Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping it to yourself ❯ Keeping it to yourself ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Keeping It To Yourself

Author's Notes: Hai, Hai. It's my first shot for SenRu. Though I'm an avid fan of SenRu and a big lover of this pairing, I admit, I am totally clueless. Hehe. Gomen ne, minna…

Summary: Sendoh has just been wondering what got through him and called up the kitsune late at night.

Keeping It To Yourself

Baka! Why shouldn't I have thought of it just before it hit me? Images of that kitsune keeps on haunting me again and again since last week. And to think that that monosyllabic speaking, err, sound producing guy have just entered and joined my big round of basketball friends.

Yes, I must admit it. He's been giving me these creeps that I've never felt before. Even with Hiroaki. Even after my disastrous affair with Koshino Hiroaki. When Hiroaki and I broke up about three months ago, his parents found up our relationship and they were against it. My first thought was what is life after Hiroaki? Where the hell will my friends pick me up after our lost love?

It's a good thing that we stayed friends after our break up. We must have realized that we are not meant to partners, more so, lovers. I wasn't hurt that much though. * laughs* So much for reminiscing that.

So now, I'm here, lying in my bed with my hand under my head only in my boxers and feeling cold. Err, confused and not really cold. I'm just busy thinking what Hiroaki is thinking about what I told him that I was thinking. Get it? You see, about that raven-haired guy, I've told Hiroaki what I was having. Because, hell! Am I so confused?

When we were walking this morning towards the café, we passed by Rukawa, there! Finally, I've said it. Rukawa Kaede. So, we saw Rukawa playing alone near the corner of the café. His thick hair was shimmering under the morning sunlight. His eyes were glowing in silent delight while playing what he nearly called "his life." I feel that he really enjoys what he's doing. Gods… He was sweating and I can almost figure out those firm muscles under his shirt that was clinging on his body tightly. Those muscles that are mantled with velvety soft skin. I was wondering how those muscles would react under my touch? Will his body arch hard, just like when he's playing, when I shower it with light butterfly kisses? And as if to respond to my curiosity, he started panting hard in rhythm with my ideas. Yes, I felt embarrassed when I moaned hard and tightly shut my eyes.

I even heard my best friend laughing.

" Hey, don't ruin the moment!" I whispered into Hiroaki's ear and covered his mouth with my hand. Rukawa turned around, fast. Hay, at least we've hid behind the bush just in time! But hey, this really no joke. He is so sexy. Even when the serious him was replaced with a chibi image that looked so innocent and confused about who were laughing.

He turned around again and Hiroaki and I peeped to see if he's going. Then, he turned again and we hid. I heard a ball drop; now he's going. Minutes have passed, it was long ago when Rukawa have left and I cannot suppress a laugh anymore. I laughed hard. Another joined my music.

" I think you are in love with him." Hiroaki said with total seriousness.

" Hey! That's not true! I think I'm just fascinated with him because he's younger than I am yet he's so…"

" …Amazing"

" Yes. B-but I am REALLY not in love with him. You are just misinterpreting the signs! C-cause I am really NOT in love with him. It's just that his hair is so beautiful and its scent fills my nostril when he swings when we're playing! So I kinda feel that he takes a bath a lot of times in a day. And I'm just amused that he uses apple shampoo just like I do. B-but really, I am not in love with HIM! That can't be! He's, he's just fun and tall and beautiful and…"

" Sexy."

" Yes, sexy, thank you. And quiet and…"

"…Just my type of guy…"

" Just my type of guy."

Hey! I am really turning red now. I didn't really mean to say that but, hmmm. He's really just my type of guy. But I can't move in with him because, I simply can't.

Besides, lust is too close with love. Who knows if I'm just "in lust" with him and not "in love" with him. * laughs again*

Really, I am beginning to get so freaky. Damn! I remember the times when we played together. When his muscled thighs brush against my inner leg. I get so distracted; I tend to stay away from him only to find myself brushing against his sides and back. I wonder if he feels it when I do all the brushing and gliding. I mean it's a game but when your opponent starts to brush his arms against you again and again, hay!

Damn that kitsune! I should be pursuing the redhead instead! He was fun to talk to (maybe he's fun to talk to, too). He's beautiful and sexy (no wonder, he's much much more…). Stop that! He's really getting into my nerves…but I love it. It's like, I feel him flowing in together with the blood in my veins.

I had dreamt of him, both when I'm awake and asleep. I had dreamt of him and it startles me in the morning just to realize that it's all just a dream. Ironic, I should be disgusted with myself. I should be shaking these dreams away but I'm not. Instead, what I feel in the morning is incompleteness. A sense of loss. Of disappointment that I wasn't really holding him in my arms. Not really kissing his thin, strawberry lips.

This must be lust! Lust alone.

I'm taking a shower just to shut these flooding ideas. But hey, I guess, you can't be there. Naughty, naughty. * winks*

Okay, so now, I'm here. Naked under the cascading water in my shower stall. I saw the apple scented shampoo. This is not I. I shouldn't be afraid of my own place. BUT I AM AFRAID OF MY OWN PLACE! I'm afraid of smelling Rukawa's hair. I'm afraid of waking up in the morning without him. I am afraid of dreaming about raven's wings, which smells like apple, on my pillow.

There! That's it! I wrap a blue towel around my waist only to discard it even before I reach the drawer for my boxers. Even this towel brings life to those bright yet deadly eyes of MY kitsune. Hear that? MY!

Now, I don't really feel that this is a good idea, however, I continued to reach for the phone and dialed down Hana's number.

BEEP! BEEP! Hana's phone really sounds funny and different.

" Moshi moshi!" I finally heard the other line answer.

" Oi, Hana-kun!"

" Aki-kun, it's kinda late to chat now, don't you think?"

" Yeah. Gomen. But I really have to ask something, if you don't mind, though." I said.

" Bwahahaha! Of course not at all! You can always ask this Tensai! However, make it fast. More people would be needing a bit of my special power! Bwahahaha!" I groaned aloud after hearing it. A little more of his funny ramblings and he finally gave me Rukawa's number.

So now, all I have to pass is myself. Actually, I'm even surprised that he keeps a phone. My introvert love has a phone? For the nth time, I've been deciding whether to call the object of all my desire. And I've decided… I won't call!

(Kitsune_minokawa: Hey! That's not on the script! You will call HIM, remember? You will talk to HIM, remember?)

Okay, well, I definitely can't put up all night. I really have to call him! I have to!

KRIING! KRIING! This is it! Do or Die! Gods, I think I'll pass out.

" Oi." I want to puke, I'm getting dizzy.


So what do you think? Should I continue this? Give me a chance! Please. Arigatou, anyways, minna!