Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Viva Family ❯ The Prince of the Silencing ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Authors note: Hi peoples, here is yeah, that's it. 3. Tee hee hee. Thank you everyone who has reviewed my story. I feel all special. ^_^ Anyway. I better stop with the demanding of a certain number of reviews for the next chapter, since it doesn't really get me anywhere. More sailor moon stuff will come in the future chapters, so stay alert. Yes, this is a short chapter, I know, but I was kind of on block. I can't really think too well. So, enjoy chapter 4, or whats of it.

"Viva Family"
by: Lady Saturn
Rating: PG
Type: SM/DBZ x-over
Chapter: 3

...and on with the story!

Chi Chi set up a chair for me to sit in and once I sat down, everyone, with the exclusion of Vegeta and Piccolo, flooded me with questions on how about I got around in my life and if I went to school and all kinds of those questions. I answered them as diligently as I could to make a good first impression. However, that Goten kept starring at me suggestively... creepy. That younger Trunks is pretty cute though. I would never have a chance with him. He probably already has a girlfriend. I bet she's beautiful. I wonder what Vegeta's problem is. He just stares at me like I'm worthless. He's most likely one of those men who thinks he's God's gift to Earth. Don't you hate that type of persons? I found myself starring at Trunks again, but he was starring at me too. So, I turned away, embarrassed. He just smirked. God, I hate that "I'm-holier-than-thou" smirk! Why is he smirking?

Hey!! Why is it all of a sudden so dark? Pitch-black clouds covering the sky... thunder... lightning... wind... rain... I hear distant voices screaming my name, 'Keruri!' 'Keruri!'. What is going on? Tears fall from my eyes from the fear I feel. I feel arms encircling my waist. I try to break free from this unknown person... but to my disappointment, this person was too strong. I feel myself going under... not again... please... I... can't...

My eyes flutter open as I try to remember what had happened before I feel asleep.
...oh God.... where am I? I still see the darkness. I try to sit up, but I can't, due to the restraints on my arms and legs. "I'm glad to see that your up, Keruri." Says a voice in the darkness. I look around but find no one. "Who are you?" I ask, my voice fierce. A gentle hand graces my cheek and lightly clutches my chin as it slightly pulls my head to the left. I look into ice-blue eyes piercing strait into my own emerald-green eyes. "I am the Prince of the Silencing and you, my dear, are the Princess of the Silencing" I look at him with confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?" He smiled coolly at me and didn't say anything. I got a good look at him as he stood silent. Ice-blue eyes, dark-green hair cut short. He is very muscled. Probably about 5ft. 9in. tall. This man was wearing midnight-blue armor and has a long sword attached to the waist of the armor.