Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own any of the characters in SSO.

This is set after Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge. This is based off the Anime only and the English ADV versions at that. Warning Spoilers!

Author's note: Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is happy and safe. I apologize for the delay but I ran into a continuity problem, which had to be addressed before I could consider posting this chapter. That and the Holiday madness, err… I mean excitement caused it's own set of delays.

Chapter 4*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A pair of glowing red-eyes enacted a daily ritual; watching a small orb. The orb displayed an image of Orphen as he, with a Wolven guarding him from a distance, returned to the house from an errand. As soon as he walked into the house, the scene fizzled.

"Damn Wolven scrying blocks!" Garik cursed as he tried, in vain, to refocus his scrying orb. "Soon, you'll make a mistake Huntress and I will be watching. And then you'll replace what you destroyed."


That evening, just after Orphen woke Cleo and her very bland dinner was eaten, the meeting that had started the night before, continued. This time, Alik was not included and the meeting took place in the downstairs den. Also, Azalie had arrived from the Tower, to join the discussion.

Once Argenthua arrived with her two companions and changed into her human form, Hartia started the conversation.

"Tell us about this prophecy."

Argenthua replied, very formally and stilted, "That is not a question."

Hartia was slightly puzzled by the change in her demeanor rephrased his statement, "Fine, what is the prophecy about?"

"I believe I mentioned this before. The prophecy states that there will come three who are bonded to each other that commit themselves to the destruction of Garik. Additionally, those three will be closely supported by six others with the same commitment. If any of them fall, all will fail."

Orphen asked the next question, "You mentioned a Radiant Blade as a part of the prophecy, What exactly is that and why is it dangerous for sorcerers to touch it?"

She looked at the assembled group in shock, "How did you find out that it is dangerous for sorcerers or demons to even touch that weapon?"

Frowning, Orphen reminded her, "Aren't you supposed to answer our questions?"

"Yes" Argenthua answered with a snarl, "and I will. But we have a few questions of our own and did not ask last night out of deference to the Huntress. This is not an interrogation, it is a sharing of information. Our questions need to be answered, too. Now.....before I can answer his question, I need an answer to mine."

"Are you concerned or threatened by the fact that we have another source of information?"

In response to Orphen's statement, there was a flurry of growling and barking between Argenthua and Leki. Cleo found she could she could understand the silent or at least unspoken conversation.

[Pup, control her mate! Or this ends, now.]

[No leave. Stay and answer.]

[I will not take this abuse.]

[Mad cause you no agree either.]

[That is irrelevant.]

[ trouble for too much last night.]

[Pup, you go to far!]

[Rules bend or all lose.]

[You think I don't know that? I must follow the constraints until trusted.]

[I trust. If not open, humans no trust. Which more important?]

[Pup, I cannot!]

[Then useless. Protect, but no talk. Go!]

[I'm under orders.]



[Go!] Leki started snarling at Argenthua, his eyes started to glow green and he seemed to grow larger.

[Will you take responsibility?] Argenthua growled submissively and she ducked her head.

[I deal with Mother.]

Argenthua nodded, "I apologize for the delay. To answer your original question, the Radiant Blade was designed for the Hunters by the Heavenly Ones as a weapon against first the Demons, but secondly the sorcerers. It is their bane. In addition to the physical damage it can do, it can pull the magic out of a demon or a sorcerer with any prolonged contact. It is a closely guarded secret of the Hunters and is only carried by the Alpha, because only the Alpha can see where it is hidden. That is why I asked how you found out about the effects of the blade. This blade is mentioned in the prophecy, and is the only weapon that can defeat Garik and that is why details about the blade must be kept secret."

"Does he know about it?" Hartia asked

"Yes...but I doubt he knows it still exists. Even if he does, he certainly does not know where it is hidden. It has been a long time since he was sealed."

"What is Garik's condition?"

"He is weakened, not at his full strength. The sealing not only froze him, but also drained him significantly. It will take more time for him to recover without the blood of the Hunters - the human descendants of demons. Time is short, in no more than a few months, he will be stronger than the strongest of the Wolven. Legends tell that at his full strength, he stood a full twenty-feet tall with a forty-foot wingspan."

"How long ago was he sealed?" Hartia asked, watching in concerned surprise as Orphen lost all color in his face.

"One thousand years ago."

"Who sealed him and what happened to him?" Orphen asked regaining his composure, slightly.

With a constant low growl, "I essentially answered this before. He was sealed by an alliance of Sorcerers, Hunters and Wolven."

"I'm looking for a more specific answer here. Namely, exactly who sealed Garik? And what happened to the alliance member or members who sealed him?"

With a sigh, "I cannot give you all that you ask. The Lore Master of the Wolven would be able to give you those answers, not I."

"When can we meet with him?"

"He does not leave the forest, you must go there for those answers."

In a `path directly to Orphen, Argenthua added, [I know his name but am forbidden to speak it to the assembly. He was called Kylanthin and he sealed Garik at the cost of seven of his companions including his mate.]

In spite of all his control, Orphen flinched and without thinking, Cleo grabbed his arm and hugged it to her chest. He withdrew his arm from her grasp, but then draped it across her shoulders and held her tightly.

Azalie saw what Cleo couldn't from where she was, Orphen's expression, and suspected it had little to do with the actual words of the Wolven female, but something else. She had a question she was instructed to ask, but she knew that none of the others would want to hear the answer

"What happens if we do not defeat him?" At the sharp intakes of breath around the room, she knew she had been right. They didn't want to face it but the question had to be asked.

"Garik would exact his vengeance on the entire human race, a thousand years of rage over being sealed. He would destroy and reshape the world according to his vision, where humans are either dead or enslaved, where the sorcerers are either dead or serving him, where the Wolven are obliterated completely for our part in his previous defeat. Standing in the way of his goals are the Hunters; therefore, he seeks their destruction or subjugation first. Let me rephrase that, he seeks their destruction because, by their very nature, Hunters do not accept subjugation, at all." She directed a pointed look at Cleo.

"Will the Wolven actually fight in the battle against Garik or will they have another role?" Azalie asked in the absolute silence, which followed the last statement of the Wolven.

"We are here. Our role is to protect." After a few moments of hesitation and much growling from behind her, Argenthua added, "I will fight, with my younger brother. Are your questions complete?"

"For the moment." Hartia answered.

"I understand. Will you answer my questions now." Seeing no objections, she continued, "How long has the pack been together?"

"Several years, about three, I think." Hartia looked to Orphen for confirmation, who nodded slightly. "As for me, although I've visited from time to time, I actually joined up only a couple of weeks ago, so this `pack', as a whole, has not been together very long, if that is what you meant."

"Close enough. How long have the leaders been mated?"

"Not that it is any of your business, we're not." Orphen bit off having recovered from his earlier shock.

Argenthua rocked back on her heels, fear flickering in her eyes for a moment when she heard that news. "Leki?" [Explain yourself, pup.] she said, for Leki's ears only.

[He…well… they fight it. Love, but fearful. Protective of heart. Questions no help.]

She nodded to Leki and asked a different question, "I have been told there was a time you did not wear the pendant and instructed, why was it removed?"

"Pendant? What about the pendant?" Majic asked.

"She was given a pendant by the Wolven Matron which allows her to communicate non-verbally with Leki. The magic in the pendant allows him to know where she is and sense if she is in distress of any kind. The reverse is also true. As Leki matures and their bond strengthens, the pendant will not be necessary but right now, it is critical she wear it at all times. I was instructed to ask why she did not do this and wear the pendant. So, I ask the Huntress again, why was the pendant removed?"

"I did not fully understand the importance of the pendant and did not know how to explain it to my companions, so I took it off." In a shamed whisper she added, "and then I forgot." She glanced at Orphen and grimaced at the fury she saw there. `Oh no, I'm in for it now. Well, I knew I messed up when I found the thing in my pack after everything with Agan. Better face it and get it over with. If I'm lucky, he'll get us alone before he shouts.'

"Why did you not want to tell the other pack members about the pendent?"

Cleo didn't seem to be paying attention, so after clearing her throat, Argenthua repeated the question.

"Well, when we arrived in town several things happened and when I changed clothes, I put the pendent in my pack and simply forgot about it."

"You wore the pendant when you left home, and you traveled for several days before you were separated. Why did you not tell the pack when you were wearing it?"

Cleo stalled and tried to evade answering that question. She didn't have a good reason for that, so she simply answered, "I found it while repacking my travel gear and have not taken it off since. The subject only came up once and was dropped."

Argenthua looked intently at Cleo as if searching for a lie then 'pathed to Leki, [Is what she says true?]

Leki growled defensively, [She no lie.]

Orphen gave Cleo a look that said she would be answering that question in detail later. He muttered under his breath, "And it will never come off again."

"The pendant will not always be necessary for the Huntress to wear. Continuing our discussion, since you know how many Hunters are available to fight now, how many Sorcerers are ready to fight?"

As the senior representative of the tower, Azalie answered, "There are many able-bodied Sorcerers but none who are trained to partner a Hunter. How many Wolven are ready to fight?"

"Not as many as last time." Behind Argenthua, Polikapi and Polikarpos howled in unmistakable anger and warning. Leki almost purred with pleasure and approval. The humans in the room exchanged looks of alarm and concern as Argenthua flinched, knowing she and Leki would be having a long talk with their mother later.

Attempting to ignore the other Wolven's reaction, Argenthua continued with her questions, "How dedicated to this task is the pack?"

Orphen stood and glared at the two wolven behind Argenthua. He ground out, "The bastard will die. I will see to it, personally."

"And I." Said Hartia as he stood.

"And I." Added Majic as he walked up to stand next to Orphen.

Cleo stood up between Orphen and Majic, "We have got to stop him, before he k..k.. destroys anything more." Leki jumped up on her head and howled.

"You can see their obvious commitment. How committed are the Wolven in joining forces with the Tower of Fang to stop this menace? The Tower will be putting all its resources behind these men to defeat the Demon." She added in her mind, `Whether they want to or not, they will have no choice soon. He is almost ready.'

"We would not be working to re-establish the alliance again if we, the Wolven, were not ready to help in our own fashion."

"What do you mean by saying in your own fashion?" Cleo asked.

Orphen added to her question, "You're demanding total commitment from us and you are holding yourselves back. This does not work well for an alliance."

Very faint howls were heard at a distance from the house and Argenthua winced. "I see that you are upset. This will be continued later. I-I have been ord…summoned to discuss more of what the Wolven will offer the alliance."

Argenthua shifted back into Wolven form and leapt out of the window of the den where everyone was gathered. With an quick nuzzle to Cleo's cheek, Leki jumped down and followed Argenthua as he `pathed to her, [Back soon.]

Cleo thought to take advantage of everyone watching, Argenthua to try to make her own escape and get to the relative safety, or, at least privacy, of her own room. She'd barely turned away from Orphen and Majic, when a familiar gloved hand landed on her shoulder restraining all forward movement.

"And where do you think you are going?"

" room, I'm tired."


"Uh….well, no."


"I just wanted a bit of privacy. I …I know you want to `talk' to me so let's go and get this over with." She whispered to him, "I don't want to be yelled at in front of everyone."

"You should have thought of that sooner, young lady." Hartia added as he stepped in front of her, preventing any chance of escape.

"Now, wait a minute, she might actually have a decent reason other than forgetting, but I doubt it." Majic weakly defended her as he stepped up to her side.

"Since it is obvious everyone is interested in continuing this conversation. Let's sit down. It is not like she can realistically run from us. Especially considering her current energy level." Azalie added to the new discussion.

"Look….I know it was stupid, when I found the thing after…well, everything, believe me, I cursed my own stupidity. But that is exactly what happened, I forgot."

"But, Miss Cleo, it was so important. Because without it, we might never have found….you…." Majic trailed of as he realized he didn't want to go over that ground again.

"I know….I wish I could go back…. change things, and not take it off. But as you well know, with all that was happening after we arrived home, other things took precedence."

When the others seemed to accept this weak excuse from her, Azalie snorted in disbelief, "Like what?" she said sarcastically, thinking `Probably shopping, gossiping, flirting with anything in pants, or, worst of all, shamelessly throwing yourself at my brother.'

Cleo saw the look on Azalie's face and knew what she was probably thinking, knowing she wouldn't be able to change her mind and not knowing what Azalie had been told, she simply said, "I don't want to answer that. Just leave it with I forgot."

"Azalie, back off and drop it!" Orphen said as Majic and Hartia chimed in.

"Mistress Azalie, you don't know everything."

"Azalie, don't you remember my report?"

With a grateful glance at her defenders, "Azalie, I was distracted and forgot to put the pendant back on after I changed clothes when I returned home. Let's leave it at that."

"What are you trying to hide from your protectors?"

"Hide? I'm not trying to hide anything. They know. I don't want to talk about it." Cleo said with building anger.

All three men glared at Azalie as two called her name with a warning tone to stop this line of questioning. Majic in a whisper, tried to calm down the other woman, who'd started shaking as he called her name.

"Oh…please what can it be? You just don't want to admit you were on a shopping trip or gossiping with your sister. Why don't you just admit it? Jeez….this was before the Garik mess …"

"That's it!! You couldn't just leave it, could you? I know what I am but I think they will agree I was distracted by something other than shopping and gossip. I was trying to stop my sister from making a grave mistake in marrying Agan, who we have now found out was working for G.g…him.. He used Agan to try to break up our group and damn near succeeded when someone stopped trusting me, and …oh damn it." She turned to look for Orphen, who was walking out of the room as she was speaking, "I'm sorry….oh no…" She turned angrily back to Azalie, "You witch!"

"I've been called worse than that, little girl. I'm not the reason he left."

Cleo raised her hand to slap Azalie but shakily lowered it as she hissed, "How could you do that to him! He blamed himself and you just brought it all back to the surface. That's why we didn't want to talk about it!" She turned and hurried out of the room and slammed the door. A moment later, a light thud was heard in the hall and Majic ran out muttering.

"Damn, I think she collapsed."

Hartia followed Majic, looked out the door, and saw him picking Cleo up.

Hartia closed the door behind him with an ominous click, "You'd better hope her recovery isn't affected by this. Now answer me a question, whose side are you on? And damn it, did you have to bring up the Agan shit? Garik's bad enough. Did you not listen to any of my report on what happened with Agan? If being manipulated and almost beaten to death isn't enough to distract someone about a piece of jewelry, I don't know what is. And now, you've set him off about a situation he still blames himself for, even though it wasn't his fault, or hers."

She started to say something but he wouldn't let her speak, "Save it. I'm not the one you need to apologize to. I can't stand to be in the same room with you right now. Especially, when I consider what they both gave up to free you from your curse. But, I guess that doesn't matter to you."

As he left the room, Majic was coming down the stairs and asked Hartia "Did you take care of it?" looking towards the open door way with anger.

Hartia shook his head. "Not really, I can't deal with her right now."

"Cleo's crying and saying that she is sorry and to please forgive her. She begged me to find him."

"I'll help you look." As they walked to the door, Hartia said, "I'll check the lake, you check the tree. We're overdue some good luck tonight. I just hope he's not at your dad's again."


Back in the den, Azalie sat back down on the couch in shock, shaking her head. She realized, `I let my emotions get the better of me again. What have I done?' She had been sitting there thinking for a few minutes, when a black-haired green-eyed young man of about seventeen climbed in the window, dressed exactly like Orphen, except instead of a Tower of Fang pendant, he was wearing a Wolven talisman.

"Why you purposely drive wedge between mates?"

"Who are you? Why did you enter this house uninvited?"

"Not recognize this form?"

"You're the pup, Leki."

"Yes. Answer."

"I didn't do anything on purpose."

"Why lie? You know how feel."

"I didn't lie."

The boy took a very familiar stance against the wall and crossed his arms, with a glare that would have done the master proud, and arched an eyebrow, "Waiting for truth."

"I don't have to tell you anything, pup."

"Protecting mates. You lie. Truth now." And his eyes started glowing bright green as his form started to shimmer slightly, much like Argenthua's did when she changed form.

"They necessary. You not." And he shifted back to Wolven form as Azalie felt a building pain in her head.

"Owww….Fine. I forgot about Agan. I was trying to protect my brother."

The pain immediately disappeared and the pup was back in human form. "What if I no accept that? How feel?"

"Damn you. I don't need that lesson. I know what I did. I will take care of it when I can."

"No, take care of ……." Suddenly he stopped as if sensing something. His shoulders relaxed and he sighed in obvious relief. She realized he was really worried about something, or rather, someone. "Wait. In morning. No disturb now. Out. Go report to child master."

"How did you…?" she started, only to see Leki in Wolven form, going up the stairs and settling himself in front of the door, to guard the occupants in Cleo's room. She sighed heavily and, with a quick chant, returned to the Tower.


After checking the lake and the tree both, Hartia and Majic checked Bagup's tavern, hoping Orphen wasn't there. When he wasn't, they hurried back to the house to get back to Cleo as quickly as possible, since they couldn't find the one she needed. They went up the stairs and found Leki comfortably resting just outside Cleo's door. When Majic reached to open the door, Leki lifted his head to growl lightly at him.

"We know she's upset, we want to check on her." Majic told him.

Leki paced slightly almost like he was thinking and trying to come to a decision. His form shifted and suddenly Hartia and Majic met Leki's human form.

"Together now. No disturb." Hartia and Majic both stumbled back at the change in Leki, completely shocked. "Oh….No tell on me. Different form."

"No…we won't." Hartia managed to choke out. "uh…why did you?"

"Only talk Cleo normal form. Need talk to another tonight." And a slight growl could be heard, even in the human form.

"Who?" Hartia asked, but Majic answered.

"You talked to Azalie, didn't you?"

Leki nodded as he shifted back into Wolven form, looking very smug.