Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Twinkle, twinkle little Starlight ❯ The Relight Meeting ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Seiya was very happy, oh was she happy! She stretched like a lazy cat on her bed, being careful not to disturb the sleeping figure on top. Yaten's silver hair spread like a blanket on her back. The woman below her gently pushed a few locks away so she could see her face while she slept. Oh yes, Seiya was happy that her feelings finally were true and last night wasn't a mistake. I love Yaten she thought to herself and was surprised how easy and good it was to say it. Her romantic thoughts were cut short but the loud rumbling of her stomach. She blushed and decided it was time to get up.
"Koukou Bean? Wake up sleeping beauty" she murmured gently into her ear while nudging her. But Yaten grunted something and turned over. Seiya knew that without her usual 11 hours sleep which had been cut last night to 3 hours(It was a busy night) that something special was needed to wake her up. A smirk appeared on her face as she evilly eyed a spot she discovered Yaten really liked being kissed. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on….the back of her neck. (You hentais!!!! Shame on you).
Yaten made a pleased sound and rolled back where her eyelids slowly opened. After blinking a few times she looked up at her smiling lover and sighed.
"I thought you were a dream come true last night" she said with a sleep heavy voice. She brushed her fingers across Seiya's sharp features, carving each detail into memory.
"I won't disappear like a dream when you wake up Koukou Bean" she promised and sealed it with a kiss.
"You better believe it"

Taiki was reading the morning paper and drinking her coffee when the door to Seiya's room opened. She wasn't surprised to find both Seiya and Yaten walking out together arm in arm, after all she knew it would happen Big head. That and she couldn't sleep from the noise..
"Morning lovebirds" she said in a sickly sweet voice and Yaten just turned her nose up at her before smiling back at Seiya and sitting down. During breakfast the couple shot meaningful glances to each other. After they cleared up Seiya brushed down the red dress suit she was wearing and turned to her flatmates.
"I'm going to see Setsuna-san again today, you guys want to come?" she asked casually but the other two could see she was nervous.
"I'm not leaving you out my sight Sei-chan" Yaten reprimanded and clung onto her arm. Taiki agreed to come too.
With that the three left but were unaware of the glowing white figure watching through the window, holding a long blue sword.

"No Way!" Usagi screamed, bringing the attention of the whole room that stared at the crazy girl. Rei promptly covered her partner's mouth and looked really embarrassed. Seiya and Yaten just chuckled along with Haruka and Michiru who had made up. Ami blushed, Makoto cheered and poor Minako was in shock.
"You both make a lovely couple, I'm pleased for you" Rei said politely before glaring at Usagi. When Rei said it, she meant it. The group were relaxing in the arcade, waiting for Setsuna-san to join them, or at least Seiya was. Seiya could feel that something was amiss, something dark was approaching and she had a feeling it had something to do with her father.
Over the speaker system a song played. Seiya recognised it as 'Anything Is Possible' by Will Young. She closed her eyes and sang along.

I never thought I could be feeling this way
Standing here in front of you this perfect day
It's hard to imagine where tomorrow will lead
I'll keep this moment in my mind for eternity

Even through the rain I kept my faith
The will to follow through
And I never lost the strength within
And it's all because of you

I'm flying high like the wind
Reaching the impossible, I'll never doubt again
I'm flying high 'cause your love's made me see
That anything is possible
*Haruka and Michiru hold hands*
Possible 'cause you believe in me

In a world full of strangers, you were my saving grace
You told me I was not alone
Alone in this place, no
I never believed it that a dream can come true but
If anyone has changed my mind then baby it's you

Even through the rain I kept my faith
The will to follow through
And I'll never lose my way again
And it's all because of you

I'm flying high like the wind, reaching the impossible
I'll never doubt again, I'm flying high
'Cause your love's made me see
That anything is possible
Possible 'cause you believe in me
*Rei and Usagi embrace*

It's possible to spread my wings
And reach into the sky
Believe that I can fly away
When you're by my side

I'm flying high like the wind
Reaching the impossible, I'll never doubt again
I'm flying high 'cause your love's made me see
That anything is possible
Possible when you believe in it
Anything is possible
Possible when you believe in me
When you believe in me.

When she opened her eyes again everyone at the table was staring at her. Even Yaten had a schoolgirl look in her eyes. She reached up and kissed the singer gently.
"You still have a beautiful voice Sei-chan" she said with a smile and everyone agreed. Seiya's heart swelled.
"That was for you Koukou Bean" she smiled back and Yaten blushed. An 'awww' could be heard, most likely from Usagi.

Outside Relight strained his arm to move but it wouldn't obey him any more. He could sense the being behind him, waiting to attack. He also knew Twinkle was nearby and would react and bring her Scouts friends with her. With one last cry he fired at the city below him. The bright blue light hit the ground and destroyed the 2 entire blocks.
The people in the arcade screamed as the building shook to its foundations. The Scouts were hiding under a table, with Seiya, Haruka and Rei holding their loves close.
"We got to get out of here" Haruka shouted over the noise. Everyone agreed and managed to push past the panicking people and into an alleyway. For the first time in many months they transformed and bounded across the rooftops until they reached ground zero. The crater was humongous and smoking and on fire.
"Someone or something very powerful did this, maybe even more so then Chaos" Maker said bitterly while Eternal Sailor Moon was fighting back tears for the many people who must have died. They jumped down into the hole and searched for enemies. They found only one.

They heard its footsteps and faced a pillar of smoke. They didn't have to wait long as a tall figure walked out. The Scouts stared hard at it, determination plastered all over their faces. Healer sent a look over to Fighter but was shocked to see fear in her leaders eyes, fear like she's' never seen in those blue eyes. Fighter backed up stuttering little gasps and her arms came up to protect her like she was a child.
"Fighter?" Healer said in disbelief and all the Scouts noticed Fighter's strange behaviour. Sailor Uranus looked back at the enemy and a look of realization showed. The creature was humanoid, completely black and had no face. Seiya had told her about the creature that nearly killed her father. Seiya described it as being more powerful then….Galaxia. Haruka concern now was to protect the princess. She summand her talisman and rushed in front of the group.
"Mercury call Pluto and Saturn we need them!" she shouted back and Mercury did so without question. Healer knelt down and grabbed Fighter to help any way she could.
"Sei-chan, hon what's wrong? Please tell me" she begged while tears of frustration welled up in her tears. Uranus knew she had to get Fighter into the fight, for her own mental well being.
"It's the creature that attacked her father!" Uranus shouted back and Maker and Healer knew full well what she was talking about. They glared at the creature with a new hate as it slowly approached. Healer shook Fighter, in an attempt to snap her out of her fear
"Sei-chan you're not that helpless child now. You're an adult, a Sailor Scout you can fight it!" she screamed at her, shaking her wildly.

Time was running out fast. In her mind's eye she saw that night replaying again and again. Her father being choked by the creature and how he used the last of his strength to kill it. She was Lord Relight's daughter; there was no way she would lose to such a fate. Her fear was washed away and she stood up tall and proud. She clutched her Star Yell and raised it high.
"Star Serious Laser!" she yelled and the rays streaked forward at they enemy. The creature, just like the one that attacked Relight waited for the attack and when it did reach the rays flowed over it; no harm came to the youma. The Scouts stared in utter shock. Fighter looked at her Star Yell like it was broken.
"Shimmata!!" Uranus cursed and moved into position with Neptune. They attack together for a better chance to damage this monster.
"Space Sword Blaster!"
"Aqua Mirror Reflector!"
The twin attacks also had no effect as they connected, the youma had yet to make a move against them. Understanding nods between them all and they all stood together including Eternal Sailor Moon which the Sol Scouts didn't like at all.
"Oak Evolution!"
"Love and Beauty Shock!"
"Aqua Rhapsody!"
"Flame Sniper!"
"Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!"
"Star Gentle Uterus!"
"Star Sensitive Inferno!"
The Scouts threw as much power as they could into their own attacks. The spot where the dark youma was standing was destroyed completely by the grand attack and for a moment they hoped the youma along with it. The gasps of disappointment were lost in their heavy breathing, from loss of power.
"That thing is unstoppable!" Venus cried and readied herself for another attack.
'Seiya's father beat one of these things on his last legs! Man Seiya must be so proud' Uranus thought and found the strength to fight even harder.
In the background Fighter was concentrating very hard, eyes closed and brow furrowed. She held her hands close together as she tried to summon an even greater energy then that of a Sailor Scout, the Ki. She thought she had used it once, in the fight against Galaxia but it went in a split second. Now she had to get it back.
'Release it from the centre' a voice in her head told her. She had no time to question it and did as it said. Yes! She could feel something now!"
'Feel it out, relax don't force it!' The voice continued and she did so. She could feel a tingling sensation course through her chest and to her fingertips.
'Focus it and let it go!' the teaching voice now demanded. The heat from her own energy surged in every fibre of her being as she turned her life energy into a baseball sized blue ball.
"Blue Star Nova attack!" she screamed and fired. The other Scouts moved away from its path, barley warned by Fighter's words as they had tried to attack again. The youma made its first real movement since standing by looking at the attack as it flew through the air. The attack dug into the youma and soon pushed the youma back a few feet before exploding in a beautiful array of light. The force of the explosion made the Scouts duck for cover as rubble flew wildly through above them and the shockwave making them topple.

When the dust settled the Scouts cautiously looked up at the youma. Broad smiles crossed their faces as they saw the youma lying on the floor, smoke rising from its still body.
"Thank Kami your not hurt" Mars murmured to her princess as she held from the moment the last attack happened. ESM blushed lightly and smiled back, counting herself lucky to have Rei.
"Wow Fighter totally creamed that creep when we couldn't scratch it!" Jupiter exclaimed wildly, punching the air.
"Fighter?..Fighter!!" Healer yelled as she ran back to the Scout who had collapsed from overexertion. She lifted her leader onto her lap and looked at her sweat sheen face. She gently stroked her face as she breathed gently before her eyes fluttered open. The shooting star looked up into bright green eyes, full of relief and tears.
"I thought I lost you" Healer whispered as a smile graced her face. Fighter reached up and with a leather clad hand wiped a stray tear away.
"Never, my tenshi" she relied weakly, but true fully. Healer's smile grew as she pulled her up to feet where she shakily stood. With Healer to support her Fighter walked over until she could see the still body of the youma. She tensed and Healer felt it.
"It's not dead. Only a Gold Nova can destroy it but I'm too weak" she cried in despair. The team panicked as the faceless youma twitched and slowly sat up. It looked at them and then walked quickly towards them. Mars pushed ESM behind them, no sense in her getting hurt.
"No way!"
But before they tried another group attack the youma raised its hand and fired the same ball of evil energy that floored Relight years earlier. Spilt decisions were made and ESM was pushed to the back and shielded by Mercury, Venus and of course Mars while the other Sol Scouts tried to deflect the blast. Fighter and Healer tried to protect the other but Maker wisely dragged them down just as the ball exploded just before them. The booming explosion that rocked and destroyed the block of building behind them drowned their screams out. The burning smoke of destruction soon rose to reveal the Sailor Scouts, sprawled out on the ground, bleeding and bruised. Their fuku's ripped and barley conscious. Among them were Sailors Pluto and Saturn, they had arrived just in time to see the attack happen and jumped in to try and block the attack with the Silence Glaive and the Time Rod, both which were broken, lying near their owners as they too were injured. None were moving, not even Eternal Sailor Moon.

Fighter was woken abruptly from her darkness by a cold hand wrapping itself tightly around her neck. She choked out in pain as was hoisted up into the air, her body protesting all the way. She came face to faceless with a monster she saw killed in front of her own eyes when she was a little girl. The first youma she hated, that drove her on to be a Sailor Starlight.
"I hate you" she managed to growl with much poison in her tone. The youma stayed silent, a bad silence as it squeezed harder on her neck. Her vision started to fade as she tried fruitlessly to escape. She could hear a couple of Scouts who had awoken scream in protest but in vain. They could do nothing. Oh how she wished she didn't have to die hearing Healer below her cry her heart out.
"Dwai, father,forgive me" she whispered. Her eyes slowly closed but just when she gave up….he appeared. He didn't come from nowhere really; it was like he was standing there all the time. The look on his face didn't seem possible on such a great man. Relight, in a single movement of his hand sliced the youma's head off. As the head bounced off the ground its body dissolved into dust and Seiya fell for a moment before warm, hard arms encircled her. As oxygen started to reach her brain she raised her head to look up into dark eyes.

Ohhhhh I love it!!! Explanation time. I know that Yaten is often known affectionately as Koukou but I just had to add the Bean bit, what with her size and all. Dwai is Yaten's kinmokuseian name. Like Twinkle is Seiya's name. Taiki's is Engni. Sorry to get the Sailors beat up so fast but we are talking DBZ style action here. You can catch the convo before Seiya and Yatens confession in Fire on the Moon, next part out soon. The reason Fighter could use her fathers attack is simple. She shares his energy type, like blood type and she is like Goten out of DBZ in a way. Goten was conceived when Goku was a Super Saiyan and thus made it easier fro him to be so strong, just like Fighter who learnt the Blue Nova so quickly. Enough blabbering and review please!!!!!
In the next part Relight goes nuts!!!!! Until then!!!!