New Era-Chapter 1

Darien smiled at his next little girl. Serena held the small baby in her arms as she lay in the hospital bed having just delivered the cute little baby girl. They would name her Leela. Renee stood by the bed with a smile, she was now fourteen years old and had a little sister to play with. Little did they know of the coming evil that would end their lives….

Leela sat up quickly as she heard a shrill scream echo in her head. She was in a cold sweat. She had just had the same dream she had almost every night ever since that horrible day. She was now fifteen but would turn sixteen in two days. Her mind wondered back to her awful dream….the day her parents died….

Leela was so happy as she jumped around her Dad. She was only five years old. They were going to walk down to the park for the annual fair and it would be her first time to an amusement park. Leela's long blonde curls bounced in tune with her mood. She wore a cute pink dress that went to her stubby knees. Darien would call her Chibi-La.

They were heading down a pretty alleyway as a short cut to the park festival when a black light flashed. Darien and Serena blinked, then they looked at each other. "Mommy, come on!" Little Leela laughed and jumped around, tugging on the end of her blouse. Serena nodded in Darien's direction. He nodded back. "Stand back honey." Darien picked Leela up and held her. Serena thrust her hand into the air. "Moon Prism Power!"

She transformed into Sailor Moon. Leela had been told about her parent's powers and they would sometimes go out when bad things happened around the city. Darien handed Leela to Serena then changed into Tuxedo mask. "Here Darien, you better take her, this may get rough and I don't want to get her hurt." Darien nodded and wrapped his cap around Leela making her giggle.

Darien and Serena looked around cautiously and right when Serena was about to contact the other scouts a blast shot them back into the alley wall. "Ahhhh!" All three of them yelled.

Darien groaned and got up, checking his little girl, she was scared. "It's ok honey, just stay right here and be quiet, ok?"

Little Leela nodded and hid behind the large green Dumpster. "You ok, Sailor moon?" He said standing and helping her up. She nodded and they both looked to the forming object. The monster and the two stared then charged. Darien jabbed a rose into the black monster's shoulder. It screeched and sent him into the wall.

Leela would have screeched, but her daddy had told her to be quiet. Leela knew why. Her parents didn't want her to get hurt. Renee had gone with another friend to the festival so that was why she wasn't there. Leela wished she were.

Sailor Moon growled and attacked the monster with her tiara. It screeched in pain as the tiara came in contact with its stomach region. Suddenly the monster disappeared.

Serena smiled. "Ha, take that." Darien laughed and walked over to her, holding his side. "You alright honey?" Serena asked. He nodded. Leela smiled and was about to run to them but a black orb suddenly appeared in front of her parents and exploded. Sharp black crystals flew in every direction. Leela tried to scream but nothing came from her mouth. She peered around the Dumpster with a horrified face. It quickly changed to a slight smile. Her mom had used her crisis power and Darien had turned into his prince form. They were trying their best to contain the dark energy and destroy it. But the energy was really strong. When it seemed like they almost had it the energy suddenly burst outward and the crystals followed. The last thing Leela heard was the agonizing screams of her parents as they were slaughtered by the dark crystals. Leela closed her eyes tight and hugged onto her knees, tears streaming down her face. No, no, no! She shouted in her mind. When everything became quiet she opened her eyes and slowly stood. Leela took a deep breath and stepped from behind the Dumpster. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open, her bottom lip trembling. It was an awful sight. Serena and Darien were no longer comprehensible in their state.

Leela felt a nasty feeling rise up into her throat. "Daddy?" She smiled slightly. "Mommy? Where are you?" She looked away from the wrenching sight and searched for her parents. Tears began to flow down her cheek and she looked to the bloody mess. "Daddy, MOMMY!!!!" She screamed. A crescent mark appeared on her head and white light that screeched loudly blasted from her. The whole town could see it and so could the sailor scouts.

"Lita." Mina said. Lita looked to Mina not wanting to know what might be happening. "Let's go you guys!" Rei yelled and the others ran for it to the direction the light had come from.

When the reached the alley after Amy pen pointed the energy blast, theirs eyes widened and horror struck upon their faces. There was the minacing sight of their friends and then Little Leela who sat slumped on the ground, her eyes looking up full of void and distant pain. A crescent moon shown on her head, glittering and gleaming slightly. "No." Came the soft whisper that escaped Lita's quivering lips. The whisper carried across the wind and air. There was a sad pressure that wiped over the city and soon all the people started to cry, for their dead prince and his queen.

Leela sighed and rubbed her temples. A half a year after that, Renee had been so devastated she had took her life in her own hands and killed herself. Leela had thought of the idea since she almost had no one left in her life. But the sailor scouts wouldn't allow it, they watched her every move for two weeks straight. But on the second week, Leela had read her daddy's diary and changed her mind. He had said this.

Those who are lost in their past thoughts of pain,

Can sometimes forget the meaning of life and the others, who love them,

No matter the pain that may rack your heart, never give up,

Cause whether you know it or not there is a spark inside you that never dies,

It lives in you as given prove that you still have something to live for,

And no matter how horrible you were you always have something to live for,

That spark will always shine brightly as long as you live,

But some are blinded with the incredible lose or pain they may suffer and it ends in death. So those who still have their life, live it to the fullest and never give up. You are loved whether you know it or not. Always, Always.

Leela smiled as she read the paper again after eleven years. She knew the words by heart. Thanks Dad, you saved me from a horrible fate. But please keep Renee safe and forgive her.

The next day, Leela met up with her friend Ami. It was the same name as Sailor Mercury but the y was just an i. They were best friends and hung out a lot down by the restaurant subway. Guys had made it a routine to go to the subway when they were calculated to be there and shower the two beauties with flowers and candy.

Leela had long blonde hair that was put in two buns just like her mom. She had unique emerald green eyes and soft tan skin. She was temperamental like Serena but also had her dad's calmness. She was 5'5.

Ami had short blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her hair just met with the tip of her shoulders. She had a bit of a darker tan then Leela, but not my much. Her parents were Lita and Andrew. Andrew had been dissed by Reika and Lita had been there for him which resulted in them getting married a few years later. Ami resembled her father in the facial features, but her personality was more of her mom's. She was going to be sixteen in four days. Ami was 5'7.

The two best friends stood at the subway like usual, they were bored and Leela had nearly ate everything in the whole restaurant, but the people had no complaints, in fact they were rather happy in making such good profits and offered her more but she couldn't eat anymore. When she left they told her to come back whenever she liked.

Ami loved hanging her friend, Leela always made her laugh with her silly antics.

One time Leela had been frightened by a movie and fell over backward behind the couch. Ami loved scary movies just as much as Leela did and guys were at the top of her things to do list. She was just like her mother and Leela was a really striking resemblance to Serena.

They now walked down the street. Leela caught Jared the son of Mina and her husband who she had met by the beach and married, his name was Rick. Jared was seventeen and wouldn't turn eighteen for another ten months.

Jared rode over to them and skidded his bike to a halt.

"Hey, Jared." Leela said, blushing.

Ami just smiled and waved.

"What's up you guys?" He smiled to Leela. He had short sandy blonde hair and blue-green eyes. He had a dark tan that made him irresistible. He was about 5'9 and had a great built. Leela defined him as the perfect guy. He wasn't a jerk either and he seemed to have a crush on Leela. Ami and him just palled around like a brother and sister would and had no intention of liking each other.

"Nothing really, we're kind of bored." Said Leela.

Jared nodded and grinned. "Well how about you and Ami come down to the beach and we'll all have some fun?"

"Alright!" Said Leela and Ami in unison.

Then the two waved to Jared and left to run to their houses to get dressed in their bathing suits saying they would meet him there.

He waved back and rode off.


Hope you liked my first chapter. And please no flames about Serena and Darien dying and Renee too, sorry but I had to cause for my plot they really can't be in the story. Well review! Love, Lee-Chan. ^-~