Skip Beat! Fan Fiction ❯ V Day Reveal ❯ Planning Day ( Chapter 2 )

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The fact that Kyoko seemed to have something planned for Valentine’s Day had Ren worried, he didn’t want what he was planning to interfere with anything she was already doing. He bit his lip as he worried over it while waiting for Yashiro to show up to their luncheon.

“Sorry I’m a bit late.” Yashiro said as he slid into the seat across from Ren.

Ren smiled and shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. You’re here now, let’s order... or at least I will. If you aren’t hungry you don’t have to of course.” Ren waved over the waiter and placed his order while Yashiro simply ordered coffee.

“So, what was it you think I would hate you for?” Yashiro had been driving himself crazy wondering what it was that Ren Tsuruga of all people thought he could be hated for. Though if it was going to be him confessing that he had in fact done something dastardly to Kyoko then Yashiro might well hate him after all – though he’d be proud as well. He couldn’t help it, he had a twisted mind.

Ren took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh, “Well... um, you know that I started my acting career in America right?” He figured he would start slow and small and build up. It might be better for Yashiro’s health, the man was far too excitable.

“Yes.” Yashiro answered him with a nod and a curious look, “Though there aren’t any instances that I could find of a Ren Tsuruga in America before there was one here in Japan.”

Ren cringed, “Yeah... that’s just it. Ren Tsuruga is a stage name.”

Yashiro simply raised an eyebrow and refrained from questioning even after the waiter came by with his coffee and Ren’s soda.

Ren continued once the waiter was gone. “In a way President Takarada rescued me. I was in a pretty tight spot and my parents just weren’t seeing things from my perspective. They love me a little too well.” He chuckled. “Lory brought me here and I decided that I would become Ren Tsuruga until I felt that I could be myself again without regrets.”

Yashiro was slightly shocked and held up a hand for Ren to pause as he saw the waiter coming back with his food. Once the waiter was gone again he gave Ren a piercing look, “So why are you telling me this now?”

Ren stared into his plate for a moment, “Because I need your help. While I’m telling you something that only my parents, myself and Lori know... I’m also going to tell you something that only I know – about Kyoko.”

That got Yashiro’s complete attention, “What about Kyoko?”

Ren shook his head and began eating, after a few minutes he continued speaking. “My name is Kuon Hizuri.” He waited for that to sink in for Yashiro.

His manager’s face darkened and then split with excitement and then fell into a troubled state, “So when Kyoko was playing Kuon... she introduced you to your own father?” Ren nodded, “Okay. So, what else is there?” Yashiro would let Ren...Kuon spill everything before he decided anything.

Ren smiled slightly, “Well that being said I have green eyes and blonde hair. After all I’m only half Japanese. I plan on relinquishing Ren Tsuruga on Valentine’s Day. President Takarada is getting my parents here for it and I would like your help with my surprising Kyoko with it. She’ll be rather angry at me.” He hung his head and finished eating.

Yashiro settle that in his mind and spent a while trying to imagine Ren with blonde hair and green eyes... he had just as much trouble with that has he had with trying to picture Ren smiling. He utterly failed. Shaking his head he attempted to get his bearings again, his mind spun to a stop on Ren saying that Kyoko would be angry about it – that confused him. “Why would Kyoko be angry at you?”

Ren took a swallow of his soda and sighed, “Because... I met Kyoko when I was younger. You know that stone she loves so much? Corn?” Yashiro nodded his head, “I gave it to her.”

Yashiro flew up from the table, “WHAT?!” He looked around at the startled faces of the other diners and sat back down, “How? What? When? Why didn’t you say anything?!” He was angry.

Ren shook his head, “It gets worse. While filming on site for the end of the BJ piece... I ran into Kyoko looking like myself: the blonde hair and green eyes. She knew immediately that I was Corn. I was terrified that she would find out I was Ren, so I was going to avoid her. But I couldn’t, she looked so hurt when I ignored her that I went back. At first I just wrote with a stick in the sand, then... well I guess no one else really understands her little fantasy world that she has, but I told her I could do some magic so that I could talk to her. I acted like I was taking the voice of someone from her thoughts... She freaked out when I of course used my own and asked me to change it.” He chuckled at the memory and Yashiro grinned, he could well imagine Kyoko doing that. “We had a long conversation... but she became suspicious so I lied. I told her that I looked like Ren so much because I had borrowed his voice.” Here he looked ashamed.

Yashiro shook his head, “So in the end she doesn’t know that Ren and Corn are the same person. And still again that Corn is Kuon.”

Ren nodded. “Yeah, I’m not sure how I should break it to her.”

Yashiro sat for a while thinking it over, “Well, how about you simply show up to her party that she’s throwing with your parents as yourself?”

Ren raised his head, “Party?”

“Yes, you’ll get an invite soon, so telling you about it now is no big deal. Just don’t let anyone know you know about it. Kyoko wants it to be a surprise.” Yashiro gave him a stern look, “Just explain everything to her then like you have to me just now. It should be fine. Obviously she knows how her mind works, so she’ll understand you being able to use it against her. Though that might be the part that makes her angry.”

Ren nodded in ascent, “You’re right. Though ... well I guess I could just have my invitation and bring my parents along. That should work alright shouldn’t it?”

Yashiro nodded, “Yes I think that should do just fine.”