Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ TAILS BECOMES A DAD ❯ Molly Returns ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(A/N:Gamma is in this one well his name is said, so is Molly hey she's cute plus my alter ego is lonely)
As Sonic was slapping Rouge trying to revive her the young girl looked at Sonic and said "I'm Molly , Shadow saved me some time ago form the Metarex on my planet there was a great hero called Dr.Eggman" Sonic gasped, "yet my people betrayed him and me and wanted to turn us over to the Metarex all was lost except Shadow simply known as back wind came by and saved the day again I remembered those words (don't cry Molly I'm here for you and wont let anything hurt you).”
"He stayed with me a while after that he was gone I knew My people were killed or turned into those monsters, I was alone till Lunar came to my planet a few weeks ago and found me all alone scared and crying he took me in and made me a member of G.U.N.", as tears filled her eyes, she said "I decided to come to Earth and stay with Shadow and thank Eggman again for saving us I have decided to put the past behind me and plan to start a new."
A tear fell out of Sonic's eye after wards. Rouge finally woke up and was amazed to see Molly "I thought you saved your planet why are you here?" my planet was not worth saving since everyone is dead I left for Earth, it is the only place that is similar to home.“
“Well you can stay with me but my place was blown up thanks to the black wind I stay with these other 2 that I consider sisters I think of you as one to but let me ask I'm sure there is room for one more."
Sonic just gagged and then started asking about Lunar's eye and scar. "So how did you hurt you eye?" Lunar looked at Sonic
(Flashback) and said "there was a great war between G.U.N. and the Metarex one of those cold bastards killed our commanding general and his last words we to appoint me as I was now in command the bastard pierced my eye and brain I was able to fight him off and kill him but his final blow left this scar on my face."
As Lunar was pulling back his fur he showed a metal plate with his red eye in place with a few lights linked up to that plate that was connected to his skull his long black/dark fur covered his steel plate and he looked normal as he pulled it down and covered his self up.
Lunar then asks "any other questions?" "Well yeah how are you related to Tails?" "Who the fuck is Tails?" Lunar asks. "Well your cousin doesn't like to be called Miles plus he changed his name every one calls him Tails, people that call him Miles tend to disappear." "Well" said Lunar ,Tails father was my cousin Amadeus Prowler his wife was Rosemary Prowler they had a son with 2 tails named Miles Prowler."
My father was Claudius Prowler Amadeus's uncle who married my mother Tails Great aunt was Gertrude a Grey wolf named she was from the wind tribe of wolfs yet they were blessed by me they were short lived and they died when I was very young." My cousin was way older about 20,21 and was married since had no other family the wolf console decided to let me stay with my cousin and his wife and they raised me as there own seven years later Miles was born and we were like brothers here's a pic." Lunar pulls out a worn old brown wallet and shows Sonic a pic of him with a newborn Tails (awwwwwwwww). "See here” as Molly and Rouge push by to look Lunar says "there are more pics I have in the ship of Tails growing up." A smile was now on Lunar's face. "Well what about Tails parents?” “Well sadly they were killed when he was 3 and he didn't get to know them, I fled after the war I was able to live with the wolfs since most of the foxes were gone and the wolf/fox alliance well it's still around but since there is peace not much happened plus,
I'm the only life form to prove it was real and is still strong I long thought Miles was dead till 6