Speed Racer Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Life, and Reincarnations ❯ Say Goodbye ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"And you'll only be gone a few days, right?"

"Yes, Inuyasha," Kagome laughed. "I'll only be gone a few days." She watched as the half-demon heaved a sigh before she continued. "You can come and visit me during that time, if you want. You know . . . keep me updated on how everyone's doing."

It wasn't much but it was all the reassurance he needed. He smiled slightly and nodded. Her smile grew wider. On impulse, she hugged him then turned towards the well.

"I'll see you in three days, Inuyasha! I promise!" she called out then disappeared down the well. It had taken some time but, with Sango's and Miroku's help, she had convinced Inuyasha to take a break from collecting the shards of the Shikon jewel.

`Come to think of it, he took it rather well when I told him that we needed to take a break,' she mused. `He started to protest but gave in quicker than what he normally does. I usually have to `sit' him in order to go home. What gives? I'll have to ask him about it when I see again.'

The feel of the ground meeting her feet brought her back to reality and Kagome began to climb out of the well, lugging her backpack with her as she went. Three days of school, reviews and tests, and a family function awaited. Though she didn't look forward to taking the tests, she did look forward to seeing her cousins once more. They wouldn't be there long but it'd be long enough to catch up and just hang around.

`Thank you, Inuyasha,' she smiled, making her way into the house. `You don't know how much this means to me.'

As she walked inside, however, she had a funny feeling that maybe, maybe it wasn't such a good time to have left the feudal era.

* * *

"You're awfully calm this evening," a voice commented. Inuyasha's ears twitched but he didn't take the bait. He'd heard Miroku approaching, the houshi's footfall barely noticeable to anyone but him in the stillness of the early shade of evening.

`It'd figure that he'd be the one to follow me out here,' he growled to himself. His eyes were fixed on the Goshinboku tree. There were a lot of memories tied to that tree, memories that he couldn't let go of, no matter how hard he tried. Miroku stepped next to him, his eyes also fixed on the old tree.

"Kikyou is coming, isn't she?"

"Huh?" The question had caught him off-guard and his head snapped in Miroku's direction.

"The reason why you gave in so easily to Kagome . . . You're meeting up with Kikyou while she's gone, aren't you?" The houshi's eyes narrowed.

Inuyasha felt the anger rising in him and he clenched his hands tightly. He refrained from punching Miroku in the face for his comment. The family get-together had been important to Kagome. He had seen it in her eyes.

"No . . ." he said through clenched teeth. "She said she had a family function to attend. Didn't you hear her, Miroku?"

"Well, yes, but . . ."

"But?" Inuyasha prompted. Miroku's eyes narrowed.

"You're up to something, Inuyasha."

"And what makes you say that?" Inuyasha turned away, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"You are up to something, aren't you?" Miroku's voice held an accusatory tone to it.

`He probably thinks I'm going to sneak off to see Kikyou. The lecher. Well, I'll show him,' Inuyasha thought with a smirk.

"Maybe," he grinned slyly. "I'll be leaving in the morning."

"What? How come?" Inuyasha relished in the houshi's surprise.

"Promise not to tell anyone, Miroku? Not even Sango or Kaede?"

"Yes, of course," the houshi nodded, frowning.

`You're far too eager to think the worst, Miroku.'

"Well, Kagome mentioned that her birthday was coming up . . ."

"I remember . . . She called it sweet sixteen, I believe." A knowing smile suddenly spread across his face. "You're going to get her something, aren't you?"

Inuyasha nodded.

"I've already picked it out and paid for it. I just need to check on how . . . everything's coming along so it'll be ready in time."

"Where . . ."

"Not far, actually. I should be back by nightfall."

The two stood in silence for a few moments. Without any warning, Miroku slapped him on the shoulder, his grin nearly touching his ears.

"You never cease to amaze me, Inuyasha."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he demanded.

"Oh, not much," Miroku winked as he walked away. "See you in the morning, Inuyasha."

The houshi disappeared into the night, leaving Inuyasha alone once more.

"Damn monk," he muttered but his tone held no malice. He had come to expect the houshi to be confusing like that. Inuyasha blinked and shook his head then turned his attention back to the Goshinboku tree.

Two more nights and Kagome would be back. He could tell her then how he truly felt. Then he shook his head again.

`Yeah right,' he snorted to himself. `Like she'd believe me after the number of times she's caught me with Kikyou and heard my declarations of love to her. I can't say that I blame her, though. Maybe my gift to her will convince her . . . And I do need to talk to Kikyou at some point. I know I'm not going to be able to fulfill my promise to her so long as she remains separated from Kagome.'

A familiar scent in the air caught his attention and he growled. Kouga. He turned just as the wolf demon came to a stop in front of him. His hand went to the hilt of his Tetsusaiga.

"What do you want, you mangy wolf?"

"Is it true?"

Inuyasha blinked but never lowered his guard. Kouga had an uncanny knack for annoying the hell out of him, especially when Kagome was near.

`And I don't like the look in his eyes.'

Kouga's eyes had an unusual gleam to them, like he could go berserk at any moment.

"Is what true?"

"Is it true that you've been leading my woman on while seeing some undead priestess?" he spat.
The anger he had felt before began to rise again. First Miroku and now Kouga. He'd had enough. His decisions were his to make, no one else's. Sure, they may not have been the best of decisions but he now knew what he wanted. Kikyou would no longer be in the picture. Kagome had opened a whole new world to him and he wasn't about to let her go. He just needed a chance to explain it to Kikyou.

`But how did Kouga find out about Kikyou?'

He decided he didn't care. Kouga had to leave. Now.

"That, Kouga," he said dangerously, "is between me and Kagome. It's none of your business."

"If it affects Kagome, it is my business," the wolf demon snapped. "Prepare to die."
He had started to draw his fang when he flew backwards, crashing into the Goshinboku tree. Kouga's hands grasped his throat, cutting his breath short. He hadn't even seen Kouga move.

`How did he become so fast?'

"Kagome is MY woman," he hissed. "I'll fight you for her and I will defeat you. You won't hurt her anymore, dog face! I swear it."

Another punch landed on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him even more. Pain erupted in his head as he crashed into another tree. Inuyasha staggered to his feet, finally grasping and drawing the Tetsusaiga.

"You don't get it, do you, Kouga?" he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. His breath came in ragged gasps. "She only sees you as a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. Get it through your head, you idiot!"

"Things have a way of changing, mutt face. You know that as well as I do."

Kouga lashed out again, catching Inuyasha in the chest with his foot. For a moment, he nearly lost his grip on the Tetsusaiga. He panicked. Instinctively, he grasped the hilt tighter and tried to regain his footing. Another tree had broken his fall but it didn't ease the growing pain in his back or allow him to catch his breath.

`I can take him,' he told himself. `This is Kouga. He's run away from most every major battle he's ever encountered. I'll send him running and Kagome will never have to know that we fought.'

"Come on and fight, mutt face!"

A sword being drawn rang in his ears and he moved to block. Breathing had become somewhat easier but not by much. It took everything he had to just block Kouga's blade.

"This is it, mutt face. Time to settle the score," Kouga growled. Still blocking the Tetsusaiga, Kouga punched once more . . .

Something clattered to the ground. He heard it and it sounded like a weapon. A heavy one. His arms suddenly felt heavy, like they'd been weighted down with several large stones, and he stumbled back.

"As I said, mutt face . . . Kagome is mine."

Kouga swung one more time and the world erupted in a haze of blood and pain. A twist in his side told him that he'd been stabbed but it didn't seem real. He gulped for air but his throat burned. Memories flooded his vision as he fell backwards. His mother smiling at him and whirling him around in the air, riding in the riverboat with Kikyou . . . but most of them were of Kagome. Her eyes, her smile, her scent . . . Even now, he saw her. She was close enough to touch. He reached out.

"K-Kagome . . ."

His eyes closed as the pain vanished and the rest of the world dissolved into darkness. Kagome's smile faded as his vision darkened and he tried to grasp onto that image. A golden-haired woman appeared before him, along with a raven-haired man, and they smiled at him.

"Time to go home . . . Inuyasha."

* * *

Kouga watched as Inuyasha closed his eyes and exhaled one final time, his arm dropping to the ground, and he became still. An elongated dagger protruded itself from the half-demon's chest, where Kouga had stabbed him in the chest. There were very few ways to kill a demon and most of them required certain kinds of poisons or blades. Inuyasha had such a blade but now he'd no longer be able to wield it. The half-demon's blade transformed from its massive size to its rusty, dented disguise.

`He's gone. The stupid mutt is finally gone and Kagome will be mine.'

Sheathing his katana, Kouga took off, leaving the dagger where he had implanted it. He had to wash the blood off him. It wouldn't do any good to present himself to Kagome covered in the blood of that two-timing half- demon.

`Kagome . . . I can make you happy. Happier than what mutt-face ever could. I swear to you that I'll prove it.'

As he walked away, however, a small twinge of guilt began to nibble away at him. Would Kagome truly be happy with him? She'd always been by Inuyasha's side. How would she react if she knew that he had killed Inuyasha and that he had called out for her just before he drew his last breath?

`No! She mustn't find out that it was me. That would really break her heart. And I can't stand to see her hurting more than what she already has. She must never find out. Never.'

So he told himself as he found a stream and washed himself off. Then he headed back to Edo. They'd be looking for Inuyasha soon and they'd find his body. Kagome would be devastated to see him dead and she'd need someone strong and courageous to help her get over him. And Kouga intended to be that person.

* * *

Kagome climbed out of the well and sprinted towards the village. For the last three days, she'd had an awful feeling that something terrible had happened and it had shadowed her until she couldn't take it any longer. As soon as her visiting relatives had left, she had gone down the well, forgetting the supplies that she needed to bring with her.

`Please let it be my imagination,' she prayed. `Please let everyone be okay.'

As she closed in on the village, she saw two figures standing at the edge of the village. Sango and Kaede but she saw no sign of Miroku, Inuyasha, or Shippou. Kagome frowned. Something was up.

`Where's Inuyasha? He always greets me, no matter what. And we didn't have a fight before I left. What's going on?'

Now that she thought of it, she hadn't seen him during the three days that she'd been gone and she had invited him to come and see her. And he hadn't been at the well, waiting for her, either. Normally, he got impatient and went after her when she'd been gone for any given length of time. She stopped in front of the old miko and the demon slayer.

"Kagome . . ."

"Sango, what's going on? Where's Inuyasha? Why wasn't he at the well waiting for me?"

"Kagome, I don't know how to tell you this . . ."

Tears began to form in Sango's eyes and Kagome noticed the solemness to the village that hadn't been there when she left. She saw several of the men constructing a funeral pyre but still saw no sign of Miroku or Inuyasha.

"I'm sorry, Kagome, but Inuyasha . . ." Sango choked on her words, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "Inuyasha's dead."

"What? How?" Her eyes began to sting and something warm ran down her cheeks.

"We do not know, child," Kaede murmured, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "We just know that he'd gone into the forest after ye had left and that was the last time we saw him alive. Miroku went looking for him yesterday morning and found his body by the Goshinboku tree. By then, it was too late. He'd been dead for at least a day. There was nothing we could do for him. I'm so sorry, Kagome."

Her chest constricted and she took several deep breaths, dropping to her knees. She heard Shippou calling her name. She even felt him latching onto her shoulder. The kitsune had been crying. He still cried. And she couldn't blame him. Despite their differences, Inuyasha had always looked after Shippou, guiding him in ways she knew she'd never understand.

`Like the big brother he never had,' she thought idly, cuddling the child in her arms. `Why did this have to happen? Why now? Who could have done this?'

Finally, Kagome caught her breath. Tears flowed down her cheeks but she could handle the tears. She just couldn't handle the dull ache in heart or the thought of never seeing Inuyasha again, but, for Shippou's sake and her own, she had to pull herself together.

`Inuyasha would want us to be strong and to continue on our quest for the Shikon jewel.'

"Lady Kagome . . ."

She looked up to see Miroku standing in front of her, holding Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga and rosary, and she knew that he no longer would be coming for her anymore. Kagome hadn't even heard him walk up.

`This is it . . . He's truly gone. There's no coming back.'

Kagome took the fang and rosary then pushed herself to her feet. Shippou's crying had subsided a little but she knew that the worst had yet to come for the kitsune.

`And he's suffered so much already,' she thought morosely. `First his father and now Inuyasha . . . how much more will we have to suffer before the end comes?'

"Where . . . where is he?"

"In Kaede's hut," he murmured. Standing tall, Kagome made her way into the old miko's home. She steeled herself for the worst, though she couldn't imagine anyone other than Sesshomaru getting the best of Inuyasha without anyone noticing the battle. A dismembered Inuyasha was what she had envisioned. What she saw, however, shocked her.

Instead of his body being mutilated, Inuyasha looked intact, his expression calm and peaceful, as if he merely slept and had not lost his life. He'd been dressed in white, an unusual colour for him but Kagome felt it appropriate. A white cloth had been draped over his neck, and his hands rested on his chest.

`He looks so peaceful, so angelic,' she smiled faintly. `He doesn't even look like he suffered at all. At least it isn't as bad as I had feared.'

"When Miroku brought him back," Shippou whispered, "he had a curved blade with an ornate handle sticking out of him. Why he hadn't taken it out, I don't know. Maybe he thought that there was still a chance that Inuyasha was still alive and I think even Kaede hoped for it as well, even though it was obvious he was gone. But I do know this. Sango said only the most powerful of demons use blades like that, especially for assassinations."

`And the only one powerful enough to even take Inuyasha on without the use of jewel shards is . . .'


Her heart leapt into her throat and she whirled around. Kouga stood in the door, a mournful expression on his face. He took a step forward.

"Kouga, what are you doing here?"

"I heard the news," he whispered. "I left as soon as I could . . . I didn't want to believe it, Inuyasha being dead. But I can see now that it is. I'm so sorry, Kagome. I know you two were friends."

`And maybe a little more than just friends, if I was reading him right,' she thought, tears forming in her eyes once more.

"Thank you, Kouga. I . . ."

"Kagome . . ." Sango appeared behind him, interrupting their conversation. "The villagers are getting anxious to perform the ceremony. Inuyasha's blood can be picked up by any demon within range . . ."

"Yes," she nodded, moving away from Inuyasha's body. "Let's get this over with. We have no time to waste."

Kagome cringed at how callous she was sure she sounded but Sango was right. Inuyasha had been Edo's best defense since he'd been unsealed by her hand. His death would entice any demon to attack and she would never be able to live with herself if anything happened to any of the villagers.

She brushed by Kouga and out into the sunlight. A beautiful day awaited . . . a beautiful day without Inuyasha. Several men stood outside, waiting. Kagome gave a slight nod then walked away with Sango, more tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Inuyasha. I should have said it before I left you . . . I love you so much. And now you'll never know."

Sango wrapped an arm around her shoulder, guiding her to another hut where some clothes for her to wear had been laid out. It was time.

"Goodbye, Inuyasha."