Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own any of the characters in SSO.

This is set after Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge. This is based off the Anime only and the English ADV versions at that. Warning Spoilers!

Author's Note: I'm sorry for the delay I had some minor surgery and I did not re-bound from it as quickly as I would have liked, *Sighs* I guess that's what happens when you get old. That and the fact the surgery was on my right wrist making typing, writing and just about anything else I like to do almost impossible. Thank you for reading and for your patience.

Chapter 3 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Cleo woke up early the following morning alone, although she'd have sworn Orphen had been there during the night. She got up, washed and dressed. She ended up lying down for a few minutes after that simple morning chore left her tired. She was more tired then she wanted to admit to anyone, even herself. She heard the sounds of light running footsteps going down the stairs and the smells of breakfast wafting up the stairs. Cleo sighed, rolled out of bed and slowly followed Alik down the stairs, with Leki trailing at her heels.

"Morning, dear." Tistiny said to Cleo when she entered the dining room. Alik had already been served and was eating his breakfast. Tistiny quickly prepared Cleo's plate as she sat down.

"Aww…Mom, can't I have…."

"No. You may not. These are the doctor's orders."

Still, grumbling about the bland meal, Cleo reached out to the coffee and tea service on the table and fixed herself a cup of tea before she started eating. She saw Majic enter, only to be nearly run over by Alik, who had finished his small portion of oatmeal already and was exploring the dining room.

"Morning, Alik. And you, too, Cleo." Majic said cheerfully.

Cleo reached for the coffee pot to prepare Majic's morning coffee. She handed it to him as he passed her and he accepted it gratefully, pleased at return of the normal morning routine.

"Alik, please sit down." Tistiny said for the fourth time that morning.

"But I want do something. I'm bored." Alik whined as he sat down. He then peaked under the table he saw Leki. With a sly look, Alik slid down the chair to the floor so he could reach the Wolven pup. Once under the table, he held out his hand to Leki, who approached him. He pulled out a ball he'd found and they started play a game of fetch.

Cleo looked under the table, grinned slightly, and said, "Alik, instead of playing with Leki, why don't you do a favor for me?"


"Come here and I'll tell you." She whispered in Alik's ear as she suggested an activity she'd enjoyed as a child with her father. Alik nodded and started to run out of the room. "Oh…also be sure to tell him the coffee is ready."

"'Kay." Alik called back as he charged out of the room.

"What trouble did you stir up this morning, dear?" Tistiny asked with a grin, thinking, `As if I didn't already know.'

Before Cleo could answer, Majic did. "I suspect Orphen is about to get a surprise wake-up call."

"Okay…." Tistiny said, thoughtfully. "I seem to remember having you do that to your dad quite a bit."

"And I loved it, because that usually meant I got to spend the whole day at the lake. Of course, I realize now, you usually only sicced me on Dad when he'd been away a lot….or you felt we needed some time together."

"You know, Cleo, that's not a bad idea." Tistiny said with a meaningful glance out the window. "I think the fresh air would do you both a world of good. I can arrange for a wagon with blankets, so you can rest there and back. Ah….would the Wolven be able to protect you there?"

Leki jumped up on Cleo's lap and looked up at Tistiny and then Cleo. [We protect. Argenthua says two go. One stay at den.]

"They will, Mom. I think that's a great idea."

"I'll go arrange things. I should have it ready by the time you and the boys are."

"No hurry, Mom." Cleo answered, as Majic started chuckling after coming to the same conclusion.


"Yep. Since Orphen isn't down here already muttering about early wake-up calls, he got Alik to go back to sleep for a bit."

Majic stood up, "I'll just go check to make sure." He added in a thought, `and to make sure Master didn't tie the boy up like he's done to me.'

After Majic and Tistiny went off on their various errands, Cleo tried to finish the bland breakfast of oatmeal, toast and soft-boiled eggs. She'd been moving the food around her plate for fifteen minutes or so when Orphen came in. When he entered the scene from earlier was repeated; she fixed Orphen's coffee and handed it to him.

"Good morning." She said cheerfully.

"What's so good about it? I bet you didn't get bounced out of bed, literally. And then have your spot stolen." Then with a frown, "Or did you?"

"Nope." She replied grinning, `Yep…that's how I always woke my dad. Good to know some things never change.'

Ignoring the relief he felt at the fact she was allowed to wake up normally, he fired back a retort. "I'm gonna have to talk to that kid about equal opportunity"

She snickered as she watched him nose around the room, looking for breakfast.

"There's only oatmeal, toast and soft-boiled eggs. Trust me, I looked for something else."

"Well….we're all on the same diet for a while. It's important that you follow the diet to the letter, to set a good example for Alik, so you can stop looking for anything else." He gave her a serious look, "It's important Alik eats well, considering how malnourished he has been for several weeks." He served himself and settled down in a chair.

"I know….but….well, I don't have to like it."

"Whatever…just don't mess things up. It's not just your health now."

"I know….so…" She added with a playful grin, "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine….until someone started jumping up and down on my bed and bounced me to the floor. I wonder where he got the idea?"

"No clue." Cleo said innocently. Orphen just rolled his eyes.

Cleo tried to re-apply herself to the oatmeal when she remembered a question she wanted to ask him about from last night's discussion with Argenthua. "Orphen, can I ask you something?"


"You've dreamed about G-Gar…the demon?"

"What gives you that idea?"

"You dream, don't you?"

"Everybody dreams. What makes you think I dreamed about Garik?" He replied and she flinched slightly at the name.

"Look….I was concerned about something Leki said last night to Argenthua about a dream you had after we asked why Ga…he wasn't defeated before."

Orphen looked startled when she mentioned hearing a discussion between Argenthua and Leki. That was just too spooky and too like the dream he'd been having. `She can't even say his name, how can I say how close we might have to get to him. No. She won't. It will be me and that other Hunter.'

"Okay…you answer my questions and I'll answer yours."

"I can't….not yet." She replied, looking down and petting Leki, who was in her lap, crooning reassuringly.

"Oh…so you can't answer a question about over-hearing a silent Wolven conversation?"

"Oh that, of course, I can answer questions about that." Cleo answered relieved.

"You thought I was going to ask about the cave, didn't you?"

She bit her lip and looked down, giving him his answer.

As he looked at her his anger rose, even though on some level he knew it was way to soon for her to talk about what happened. It didn't help when he thought about how selfish she was being for not considering that everything might have been traumatic for others, too. After a moment, he ground out, "Then you'll understand why I don't want to talk about dreaming about Garik taking you away, again."

She paled and stood after he said that, causing Leki to jump to the floor. "I….oh…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to … I didn't think …." And fled the dining room with the pup in tow.

Inwardly cursing, Orphen thought, `Damn it, I shouldn't have said that. I know I shouldn't have said that, but why does she always get under my skin like that?'

Once she was out of earshot, Orphen heard applause coming from the hall, "Smooth move, Krylancelo." Hartia said as he entered the room. "The teasing opportunities here are endless, but I won't take advantage of them, for once. Just dump a bunch of guilt in her lap, why don't you?"

"Damn it! I know that, but she….arrgh!"

Before Hartia answered him, Tistiny came in, "Oh…. Did Cleo and Alik head for the lake already?"

"Yes. She met Alik and Majic in the hall and he walked them out to the wagon."

"Oh…" Tistiny moved to the window to look out. She saw the wagon slowly moving down the lane with a pair of Wolven trotting through brush nearby. "I wanted to send out a couple blankets." She looked down at the blankets she had draped over the arm.

Hartia accepted the blankets from Tistiny as he said, "I'll take those out to them. I think Cleo wants to avoid someone right now."

With a growl, Orphen snatched the blankets away from Hartia, "I'll take those out to them." Grumbling, Orphen turned and left, avoiding any further discussion.

Hartia watched Tistiny smile as if she expected the morning's fireworks as a very puzzled Majic entered the dining room.

"Why is Master griping about taking extra blankets to Miss Cleo? I already put two in the wagon like you told me to, Mrs. Everlasting."

Hartia started laughing.


On the ride out to lake, Cleo was telling Alik all about the area. "Would you believe I had a lot of energy when I was your age? It was always a big deal when my dad would take me out here. I used to quite literally run circles around him."

"We….we had a place near our home where I always went when I-I didn't want to be around Devon. My dad showed it to me, too." Alik thought about what he said a bit and asked "Dad's never coming back is he?"

Cleo took Alik in her arms, "I don't know exactly what happened but…well, I'm not going to lie. No, I don't think he's coming back. I do know I will always take care of you and so will my mom and sister."

"Orphen, too?" He asked very hesitantly.

"He promised, didn't he? And I've never known him to go back on a promise."

"I-I remember what happened, but I don't know how to…."

"I'll always listen."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"It's all right. You don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to. When you're ready, I'll listen."

They arrived at the lake shortly after she finished that statement. She asked the servants to set out the picnic basket and shooed them off to get some privacy for herself and Alik. As much privacy as they could, anyway, with the Wolven hovering nearby. She also caught brief glimpses of red and black in the trees and wondered if that was who she thought it was.

She and Alik walked to the crumbling rock pier, which extended towards the tower in the lake, with Leki trotting behind them. They sat on the edge of the pier, dangling their feet over the side. Watching Alik gaze around in excitement, Cleo asked, "So, how do you like this place?"

"It's cool."

"Do you know how to skip stones?"

"Oh, yeah…." He made to stand up to collect some stones and then hesitated, "Can I?"

"Why do you think we came here? There are lots of flat rocks that are great for skipping."

Leki stayed beside Cleo, while Alik got up and collected quite a few stones and brought them back to her. After skipping a few, Alik stopped and lapsed into silence. Cleo knew he hadn't forgotten about what he'd started to say in the cart.

"I w-want to talk about my family." Cleo nodded and pulled him up into her lap, cuddling him. "It hurts to think that I'll never see them again. Why didn't I die, too?"

"I don't know for certain they're dead. If you want, we'll try to find out exactly what happened. Alik, your mom and dad wanted you to live. They tried to protect you, didn't they?"

"Ummm, yeah…He said he killed them."

"We still don't know for sure. I'd received word about your family, but that included you. I don't want to raise your hopes, but we'll find out whatever we can. If that's what you want."

"I-I do want to know."

"Then we'll try to find out, but it may not be immediately, if ever. Can you tell me what you remember?"

"Um….I didn't do what I was told."

"What were you told to do?"

"I remember…but…I-I"

"If you don't want to talk about it anymore right now, that's okay. I'll….err…we'll, always listen when you're ready to talk. I want your promise about something, though."


"If anyone you're not comfortable with tries to make you talk about what happened, you tell them to see me or Orphen, or come and get one of us. Please understand, you will need to talk about it, but we will try to wait until you're ready. Understand?"

"Oh….that's easy. I promise." Alik looked down at his hands where he still held the stones in his hands. "The last time I skipped stones was with Bastian. I won't be able to do that with him again."

Cleo gave him a comforting hug and whispered, "At least you have that fun to remember."

`Oh my god, Bastian was there, too. Is that what you mean, Alik? I can't ask him now, but I should have found out while l was there.' Cleo thought, horrified, as she tried to control her emotions so she wouldn't upset the boy with her reaction.

"Okay, enough of this. Let's go investigate the picnic basket." Cleo said as they stood up. There was a gust of a cold wind and Cleo shivered.

Alik said, "I'll go get you a blanket."

"Thank you, Alik. You're a very good boy."

"Let me second that," came Orphen's voice from the edge of the lake. When he spoke up he saw Cleo tense slightly then relax. "I also have blankets."

Alik tugged her arm to get her to bend down to him and whispered a question to her.

She whispered an answer and continued at a normal volume, "You know….he's a really good stone skipper. I bet if you asked him, he'd show off."

"Really?" Alik asked, eyes lighting up. She grinned and nodded.

"Okay, enough with the whispering." Orphen said as Alik started trotting towards him.

"Are you really good at skipping stones?" Alik asked, showing Orphen his hands, which were full of flat stones.

Orphen shot a look at Cleo, promising that he still had much he wished to discuss with her, before he answered, "Of course, I once skipped a troll seven times." The boy looked at him skeptically, "I did and Cleo will confirm it." Smirking, Orphen added as he appraised the pile of stones in Alik's hands, "Ya know, that isn't very many stones. Why don't you find a few more stones for us to throw, while I talk to Cleo for a moment?"

She was slowly walking back from the stone pier, with Leki at her heels, to where the picnic basket had been set up. She hated to admit it to herself, but even riding in the wagon and sitting on the pier for a few minutes, really made her tired. As she walked towards the picnic basket, she noticed that Orphen was making a beeline for her. `Uh oh, fight, round two….just what I need.'

"Come on, I can tell you've overdone it. Your mom sent some blankets and you're taking a nap. I'll watch the boy."

Her eyes got really big, she had been expecting a lot of things, but not that. It still got her hackles up that he was automatically assuming she'd overdone it. "I was just sitting on the pier."

"And walking out to the pier and riding in the wagon and ….and just wearing yourself out. The doctor specifically told you not to over do it, but what do you do your first full day up…"

"I'm fine. I figured I'd probably end up napping on the way back."

"No…You're going to nap now."

"You're being a tyrant."

"Maybe, but you're going to do as your told. For once!"

"I don't have to…." Cleo stopped when she realized, not only did they have an audience, but said audience was now laughing out loud.

"You fight just like my mom and dad did." He said in between fits of giggles.

Cleo grinned, in spite of herself. The boy's laughter was contagious. When she snuck a look at Orphen's face, she realized he was doing the same. She stared at his profile, the same way she had the very first time she ever saw him, and marveled at how handsome he was. He still confused her with his mixture of affection and disinterest, but the fact he stayed near her with everything that had happened, was nothing sort of amazing.

She whispered, "I am tired. Okay, I'll rest."

"At least you admitted it before you collapsed in a heap this time." He laid out one blanket, and gestured for Cleo to lie down and used the other to cover her up after she did. Leki immediately sat down next to her head, assuming guard duties.

Orphen walked over to Alik, "Now about skipping stones…." That was the last thing Cleo heard until Orphen woke her up to say it was time to leave and she discovered Alik curled up asleep beside her.


After Cleo went to sleep, Alik and Orphen were skipping stones. Orphen skipped one stone ten times and then started to teach Alik how to do that as well.

Alik was enjoying himself, but he started feeling guilty for having fun after everything that happened. He stopped for a bit and looked back towards Cleo.

Orphen saw the boy stop and saw a shadow cross his face. When Alik looked back towards Cleo, Orphen suspected that they were about to have a talk, whether he wanted to or not. He'd listened to how Cleo was with Alik and mentally braced himself to try to be that patient with the boy.

"Um….Can I ask you something?" Alik said looking at the ground as he shuffled his feet.

"I'm not on the ground but if you look at me, I'll do my best to answer."

Alik looked up to find Orphen had stooped to his level, "Why did this happen? Was it something I did?"

`That's what I was afraid you were going to ask, kid.' Orphen thought. "Let's sit down."

Alik sat down next to Orphen at the edge of the lake. Hesitantly, Orphen put his arm around the boy's shoulders in an effort to reassure him. "I don't know why and we probably never will. But Alik, there is only one person at fault in all this, not you, not her, but Garik. There is nothing you could have done that would have changed what he did."

Alik leaned into Orphen and asked, "But why does he hate us? What did we do to him?"

"I don't have the answers to that. What I do know is that you, your family, and Cleo are all Hunters, or, more precisely, Demon Hunters. Considering that Garik is a demon, he fears the skills of a Hunter. You didn't do anything to him."

"That makes sense. Ummm." Alik started fidgeting again.

"As I tell her" Orphen pointed over to the sleeping Cleo, "all the time, just spit it out." Orphen said with a grin.

"I'm hungry."

Laughing, "That's why Mrs. Everlasting sent the picnic."

"Aren't you supposed to call her Tistiny?"

Arching an eyebrow that the kid picked up on that so quickly, "So….you volunteering to keep me in line about how to address Mrs. Everlasting?"

"She's Tistiny and …..I'll watch your back." Alik said as he stood up and ran to the picnic basket. He pulled out a bowl. "Alright, something I like, watermelon slices."

Laughing at the boy's exuberance, Orphen walked up and sat down next to Alik. He started helping him dig out their lunch, which was a lot more appealing than breakfast. Reluctantly, he made Alik eat some of the chicken broth and crackers before letting him at the watermelon. He worried for a moment if the fruit was on the diet, but he dismissed that worry. Orphen figured that Tistiny knew the diet and expected them to be hungry quickly so she sent a good-sized lunch.


When they returned from the lake in the wagon, Cleo was ready to do a few things before dinner but Orphen insisted she rest.

"I just had a two hour nap and you want me to rest more?"



"So you get well….the doctor said to take it easy and what do you do the first day out of bed? You go to the lake and almost exhaust yourself."

"I was taking it easy."

"That remains to be seen. Why do we keep having this discussion? You're sick, you need rest to get well. You know, I don't like repeating myself and will force the issue if I have to."

"How?" She said defiantly.

"I can just cast…oh….getting cocky are we? Well, there are a lot of other ways to make sure you get the rest you need without relying on magic."

"I think you'd better taste all my food and water from now on." With a definite teasing glint in her eyes.

"What?" Orphen replied looking offended. "You think I would stoop that low?" He was beginning to relax, a play fight. He found he had to actually work on staying and acting angry or frustrated when all he wanted to do was …..well, such thoughts were dangerous. He couldn't allow himself to get hurt again. That's what he would do…get things back to normal, partner with the Hunter at the Tower, defeat Garik and regain that distance he'd always been able to keep between them.

"Well, let me think. Your best friend is Hartia and you motives are …well, suspect. Yes."

"Look, the Wolven are coming tonight to talk about the situation. I want you rested so you don't miss that talk."

"Oh….well, why didn't you say so in the first place? Fine, I'll rest, you go away and do something constructive." She turned to slowly walk up the stairs to her room and closed the door.

He smiled as what she said gave him an idea. He went into town, got some wood, nails and rope and headed for the lake.