Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ ALPHA UNIVERSE SAGA: JENSEITS VON GUT UN BOSE ❯ Chapter 02 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 02: Paradise Lost
“Welcome….to my humble castle…” a female voice can be heard from far away. Gemini and Shinjiro quickly climb the stair toward the throne room. “That voice…it can't be…!?” Gemini seems surprised and when both of them reached the throne room they saw something that they wished not to see. A lone figure, dressed in a black robe married with the white. Her eyes piercing through the Shirsous armour of Rodeo-Star and Fujiyama-Star. “Insolent pests of New York Kagekidan…how dare you to keep interfere my plan…!!? My collection and my precious…!!!” the figure in black formed a black hole like fireball from her hands and slammed toward Gemini's Rodeo-Star and Shinjiro's Fujiyama-Star.
“NOOO…!!! They are not collection that you can added or removed as you wish…!!!” Shinjiro screamed. “Shinjiro…it is no use to talk to her…She was…already absorbed by her darkest lust…love that turned into hate…we have no other choice…” Gemini replied. “Gemini…” Shinjiro remain silent for a while. He knows about it already but he just want to save her. Inside his heart, he knows about how she turned into some kind of demon like that. It was stem from love and adoration in the first time but later on becoming possession and obsession toward something or someone. The destruction of Teikoku Kagekidan that time began when this love became hate and adoration became obsession.
Shinjiro could see clearly, behind the figure in black there is another figure, trapped inside a transparent crystal. Both Shinjiro and Gemini quickly recognized that figure, Maria Tachibana of Teikoku Kagekidan. “How cruel…” Gemini commented. “Cruel…? HOW DARE YOU CALLING MYSELF CRUEL INSOLENT PEST…!!! IT IS MY LIFE…MY PASSION…MY PRECIOUS…!!!” the figure in black screamed and throw another black hole fireball toward Rodeo-Star. Gemini leaped but the impact of that attack slammed Rodeo-Star into a nearby wall. “GEMINI…!!!” Shiniro quickly rushed toward Rodeo-Star that lay motionless.
“Ha…ha…ha…ha…” the figure in black just laughed. She then showed Shinjiro something more surprising, another four STAR units. Highway-Star, Shooting-Star, Silent-Star and Random-Star. “They will be added into my collection…ha…ha…ha…ha…” the figure in black laughed maniacally and send electricity pulsed toward those four STAR units. “EVERYONE…!!!” Shinjiro screamed but he cannot do anything at all. “Ta…Taiga-san…” Diana tried to call her captain's name but failed. “Shit…can't we do anything…!?” Sagitta screamed in pain and desperation. “It…it won't…response…” Subaru tried to activate her Random-Star but only to be failed.
“Behold…this is the will of us…the FLAME OF ISHAH…in the name of SPIRIT EMPEROR RUACH…and for the PURITY and ETERNALLY REPETITION…nobody can destroy us…!!!” the figure and black screamed in ecstasy meanwhile Shinjiro could see ethereal ghostly spirits being summoned from underworld and engulfed those four STAR units including crystallized Maria Tachibana. “You cannot defeat me…Taiga Shinjiro of New York Kagekidan…” she smiled and glared toward Shinjiro.
Suddenly an energy blast appeared from nowhere and slammed toward the figure in black. “Shinjiro…quick…this way…” a mysterious voice can be heard and quickly Shinjiro helped unconscious Gemini running toward the source of the voice. “You are…” before Shinjiro could finish his sentence while he saw his saviour, his saviour just smiled to him. “You can call me Alisa but now quick…we must escape…” the girl guides Shinjiro who helped unconscious Gemini by piggybacked her on his back quickly followed the mysterious Alisa. While the dust cleared, the figure in black only found Fujiyama-Star and Rodeo-Star that had been abandoned.
“Ha…ha…ha…ha…NO USE TO ESCAPE…ha…ha…ha…I WILL FIND YOU…” she laughed maniacally and her voice echoed through the castle. Meanwhile Shinjiro and Gemini managed to escape while in Shinjiro's surprised, the beam attack had been launched by an old generation humanoid fighting machine called mobile suit RGM-79-SPII GM Sniper II through its beam sniper rifle. “They are just served as distraction…this machine already to old to fight her…” Alisa explained while Shinjiro just nodded. “Shi…Shin…ji…ro…” Gemini voice could be heard softly and quickly Alisa and Shinjiro realize Gemini already begin to regain her conscious.
Meanwhile in the other part of the castle called Condemned Tower…
Argan could be seen using its Rush Scythe to block Varuch Baal and Varuch Isher blade wheel buster attacks. “Shit…they are different from Ze Balmary army that I have fought before…” Ave commented. “Don't compare us with those Aerogaters kid…!!!” the pilot of Varuch Baal quickly launched another attack. “Yarrah Illusion…!!!” he yelled and quickly slashed his weapon toward Argan. Ave chose the momentum to block one of the attacks before flew away. “They are…similar to Plitzken…are they…clone…” Ave began to question himself before decided this battle is not going to his favour and decide to escape. “Do you think you can escape from us…Spectra Mercredi and Calico Mercredi of Golar Golem…!?” Spectra taunted and she quickly cast her ultimate attack called Lakad Ve Yarrah. Energy beam slammed toward Argan who quickly flapped its wings to the front of him and blocked the incoming energy attack. “Damn…even with this reflect shield…I can still feel the impact…what kind of enemy are they…!!?” Ave commented and quickly continues his attempt to escape.
“Are you alright Gemini…?” Shinjiro asked. “I am fine…where are we…” she asked Shinjiro and realized that Alisa standing behind her captain. “Gemini…you need to rest…don't worry…she save us from that maniacal extremist…” Shinjiro assured Gemini and the cowgirl just nodded weakly. “So…how you know about us…?” Shinjiro asked. “Ave left a message to me before…he told me that you two might need help to escape…” Alisa explained toward Shinjiro and Gemini that resting her weak body on the floor. “Ave…!? Is he alive…where is he…!!!?” Shinjiro grabbed Alisa shoulder and shake the girl. “It…its hurt…stops it…!” Alisa complained. “I…I am sorry…” Shinjiro replied and quickly released Alisa from his grip.
Alisa quickly explained to Shinjiro and Gemini about Ave. Apparently Ave already left since he needs to do a certain private business. Nobody know about what actually happened but both Shinjiro and Gemini assume Ave are fighting against the enemy somewhere else. “The problem now…we even cannot send any message to Hagane that stationed on the orbit…the chance to fight back is slim…” Shinjiro explained. “Sorry it is my fault…if I be more careful about those comm-link device inside my STAR unit…” Gemini regrets herself and almost cries. “It is not your fault Gemini…I am partially on blame as well…I failed the others and Ave…” Shinjiro replied and he slammed his fist on the concrete floor. “DAMN IT…!!!” he cursed.
Alisa sighed. “Ave told me once…we still have a chance to fight although this chance is very small…he knows what to do…but…I am not sure myself…” she replied. Shinjiro and Gemini quickly stared toward Alisa. “What do you mean by that…!?” Gemini asked. “He didn't give me the detail but he told me that he has a feeling about a triumph card will be arrived soon…” Alisa replied. “Sounds like a miracle for me…” Shinjiro commented. “But Shinjiro…sometimes it is worth to believe in miracle…” Gemini replied and smiled toward him. “Uh…yeah…you right…” Shinjiro blushed and Alisa just giggled. “Ave always keep his words and promises…he never failed us before…and now I am sure he will also never failed us again…” Alisa replied.
Forgotten Ruins…
“It is worst than I expected…” a girl voice appeared as she stood in front of Argan and stared toward the personal trooper. “It takes time to regenerate itself…now we only can hoping nobody attacked that time…” Ave replied. “It is strange for you to escape from the enemy…don't you think so Mr. Time Diver…?” the girl asked. “Maybe for you Halko but not for me…they are not just those Rogue Flamers…they are Balmarian…” Ave replied. “Huh…? Balmarian…nani sore…?” she asked. Ave sighed. “You can ask Kageyama about that later…it is also if he still remember…by the way how is Aniki doing…?” Ave asked back.
“Aniki and Kage-chan are doing fine…before they dig up something nice and it was called GB-9700 or something like that…but for sure it was something like your Dis something…” Halko replied. “Dis Astranagant or Argan for short…” Ave twitched one of his eyebrows. “This girl sure a jest…” he commented inside his heart. “Girl…you called me girl…I am older than you…you should call me Onesama…!!!” Halko snapped and glared toward Ave. “Ups…forgot that she is cyber newtype…” Ave grinned and quickly returned to his Argan's cockpit.
“Halko…look out…!!!” suddenly Ave jumped toward her and pushed her aside. A gunshot can be heard and lucky the bullet missed both Ave and Halko. “Nani…nani…!?” Halko face paled and she stared toward Ave who covered her with his body. “There are some stray dogs here…” he quickly drew his handgun and take cover into nearby building followed by Halko. “Hey girl…you said this place is save but what the hell is this…!?” Ave asked and Halko just glared at him. “How I supposed to know…!!?” she replied with angry tone in her voice. Ave just sighed and observes his surrounding.
“Ave…left…!” Halko quickly yelled at Ave and the young Time Diver quickly shoot his handgun to his left direction. “Ugh…” a lone figure appeared from the bush and it was hit on the left arm. Her handgun fell on the ground and she glared at both Ave and Halko. “You…that bitch…!!!” Ave want to shoot her one more time but Halko quickly prevent him to shoot her. “Halko…let me go…this is not your business…!” Ave snapped. “No… you cannot kill her…I sense something terrible will be happened if you kill her now…” Halko quickly replied and glared at the young Time Diver.
Ave realizes that this girl is correct since she was cyber newtype, in other word she can predict future. No matter how he denied himself about destiny or fate is pre-determined, he wouldn't risk himself since someone he trusts already told him not to do so. The female attacker just smiled at Ave and Halko. She quickly took her flare grenade and throws it to make an escape for herself. She escapes after saying that she will be back with the other and kill the young Time Diver with the girl since she already involved with Ave. “Ave…who is she…?” Halko asked. Ave just sighed since he realized, he needs to tell her about this sooner or later.
“Her name was Evelyn once…and she was the worst among women…” Ave replied. “Huh…what happened between you two actually…?” Halko asked. “Childhood problems and led into personal vendetta between them and me…” Ave explained. “Them…?” Halko asked. “Yeah…there are four of them…and I am not sure what are they doing in this ruined planet anyway…” Ave replied but he quickly regrets his insensitive comment. “Sorry Halko…I didn't mean to remind you about it…” Ave added. The girl just sighed, wiped her tears and smiled toward the young Time Diver. “Nah…forget about it…after Argan being fixed just please accompany me to our hideout…then I will forgive you…” she replied with her cute smile.
“WHAT…SOMEONE ELSE…WHO IS HE…!!?” figure in black glared toward the girl kneeled in front of her with injured left arm. “Your majesty Maryu-sama…he was…I never realise that he posses that power along with that girl…” Evelyn answered. “SILENCE…!!! MAKING EXCUSE FOR YOUR FAILURE…UNFORGIVABLE AND YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF REITEI RUACH…!!!!” a figure in black called Maryu-sama sent a lightning bolt toward Evelyn. “Kyaaa…!!!” the injured girl was slammed toward the throne room's wall and fell down with no energy to standing.
“IP…NONITH…!!!” Maryu-sama called another two people and suddenly from nowhere two malevolent figures appeared beside the helpless Evelyn. “Nn…” Evelyn glared at both Nonith and IP respectively. “Well…well…it seems miss spoiled little princess got her ass being spanked by idiotic monkey boy…” Nonith smiled evilly meanwhile IP just laughed. “Anything you want me to do Maryu-sama…?” he asked. “Kill this mysterious rat and you allowed to use any method you want…!!!” Maryu-sama quickly ordered. “Yes Your Majesty…” both Nonith and IP replied and disappeared, leaving Evelyn there.
“Well…well…well…aren't you abusing the power given by Holy Spirit Emperor Ruach for your own benefit…?” Calico suddenly appeared with his face hidden behind a unique mask followed by Spectra. “Huh…a mere clone wants to judge me…” Maryu-sama replied slyly and she caresses a crystallized Maria Tachibana behind her. “I see you added more collections Maryu-sama…” Spectra speaks in her usual cold tone. There are four other crystals filled with four members of Hoshigumi. “Ah…yes…they are my precious…too bad two of them escape…maybe both of you can capture them for me…” Maryu-sama commented evilly and looked toward both Calico and Spectra who standing in front of her.
“We are not under your direct order Maryu-sama…we are under Prime Minister Shiva Gottso order…” Calico replied and smiled back toward Maryu-sama. “You…how dare you clone…!!?” Maryu-sama was angered and quickly summons a lightning bolt and slammed it toward Calico but he quickly formed shield to protect himself along with Spectra and helpless Evelyn. “We will do it for you Maryu-sama…don't worry about it…” Spectra quickly speaks to ease the situation and she quickly left the throne room. Calico smiled one more time toward Maryu-sama and he also left the throne room. “That damn male clone…if he can act like his female counterpart and bent in front of me…” Maryu-sama ranted and suddenly she glared toward the helpless Evelyn in front of her. “Ma…Maryu-sama…” Evelyn stared at her mistress and Maryu-sama just smiled. “I see…I have a better use for you…ha…ha…ha…ha…!” she laughed maniacally.
“Spectra…why you follow her order…she just…” before Calico finished his sentence, Spectra smiled at her companion. “She just a puppet…we do it to smoothen our way and for Shiva-sama sake…after that we can just dispose her away like a rotten fruit…” she replied with her devilish smile on her face. “I see…I never know you are more evil than me…I like that…” Calico laughed. “As you wish…” Spectra replied.
The Lost Village…
“Ave…you're alive…!!!” Shinjiro quickly hugged his comrade in arms while Ave just smiled. “Ave…glad to see you alive and well with Argan as well…” Gemini giggled while she leaned her weak body on the nearby crate. “I save them in the nick of time Ave and you also fulfil your promise…I am glad about that…” Alisa smiled toward her old friend. “Hoa…wait…wait…what are you doing toward Time Diver-san…I won't allow that…he is my…” Halko quickly standing in front of Ave and glared toward Alisa with threatening glare. “Uh…eh…nothing…you are…?” Alisa asked. “My name is Haruko Momoi but you can call me Halko…I am his manager and he is my employer…” Halko answered with wide smile on her face. “WHAT…!!!?” Ave yelled.
“My name is Alice but people usually call me Alisa…Ave is my ex-high school friend…since when he works under you miss Halko…?” Alisa asked. “I…I never works under anybody…!!!” Ave complained. Gemini and Shinjiro laughed. “Didn't you promise me to do whatever I want for all of the supply I give to you and because of me as well…you can meet with Aniki and Kage-chan…!!!” Halko replied slyly. “You….jest…!!!” Ave glared toward the cute girl and Halko just laughed and taunted the young Time Diver. “Anyway…you are my underling now…at least you should thanks to me that you have a cute boss with moe type voice like me…” she continued her tirade. “Yeah right…whatever you say…” Ave give up and slumped his body on the nearby crate.
“So what we will doing next…?” Gemini asked. “The fact that Ave alive makes situation slightly better…at least we have GM Sniper II and Argan as our disposal this time…” Shinjiro replied. “And Aniki along with Kage-chan will deliver something else later….they said it was something nice…” Halko added. “Ave…I am sure we can win this time…so what do you think…?” Alisa asked her ex-high school friend and the young Time Diver just sighed. “Well…I am not sure about the enemy you face but I am more worried about those two Balmarian units which pinned my Argan…” Ave replied.
“Balmarian…so they are here…!?” Shinjiro asked in disbelief. “Yes apparently…and I have a feeling about every single thing that happened already being orchestrated by a greater evil…” Ave replied. “If only Hagane were here, the situation sure will be different…” Gemini commented. “Don't worry…they will be here…after all…if within one week…we are not returned…they will descent the atmosphere and searching for us…” Ave replied while the others stared at him. “ You really optimist doesn't you Ave…?” Halko smiled at the young Time Diver.
“It just one of my good trait actually mistress…” Ave replied slyly. “YOU…!!!” Halko quickly grabbed her hyper-dimensional mallet and slammed that 1000 tons mallet toward Ave. “Ouch…that must be hurt…” Gemini stared toward Ave who already kissed the ground after being pinned by Halko using that mallet.
Suddenly Ave kneeled and one of his hands covered his mouth. He was coughing a few times and blood spilled from his hand. “A…Ave…?” Gemini saw everything in fear meanwhile Shinjiro and Halko quickly came on Ave's side to support him. “I…I am okay Gemini…” Ave replied weakly. “Ave…what's going on…!?” Alisa asked. “Golar Golem Syndrome isn't it…?” Halko stared toward the young Time Diver while support him on her right shoulder. “Golar Golem Syndrome…?” Alisa and Gemini asked in confusion.
“As Time Diver…Ave is not the Original and his body began to be consumed by Dis Lev…his power act like a double edge sword…” Halko replied in sad tone. “Haruko…let it go…” Ave replied and leaned his body on the nearby crate. “Finally you call me by my real name…” Halko think in her heart. “Thanks Ave…” she formed a silent gratitude. “Since when it is started…?” Shinjiro asked. “Since I arrive in this planet…Blue Star…” Ave replied. “Is his condition will harm him in some way…?” Alisa asked. “Yes and no…but…if this continue…his body will be disappear…replaced by a void of Dis Lev latent power…” Halko replied with a sad tone. Everybody paled after they heard Halko answer meanwhile Ave just sighed.
“Only one way…” Ave answered weakly. “Huh…!?” Everybody except Halko stared toward Ave. “This way is not a pleasant one…after Dis Lev manifest…he need the Original to replace his entity and the one who available to do that at the moment is the late Ingram Plitzken…” Halko replied. “How do you know all of this…are you an Esper…?” Gemini asked. “I am…newtype…” Halko admitted. “What will happen if his entity being replaced by Original…?” Alisa and Shinjiro asked. “His personality…and his existence will disappear…” Halko replied.
“WHAT…THAT'S NOT A SOLUTION AVE…DON'T TELL ME…” Shinjiro quickly grabs his comrade shoulders and Ave just smiled. “Nah…I won't be defeated…this destiny is my choice…and I won't be defeated by Dis Lev nor Plitzken…” Ave replied. “The chance is small…” Halko stared toward him but the young Time Diver just smiled. “If I didn't try…I won't find wether the way works or not…” Ave replied. Shinjiro and Gemini smiled toward Ave. “Ave is correct…we need to fight no matter what…or else we will have regret for the rest of our lives forever….” Gemini added. “In New York Kagekidan…I learn something…Sought the answer within yourself and Ave at the moment looking for that answer….so he cannot just give up…” Shinjiro also agree with Gemini.
“Maybe you're right…I envy you somehow…believing about your dreams more than anybody else…and keep fighting to achieve them no matter what happened…” Halko replied and smiled. “Halko…Ave told me once…all of destiny and fate are not pre-determined…it is up to mankind to shape their own destiny…” Alisa also answered. “So Haruko…don't worry about everything alright…everything will be fine…” Ave smiled toward his new companion and the cute girl just smiled back and sat beside the young Time Diver.
“Maybe…it is better if I never really rely on my newtype ability…” Halko murmured. “Not really…they are just a beacon light and told us to avoid something if there are something going to be happened and we don't like them to be happened…” Ave replied. “You…you're right…sometimes I always think about them as a destiny that cannot be changed…but maybe from now on…I could see them in a different point of view…” Halko smiled toward the young Time Diver.
“You're right…even the paradise already lost…all of hope still inside our hands…even Gods already left us…all of our future still inside our hands….”
“And…it is not important on how you accept your fate but the most important thing is how you fight to be able to accept your future and live according to what you believe in…”
To Be Continued
Theme Song: CASTAWAY
Performed By: Tamaki Nami
Kyou mo doko kade deau unmei to omoeru shunkan...
Mitsukete mata ushinatte
Omoide dake samayotte...
Hito to hito wo musubu kagi ga subete itami da toshitemo
Itsuwari no nai shinjitsu da yo ne
Ano hi futari ga sugoshita yoru wa...
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Karadajuu no nukumori wa
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
Mou modore naikara
Mou hanasa naide...
Yosete kaesu nami no you
Ano hi no you ni dakishimete...
Hitotsu hitotsu kimi wo shitte
Aisuru koto wo oboete
Kowai mono nado nanimo nakatta
Tada kimi ga inakunaru no ga kowakatta...
Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunai deta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...
Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteta...
Sayonara to ieru made
Mada kimi wo omottete mo ii?

Sayonara to wakaru made
Mada kimi no koto sagashite mo ii?
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunaideta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...

Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
English Translation
As we meet again somewhere today, I think about fate...
about finding, and then losing
The memories just wander...
Assuming that all keys that tie us together are made of pain
Then it must be the truth wihout lies
On that day back then, on that night we spent together...
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

The warmth inside me
was there because of you...
Because I can longer return
I can no longer let go...
Moved aside like a returning wave
like the day how we embraced on that day...
I slowly started to understand you
and I remember when I loved you
I wasn't afraid of anything
I was just scared of you not being there...
My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...
Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...
Untill we say goodbye,
is it okay to still think about you?

Untill I know it's goodbye,
can I still search for you?
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...

Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...