SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Random Outputs! ❯ The Cloud Attacks in FFX?????? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

NeoYami: Um…hi? Don't kill me?? ^^;;;. I'm sorry I haven't been really updating lately, but that's cuz of dumb old school work. -.-;;; Grrr you all!!! Anyway, I'll try to update as much as I can on my holiday breaks, but in the meantime, I shall have this out! It's a bunch of random tidbits I shall write during the day at school since I can't work on updates without really focusing. (As in I have to have tome and not hide it from the teachers when I should be working or listening >.>;;; )

      So these stories will, for the most part, be random thoughts. ^.^ Enjoy!!!



  ( Too Much Final Fantasy X in my Diet is the cause of this first chapter….)


Captain: *is dressed up like Auron and tries to keep his arm in his robe* Gaahhh… how can this thing stay IN!? ><;;;

Shute: *is dressed up like Rikku* ….Captain that sounded wrong….

Captain: -.-;; That's it, I'm taking away your hentai manga!

Shute: *looks like he's going through a panic attack* WHAT?! O.O Noo!! You Can't!!! *Whines*

Zero: *trying to adjust the dress Lulu wears in the game* O.o;;; I can't get this to stay right…Why am I in this again!?

Shute: Cuz you're the spell caster chic---I mean, person?

Zero: *holding his moogle plushie* -.-;; riiight….Why can't I be Kimari?? He knows magic too!! …Heck, you do too Shute!!!

Shute: Yeah….^^; But I wouldn't look good in a dress. *Snicker*

Zero: …Are you hitting on me?? O.o

Shute: O.o …..

Captain: …..o.o??

*Awkward silence*

Baku: *jumps in wearing Yuna's outfit* I look SO cute!!!! ^.^ *dances around*

Shute: …How come he gets to summon all the big strong aeons!?!? -.-

Big Booming Voice: QUIET!!

Everyone: O.o;;;
Big Booming Voice: Spank you.

Baku: No thank you. ^^;
B.B.V: Okay, lets get this FFX simulation started by entering in a Random battle!!!

Shute: Okay..

Captain: A what?

B.B.V: Just start walking and you'll find one! ><

Captain: Okay, okay!! *Takes a third of a step and the scene swirls as they enter a random battle with two Chimeras*

B.B.V: Now, the first step is to figure out how you want to attack. Don't worry; these things are too dumb to attack you while you're thinking!

Zero: Where's Bakunetsumaru?

B.B.V: There can only be three in a party fighting, so he's sitting on the sidelines.

Baku: *is kicking back and sipping on a cola.* ^.^ Hi guys!

Zero: -.-;;

B.B.V: Looks like you're up first Zero! Show us some Magic!!

Zero: okay! *casts Fire on the first Chimera and only does 56 points damage*

B.B.V: That was WEAK!

Zero: -.-+

B.B.V: Okay Captain, your turn!

Captain: *uses Magic Breaker and slashes at the first Chimera and reduces it's magic and does 2,120 points damage*

B.B.V: Oooh, cleaver!

Captain: ^.^

B.B.V: Okay, go Shute!

Shute: *steals some Ice gems from the Chimeras* Oooo…shiny….O.O *stares at it*

Captain: *whacks Shute over the head with the sword and accidentally K.O's Shute in his attempt to snap him out of it* ….Oopse….

B.B.V: ….That sucks…you all suck!!

Zero: -.-+++++++ This guy is ticking me off!!!

*Chimeras use Migedo flame on Captain and Zero and reduces their HP by almost half*

Zero: Crap!! That HURT!! ><;;;

B.B.V: Uh-oh. Better switch Zero with Baku!

Zero: Why???

B.B.V: Just do it ninny!!! ><

* Zero goes and hits Baku over the head and pushes him into the battlefield with an unconscious Shute and Captain*

B.B.V: Okay Baku, now Revive Shute with life!

Baku: Um…*waves his staff towards Shute and revives him*

Shute: X.O?? Meh….?? *sits up*

B.B.V: Looks like you got another turn Baku? What are you going to do now??

Baku: Umm….summon?

B.B.V: Good boy!

Baku: *swirls his staff and summons Valefor* ^.^ Birdy!!!! *huggles Valefor*

Shute: …-.-;;; *facefaults*

Baku: Attack my birdy of love!!!!

Valefor: *uses his Energy Ray and kills the Chimeras*

Baku: YAAAY!!!

B.B.V: That is how it works.

Zero: x.x Help meeee….

B.B.V: Better Heal Zero there Baku. He looks wounded.

Baku: ok! *puts a hand on Zero's cheek and heals his HP*

Zero: …^.^

B.B.V: *perverted laugh* ohhh, naughty thoughts. ^.^ (ßgot that from Legendary frog films ^^;;; )

Baku & Zero: O.O;; *back away from eachother* Ewwwwwww…..

Tallgeese: *appears wearing Seymour (sp)'s freaky outfit and wig O.o;;; * Ooo… Two cross dressers at it! …KINKY!!!! ^____^

Zero: ….You look really stupid in that….

Tallgeese: -.- Shut up! I couldn't fit in the SIN outfit…

Captain: Who's SIN anyway?


**somewhere in the ocean**


Kibaomaru: *swimming around* Look ma, I'm a dolphin!!! ^.^


**Back in the middle of nowhere land**


Captain: ……-;-;;;;

Shute: Are you gonna try and steal Baku now??

Tallgeese: ….WHY? O.o

Shute: Cuz she's Braska's daughter and you, like, are obsessed with her to the point of probably raping her….??

Baku: O.O;; WHAT?!

Tallgeese: EWW! No!!! *eyes Zero*…Nice outfit babe. ^.~

Zero: ….*casts Thundagera on Tallgeese and sizzles him* -__-+++

Tallgeese: X___X *twitches as smoke comes from him* …pain….ow….

B.B.V: Congrats! You're not useless after all!!!

Zero: okay you; I shall smite thee for thy insults!!!!! *Casts Firagra Fury on B.B.V* -.-+

B.B.V: X____X*sizzles and falls from the sky to revile himself as….*

Captain: gasp!

Shute: Gasp!

Zero: Gasp!

Ansem: Gasp!!!

Baku: Hey! You're from Kingdom Hearts mac!

Ansem: Oh, am I in the wrong fic??? Sorry *leaves*

Tallgeese: Oh..Hi there Cloud.

Shute: Why are you here?? You're from FF7!!

Cloud: *gets up* YES!! But you and FFX are getting all the attention now-a-days that I plotted this conspiracy to get rid of you and make a mockery of FFX!!!! BWAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Shute: …Hey, where is the real FFX cast??

Cloud: In the Bahamas…-.-

Zero: I would be too if I made that much money. ^.^

Cloud: Well, now you all shall DIE!! *scene swirls as they get into a battle with Cloud*

Captain: Uh-oh…

Cloud: And since I'm kick-ass lv. 100, I can just smite you all with the Knights of the Round Table. Go ahead! Try and kill me. >:p

Baku: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm………..>< *summons Bahamut* EAT HIM!!!

Cloud: Dude, that thing can't-- *gets eaten by Bahamut*

Shute: O.o;; …okaaaaayyyy…

Captain: I don't even wanna know how its able to do that in a battle….

Baku: ^.^

Zero: …okay…can we take these things off now???? *keeps zapping Tallgeese*

Shute: I dunno…I feel spankable in these shorts. ^.~

Captain: ….*scoots away*

Shute: Iiiii'm too sexy for my shorts, too sexy for my shorts soo sexy it hurts! *does a little dance*

Rikku: *bonks Shute over the head* Noooo Dancy!!! ><

Lulu: We're gone for the winter and THIS is what happens…

Kimari: Dude, like lets never go toooo far south again when there's like, freaks running around in our clothes! *everyone stares at him* I mean….Kimari don't like this. -.-

Tidus: *is making out with Yuna* …say wa?

Zero: ….Can we go now!??!?!? ><;;;

Tinkerbell: *flies in and sprinkles fairy dust on everyone then zooms off*

Shute: …None of us belong to Disney! ><;;;

Wakka and Tidus: We kinda do. V.v

Baku: That sucks. *summins Ixion and hops on it* Hi Ho Silver! AWAAAAAY! *rides off*

Entengo: ….*goes to the union*

Lulu: You're stretching out my dress!

Zero: Well, I look prettier in it! ><

Cloud: *gets up* …He-LO?! Pay attention to ME! >< *no one pays attention* …^&#%^%#^ you all! *gets up and storms off*

