The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ The Lost Hero ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“So you see Azalea. That's what your job is as a sage. You'll gain control of the earth and help Azmara and myself locate other sages. Do you understand?”
“Yeah yeah I get it. Would you like more Tiramisu?”
“Yes I would like more of the pick-me-up.”
Azalea cut Link another piece of Tiramisu and filled hers and his cup with more tea. It was Azalea's idea for them to have a midday snack outside of Azalea's house. Azmara had gone out with Misami, Astrid was working and Theorello was tutoring students in salsa dancing. It was the perfect opportunity for Link to explain their mission to Azalea, as well as spend some quality time with a good friend. “Link what are you thinking about? You look so zoned out.” Azalea asked him. Link turned his bright blue eyes down to Azalea's green ones and shook his head. “Nothing troubles me Azalea. I just want you and Azmara to be safe.” Link told her.
“Well of course we'll be safe. You're going to protect us. Azmara and I will use our powers to protect you and you'll do the same for us.”
Link nodded to the smaller girl and she gave him an approving smile. Azalea may have been young but her spirit held a power that could not be defeated. She was a useful teammate and wouldn't be traded her in for anything. Her loyalty and love for her friends awakened Saria and helped her attain the power of the forest. Yes, this was a young girl with a power to be reckoned with.
From behind, Azmara and Misami saw that Link and Azalea were enjoying their time together alone. Misami wrinkled her nose and nudged her best friend. “You little sister better take three steps back away from him. If anyone's gonna win the heart of that sexy man it's gonna be me.” She whispered. Azmara shrugged at Misami's comment. Azalea was hardly competition for Misami. If she was going to capture Link's heart she wouldn't have to try hard. No one was competition for Misami Hirogi.
“Junichi! Azalea!”
“Hey my sister and Misami are back. Hello!!!”
Azmara and Misami approached Link and Azalea then sat at the table beside them. “Are you going to offer us some Tiramisu squirt?” Misami asked Azalea. Azalea only ignored her and continued to stir her tea but Link had acknowledged Misami's request and cut her a piece of the Tiramisu. Misami offered Link a flirtatious smile and sank her fork into the Italian dessert. “Your mom is the best cook Azmara.”
Releasing a sigh, Azmara let her head drop and shook it quickly. “That's something that was not meant for me. Oh well…”
Elsewhere, the twin sisters, Rioma and Tatsuya sat together in a dark room with several other associates. “Hahaha, it seems that Justia was blind sighted to the sage. In the end, she was destroyed by a child.”
“That maybe true but this child will make an easy target.”
One of the men stepped forward from the darkness and looked into the crystal ball that held Azalea's appearances. His brown eyes narrowed into slits as he looked down at Azalea. “I'm not Justia. I won't be defeated by a child. Getting the medallion from her won't take long.” Raion looked at Azalea then watched as the crystal presented Azmara and Link's picture. Immediately, Raion's eyes softened at the sight of Azmara's beauty. “Take out the hero, kidnap the damsel.”
The following day As Astrid, Link, Azmara and Misami walked home for the Sakura Café, Sumina and Azalea came running toward them. Azmara was happy that Sumina had been released from the hospital. She was back to her normal self again. “Azmara! Junichi!! We need your help!!!”
“Slow down and maybe we will help.”
Azalea and Sumina stopped in front of the four friends with big cheery smiles on their faces. “We're having a school festival tonight. Will you guys help us?” Azalea pleaded. Link winked at Azalea in acceptance. He'd be happy to help the young sage and her friend with their fair. He didn't know much about the festival that Azalea's school was holding but he'd be happy to help “What do you need help with?”
“Just setting up and preparing food. Azmara and Astrid can go with Sumina to the school so we can start. Junichi and I will go to my house and bring over the food mom made. Misami you can go home and fix that poor make-up job.”
Misami growled at Azalea and reached to grab her but she took Link's hand and ran home. “I'm not gonna let that brat defeat me! I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna help them get the stuff over.” Misami ran to catch up with Azalea and Link while Azmara and Astrid watched from behind with sweat drops dripping for the back of their heads. “She's in hot pursuit now.” Azmara said. Astrid looked over at her with a confused look. “I lost track a week ago.”
“Whatever. Come on lets get going.”
When Azmara and Astrid arrived at the Azalea's school, all the children's parents were setting up for the festival. Azmara smiled at Everyone's hard work and went over to greet Sumina's parents. “Azmara! So nice to see you again.” Sumina's mother said. Azmara observed the purple kimono that Sumina's mother was wearing and guessed that she'd be wearing the same. “I have extra clothes for you and your friend. Go get dressed and by the time you're done everything will be done outside.” Sumina's mother pointed out cubbies that held extra clothes that everyone would be wearing. Astrid and Azmara went over to gather their clothes then went to change. Astrid had tied his red hair back into a high ponytail while Azmara pinned her gold hair into two buns and combed out her bangs. When they went outside, Sumina ran toward then, dressed in her white Kimono. “Goodies! Astrid you're to be in charge of the goldfish scoop and Azmara you're in charge of the sushi bar.” Sumina told them. Astrid gave a toothy grin to Azmara's pale face. He knew she couldn't cook and it was be hilarious to watch her burn all the sushi. “Good luck Azmara. You're gonna need it.” Astrid walked away toward the goldfish booth, leaving Azmara to find the sushi bar. “Hey Azmara.”
“Link! What are you doing?”
“I thought I'd help you. Misami's serving rice balls.”
Link smiled and came behind the bar to help roll the sushi. Azmara watched in amazement as Link rolled the sushi rolls. “Where did you learn that?”
“Your mother. She's a very good cook and she said you like sushi. If you want, I'll make you some one day.”
Azmara blushed and turned to stand in front of the booth. She took a hand towel to wipe down the front of the booth then set up trays to put on display. She had to do anything to keep Link from seeing her blush. She had to question herself on why she was blushing. She didn't have feelings for Link but then again, she couldn't help but admire his kindness. Turning around, Azmara called to Link and told him that she was ready to put up the sushi. They gently lined up the sushi on the trays and smiled at them. “This is good but we'll need back ups. Start rolling more.” Azmara commanded. Link immediately went into the back to continue making more sushi. By the time he had finished, people were buying sushi from the booth. “Junichi that must be you in the back making the sushi. Well done.” Azmara's mother said to her. Link thanked Azmara's mother for her complement and went to go in the back to clean up. As he was cleaning, Azmara came to the back to help him clean the mess. Her mother had volunteered to take over to booth, giving them the chance to explore the fair. They left together to see the wonders of the fair. Their first stop was the puppet show. They watched the show from behind a group of children for a while then went to try some of Sumina's father's dumplings. “Enjoy it kids.”
“We will. Oh Link look! There are Geishas! Let's go see!”
Azmara dragged Link to see the Geishas dance. The women danced with umbrellas and fans. One of them threw an umbrella to Azmara and she caught it. Azmara didn't know much about their dance but she tried to follow their movements. Link watched as Azmara moved out of step but had to credit her for trying. When the dance we through, they went to watch fireworks. “What are those Azmara?”
“Those are what we call fireworks. At one time in history they were used as distress signals. Now their purpose is for entertainment. You can write things out in the sky with them if you line them up correctly. Is it too loud for you?”
Link shook his head as he watched the fireworks in amazement. Azmara looked over at Link and took his hand. She held it gently in hers and he looked over at her. “If you drift into space I'll bring you back to reality ok?” She teased. Link blushed and turned his sights back to the sky. From behind, Astrid and Misami watched not only the fireworks, but the two friends. Misami pouted when she saw Azmara hold Link's hand. “I can't believe her!”
“What? Need someone to hold your hand too? Ok ok. Here, hold onto me.”
Misami looked up and Astrid then down to the ground. Astrid chuckled at Misami and led her over to Link and Azmara. The four stood together, watching the fireworks. Elsewhere, Azalea was coming to join her sister and friends from the ice cream booth. Her cheeks flushed as she ate her lemon ice and walked joyfully toward her sister. When she saw them, she smiled and took a step forward but someone grabbed her from behind. “Ah-”
“Close your mouth if you want to live girl!”
The man pulled Azalea behind a booth and held tightly to her arms. “Let me go!!”
“Shut up sage. Give the medallion to me.”
“Not on your life!!!”
The grass beneath his wrapped around his neck and pulled him back, giving Azalea the chance to run away. When she did, she ran to Link and Azmara to warn them. “Azmara! Mommy needs you to come back to the booth! Right now!” Azmara sighed and walked toward the booth with Link following close behind. When they were out of ear's reach, Azalea explained to them that someone had attacked her. “He said he wanted the medallion. It's got to be another enemy.”
“Then lets get his attention. Come on you guys!”
Azmara warped all of them to the area where the fireworks were and launched her flames into the sky. The people had assumed it was part of the attraction but Azalea's assailant knew it was a signal. He arrived in front of the trio with a grin on his face. “My name is Raion. Let me guess, the Hero of Time, Chosen of Destiny and the Sage of the Forest. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He said. Azmara held up her flame, Azalea held her green light and Link readied his flaming arrow. “If it's combat you want then a fight is what you'll get. Let us begin.”
Link launched his arrow at Raion but he evaded it, just as he had evaded Azalea and Azmara's attacks. Azmara and Link chased after him while Azalea sent the grass below to capture Raion. “Azmara he's too fast!”
“Keep trying Azalea!”
Raion grinned and charged at with powerful fist. Link shielded himself from the blow but was knocked back from the force. “This guy's strong.”
“No crap. Come on I can take you!”
Raion charged at Azmara with another fist but she protected herself with her spell. Reaching through her spell, Azmara struck Raion across the face then followed up with her fire. When she ceased her flame, Raion was gone. “What the-”
“Azmara look out!”
If Azmara was any slower, she wouldn't have been able to shield herself from Raion's assault. She quickly casted her Naryu's Love spell and blocked Raion. “Light of Heaven!”
Raion was hit from behind by Theorello's attack and was hit again by Azalea's Forest Cry. “We make a good team Azalea.” He complemented. Raion growled and looked up at Theorello. “So, you're the Sage of Light. I've been wanting to meet you Theorello.” Raion told him.
“Yes Raion and now I want you to give the rest of your companions a message for me. Tell them that Ganondorf will never be resurrected. Your efforts to bring him back are futile.”
Raion grinned and looked past Theorello at Azalea. She was vulnerable now. Moving with top speed, Raion dashed past Theorello and grabbed Azalea. “No!!! Theo help me!”
“He won't have you Azalea.”
Link, Azmara and Theorello jumped toward Raion and followed him into a black hole that he and created. When they landed, they were in a place that was covered by nothing but darkness. Azalea tried to run to Azmara but Raion held her in place. “I want the medallion!!!”
“Link help me!”
Link darted at Raion and wrestled him to the ground, giving Azalea to chance to flee. When she was safe, Theorello had opened a portal back home. “Azmara, get inside.”
“I'm not leaving without him. Take Azalea back. Go!!”
Theorello scooped Azalea up and hurried into the portal while Azmara waited for Link. When Link had finished fighting Raion, he rushed back to Azmara and took her hand. They jumped into the portal together but a shadow that looked like a hand had followed them and grabbed Link's foot. “Link!! Hold on I'll help you!!”
“No! Azmara you have to go! I won't let him take you!”
“But I don't want you to leave me! You promised that you'd protect me.”
The last thing Azmara saw was Link smile to her and say: “That's what I'm doing…”
Link released Azmara's hand and she flew back out of the portal and was reunited with Azalea and Theorello. Theorello helped her up from the ground and demanded that he tell him what happened to Link. “He's gone… They took him. Raion took him. He sacrificed himself to protect me. Link, oh god…” Azmara shook her head and sank to her knees. She felt that she had betrayed Link. She let the enemy have him. “I promise Link. I'll get you back. Just hold. I won't let you die...”
Lil Lovely Angel: Ok there we go!!! Hurry Azmara! Link's time is running short.