SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ GGs Unite! ❯ Capture! Rele's Nightmare! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer(s): I (Beth) own my character design, color scheme, Girotopia, and Sakura, Shute's cousin. Shiva_Goddess (Shiva) owns herself, her character design, Africa, and the title “The Huntress”. Velvet_Verdict (Liz) owns herself, her character design, and Yoroi. Everything else is Bandai's. *hugs Fenn stuffie and growls at Bandai executive*
The GGs gain a new member and try to rescue the NGF with the help of three familiar but lovable idiots (and a horde of smaller green ones!).
In addition, yes, Mitzy is speaking another language. It is German.
Oh, and since I do not know Rele's father's name, I will be calling him Edward.
“They WHAT!?” thundered Chief Haro, slamming his hands down on his desk.
“The Nightmare Quartet succeeded in kidnapping the NGF.” said Beth in the monotone that all Combat Mobile Citizens share.
“They got Shute and the princess too.” said Liz.
Shiva slapped herself upside her head. “His majesty is going to have an Mmn when he finds out.”
Fenn made a small crying sound and snuggled closer to Juli.
“Hey, Beth?” asked Shiva. “Couldn't we use Mitzy in the rescue attempt?”
“Not attempt, Shiva. We will succeed,” said Sakura, who was growing increasingly worried over her cousin's fate despite Shadow's humorous attempts to cheer her up.
Haro's ears flapped. “What's Mitzy?”
Beth grinned. “Not what, sir. Who.”
(A/N: Oooh, super-short cliffy…)
In Ark…
“You want us to WHAT!?” exclaimed Grappler Gouf.
“Help rescue the Gundam Force.,” stated Genkimaru.
“Why should we help those Gundumbs anyway?” ranted Zapper Zaku.
“Because you three are under my command and I told you to.” said Genki, the beginnings of a vein showing on his forehead.
“Dah, who else rescue Gundams?” asked Destroyer Dom.
“A few rookies. Don't know their names”, yawned Genki as he drew a circular portal. “Now, off you go!”
“ZAKO!!” cheered the tiny green robots as they followed the trio through the portal.
Unbeknownst to them, a familiar horse followed them…
Back in Neotopia…
“Beth! Liz! Shiva! Sakura! Siehe lange Zeit nein!” the pink and white female Guneagle called out as the grey Gunperry flew away. Everyone was at the dimensional transport device, ready to go.
“Hey, Mitzy, what's up? Lira hasn't fixed the language glitch yet, has she?” said Sakura as she hugged her friend.
“Traurig Nr. Sie bearbeitet es, obwohl. He, wo Ihr Vetter und ist seine Freunde?” Mitzy asked.
“Shute, Captain, Princess Rele, Baka- I mean Baku, and Zero were kidnapped by four new Dark Axis minions.” explained Shiva.
“NEIN! Mein arm Baku!” cried Mitzy. “Und macht Sie herausfordern spricht um ihn so nicht!”
“Hey, calm down!” shouted Liz. “We're going to need to work toge- Hey, isn't that on of the emperor's son's portals?”
Liz was right. Behind Mitzy, a square portal was spitting out Zapper, Grappler, Destroyer, 30+ Zakos, and Entango.
“Sie gehören Baku, nein? Sie sind sehr hübsch.” said the teen-aged flying Gundam as she petted Entango's neck.
Sakura had a very different reaction. (O__O) “EEP! DARK AXIS!” she shouted, diving behind Beth.
A Zako stepped forward. “Lord Genkimaru sent us to help in the rescue attempt, zako.”
“Daaa, no Dark Axis anymore. Zeong go boom. Sorry I scare girl.” said Destroyer to Beth.
Shiva snorted. “Then where did this Nightmare Quartet come from?”
Grappler question-marked. “Nightmare Quartet?”
Zapper growled. “Can we get going already?!”
Bell nodded as he pressed a large blue button. This created a portal. “Bon voyage, and good luck!”
(A/N: From here on in this chapter, everything takes place in the dark dimension (or ???).)
In ???...
As soon as they arrived, a group of Shade Zakos had dissolved the rubber incasing the NGF. They were bound with some sort of laser restraint, their hands behind their back.
“Vell, vell, vell. Looks like the Gundam Force vas easier to catch than expected.” said Vampire Viro.
“Shall we get down to business then?” hissed Banshee Bara as she walked in front of Rele and Shute. “Now for some fun…” the white mecha said, the tone of her voice making Shute and Rele shudder.
“LEAVE THEM ALONE!” shouted the Gundams, but to no avail. Banshee seized Rele's chin and placed her jeweled left palm on the girl's forehead.
“Unhand me, you mechanical freak.” spat Rele.
“Shall we see your nightmares, girl?” the mecha hissed. “NIGHTMARE TRANCE!!”
A black shockwave ripped out from the purplish jewel on Banshee's hand and dissipated against Rele's head. As the strange wave dissipated, Rele's eyes got unfocused and hazy. Her form went limp, in all appearances dead.
“I have forced her to relive her worst nightmare.” Banshee smirked. “I only wonder what she's seeing.”
Rele's nightmare… (Rele's POV)
I walked down a familiar hallway in my childhood castle home. I must have fainted or something, because the last thing I remember is being three inches away from a female Dark Axis villain. Ugh, what self-respecting woman would work for them?
I heard rich laughter and hurried towards its source. As I turned the corner and entered one of the courtyard gardens, I saw a beautiful woman with blonde hair and silvery lavender eyes hugging something. She looked like a twenty-five year-old version of… me.
“M-m-mother?” I stammered. No! This could not be! My mother was dead. She was assassinated eleven years ago! I ought to know. I am the sole witness.
The woman shifted slightly to reveal the object she was holding. It was a small four year-old girl with blonde hair. Yep, you guessed it. Me.
As I watched the peaceful scene with ever-growing apprehension, an eleven years-younger version of my father strolled into the courtyard. His crows-feet and laugh lines were less noticeable, and his beard wasn't quite as full. Otherwise, he was exactly the same.
My father walked around and rested his chin on my mother's shoulder as he gazed at my peaceful sleep in my mother's arms. “Our little girl has finally exhausted all of her energy, eh, Aurora?”
My mother laughed and said with a slightly country accent, “Aye, Edward, she has. Heh, she reminds me of you when we were young.”
Edward looked at his wife. “How so, love?”
Aurora grinned. “You are the only two Royals to ever get concussions from running headlong into a wall. On purpose.”
My father grinned, looked at the sky, and panicked. “Argh, I forgot! I have to meet with Lord Deleon! See you at dinner, loves.” With a quick peck on his wife's cheek, my father left, leaving my mother, my four-year-old self, and me alone.
With a small yawn, I stretched and squirmed to be let down. As mother put me down on the grass, I toddled straight towards a Princess rose bush. “Pwetty flowers.”
(A/N: Awww… Cute little Chibi-Rele…)
A small magic circle blocked my path. “No no, Rele. You know that you aren't allowed to touch the rose bush,” said my mother.
As I pouted, the shadows in the courtyard seemed to lengthen and gather into a solid shape in the center of the cobblestone floor. My mother quickly stood in front of me, blocking the shadowy figure's view. “Who are you?” my mother demanded of the shadowy figure. “In the name of the Superior Dragon, reveal yourself and your name!”
“As you command, Your Majesty.” the figure said mockingly. At a snap, the shadows around the figure vanished. Both I and Four Year-Old Rele screamed at the sight of the figure's true form.
“I am Epyon, the Demon Knight. And you, Aurora Wintershinn Miya, false queen of Lacroa, are dead.”
I ran forward, shouting at my mother to “Get out of the way! Move!” I was ready to either take the attack myself, or shove my mother out of harm's way. However, the bolt of Dark Mana phased right through me and slammed into and through my mother's chest.
“No! Mama!” my younger self screamed, tears running down her face as she shook my mother's shoulder. “Please wake up! MAMA!”
I screamed, and the world around me warped. I fought desperately, reaching for the slipping image of my dead mother. “No! Mama!”
In ???...
Rele tore from the Nightmare Trance with a scream that forced even Captain to flinch. Far above her (or so it seemed), Banshee Bara smirked.
“Did you enjoy your trip down memory lane, Princess?” the white mecha hissed, the title practically dripping with mockery. “How is your dear mother doing?”
“You… bastard.” gasped Rele, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
Vampire Viro smirked. “Vhy, you do have a mouth! A very appropriate insult.”
Demon Dashi walked close to Shute and put his blade-wrist close to the teen's throat. “Your head will be a nice additi- Whoah!” Someone had shot him!
Demon looked to where the shot had come from. “You!”
It was Sakura, with fury etched on every line of her face. “Leave my cousin ALONE.”
Next Chapter: The rescue and return.
Also, Guneagle meets Mitzi.
R&R, my friends!