Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Mary Sue Maker 2000!! ❯ The guide! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mary Sue Maker 2000!!
Your ultimate guide to making the most perfect, beautiful, popular, unique, special, individual, loveable, cuddly, cute, irresistible, (wondering how many more adjective I can use.) spunky, mysterious, enchanting, badass, tough, sweet, one-of-a-kind original character ever!
Step 1: Your character's name. (It has to be something amazing and unique because it will soon be the most beautiful name in the entire world so make sure it's something you could live with.)
Step 2: Your character's hair color. (Don't worry, no matter what you choose, your character's hair will be absolutely radiant even in the rain and stylists from miles around will just want to stare in awe)
Step 3: You character's eye color. (Once again, no matter what you choose your eyes will be enchanting and impossible to resist.)
Step 4: Your character's background. (Backgrounds are very important because they shape your character into the person/youkai/creature-thing they are now. Don't be afraid to push the envelope; be unique. Give them a troubled past, or a difficult past, or a mysterious past; pretty much anything with the word “past” in it is guaranteed to sell big!)
Step 5: Your character's weapon. (All characters need a badass weapon of some sort even if it's just a coat hanger that's been unfolded and used as a shank.)
Step 6: Your character's special talent/power. (Whether you want to sing like a professional, cry ice, breathe fire, or just be so absolutely stunning that no one can resist you, it's completely up to you. It's your character so they are guaranteed to be loved by someone no matter what.)
Step 7: Your character's dilemma. (Something unfortunate has to happen to your character in order for them to be accepted by society so be as hateful and cruel to them as necessary. Don't worry; it'll all pay off in the end.)
Step 8: Your character's family/friends. (Following along with the background and dilemma, adding drama by killing off your character's best friend, or parents, or hamster will just make you character even more likeable in the long run.)
Step 9: Your character's entrance. (There is nothing better than a dramatic entrance. Having them chased by youkai, or getting trapped in a storm, or even being run over by the jeep are all good ways to go.)
Step 10: Your character's perfect match. (Most importantly, you have to make your character likeable by your preferred match. Hell, it doesn't even have to be one; have an orgy and make every character in the series fall in love with you, Hakryu included.)
Follow these simple rules and your original character will have any man/woman/thing she wants because she has now transformed into the ultimate Mary Sue!