Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and the Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Chapter: 2/?

Genre: yaoi

Disclaimers: I own SD and all of its characters, so suing me will only get you bankrupt

Archive: Ask me before taking anything, okay?

Warnings: Some grammatical errors and poorly sequenced plot.

AN: hehehe, I feel inspired so I wrote the next part. If by some chance you want to suggest something for this fic, just say so and I just might consider it.


We'll always be together, right?

Hanamichi sighed again as he gazed at the bus' window, watching trees flash by. He became even uneasy as the vehicle passed Kanagawa Hospital. Whenever he saw that hospital, he always had some strange feeling- like butterflies in his stomach. Perhaps it's because it brings back painful memories- his failure to bring his dad there on the most critical time. How he wished he could save his dad back then...

Whenever we see this tree, then we'll always remember...

"Sakuragi?" Kogure asked, a worried frown etched on his face. It's weird for the usually loud-mouthed redhead to be so subdued like this. Normally, his former teammate could be seen laughing and doing some ridiculous stunt; otherwise, he is normally arguing with Rukawa.

"Huh?" the redhead raised a brow, looking at his companion in confusion. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn't even hear the bespectacled boy's question clearly.

Promise you'll return then, okay?

The brown-haired boy sighed, taking off his glasses. He then wiped the lenses on the hem of his shirt. "Something's bothering you," he said, putting his glasses on again. "Care to talk about it?"


poof... poof...


poof.. poof...

"Hey! Wake up!"

The blue-eyed boy slowly opened his eyes, squinting and blinking a couple of times as light assaulted them. The redhead jumping up and down on his bed woke him from his sleep. He stretched widely and gave his companion a small smile.

"Finally!" Hanamichi beamed in pleasure, ruffling the blue-eyed boy's dark hair playfully. "I thought you'll gonna sleep all day!"

"Well…" the boy pouted. "There's nothing good to do here."

"There is!" the redhead argued. "There is! The nurse said we could go to the garden to play!" he again jumped up and down on the bed, flailing his arms.


"Yes!" Hanamichi replied. "We could go there after breakfast, you know…" he trailed off as he plopped down on the bed beside the other boy.


"Have you ever felt as if something is missing?" Sakuragi asked his former vice-captain. He returned his glance at the window of the vehicle. He noted that the scene faded into a wonderful panorama of dried leaves falling gently as the wind blew them on different directions.

"What do you mean?" the bespectacled boy replied, surprised at the question.

"Well, it's just that I feel as if I forgot something," he frowned, thinking of the appropriate words to say. "I feel like I missed something, but can't point a finger as to what it is..."

"Hmm…" Kogure regarded thoughtfully. "There's a reason for everything, even for what you feel." He gave the redhead a smile. "Things will settle themselves… so there's no need to worry about that."

"The Tensai?!!" Hanamichi exclaimed, "Worry? The Tensai doesn't know how to worry!" he emphasized, giving his trademark maniacal laugh. The bus stopped, indicating that they've reached their destination.

Kogure sighed and shook his head. Some things never change...


"Wow," both boys looked up on the tree, amazed. In front of them stood an old willow tree, nestled majestically with its branches hanging low. The garden of the hospital was big, surrounded by short grasses and flowery plants. Several trees also grew there, but the willow tree seemed to be the most noticeable.

"This tree is huge!" Hanamichi said, going nearer to the tree.

"Yeah," the blue-eyed boy replied, equally impressed by the tree. "I've never seen a tree like this before…" he trailed off, shifting from one foot to another. He then sat crossed-leg on the grassy surface, reveling the beauty of the garden.

"Look!" Hanamichi exclaimed, pointing at something behind the dark-haired boy. He then began to walk softly, headed to the direction he pointed at.

With a frown, the blue-eyed boy turned and saw a dragonfly perched on a small blade of grass. He watched closely as Hanamichi neared the insect, flanking it.

'Almost there…' Hanamichi thought, sticking his small tongue out.




"Achoo!" the blue-eyed boy sneezed, causing the insect to fly out. He rubbed his nose softly and gave his companion an apologetic smile.

"Hey!" Hanamichi pouted, giving the blue-eyed boy a look. "I'll get you..." He said, running for the blue-eyed boy.

As if on cue, the other boy laughed and ran away from Hanamichi, going around the willow tree. Finally, after they grew tired, they laid on their backs, staring at the cloud-filled sky.

"There's the elephant," Hanamichi pointed his small index finger on a puffy cloud. "Then there's a fish, then a pig…"

"Hmm..." the other boy giggled. "That one looks like a fox."

"Yeah," the redhead agreed. "You know, Dad said that mom's also in the clouds…"


"I dunno. Perhaps she likes to see the animals too." He raised his arms as if he was reaching the clouds.

"Oh." The blue-eyed boy answered. "Tell me," he asked slowly. "What do wanna do when you grow up?"

Hanamichi rolled on his stomach and looked at the blue orbs directly. "Me? I'll be a basketball star!" he said proudly, making imaginary shots in the air.

"Really? Me too!" the blue-eyed boy answered excitedly. "I can't wait to grow up so I can play basketball."

"No way!" Hanamichi teased, "You can't reach the basket, you're too short!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!" Hanamichi nodded, crossing his arms.

At the teary-eyed look of his companion, he relented. "Don't cry," he said, draping an arm on his shoulders. "I'm just joking. We'll both grow up and then we'll be teammates someday. And then we'll become the champion!"

"Yeah!" the blue-eyed boy happily responded, wiping away his tears. "Promise me that we'll be teammates?"

"Sure!" he assured his friend. Hanamichi stood up, brushing his pants. "C'mon! Let's get back to the room!" tugging the blue-eyed boy's hand.


Hanamichi leaned closer to his friend and whispered conspiratorially, "Dad brought some chocolates."

The blue-eyed boy perked up on this and followed the redhead as they walked hand in hand back to their room.

AN: Haaha! I did the next part. Is it confusing? I hope not, but nonetheless, hope ya like it. I'm leaving a few hours from now, but I do promise to continue this one