Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and the Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Chapter: 4/?

Genre: Yaoi

Disclaimers: Just the usual stuff. You need to see a psychiatrist if you actually believed that I own this awesome anime. If you are by some chance planning to flame me, then do so; I just might need it for a good laugh or two.

Warning: Some grammatical errors and poorly deduced plot.

AN: Okay, thanks to the wonderful people who reviewed my work. That really assures me that I make sense and that I don't just make crap. Oh, this part is really short so forgive me...


A searing pain racked Hanamichi's body as he slumped on the wet pavement, his senses gradually failing from the accident. He moaned as he attempted to move; pain and nausea washing over him as he vainly tried to assess his damage. He raised his fingers on his forehead, accepting the knifing pains the movement engendered.


He looked over his fingers and grimaced at the amount of blood he was losing. He struggled to rise; he knew that if he passed out and no one found him soon, he would die. He crawled against the cold ground, but blackness challenged him. Slowly, he sank, trying to catch his erratic breathing. His strength was slowly vanishing. It was only a matter of time before he'd bleed to death on the streets.

Hanamichi struggled to open his eyes as he felt himself being lifted by someone. His vision, too foggy caused by intense pain, registered a pair of blue eyes looking at him with worry. Blue- just like his eyes...

The last thoughts he remembered was looking up at the dark sky and thinking, if I die...


"Mom!" Hanamichi screamed, sitting up on the bed. He tried in vain to chase away the last vestiges of his unpleasant dream. His breathing was erratic- his body shaking in fear as he clutched the covers and wound it around him tighter. Warm tears trickled down his cheeks and he raised his knees towards his chest, rocking them softly.

"What's wrong?" The blue-eyed boy asked, his voice tinged with concern. He curled his small palms and rubbed his eyes, blinking a bit sleepily.

Hanamichi stared at the blue orbs gazing at him before finally responding, "...A bad dream..." He sniffled, sadness washing over him at the memory of the nightmare. He kept on seeing his mom saying goodbye to him, telling that she'll miss him for she might never see him again. Hanamichi couldn't comprehend why his mom would leave him; perhaps she doesn't love him anymore...

"Oh," the blue-eyed boy said, urging the redhead to lie down on the bed again. When he did so, the blue-eyed boy stroked Hanamichi's red locks, humming gently.

"What's that?" Hanamichi asked, feeling himself being lulled by the soft murmur.

"I dunno," muttered the blue-eyed boy, tucking the covers around Hanamichi. "Mom always does that whenever I have bad dreams."

"You also have bad dreams?" Hanamichi wondered aloud.

"Yeah," the blue-eyed boy paused as he tried to remember the last time he had a nightmare. "But after that, Mommy tucks me into bed and sings for me. And then, I wouldn't feel so scared anymore."

Hanamichi raised his head and fluffed his pillow before settling back on his position once more.

"So, do you feel better now?"

"Yes," the redhead answered, smiling at his companion. He snuggled closer to the blue-eyed boy and began to close his eyes. "Thank you..."

The blue-eyed boy followed suit and hummed again, mimicking the lullaby his mother taught him. Soon, Hanamichi picked up the rhythm, and he too began to hum gently with his friend.


As doctors rushed him on the emergency room, Hanamichi slowly regained consciousness. Everything seems to be in a flurry; all he could see are the lights flashing by as they passed on the corridor. His mind, dazed with pain, failed to register the scenario in front of him.

He welcomed the enticing darkness again as a team of doctors on the emergency room lifted him.


"Please let him be okay..." Haruko sobbed on his brother as they sat on the waiting room. They rushed on the hospital the moment they heard about the accident. It was amazing how fate could alter things very easily: one moment they were all happy, now they're hovering between despair and sadness.

"He'll be fine," Ayako assured them. She curled her palms on her knees as she fought the urge to cry.

"If there's anyone who'll live through this, it will be Sakuragi. That's for sure." Ryota's warm hands patted her gently on the back, offering comfort and security.

Kogure, sitting beside Akagi, pondered thoughtfully before saying, "Aya-chan's right. We should stop worrying and hope for the best. It wouldn't do any good to think of negative things on a critical time like this."

Everyone literally held their breath as the doctor emerged from the glass-paneled room. Heartbeats quickening, everyone stood to know the exact condition of their redheaded friend.

"Are you Sakuragi's friends?" asked the man, looking at the worried people surrounding him.

"Yes," Almost everyone said in unison. Silence enveloped them as they waited for the inevitable.

The doctor faintly smiled and shook his head. "Well," he began, "Your friend there seems to be very lucky. He was rushed here just in time. He lost too much blood though; if he stayed there on the streets, he probably would have bled to death. He also had some minor concussion and broken bones. Other that that, I would say he'll be fine."

Everyone released their breaths as they felt relief over the good news. The Sakuragi gundam's loud cheering echoed on the corridors upon hearing the doctor's confirmation. Haruko's eyes were filled with tears of joy as she thanked the man.

"Don't thank me," the doctor said mildly. He pushed the rim of his glasses high on his nose before smiling a bit. "You should thank the man who brought him here. If weren't for him, your friend wouldn't be so lucky." He glanced behind them as he pointed at the seated figure on the far end of the waiting room. "There he is."

Everyone turned their heads to the direction and a resounding gasp filled the air as they took in the identity of Hanamichi's savior.


AN: Um, R&R okay? Tell me what you think about the story. If you have some suggestions there, please feel free to voice them out.