The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Milk & Honey ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"What?" Link said. "You?"

Zelda turned around in bed. "Mm-hm," she said with a serious countenance.

"Just now?"

"No," she smiled. "I think it happened a while ago."

Link backed out of bed, wearing only his pants. "You... you can't be pregnant."

Zelda sat up. "Haven't you noticed I haven't had my monthlies?"

"No, of course not. I never notice that thing," Link shouted. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Zelda shrugged. "You came in, and you were so happy and enthusiastic. I didn't want to ruin it. I totally forgot to tell you."

He felt that Zelda was expecting him to say something more, but his mind was blank. "Is... is it mine?"

Zelda stifled a giggle. "Of course it is. I wouldn't cheat on you."

"No. No, of course not." Link looked at his foot. "So... what does this mean?"

Zelda sighed. "It means I'll have to choose a suitor in at least two weeks."

"Two weeks?"

"The less time, the better. The wedding has to be in at least a month. Any later, and people will get suspicious of the baby's birthdate."

"They won't get suspicious that you've been rejecting suitors all this time, and you suddenly pick one now?"

"Better that than the alternative. I have to play the virginal queen. The model of upstanding behavior. If they find out otherwise, it would devastate the peace."

"Yeah, I suppose," Link said. He felt ten years old again. Meanwhile, Zelda was handling this with all the poise and composure that a queen--that a holder of the Triforce of Wisdom--would. "So I guess, once you get married, this whole thing is over."

"I'm afraid so," Zelda said. "But you knew that."

"I did?"

"You knew this was coming, didn't you? You knew this would happen eventually. How long did you expect this relationship to continue?"

"I... I don't know. I guess I didn't think about it."

"Hey, I don't like it anymore than you. But it is what it is and we've got to deal with this the best way we can."

Link had always thought his destiny with Zelda was intertwined, but not like this.

"So what do we do now?"

"I don't know. I guess we use the little time we have left. What do you want to do?"


Link rolled off of Malon, his dick making a wet slurch as he slid out of her sweaty cunt.

"By the goddesses," Malon said, "You are spectacular."

"Yeah," Link said, then regretted it. It made him sound full of himself, which was the exact opposite of how he felt.

"Oh, I can barely even feel the lower half of my body."

"Sorry," Link said.

"No, no, that's a good thing." She turned on her side towards him and traced designs over his bare chest. Link stared up at the ceiling.

He wanted her to say something like, "you seem lost" or "you look like you're thinking about something", or "is there something on your mind?" Not that he would have confessed the truth, but the gesture would have been nice. Zelda always asked questions like that.

"What, uh... what is this thing?" Link asked. "That we have?"

"What? Oh, I don't know." She rested her head on the crook of her elbow. "Why do we have to name it?"

"I guess... there's no reason."

"Why? You're not thinking of stopping are you?"

"No, no, I'm just a little confused. In life."

Link hoped that would open the door for more conversation. Instead, Malon said, "Whenever you leave, I'm always wondering when you're coming back. I get a little more addicted to you every time."

Link didn't know what to say to that. To be honest, it creeped him out a little.

"You know, sometimes at night, it gets lonely, and I start to touch myself."

Link felt a tingling in his loins as he thought of Malon lying in her bed, in the dark. A sick feeling suddenly overcame him.

"Listen, I have to go. There's a patch of skulltulas that's overgrowing in the Lost Woods I promised I'd take care of."

"Eugh," she shuddered. "You go ahead and do that."

Link smiled. "You sure you don't want to come with?"

"No, thank you. I may have no problem shoveling piles of cow dung, but I still can't take all those crawly legs."

He approached a nearby washtub and sponged off the top of his body.

"I should get dressed too. I've got work to do. You'll be back soon?"

"Sometime," Link said.

"Okay, not too long. Don't make a girl wait. Mm, especially for this." She rolled back along the covers, arms aloft, in ecstasy.

Link adjusted his belt and snuck down the stairs and left. All was quiet on the ranch. No one was in sight to have heard their shouts. Again, a perfect crime.

He walked out towards the ranch's entryway. Talon was hitching two carthorses up to a covered wagon. The back was filled with cages of clucking, flapping Cuccoos.

He saw Link before Link saw him. "Link!" He extended a beefy, hairy arm to him. "I had no idea you were here."

"Oh, uh, yeah," Link said. They shook hands.

"Well, dadgum. Where are you headed off to?"

Link stared at the back of his cart, trying to think of a location far away from him. "Cuc- Cuc- Kakariko Village."

"Great!" he said. "Same place these Cuccoos are going. Why don't you hop on? I'll give you a ride."

"Oh, well, actually, I'm going to stop by Zora's Domain first."

Talon threw back his head and laughed. "You know Zora River crosses the path to Kakariko from here." He clapped Link on the back. "Come on, join me. I'd be glad for the company."

"Sure. That'd be great." They both climbed onto the bench.

Talon picked up the reins and set them moving with a gruff "Yaah!" The horses strained at the cart, then started at a slow pace. Link's skin itched--he felt extremely uncomfortable sitting next to the father of the girl who had just sat on his face.

"Milk?" Talon offered Link a glass. "Fresh off the cow."

Link took the glass. He gasped after a long glug. "It's good."

"I always bring a cup or two. Makes the ride go faster." He looked up at the sky. "Ah, it's a good day today, isn't it? Nice and sunny."

"Yes. Sunny," Link said. He breathed out. There was no reason he couldn't talk to Talon. Link was friends with everyone in Hyrule.

"Couple more days like this, the grass will be just right for the cows. Nice and rich in nutrients."

"Yeah, that rain did good," Link said, easing into his seat. "Cows are gonna produce a lot of milk."

"Yep, here's hoping. Malon's going to have a lot of work on her hands. We all are."

"Yes, I suppose."

"It makes my heart glad to know that she'll be marrying a guy like you."

Link spit out his milk. "Wh- what?"

"What, you think I haven't known about you two? You know, you might be good at sneaking around, but Malon--I know my own daughter. I tell you, I really couldn't be prouder."

"I- I didn't-"

"I've always wanted her to marry a guy like you. And who's more of a guy like you than you?" He laughed. "The ranch needs more people like you. Strong. Trustworthy."

"I- I'm not- we're not getting married."

"What?" Talon almost dropped his reins.

"I mean, I never intended to marry her. Is that what she told you?"

"No, but I mean- I thought- under my own roof... You've been 'courting' her, haven't you?"

"I guess. If you mean what I think you mean." If Link jumped off the cart now, the wheels would crush him. Not a bad proposition at this point. "But I- we weren't even thinking about that sort of thing."

"Then what in tarnation were you thinking about?"

Link looked away.

"Oh," Talon grumbled. "That is... I see. That's what this is about."

Link tensed, preparing to be punched. But Talon continued to stare out into the field. He didn't look prone to violence.

"Seems to me," he said after a long pause. "That's not very noble of a young man. Back in my day, if we went a-courting, we used letters, songs, took 'em out to the dances. I mean, I know times are changing--I can't remember the last time I saw a poster for a town social--but... it's not respectful of a young woman's morals." Talon bit on these last words.

"It's still respectful," Link said. "It's just... different."

"But you've got no intentions toward her. You're just..." Talon swallowed. "I never thought a boy like you. I thought you were better than that."

"What... are you going to do anything about it?" Link couldn't think of a better way to phrase the question.

Talon shook his head. "I'm her father, not her prison guard. She's old enough now. She can make her own decisions. I sowed some wild oats in my day. Not like this, mind you. I guess the times are a-changin' indeed."

Link wanted to protest, but couldn't think of anything to say. First Zelda, now this. He thanked the goddesses when the cart pulled up to the bridge over Zora River.

"But I wish you'd reconsider. This is no life for you. You need to settle down. Find out where you want to go in life. You can't keep wandering all over Hyrule forever."

"No. I guess not."

Talon slowed the horses to a stop just before the bridge. "Think about it, kiddo. Decisions you make now will affect you the rest of your life."

With another "Yaah!" he set the horses moving again, leaving Link alone at the bridge. He glanced between Hyrule Castle, looming in the foggy distance, and Lon Lon Ranch across the way.

Link pulled out the ocarina and played a six note etude. A sparkling mist surrounded him, and Link disappeared. The mist sailed off into the sky.