Shaman King Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Collision ❯ Post-pone the Tournament ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Six years have passed and now we find Yoh Asakura partcipating in the Shaman Fight with his newly found shamanic friends.

"Integrate!" Three different voices shouted, the sound echoing off the cave walls. Patch Village was full of the sound of sparring and activity as the remaining participants in the Shaman Fight waited the Patch's announcement at noon. Something was about to happen; Yoh could just feel it like an icy presence over his being. Something else was there, nagging at the back of his mind, taunting him, as it had for about a week. Better get back to what he was doing, lest someone kill themselves.

That thought brought a sweet-drop to the Japanese shaman's head. He had Integrated with Amidamaru a few minutes before to keep Ren and Horo Horo from killing each other; the only one in danger of killing HIMSELF was Yoh.

Ren, a Chinese shaman with a light British accent, had his quan do pointed directly at the blue haired Anui, Bason already Integrated with him. "Take. It. Back." Was what was growled through clenched teeth. Horo Horo scoffed, Kororo Integrated into his snowboard. "As if...I was right and you know it. That's WHY you're so desparate to make me take it back," was the responsed given to the Chinese shaman. Both shamans narrowed their eyes and looked about ready to jump each other. Sad really that this was a normal occurrance and even sadder that these two were teammates and friends.

The group of shamans watching from the sidelines sighed as Yoh tried to reason with his two friends. He failed miserably. Anna looked bored; Manta and Tamao looked worried; Chocolove looked like he was probably thinking up some lame joke for later; Faust was staring lovingly at his wife/guardian ghost, Eliza; Jun and Pirika looked embarrassed for their brothers' sakes; Ryu was looking, more like staring, at Lyserg; and Lyserg was looking uneasily at Ryu, who continued to stare at him; Marco and the rest of the Neo X-Laws placed bets about who would win while their Maiden-sama reprimanded them. Yup, all was mostly normal. But still, Yoh couldn't shake that weird feeling. Why were the Patch calling a meeting?

10 minutes later...

Yoh stood with his hands behind his head and his laid-back smile in place, hiding a sweat-drop. Both Ren and Horo Horo were sporting red hand prints on their cheeks and were glaring at the one responsible. Apparently, Anna got tired of waiting.

"It's almost time for the meeting, fools. If we miss it because of your antics I'll make sure you both do double the training for the next week!" the blonde-haired Itako told them all sharply. Everyone face planted at that.

'Well,' thought Yoh, 'at least this gives me something to tell Ichigo about...'

Karakura Town, Kurosaki Clinic:

A very annoyed orange-haired teen paced back and forth in front of his family's clinic. "Ichigo, stop pacing you're making me dizzy!" a dark-haired teen with glasses said. That caused Ichigo Kurosaki to burst. He whirled around to face Ishida and screamed at the top of his lungs, "DAMN FUCKING SHINIGAMI CAPTAINS! IF THEY'RE GONNA BLACKMAIL ME INTO DOING THEM A FAVOR THE LEAST THEY CAN DO IS HAVE THE DECENCY TO SHOW UP ON TIME!" The entire city heard this and the entire city thought as one, Walk away slowly, never speak of this again.

In a quieter voice, almost inaudible, Ichigo added, "I could be talking to Yoh right now...Ah well."

Back to Patch Village, the Meeting with the Patch Tribe:

The Patch had just given the announcement. To say that Yoh and the others were shocked was an understatement. The annoucement:

The Shaman Fight had been post-poned until further notice.

"And why is this?"

And no one, especially Hao Asakura, was happy about this turn of events.