Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ VanDread: Curiosity's Reward ❯ Dita joins in ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

VanDread Curiosity's Reward
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to VanDread or it's parent company GONZO, so don't ask me for copyrights or lawsuits.
Chapter 5
Dita joins in…
( ): Thoughts
In the Nirvana…
Parfait was very busy running some diagnostic checks on Jura's Dread as was requested by Magno to determine just what happened to the blonde Dread pilot's Dread in the last battle. The Harvesters had once more gone off to sleep and were no doubt planning something with which to strike their ship. While the crew kept themselves alert, they also took the time to properly relax in order to avoid battle stress that could very well inhibit their performance in a fight. For now, most of the crew took the time to unwind and relax as was needed to make sure that they were ready for anything.
Her engineering crew of course got some time off but this project couldn't wait as Magno and Buzam had asked her to determine just what had happened to Jura's Dread so they could see if it was possible for Dita and Meia's Dreads to do the same thing as well in order to make sure that the Nirvana had a chance to counter anything that the Harvesters might come up while they were apparently cutting down on their attacks.
So far the scans and diagnostics have shown the despite the increased power changes, there seemed to be no serious changes on the exterior of the Dread, but the internal systems seemed to have undergone a number of modifications that seemed to increase it's operational capabilities to very high levels. The whole thing mystified Parfait as the last time she had done some routine repairs on the Dread of the blonde Dread pilot, the modifications she found now were not there before.
“What exactly happened here?”
Parfait sighed for a moment or two and then continued her work, despite the extra time this work load demanded, this actually was very interesting and intriguing to the head engineer of the Nirvana. She always found the VanDreads to be highly fascinating machines as they were combined from a Dread and Vanguard, just as much as she found the Paeksis a very interesting machine to study.
“Anything so far?”
Parfait asked one of her fellow engineers who was running another diagnostic check on the Dread and the engineer who wore glasses as well replied.
“Nothing so far on the scanners Parfait, there seem to be no response to the electronic stimulus we sent in through the system.”
“Do you think Jura knows what happened to her Dread?”
Parfait shook her head at that. And wondered on how to explain the sudden changes and upgrades in the Dread when she had no idea how it happened, these were certainly unexpected bonuses and while she was not the kind of person to overlook a potential aid to battle, it was very much a wise plan to find out everything so there won't be any foul ups in the long run.
She then wondered if she would need to have both Jura and Hibiki combine their machines once more but not before she ran some sensors in the systems of both Jura's Dread and Hibiki's Vanguard in order to actually see and record the process in action, she had reviewed the combat footage time and again to make absolutely sure that she didn't miss anything that could prove to be a time saver.
However it seemed that since the crew were getting some down time, the head engineer could only wonder what was happening with the two said pilots. She felt a creak in her neck and wondered if she could pay Duero a visit.
In the galley…
Barnette was busy getting something to eat, namely some vegetable salad with olive oil dressing to satisfy her slight pangs of hunger. She wondered what was she going to do for today, she hoped that something exciting would happen soon and while she knew she could always grab Hibiki for some alone time, he was not around, and no doubt she already knew just where the young man was, and with who.
Not that she disliked the idea, after experiencing how it would be for a woman to be intimate with a man and how to get the seed of a man to have a baby in the old fashioned way, she was very much in approval of the idea, Jura might not be pregnant yet and neither was she, but she wouldn't mind taking her time on the matter.
As she thought about it, the memories came back her mind and she couldn't help but blush a bit more and she felt that maybe when this was all over, she could get some alone time with Hibiki, but if Jura was around, they could try the delicious threesome deal once more. The emerald haired woman had some rather interesting ideas on how to execute their next meeting as well when the chance came. For now she focused on eating her food and getting her strength back for any possible attack by the Harvesters as she was not in the mood to let her comrades and herself get caught with their pants down. As eh ate her food she spotted none other than Dita, Misty and meia who were no doubt planning to have a great meal for the day though she could see that Dita and Misty were wondering just where Hibiki had disappeared to.
The emerald haired woman wondered just how Dita will react when she was shown just how men and women would interact in a more romantic level with one another. She couldn't help but feel very interested to see just how would Dita and Hibiki react to one ano9ther, Dita was always thinking of Hibiki and while she still was somewhat confused by the feelings Dita showed when she was before Hibiki, there was no doubt in her mind that Dita had very deep feelings for the young man.
Now that he knew how much fun and pleasure could be found with being around women, Barnette couldn't help but wonder just how Hibiki would act around Dita and how would Dita react once Hibiki began to make the moves on her. The thought of the innocent redhead being subjected to the pleasure of being with a man made Barnette blush once more as she managed to hide it for now and she looked at Misty.
Misty was still busy teasing and antagonizing Dita but they were almost like bickering sisters when it involved Hibiki, she could tell that Misty was quite taken to Hibiki in some regard and since she was very much aware on how men and women interacted with one another in the past, Misty had an advantage over Dita, but now that Hibiki was aware of how men and women interacted with one another in the more physical sense, Barnette wondered just what would happen once Misty learned it.
That was certainly going to make things even more interesting on she ship, that much she knew could very well spice things up around here when the Harvesters were not around to make things miserable for them all and that was certainly a good thing, she then wondered what would happen once Misty and Dita found out that Hibiki was now comfortable around women. The idea of them fighting over him even more would certainly be the first thing on her mind, but they could even…
Barnette chuckled a bit at the thought that came into her mind, she then thought about Meia and wondered how would Meia react to the discovery of how men and women got intimate. It was kind of hard to picture meia and Hibiki doing the things she had done with Hibiki and what Jura had done with the man as well, but who knows what could happen if she did find out about it and that was going to be a very interesting sight, she also wondered if Hibiki would even agree to the idea of doing it with Meia.
As she thought about it even more, the emerald haired woman decided to finish her food and get some exercise done in the Nirvana's holographic shooting range in order to work out some of the stress that she was feeling and when she was done, then maybe she and Hibiki could have some time alone so they could have some fun and pleasure. She might not be able to say it out loudly, but she had a feeling she was getting addicted to the idea of having sex with a man…
And she liked it…
In a very much empty room…
Jura moaned out loudly as she and Hibiki were currently kissing the hell out of one another at the moment. The blonde Dread pilot was leaning on a nearby couch as Hibiki was right on top of her. Jura wanted to have this moment for the time being as she was getting all the more addicted to having sex with a man and while she would have considered it a bonus for the two of them to have Barnette with them to spice things up like before….doing so would have attracted unnecessary attention to their activities and now was not the right time…
Jura's thoughts on the matter was cut off for the time being as Hibiki moved to her breasts and massaged them and even sucked on her breasts and .nipples through the fabric of her dress and she cooed at the sensations that Hibiki was giving her. She then moved him away for a moment or two and then parted her dress to the side, exposing her full, firm, soft and hot breasts and nipples to the eager Talark youth who reciprocated by resuming his actions on her breasts and nipples once more, much to the blonde Megele woman's delight.
“Ahhh….that's it Hibiki….suck them slowly, run your tongue on them like that….yes!”
Hibiki did as Jura asked of him and the blonde was rewarding him with her moans and cries of pleasure the excited the young man all the more as he moved from her right breast to her left one and gave it the same attention as before and Hibiki could tell that from the way Jura was panting and the blush on her face in her cream white skin, she was enjoying this immensely as he did. He then moved to her lower parts and parted her dress and saw her wet vagina once more and her smelled the juices she was releasing.
He never got tired of that smell or the taste and he moved closer and then gave a kiss to Jura's patch of blonde fur and then licked her inner thighs and then made his way to her vagina and began to lick her clitoris and her vagina once more.
“Mmmm….right there, yes….”
Jura moaned out loudly at the pleasure that was hitting her body, she was getting even more addicted to this and she didn't care at all. This was enjoyable and very rewarding, not to mention she had grown quite attached to Hibiki and while Barnette was not that deeply attached to Hibiki, she could tell her friend was coming very close to that.
Hibiki continued licking and sucking Jura's vaginal lips and her clitoris and releasing more of her sweet moisture for him to lick up and he relished the taste of the blonde's sex a great deal and he pushed his tongue deeper into her vagina…much to Jura's contentment and pleasure.
The blonde relished this and she could tell that Hibiki was relishing this moment as well and as soon as she felt her orgasm coming she allowed Hibiki to continue with his actions on her vagina and then she screamed out a bit as she finally came fast and hard. She felt the release hit her body and bathe her nerves deep in pleasure and that was something she would never get tired of it at all. Jura looked at Hibiki and saw him lap up all of her juices, much to her excitement and she decided to even things up.
As soon as Hibiki was able to lap up as much of her juices as he could, she moved up and the made him lie down and she kissed him deeply, moaning at the taste that she got from his mouth and as soon as she was done kissing and licking her lover's face. She moved to his pants and with some quick movements, managed to part it as she could see the tent there and then moved aside his loin clothe quite easily and revealed Hibiki's hot hard and eager cock and she smiled warmly at that and allowed it to touch her face, making Hibiki moan as the sight of Jura rubbing his cock with her face as the sight was VERY erotic to him for a reason.
Jura smiled and began to kiss his cock slowly and then ran her tongue on his cock and gently licked his cock from top to base and the blonde smiled at the way Hibiki was blushing at her actions, she found it very arousing and as she continued to lick Hibiki's cock she moved from the sides to the tip and slowly took in Hibiki's cock into her mouth and as soon as she was ready, she began to move her head and Hibiki released a groan at the pleasure that was flooding his body at the moment as he tightened his grip on the couch and held on tightly as Jura's motions were driving him to the brink.
Hibiki relished this and ran his hands on Jura's long blonde hair and the blonde approved of his actions by moaning and the sensations were enough to make Hibiki even more aroused. Jura relished that and so did Hibiki as he moaned even more while holding her hair. It was not long before Jura's actions on Hibiki's cock was enough to finally make the Talark youth shout out his release.
The blonde moved back as Hibiki's cock shook and his seed came out, much to her delight as some of it hit her face as well as on her lips and cheeks, some hit her exposed breasts as well as her nipples and then she took Hibiki's cock deeply into her mouth and took in her lover's seed, still loving the taste that Hibiki's seed had in it.
As she swallowed his seed, Hibiki watched Jura as she began to use her hands to clean her face and licked the seed off her fingers, both for her own pleasure and his own benefit and the sight of that made him feel even more aroused as well. Jura then cleaned her breasts gently and then her nipples.
As soon as she was done, she moved and was on top of Hibiki, smiled seductively at him and then leaned in and both of them kissed one another.
Jura moaned as they kissed one another once more and it was not long before the two were eager for another round and a far more serious one. However, Jura decided to slow things down for the moment as she had some plans to iron out. She had a plan involving Dita and now was the right time to get those things into action.
She moved away and spoke to Hibiki.
“We need to stop for now…”
“Again? I wish you wouldn't do that.”
Jura gave a sympathetic look at the look of disappointment on Hibiki's face, she was also disappointed in her decision as well, but she had a plan that she needed to follow through and besides, it was high time she got it underway, there would always be other times after all.
“I know….but I plan to tell someone how to do this with you.”
“You already know Hibiki…”
Hibiki's eyes widened as he quickly got an idea on just who Jura was referring to.
“You mean you're going to tell…?”
“Am I going to tell Dita about how to pleasure a man and woman? Yes I am so I need you to relax and wait for the moment okay, this will not be easy for you and believe me Hibiki, nothing would make me happier than to have another chance to be with you in a more private setting, but it's time Dita learns how to make you happy.”
Hibiki thought about and replied.
“All right then Jura, we'll do this your way.”
Jura smiled and kissed Hibiki and then when the kiss ended, she replied.
“Don't sound so sullen Hibiki, I taught you enough on how to be with women right? Besides, now you don't have to wonder what you're going to do once you're in Dita's room right?”
Hibiki had to agree with Jura and the blonde managed to fix herself up and so did Hibiki and before they left the room, Jura kissed Hibiki deeply while making sure that no one else saw that in order to make sure that it was kept a secret.
Dita was busy tidying up Hibiki's room like she normally did and she was enjoying these things as it helped her feel closer to Hibiki, the first time she did this, she got into trouble with Hibiki through a misunderstanding, but this time they were on much better terms so she was happy that she could have the time in order to maker sure that Hibiki's room was kept clean and neat.
Like all women, she was not a big fan of a mess and knowing that she was making sure that Hibiki was not in danger of having a very dirty room to sleep it which could make him vulnerable to germs was all she needed to be her reason to be there in this moment. Hibiki was not around and she wondered just where he was at this moment.
“Cleaning Hibiki's room Dita?'
Dita turned and there was Jura who was smiling at her and she smiled back at the blonde Dread pilot as she continued to tidy up her Mr. Alien's room.
“Yeah! I want to make sure that his room is completely tidy so he won't always get sick from all the dirt and dust.”
Jura smiled at that as she could see that Dita was very serious about being a good person for Hibiki as she wanted to show to Hibiki that she was a good person, not to mention the fact that she wanted to finally get the chance to get Hibiki into visiting her room at some point in this journey, Jura smiled as she knew that now she had a chance to help her comrade and friend, she and Dita might not always be on the same page at times and her cheerfulness did annoy her on a few occasions. However Jura appreciated Dita's ability to make things a lot better with her compassion, kindness and smile.
And now that she knew enough on how to make things even better for Hibiki and Dita, the blonde decided to go and make her move as Dita finished her work and gave a war smile and stated that her work was all done.
“By the way Dita, how is it trying to convince Hibiki to come out and go to your room?”
Dita gave a slight frown and replied.
“It's not been easy, Mr. Alien still doesn't want to come to my room for some time, I wish I knew some way to convince him to come to my room.”
Jura smiled as she and Dita made their way to her room and she wondered just what Barnette was up to at the moment, the emerald haired woman was already informed by her earlier that she now was placing her plan into action and Barnette was very interested to see the outcome of her plan but she decided to keep Hibiki company for a while until she was done setting things up with Dita.
And now was the right time to spring the trap.
“By the way Dita, I did some digging up and found myself a collection of old videos and books that talked about how things were back in the day when men and women lived together.”
Dita looked at Jura with some surprise and she spoke.
“Really?! Can I see them, maybe I can use them to finally convince Mr. Alien to come to my room!!!”
Jura smiled and replied, hoping that she was doing this right.
“Sure, as soon as your finished, you can check them out, but are you ready to do those things that are there in the materials I found Dita?”
Dita nodded and replied.
“I want to make Mr. Alien like me more and make him happy, I'll do whatever those materials say in them Jura, so can you show them to me, please?”
Dita looked so happy and also so eager that for a moment, Jura wondered if this was a good idea, seeing as how Dita wanted to do this, but she could tell that Dita wouldn't take no for an answer and she was more than willing to see this through, this was her plan after all and now that the pieces were moving, there was no time to think about ending the game early.
“All right, when you are done, we can get to seeing those materials.”
“All right! Thank you so much Jura! I am really happy you're showing me this stuff on how to get Mr. Alien to come to my room!”
Jura smiled at that and while Barnette was delaying Hibiki, her friend was doing the delaying move in a way that both she and Hibiki were going to enjoy very much anyway.
In another room….
Hibiki was moaning out loudly as Barnette was there in front of him and he was sitting down on a chair and the emerald haired woman was there before him and had her breasts exposed and she had placed his cock between her well formed and large breasts and the feel of it all made Hibiki's blood pressure rise even higher as he watched Barnette move her body up and down as her breasts caressed his cock all over the sides.
Barnette blushed and she couldn't help but feel very aroused at what she was doing with Hibiki at the moment as she felt her vagina begin to get wet. The emerald haired woman knew that she had to delay Hibiki for a while to make sure that Dita was unaware of anything for the time being. She waited for Hibiki to leave the men's bathing room and without saying anything but giving him a very seductive and sly look that he returned, she took him to nearby room and here they were. The two of them stared out by kissing one another very deeply and then as soon as that was out of the way, she allowed Hibiki to play with her breasts as she pulled own the front of her suit and exposed her breasts.
Hibiki had wasted no time in pleasuring her breasts and she blushed at the pleasure that was hitting her at that moment. Hibiki had grown a lot better in figuring out how to properly pleasure her nipples and breasts with hands, fingers, tongue, and mouth and that made her all the more eager to have her turn as she allowed him to play with her breasts and as soon as she felt she was ready, she tried this technique that Jura told her was very effective in making a man even more willing and eager to pleasure her…and it seemed that Jura was once more right on the money.
As the two of them continued with their actions, Barnette licked the tip of Hibiki's cock and the Talark teen moaned out even louder at the pleasure he was getting from her and that excited the emerald haired woman even more and she couldn't help but move her hands down to her vagina which she knew was already very wet and she rubbed her fingers in that spot and she felt her body quickly react to the stimulus and she moaned, and the vibrations of that action on his cock's head was enough to make Hibiki shout out even more and he finally reached his limits as he came fast and hard.
Barnette moved her breasts away and opened her mouth and took in Hibiki's cock all the way to the base and she moaned as she felt his seed spill into her mouth and she relished the taste of it all as it flowed out of Hibiki's cock and into her mouth and on her tongue and she moved away and as soon as she reached her limit, she moved his cock out of her mouth and some of the still coming seed hit her breasts, chest and lower face and she smiled at the look of utter pleasure on Hibiki's face. She was asked to delay Hibiki and what better way than this?
She swallowed his seed and used her free hand to remove his seed on her face and her breasts and licked her hand clean while using her other hand that was occupying her vagina and her clitoris and allowed Hibiki to lick it as well and he eagerly did so, licking her fingers clean of her juices…much to her own pleasure and his as well. Barnette moaned and then stood up and placed her left foot on a chair, exposing herself to Hibiki and she reached for the release latch to her dress and pressed it, she then removed her dress but not her gloves or her boots, exposing herself to Hibiki and there was something about this whole situation that excited her greatly.
And the same could be said for Hibiki as well as he looked at Barnette with absolute passion, desire, and more. The image of her wearing only her gloves and boots, while being naked was very arousing. He moved closer and then made Barnette sit down on the table and he moved forward to kiss her deeply and she responded to that and he played with her breasts once more with his hands.
After a few minutes of kissing Barnette, the Talark youth made his move to her breasts and played with them and used his mouth and tongue on her right breast and nipple first and then he would move to her other breast and nipple, making Barnette moan out louder, he then moved his hands to her vagina and could see that she was very wet and that made him smile as he used his fingers to pleasure her clitoris and that was enough to get a great deal of reaction from Barnette as she moaned out rather loudly.
Barnette enjoyed this as she allowed Hibiki to pleasure her breasts with his mouth and tongue as well as her vagina and her clitoris, she would never get over the fact that it was so good and felt so right to be doing this with a man, though doing it with Jura was just as entertaining as well. She moaned out more as Hibiki used his mouth, tongue, and hands to make her feel even more moisture and heat come out of her body and that was something that she was enjoying for all it was worth.
Hibiki likewise was enjoying this immensely as he licked and played with Barnette's breasts and nipples as he played with her vagina and clitoris and then used his previous experience and explored Barnette's inner sheath and moved his fingers there and moved them in and out and moving them in different angles as well, this allowed him to find Barnette's most sensitive place, making Barnette moan even louder.
“YES!!! THAT'S IT!!!!”
Hibiki moved away from Barnette's breasts but not before moving them together and then sucking them to the point that Barnette shouted out in joy at that. He moved to Barnette's vagina and started licking her clitoris and vagina, while using his fingers to pleasure both her vagina, clitoris and her g-spot. Barnette loved that and held Hibiki's head and pressed him closer to her vagina and he didn't complain at all as he wanted to make sure that Barnette would once more be screaming his name, he was getting quite aroused by the idea of a woman screaming his name in pleasure and release. With that in mind, the Talark teen did his best to pleasure Barnette and bring her to her own release. Due to the fact that Hibiki had done this with Barnette and number of times, he was able to know just how to aim for the right spots for making Barnette feel the deep and strong pleasure that he knew that she wanted.
It was not long before Barnette finally reached her limits as she arched her back and shouted out her pleasure as she came hard.
Barnette arched her back as she came hard and she felt Hibiki lap up her released juices as well as her vagina and clitoris, she sighed and blushed deeply as her heart was beating very fast at that moment. She looked to see Hibiki lapping up her juices thoroughly and she felt the Talark teen's tongue on her sex and she loved it deeply.
Hibiki lapped up all of Barnette's juices and then moved up and then felt his cock go back and she gave Barnette a very serious and aroused look.
“I am ready…are you?”
Barnette sighed as she felt the residual effects of her orgasm and she could see that Hibiki was in the mood for another go at it and while she was VERY tempted to indulge him and herself at this point and time, she knew that Hibiki would need all the strength he had when the time came for him to be with Dita and if she continued with this, there was a chance that the two's promised night together was not going to happen, with that in mind, she reluctantly replied.
“Not right now Hibiki, Jura asked me to delay you until she was able to talk to Dita…and I think that they are already done.”
“They are/'
Barnette nodded as she got off the place she was in before and got her dress on, and thankfully it was not damaged or torn in any fashion, and she got dressed and was back to her regular appearance, and that was enough to convince Hibiki to relax and get ready and he got himself fully dressed again. As they moved out of the room and looked about. Barnette turned and kissed Hibiki hard on the lips and she whispered to him.
“Treat Dita well.”
In Jura's room…
Dita couldn't help but blush bright red to the point that her face matched her hair as she looked at the videos that Jura told her would help her find ways to make her Mr. Alien happy. The redhead was at first very surprised by all that she was seeing, but she then began to feel a fiery hot sensation flood her body and sensations of electricity run through her nerves and then up and down her spine.
Jura could tell that Dita was very curious as she had not reacted badly to the very first tape that they had seen and since Dita had requested to see more tapes, that told the blonde Dread pilot that Dita was more than ready and eager to see just how to make a man happy. She knew that she would have to tell Dita that this was how men and women of the past actually had children at some point but she couldn't help but be amused by Dita's awed expression. She had started it off by giving her some books that highlighted the way to approach a man in a way that was not very threatening to a man's sense of privacy, Dita read the books and was smiling at some of the ideas she could use and when Dita was sufficiently interested, that was when she revealed the tapes.
As the tape was over, Jura saw the deep blush on Dita's face and with that sign, she decided to venture the question slowly to make sure that she was right in getting Dita into this sort of thing that she and Barnette had done with Hibiki already.
“So how do you like that Dita?”
Dita looked at Jura and spoke.
“Is that how…men and women, act when they are in a room together?”
“Some do, others just chat and have some personal time, but a good portion of women and men who were couples as far as I've heard do this together, it makes things all the more important to them.”
Dita was silent and Jura spoke to her, hoping to see just what her reaction was.
“Dita….are you sure you want to do this with Hibiki? I mean, this is kind of serious and as far as you've seen it can be very pleasurable for both man and woman, but this sort of thing is very new to you, so are you ready for that?”
Dita smiled and replied.
“I want to make Mr. Alien happy and if that is what I need to do, I'll do it, every time I see him, I feel this ache…”
“Ache? What ache Dita?”
Dita pointed to her chest where her heart was and replied.
“I feel it here Jura whenever I see Mr. Alien…and it's not just here…”
Dita then moved to her lower belly…
“But here too…”
And then to Jura's surprise, Dita touched her skirt in the area where her vagina was and she saw the redhead blush to the point her face was as red as her hair and she spoke softly.
“And finally here, I feel this ache when I look at Mr. Alien now and seeing this made it ache even more, if I feel this for him, I want to make him feel it too, I want to do what I saw with him…”
(Damn….that is it, Dita is 100% in love with Hibiki, this is going to be something that even I had never hoped for. Hibiki, you are going to be in for the ride of your life!)
Jura managed to relax and decided to tell Dita about how she could go about inviting Hibiki to her room and she had high hopes that it would all go well for Dita and Hibiki and since Misty was still there working on navigational charts and information with Gascogne and with Buzam, the blonde knew that they had plenty of time on how to set things up without interference.
In the Vanguard Hanger Bay
Hibiki was busy doing a maintenance check for his Vanguard and wondered just what he was going to do now after what he had done with Jura and Barnette, he might not have gone all the way through with either but they had made him all the more eager to do it once more. He then thought about what Jura and Barnette had said about him saving himself for Dita tonight and the thought of having sex with Dita made him all the more aroused and it had taken quite a degree of control for him to avoid alerting anyone in the ship to what was going on.
The thought of doing that with Dita was very different to him for some reason, it was not bad or anything, but it felt….special. The same could be said when he had done it with Jura and then with Barnette and then with both of them but with Dita, it was very different in some respects and even more so since despite her antics, he always found something in Dita that was very nice to his senses and also she was kind and brave….every admirable qualities in any man's eyes, even more so when she had been more than willing to stop Rabat herself from trying to steal his Vanguard all those months before. And she was nice to look at….or rather VERY nice…
Ever since he had gone and developed an appreciation for the female form, both when clothed, partially clothed and utterly naked, he had been looking at many of the women in the ship in a totally different fashion, he would usually ignore the women in the past and try to avoid them, but now he would be seen staring at them carefully and carefully avoided attracting attention to himself to make sure that no one knew that was going on at the moment in his head. He would stare at Jura and Barnette, as well as Dita and more besides…
Hibiki felt his body react as his fantasies came back, doing it with Jura, then Barnette, then both at the same time, and then with Dita…
At that exact moment, the Talark teen was broken from his thoughts when a certain redhead came into the Hanger Bay carrying some food. He looked at Dita and smiled in greeting, he had a feeling that apart from giving him some good food to feed him, which he enjoyed a great deal, there was another, deeper reason as to why Dita was here.
As he was able to eat the food, Dita watched him and began to have really interesting and hot ideas on how she could be able to do the things she had seen and decided to wait for Hibiki to finish his food and when she was sure that he was fed and ready, she would make her move.
And she didn't have to wait very long as Hibiki had now finished his food and she decided to ask the question once more.
“Mr. Alien…can you come to my room?”
Hibiki thought it over, or he pretended to think it over as he looked at Dita seriously, he knew that while this was a bad move to be testing Dita like this because she was a kind person, he couldn't resist it and saw the hope in her eyes, and he gave her a full look as well, already trying to picture what she would look like once stripped of her clothes, the idea made him feel very much aroused and it was testing him to breaking point at the moment, but he kept his cool and when he was ready, he replied.
“What's there in your room anyway?”
“There's some very nice stuff I want you to see….plus, I want to show you something that you might like.”
Hibiki had a very good idea but decided to play along as well and he nodded, and he couldn't help but try his best to hide the smile he had on his face as Dita smiled very much at his agreement. He knew that this was going to be a very interesting night for the two of them, and in truth, he could hardly wait to see just what Dita had been able to learn from watching those videos in Jura's room.
In Dita's room…
(So this is what her room looks like.)
Hibiki had to admit that he could now see just what was it that fascinated Dita with aliens as there were all manner of alien related memorabilia there. From toys, to figures, pictures and more besides, there was everything related to aliens and more. Of course the room was very much like a normal room, there was a table, living space and abed as well. The room was also clean and very orderly despite the slight clutter in Dita's collection of alien memorabilia.
He turned and there was Dita who blushed at him and walked over to his side, as she had allowed him to look her room over first as she got her plans in order. As soon as she was done, she decided to take it slowly first and showed Hibiki some of the things that she had collected over the years since she had developed a fascination with aliens.
As soon as that was over, the redhead Megele woman made her move on Hibiki.
“Mr. Alien….if I told you I know some things, to make you happy being with a woman, w-would you let me do them to you?”
Hibiki gave a confused look and replied.
“What sort of things?”
Dita moved forward and kissed Hibiki on the cheek and Hibiki gave her a surprised look, still playing along and he touched his face and spoke.
“What was that for?”
“It's one of the things I learned on how to make a man happy being with a woman, was that bad for you?”
Hibiki shook his head and Dita smiled, seeing that she was on the right track, she took this in stride and replied.
“If you kiss me too, then I can show you more, but only if you let me.”
(Lemon Time!)
Dita had no time to react as Hibiki moved closer to her and then gently kissed her on the cheek and she couldn't help but blush bright red and she couldn't help herself as well as she reached for Hibiki and held his head as the two began to kiss one another deeply and slowly. Hibiki relished the feel of Dita's tongue and mouth and the taste of the redhead as well. The two kissed each other deeply and then Hibiki gently prodded Dita to use her tongue. Dita shyly did so and she moaned out loudly at the sensations that quickly ran up her body when she felt her tongue touch and move alongside Hibiki's tongue.
“Mmm, Mr. Alien….”
Hibiki still despised that name, but when he heard it being spoken in that very demure, sultry, and innocent manner of arousal made him all the more eager and he kissed her even more deeply, taking the time to find the right spots to pleasure Dita, as Jura had told him to take time getting to know how to touch and caress Dita properly to make her all the more aroused and eager. It was hard work, but he hardly considered it either a chore or boring, or even tiring. It was tiring in a way,….but utterly rewarding in all senses!!
“You like this?”
“Yes!!! Kiss me more!!!!”
Hibiki complied and then reached with his hands and removed the tiara that Dita usually wore on her head and then ran his hands on her hair, marveling at how soft and silky the hair was, and he had to give the women credit for taking good care of themselves in this regard, but beauty treatments aside, he made his way to her back and then to her sides, allowing his hands to touch her sides and her hips, which were exposed at the moment as her outfit left a good deal of her body utterly exposed to his hands. And he was more than ready to explore Dita's body thoroughly as they continued to kiss one another. Dita likewise removes Hibiki's own hair piece which was his cloth band and it was not long before they separated and Dita was panting deeply and Hibiki was as well.
However Dita decided to take the initiative and removed her jacket and she was now in her tank top and the redhead was blushing even more as she sat down on her bed and Hibiki decided to do something that would help Dita relax even more as he wanted her to be at her very relaxed for her to properly enjoy this moment between the two of them. He moved down and removed her boots and then held her feet and began to massage them.
Dita made her pleasure very obvious as she felt Hibiki's hands on her feet and his actions were very strong and gentle as well, she had no idea Hibiki was this good massaging someone's feet and it made her very happy with the fact that he was massaging her feet to make her feel even more relaxed, it touched her heart that Hibiki was doing this for her. The redhead smiled and she decided to remove her top and did just that.
Hibiki smiled even more hungrily at the sight as he looked up to see Dita remove her top to expose her own full and well formed, perky breasts and he saw that her nipples and areoles were very much deep red as her hair color and to see her breasts free from the confines of her top was very arousing for the Talark youth and he was more than ready and eager to take this to the very next level but decided to keep his plans to pleasure Dita on hold as he made his way to her calves and make her all the more relaxed and he would be able to finally aim for her vagina and clitoris, this would make sure that Dita would enjoy it, he would pleasure her breasts afterwards and he was eager to see just how Dita would look in the grip of an orgasm.
“Mr. Alien, you're so good at this….”
Hibiki smiled as Dita's face was red from her blushing and he couldn't help but move his hands to her calves and began to massage them as well and Dita moaned as sensations of relaxation and pleasure flowed up and down her spine. The Talark teen then made his move even more obvious as he reached for her skirt and fumbled a bit as her skirt had the latches in a different location than the others, but he was surprised to find that Dita's short skirt had a special elastic that was very easy to stretch and as he pulled, the skirt flowed off Dita's hips and he saw her very shapely lower form and it made him ache with want as well. He then looked to see that she wore black panties, and that somehow excited him to no end and he could see that it was very much wet as he pulled the last bit of clothe that covered Dita from his sight and he saw the small patch of red hair and the sight of her vagina already wet was enough to get him even more aroused and he could feel it in his body.
With that in mind, he removed his clothes, starting with his shirt, then his boots, pants, and then his upper body suit and finally his loincloth, finally exposing himself to Dita who was gasping at the sight of her Mr. Alien utterly naked before her.
Dita couldn't help but see the tan in his skin and saw the muscles that were very much hardened by the Spartan existence that Hibiki had been in for a very long time as a citizen of the all male planet of Talark, she couldn't help but find the image of a man with well formed and balanced muscles VERY appealing to her and that made her wonder even more at what else could there be about Mr. Alien. She saw the muscles on his arms, his shoulders, his chest and stomach, it was hard and yet well formed muscles, she could see that men had no breasts like women did but that certainly didn't mean that she didn't find it attractive, it was something that continued to excite her and she felt the need to touch him, and even taste his skin. Dita wanted to do it so badly, but she wanted Hibiki to enjoy this too so she allowed him to continue with his actions on her body as it seemed that Hibiki was more than happy to pleasure her to her own limits.
Hibiki made his move as he went closer and began to kiss Dita's legs, staring at her calves and to her knees, kissing them and made Dita blush even more at the sensations and he then made his way to her thighs and ran his hands on then and kissed them as well as run his tongue on them slowly and gently and that made Dita pant even more in pleasure at the sensations that were flooding her body as she felt Hibiki's hands, lips and tongue on her thighs and the pleasure was driving her to the brink as Hibiki moved every bit closer to her vagina and she was so aroused as he looked at her in such a way that made her all the more excited.
“Ahh….Mr. Alien, I feel so hot….”
Hibiki smiled as he finally reached her vagina and he took a good whiff of her juices and found them to be very good to his nose and he kissed her outer vaginal lips and Dita wailed out loudly in pleasure and Hibiki kissed her again to see just how far she could get and Dita continued to cry out in pleasure and the bliss she had in her face was telling Hibiki that she was very sensitive there and when he licked her clitoris, he got a very arousing reaction.
Dita screamed out loudly in pleasure as she felt the sensation run all over her body. She was always sensitive in that particular part of her body and she knew it, and the way Hibiki was touching that part of her body with his tongue was making her all the more eager to do the things she had seen in the videos that Jura had shown her, the pleasure and joy in the faces of the women she saw there made her so aroused and now that she was feeling the pleasure herself, it was intoxicating in a very good way to her mind.
Hibiki continued his actions and then ran his tongue on Dita's vagina and her clitoris and her body reacted as he tasted her juices and found them to be very delicious to his taste buds and he licked even more of the juices up, much to Dita's utter delight on the matter and she was moaning out very loudly at the pleasure that was hitting her senses. Hibiki on the other hand was enjoying the feel of Dita's vagina on his tongue as well as her taste. He then continued to lick her clitoris deeply making Dita pant out loudly and scream out her pet name for him in absolute pleasure.
“MR. ALIEN!!!”
Dita came fast and hard and Hibiki was more than ready and willing to take a good taste of her juices as she opened his mouth to get as much as he could managed, Dita was panting out loudly in pleasure and joy as the sensations hit her fast and hard, the way it felt to her was so empowering that she was hungry for more and then thought about how the women in the videos paid back their male companions in the videos she had been able to see in Jura's room and she decided to try this out as soon as she was able to get it into mind.
Hibiki moved up and then kissed Dita, making her moan as she tasted her own juices and he moved away and began to kiss his way to her breasts while kissing and licking her neck and collar bone. As soon as he arrived to her breasts, he began to lick and suck on her breasts and then to her nipples, starting with Dita's left nipple and the redhead could only shout out in absolute pleasure and bliss as the sensations flooded her body once more. She leaned on the bed and allowed Hibiki to be on top of her as he continued to lavish his attention on her breasts once more.
Dita was in heaven and she couldn't help but cry out in pleasure.
Hibiki continued to kiss, suck and lick Dita's breasts and nipples and she was more than happy to show her pleasure as she blushed deeply and was panting as well as moaning out her desire for more, Hibiki then moved one of free hands and went back to Dita's vagina and seeing that she was once more releasing moisture and he soaked his hand in it and played once more with Dita's clitoris. He got the results easily as Dita moaned out very loudly at the pleasure that was mixing now with the pleasure in her upper body. He continued to pleasure Dita with his hand on her clitoris and vagina and his lavish attention on her breasts and nipples with his mouth and the Talark youth was enjoying the way Dita would make her cries of pleasure evident and also the way she would move below him, it was intoxicating for him in many respects.
It was not long before his actions licking and sucking her breasts and then making his move on her clitoris and vagina would make Dita orgasm once more.
Hibiki looked at Dita and nodded.
“Thank you….”
Dita moved on top of Hibiki as it was now her turn to pleasure him and she hoped that she could do a very good job to pay him back for making her feel all that pleasure twice in the same day and since she was now aware of how to pleasure a man, she was more than willing and eager to go and give Hibiki the very same pleasure. She started slowly by kissing him deeply first and then she moved to his collarbone and began to lick and kiss his skin and then tried doing the same thing he had done to her breasts.
Dita had to admit that it was a bit different doing this to a man and she hoped that he was doing it right. As soon as she reached Hibiki's nipples, she licked them carefully and gently and as soon as she did so, Hibiki gave out a groan of pleasure and that prodded Dita on to do even more to make her Mr. Alien happy. She continued with her actions and then moved her hands to his cock.
Dita marveled at the tube she had heard so many rumors about and she gently ran her hands on it and felt the smoothness of the shaft, the heat coming from it and the tip which was soft as well, the muscle there was hard as well and she moved to Hibiki's testicles and played with them and the moved closer and kissed Hibiki's stomach and licked his skin gently and as she arrived at his cock, she took a deep breath and relaxed herself. She was rarely the nervous type, but being around Hibiki always had this effect on her body and her mind and this was no different. She relaxed and started her gentle and slow assault.
Hibiki hissed out silently as Dita began to move her hands up and down his cock slowly and then gently kissing his cock in such a way that totally blew his mind. It was pleasurable indeed, and in a way similar to the times Jura and Barnette had done this to him, yet different and unique, maybe the reason why it was like that was that Dita was the first woman he had ever met. He looked at Dita and couldn't help but moan out loudly. Dita reacted to that sound and looked at him worriedly.
“Mr. Alien! Are you hurt?!”
“No….please….do it again.”
Dita nodded and continued to run her hands slowly up and down while kissing Hibiki's cock with her lips and then she tried tasting it with her tongue and she was getting the hang of this action quite well and the fact was that she was getting to like the taste of Hibiki's skin on his cock on her tongue and then as she was done licking every corner of it, she looked Hibiki square in the eyes and smiled as she spoke to him.
“Prepare yourself Mr. Alien!”
Despite the fact that he had felt it before with Jura and Barnette, Hibiki was amazed at how Dita took his cock into her mouth and with some considerable skill, it was as if she was experienced with this and since there was no way there could a living breathing man for her to practice on, Hibiki wondered if she had talent for this sort of thing…not that he was complaining in the least as Dita took his cock deeper into her mouth and the pleasure ran up his body like a lighting bolt down a lightning rod.
Dita couldn't help but feel comfortable with this as she took in more of Hibiki's cock into her mouth as she relaxed herself and took it in stride, she didn't know why but she felt very much at ease with doing this and it felt even more comfortable and hot for her as she was doing this to Hibiki and when she thought about how he had pleasured her previously, she hoped that she would be able to pay him back for the wonderful bliss and release of orgasm that he had given her before. She calmed down as she took him all in and then began to move her tongue around it, caressing it carefully and hearing Hibiki's gasps and moans of pleasure told her that she was doing very well for her very first try at this.
(Maybe I am a natural at this sort of thing? I hope I can make Mr. Alien happy with this.)
She placed those thoughts out of her mind for the time being and focused on getting a feel of this and when she did, she began to move her head and made sure not to use her teeth so she wouldn't hurt Hibiki, like it said in the books she read, she wanted to make Hibiki happy as well and from the sounds he was making, she could tell that she was doing all right at the moment and that made Dita very happy as she began to take control and move at a much better pace than before and she licked Hibiki's cock with her tongue and did it carefully to make sure that he was going to love it.
Hibiki was enjoying this greatly as he leaned back on the bed and allowed Dita to do what she liked at this moment, he looked at her and saw her red hair on the bed and her head moving up and down his hips with his cock in her mouth and a deep blush on her face, the sight of that was something that he thought he would never see and it was making him all the more eager to make his move as his breathing and pulse rate climbed higher by the second, but he calmed down and allowed Dita to have her way and he shouted for her pleasure as well.
“That feels good!!! Right there!!!”
Dita continued with her actions and even used her hands to caress Hibiki's testicles gently and her actions, while slower were very nice to Hibiki and he made his pleasure known as he shouted out cries of pleasure but he also massaged her head to make sure she was relaxed at this moment and time and Dita moaned at that and the vibrations of her moans made it's way to Hibiki's cock and made it even more active as Hibiki cried out even more at the pleasure that was hitting his senses.
It was not long before Hibiki finally reached his limits and he came fast and hard.
Dita finally felt Hibiki's cock twitch in her mouth as she was moving back and she got a mouth full of her lover's seed and as soon as she tasted the thick, hot, and somewhat sweet liquid, she found it to be very much something that she could get used to very quickly as she took in even more of Hibiki's seed and as soon as she could take as much as she could, she moved away, taking every last drop. She moved it in her mouth and then swallowed it and blushed even more as she felt it move through her body at that moment.
Hibiki was awed by that as no matter how many times he had seen that happen, he could never get tired of it at all and seeing Dita do it was a thrill that he would never get tired of for as long as he lived at this point and time. As soon as she was done she smiled at him and replied.
“You're seed, it tastes nice Mr. Alien.”
Hibiki smiled a bit while blushing and Dita then lay down and parted her legs, allowing him to see her vagina once more and see that it was wet and eager for him at this moment and she spoke to him.
“Mr. Alien….please come here.”
Hibiki did so and Dita blushed even more and he couldn't help but find the sight very attractive to him and she spoke.
“Can you…put your tube there….in my vagina?”
“You want that?”
Dita nodded and spoke.
“You made me happy, and I made you happy, so can we do this to make each other happy Mr. Alien?”
By all accounts, Dita was the quintessential virgin, even by Megele standards, she had been educated about the matters when she was a girl as part of her mandatory education, but in this situation, it was quite different, as like Jura and Barnette, this was her first time as well, and not to mention she had never been with a woman herself as well. She however felt this hunger grow and she wanted Hibiki to be the one to help her feed this hunger in her body.
Hibiki pushed his cock deeply into Dita's vagina and he groaned a bit at the wetness, tightness, heat and softness of her vaginal walls surrounding his cock like a vice and he couldn't help but feel even more excited as he pushed in deeper, he then reached the symbol of Dita's virginity and that were barrier and he looked at her and she saw it and replied to his unspoken question.
“I'll be fine.”
Hibiki however knew better and he moved gently back and gave Dita a sad look at the thought of causing her pain, he never wanted to hurt Dita after all that they had done together as that would have been very unfair of him, but seeing as how there was no other way, he pushed hard and broke the barrier.
Dita yelped in pain and some tears threatened to flood out of her eyes, but Hibiki gently removed them with his hand, making her smile and gasp at how gentle Hibiki was with her at the moment and it touched her heart to know that he cared for her this much and she then felt the pain and discomfort begin to fade away and was quickly replaced by a much deeper hunger and desire for something that she felt only Hibiki could give her at this moment and time.
“Mr. Alien….I feel something, I need you to move….I feel…”
Hibiki however was already aware of what it was that Dita wanted and he waited until he was sure, and began to move by moving his hips back and pulling out of Dita's vagina, she gasped at the sensations and then he pushed back into her and she gave a cry of pleasure that dispelled her pain and she spoke to him.
Dita couldn't help but feel the need to feel that once more, it was a sensation that truly made her feel more alive than anything she had ever felt before, and to know that Hibiki was giving her those feelings made her feel a bond to him that was not ever going to go away for as long as she was alive and breathing.
Hibiki moved slowly to make sure that Dita was used to the sensations despite his body screaming to him to go even further, he wanted this moment to be something that Dita would enjoy for the rest of her night with him in her room and when she was ready for more, he began to pick up the pace and Dita relished that as she cried out very loudly.
Dita shouted out as Hibiki continued to move his cock in and out of her deep and wet vagina and she was in heaven, the way this felt seemed to send these feelings all throughout her body that told her that this was right and this was correct, if this was wrong, why did it feel so good if it was wrong? She held onto Hibiki's shoulders as more waves of pleasure filled her body with each thrust of Hibiki's cock into her vagina and she could feel herself being filled to the brim with every thrust of Hibiki's cock in her. She never felt so alive than she did now at this very moment. She looked at Hibiki as he continued to move his hips and the sight of him panting and blushing hard as well as being covered in sweat over her and knowing that he found pleasure and happiness in doing this with her made it all the more powerful and arousing to her.
Hibiki looked down at Dita and saw the way her breasts would move with each thrust he made to her body and the sight of that was heating up his mind to the limits of his sanity, the way this felt with Dita was really hot to his mind and it made him even more eager to see Dita in the grip of pleasure and bliss through her orgasm. The redhead blushed a great deal with each thrust of his hips and she was panting deeply while her breasts continued to move with his actions. Hibiki then bent down and began to lick her nipples and breasts, much to his delight and hers as well and he sped up each thrust to make sure that he was able to finally bring the release that he and Dita no doubt craved a great deal.
It was not long before Hibiki and Dita was gripped in their respective pleasure as Hibiki thrust deeply while sucking Dita's breasts and Dita wrapped her legs around Hibiki's hips and held on for dear life as he continued to thrust into her and then he and Dita kissed one another, their tongues waging a deep and passionate duel with one another as they tasted each other's mouths and it was that both of them moaned as they finally reached their orgasms together.
Dita felt like she was in heaven as she felt Hibiki's seed flow into her vagina and filling her to the limit of her body, the feeling of the deepest recesses of her body being filled to the brim by the hot, and thick seed o Hibiki was a feeling that she was not going to forget as long as she was alive, it was a feeling that she doubted anyone else on Megele had ever felt. She sighed as she felt her orgasm hit her again as some of Hibiki's seed hit a spot that sent bolts of pleasure in every nerve of her body, making her come again
Hibiki was not the kind to give up at all doing this with Dita had sent a fire running through his body that seemed to bring him back to the forefront and into the fight with even greater energy. He moved to Dita and then lifted her off the bed and turned her around and he was eager for more with her. And the redhead was not disappointing him as she recalled seeing the man and woman do this in the video before and she was eager to see if it was as pleasurable as the one that she and Hibiki had just done.
Dita raised herself on her hands and knees and looked at Hibiki heatedly and the sight of Dita like that and begging him for more was enough for Hibiki to go full throttle as he held her hips and pushed his cock even deeper into her hot, wet, soft, tight and willing sex and Dita cried out in absolute pleasure as she felt herself filled to the brim once more. She was amazed that even after what they had done together already, her Mr. Alien had enough energy for another go at this and she was MORE than willing to let him go ahead.
“Mr. Alien….more! Please give me more!!”
And Hibiki replied as he moved his hips slowly at first and Dita cried out as she felt her body heat up even more and she was filled to the brim by Hibiki's cock in her vagina, she loved it so much she was going to faint at the pleasure that flooded every nerve of her body in that instant but she held on and continued to stay there as Hibiki was deep inside of her body and she felt him begin to move slowly in and out of her and it felt so good.
(This feels so good! Give me more Mr. Alien!!!)
Hibiki did so as this reminded him of his position with Barnette when she and him were with Jura and doing this with Dita was even more enjoyable and the sounds of her moaning plus the movements of her body was very intoxicating and he continued to move like a piston going at full throttle into her and she wanted more of it. Hibiki then moved his hands to her breasts and massaged them as well as kissing Dita's neck and earlobe. The redhead then turned to his direction and both of them kissed one another deeply just as both of them orgasmed once more.
Both moaned as the two of them felt their bodies react, Dita felt another stream of Hibiki's seed flood deeply into her body and she felt her own body respond in kind as the pleasure and heat flooded her body to the core. Hibiki felt likewise as he felt his body release all of his seed deeply into Dita's body and the feel of her vaginal walls milking him as well as feeling her juices mix with his own made him feel even more alive as the two of them tensed up and then parted from their kiss to moan at the same time in their respective orgasms.
That was the limit for the two of them as Hibiki rolled to allow Dita to lie on her bed and he moved away a bit but Dita despite feeling very sleepy spoke to him very gently.
“No Mr. Alien…stay, I feel happy if you're here.”
Hibiki could see that she meant that and thus to accede to her wishes, he stayed right there next to her and made sure to hug her tightly and as the two of them relaxed themselves, Dita spoke to Hibiki despite getting very sleepy after all that they had been doing together.
“Now I think you would like to come to my room more often, right Mr. Alien?”
Hibiki gave her a smile and kissed her on the nose and she sighed happily and went to sleep and Hibiki looked at her and did the very same thing and joined her in the realm of sleep and dreams as well, and their dreams were about to get even hotter after what they had done with one another.
The next day…
Dita woke up and felt her body being filled with a very warm and very delicious sensations and she blushed as her memories of last night came back to her and she once more looked at the sleeping form of Hibiki and she couldn't help herself as she ran her eyes on him and relished the memories of feeling his skin on her own. She couldn't help but recall the utter explosion of pleasure between the two of them and she couldn't wait to tell her friends about this moment, as well as Jura to thank her for showing her those videos.
(I really have to thank Jura for helping me have this moment with Mr. Alien…but how can I thank her properly?)
Dita thought about it and then recalled how much Jura wanted to have a child with Hibiki and while she was not liking the idea of letting Jura have Hibiki for herself, she wanted to show that she was happy that she and Hibiki finally got to be together and she wanted it to stay that way, she was a very open minded and open hearted woman and sharing was not above her in the very least as well and this was something that she wanted her friends to experience so they all would know that not all men were bad.
As she thought it all over, she ran her hands on her stomach and then thought about what she read in one magazine, that this was a way that men and women had children. The thought of being able to have children with Hibiki's seed made her smile and blush, she wanted to see what sort of children she and her Mr. Alien would have in the near future. Like all women of Megele she knew her own cycle and she was not fertile at the moment and thus she was not yet ready to have children, but she looked forward to the day as well.
Hibiki then opened his eyes and smiled at the way Dita was looking at him with a very deep blush on her face and he couldn't help but find that look on her face very attractive and very much arousing, as he recalled the time that she was like that after they reached their orgasms.
“How are you feeling?”
“Mr. Alien…last night was, it was incredible. Did you enjoy doing it with me?”
Hibiki nodded and Dita replied.
“I'm happy, I guess learning those things from Jura helped a lot. By the way Mr. Alien, you know that Jura wants to have a baby with you right?”
“Yes I do, why do you ask?”
“Well, I know it might offend you, but can you let her have your seed?”
“Huh? Why are you telling me that anyway?”
“Because I read that this is how men and women had children and since Jura taught me this….I want to pay her back, please Mr. Alien will you do this for Jura and me?”
Hibiki couldn't help but smile at that and nodded, he vowed to keep the secret fact that he had already been with Jura and Barnette, it was a good thing to keep as he wanted to let things be solved on their own and that was all right with him.
“All right, I will….but are you ready for another round Dita?”
Dita smiled and that told Hibiki that Dita was more than eager to begin the festivities once more as she kissed Hibiki deeply on the lips while rubbing her pert, full, and soft breasts on his hard and well muscled chest and that was enough to get Hibiki even more eager for another round and as soon as the kiss was over, Hibiki made his move and Dita was now below him and he was ready to make things happen.
Both of them were unaware of the fact that someone was busy looking at them.
In Jura's room…
Jura managed to get a look into Dita's room with a remote video camera that she had borrowed from Parfait and had the engineer reconfigured for this purpose, the head engineer did ask her why she wanted this but the blonde replied that it was for something very important. She smiled wildly at the video she was getting in the very same screen in which she had seen the tapes. She had not heard the conversation as she had turned on the recorder when Dita and Hibiki began to kiss themselves once more, thus she was not aware of what the two had said before.
She had secretly had this installed at the very night that Hibiki and Dita were in the room and the footage was good, she liked it a lot and decided to keep the files in her newly formed collection of videos and this was the very first of her new collection.
The videos would add some variety to the collection and she had ideas on making several more involving her and Hibiki as well as Barnette with Hibiki, either alone, or in tandem with one another like before. She wanted to make things all the more interesting once they were made into data crystal files, not only would they remind her of the escapades, but also to help ensure that when the originals gave the ghost, she had some to keep and use as tapes were known to not last long despite how old the cassettes were.
Jura smiled as she looked at the images and then began to feel hot in her body and realized that since she had planned this, she couldn't find time to have some relief of her own while she would have wanted to grab Hibiki and have some alone time with him for a bit, this was Dita's night so no such luck there….but that certainly didn't mean she was not going to be saddened at all as she knew that Barnette was coming and sure enough, there was a sound that told her that her expected arrival was here.
She moved quickly and opened the door and then Barnette walked in and the two greeted one another with a smile and Barnette spoke first.
“So how did it go?”
“Pretty good, Dita's as happy as I have seen her…and you know what Barnette, they are going at it again.”
“This early, Dita must really enjoyed what they did last night, don't you think so Jura?”
“Yep….so why don't we watch this so we can have fun of our own?”
Barnette smiled and both of them kissed one another hotly and they sat down to witness the video before them as Hibiki and Dita got ready for another wild round and both women began to kiss and touch one another hotly while both of them removed their clothes and it was not long before the blonde and green eyed woman and the emerald and violet hair woman were naked. Jura then had a thought.
“Hey Barnette….do you think that we should have Dita learn about what we did with Hibiki before?”
Barnette was confused for a moment or two until she understood just what Jura was driving at.
“You want Dita to join you and me with Hibiki?”
Jura smiled at that and nodded and Barnette blushed at that, she had to admit that Jura's latest plan was very bold and very risqué. Not to mention that the idea of all three of them having their way with Hibiki was something that was outright scandalous and yet exciting at the very same time.
“Maybe we should let Dita have more time to get used to being with Hibiki, she might not like to share him after what they have done you know.”
“Hmmm, good point, after what they did last night and are doing now, that can be an issue. Either way, we'll just have to wait and see now won't we?”
Barnette nodded as she was not planning to challenge the idea, but it was delicious an idea either way. For now however, that idea was going to be in the back burner for the time being as she and Jura began to kiss each other once more and then pleasured one another, all the while, Jura had set the system on record for the second time.
Jura then wondered if they should make the same move on two other people….and both of them had blue hair….the blonde was eager to see just how Misty and Meia would react to this situation when the time came for them to be exposed to it all. She knew that despite the former animosity between the two of them Hibiki and Meia respected one another in some degree…and the idea of the two doing the deed was going to be something that would really spark the fires…
Besides, it was going to be Meia's birthday soon…
As she thought it over once more, there was only one conclusion in Jura's mind…
Things were going to get hot and heavy in the near future…
To be continued…
Author's Notes:
Well now, that was interesting, makes you wish you were in Hibiki's shoes at the moment I guess.
You'll have to forgive some of the parts in this story as I have a lot on my mind and I needed to work things out before anything else. Anyway, I hope this will be all right for you readers.
Dita has now been introduced to the physically intimate relationships between men and women and she is taking to it like fish to water, and it seems that she does love Hibiki and it seems that despite his deepening attraction to some the other women of the Nirvana, Dita holds special place in Hibiki's heart and he is willing to keep it that way. Things will get interesting form here on out.
What will happen now that Dita has had her turn?
How will Jura move her plan to get Meia and eventually Misty into this moment?
Wait and see!!!