Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ Vandread REVOLUTION ❯ Chapter 2 The New Vanguard ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Vandread or anything else that is copyrighted in this story, but I do own the stuff I make up for it. THANK YOU!

Chapter 2: The New Vanguard

On the bridge of a large light blue space battleship. “Captain, we’re receiving a distress signal 500 meters ahead.” said one of the bridge crew members. “Put it on screen.” commanded the elderly captain. The cryo pod that Mia and Zero are in is now on a large monitor. “Ezra is there any sign of life inside?” asked the captain. “Yes, there are two life signs in the pod.” reported Ezra quickly. “Two huh, they must have been in a hurry to get away from something or someone. BC, send the Dread teams out to rescue whatevers in that pod.” ordered the captain. “Right Captain, Dread teams scramble, retrieve that pod.” Ordered BC over the ships intercom.

< br> In the hanger a single teenage boy is getting into an orange humanoid machine and about thirty women get into their futuristic looking fighter jets. All of them launch and fly toward the pod. “If this is another woman I’m gonna be pissed.” said the teenage boy sarcastically.

“Hibiki, no matter what’s in that pod we can’t let the Harvesters get it!” scolded one of the young women in the dreads. “I know that Meia!” said Hibiki with a hint of anger in his voice. As an enemy warning alarm starts blaring. “Speak of the devil.” Meia said quietly to herself. “Hey Mr. Alien let’s combine.” said a happy teenage girl. “Alright Dita, let’s combine.” said Hibiki in agreement. “Yay!” yelled a very happy Dita. As Dita’s Dread and Hibiki’s Vanguard combine into Vandread Dita. Dita is now sitting on Hibiki's lap. “Please don’t move around so much?” asked Hibiki nervously. “Get that pod and go back to the Nirvana!” commanded Meia. As they fly in and grab the pod gently they try retreating to the Nirvana. “That was easy.” Hibiki said a little cockily. As Vandread Dita gets blasted from behind. “Damn it! You guys are pissing me off!” screamed Hibiki in annoyance. “Owe, that hurt.” moaned Dita. As the Vandread turns around two icicle shaped energy cannons move from the back to the shoulders, it charges energy and fires two high power energy beams at the Cube-type Harvesters. “Dita, Hibiki, are you two alright?” asked Meia. “Yeah, we’re fine. Just keep them assholes off our back?” reported Hibiki. As they finally get back to the Nirvana the remaining Dreads finish off the Cube-type Harvesters and return as well.


In the Infirmary the cryo pod is sitting on a table and a female engineer is working on opening it. “This thing is very old, older than the one that Misty came in but, I think I got it.” said the engineer in achievement. “Okay, now let’s see what’s in this pod.” said Hibiki curiously. As the pod opens slowly some of the women look a little disgusted at the sight of Zero with his arms around his little sister. “What the hell is going on here?” asked a confused Hibiki. As Zero starts opening his eyes. “Huh. Where am I?” asked Zero grogily. “Now that’s just disgusting!” screamed Hibiki. “What are you talking about?” asked a sleepy and confused Zero. “You’re holding that little girl.” said Hibiki in annoyance. “This girl happens to be my little sister!” said fully awake Zero with anger in his voice. “She’s your what?” asked Hibiki.

“Something is coming this way.” Zero hears the Paksys in his head “Hey, aren’t you people going to see what’s coming this way.” warned Zero.


As an alarm blares throughout the ship. “What going on!” demanded BC. "We’re under attack be Harvesters again." reported Ezra."Dread teams scramble, take out those Harvesters!" ordered BC.


"H ey Mr. Alien lets go!" Dita said pulling him out of the room."What the hell? Looks like they want these kids." Hibiki said running toward the hanger. "Let’s go kill these bastards!" said Hibiki as he climbs into his Vanguard. As everybody but the doctor runs out to get to there stations. "Where am I?" asked Zero as he slowly sits up with Mia in his arms. "You’re in the Medical Bay on the Nirvana." said the Doctor calmly. "Who are you?" asked Zero. "My name is Duero." said Duero. "Nice to meet you. My name is Zero and my little sister's name is Mia." explained Zero. "You said that this girl is your sister, I’m knew that women have sisters but, I didn't know that men could have sisters." explained Duero. "You’re kidding, right?" asked Zero with an anime style sweat-drop on the side of his head. "No, I’m not." said Duero. "Well, Mia and I have the same parents. That's why she is my sister." said Zero tring to explain to him. "I still do not completely understand." said Duero calmly. "Our father was a man and our mother was a woman." explained Zero in annoyance. "A man and a woman having kids, together?" repeated Duero. "Yes." said a very irritated Zero.


Meanwhile in the battle outside the ship. "You’re not getting through!" screamed Hibiki. As the cube type harvesters start ganging up on Hibikis’ Vanguard and attacking it relentlessly. "Hibiki are you alright!" asked Meia. "I’m fine!" said a confident Hibiki as he slices half of them with the Vanguards sword. "Mr. Alien let’s get rid of these guys!" said Dita. "Yeah, let’s." agreed Hibiki.


In the Medical Bay where Zero and Mia are, Zero is asking a lot of questions. "Where are we right now and What year is it?" asked Zero. "Right now we are on the Nirvana, a ship that was created by a Colinization Ship and a Pirate Ship being fused by an explosion." explained Duero. "What caused the explosion? asked Zero. "A battleship from Tarak fired two torpedos at the Pirate Ship, and the Colinization Ship that was in the line of fire, its Paksys Pragma engine…" Duero started. "Did you say Paksys Pragma engine!" Zero asked quickly interrupting Duero. "Yes, I did. Why?" asked Duero. "I’ve never heard of that kind of engine." said Zero tring to hide his connection with Paksys. "Where was I? Oh yes, the Paksys Pragma engine started up and teleported both ships away and fused them together. That is how the Nirvana was created." Duero said finishing the explaination.

Back outside the Nirvana in the battlefield. "We did it." said an exausted Hibiki. "Good job everyone. Let’s return to the Nirvana." said Meia over the com-system. "I want to learn more about that person." thought Meia to herself.

In the Medical Bay. "What was your other question" asked Duero. "What year is it?" replied Zero. "The year is 5005." answered Duero. "I’m 3000 years in the future." Zero thought to himself for a moment. "Would you come with me?" asked Duero. "Huh, yeah sure." answered Zero snapping out of his deep thought. As Duero leads him out of the Medical Bay.


H e leads Zero into the Vanguard Hanger as Hibiki's Vanguard and the three Dreads that were affected by Paksys are returning. "What the hell is that!" screamed Zero in suprise. "That is a Vanguard." said Duero informitively. "Duero, what are you doing!" screamed Meia as she got out of her Dread. "I was showing Zero around the ship." explained Duero. "We don’t even know if we can trust him!" yelled Meia loudly. "Everything will be fine." Duero reassured her. "Hey, I’m right here." said Zero waving his arms over his head. "Zero, where are you from?" asked Duero. "From Earth, why?" answered Zero. "You came from Earth, than I’m placing you under arrest." said Meia pointing that ring laser at him. "What for?" asked Zero. "It’s just a precaution." said Meia. "Okay, I will cooperate with you." said Zero putting his hands behind his back. Meia puts some cuffs on him and takes him to the Brig.


In the Brig Zero is put into a cell with Laser bars going accrossed. "What about my sister?" asked Zero. "She's still sleeping isn't she, so we will take care of her for now." said Meia. "She’ll be scared if I’m not there when she wakes up, and…" started Zero. "And, and what?" asked Meia. "She’s the only family I have left." answered Zero. Meia walks away quietly without responding to him. "I don’t want to be alone. Mom, Dad, and Mirage, are you all really gone?" Zero said quietly to himself. As Zero sits down in the corner and falls asleep almost instantly.


In the Vanguard hanger Hibiki is fixing the damage on his Vanguard. "Well partner, we won another battle together." said Hibiki to his Vanguard. "Hey Mr. Alien, I made some Rice Balls for you!" yelled Dita running with a giant plate of Rice Balls. "Rice Balls, alright!" Hibiki said jumping down from the Matinence

< br> On the bridge. "Captain, I placed the male from the pod in the holding cell." said Meia. "Why would you need to do that?" asked the elderly captain. "He’s from Earth." replied Meia. "Let me talk to him, I’ll get some answers." said the captain. "Alright captain, but right now he’s asleep." said Meia. "I’m going to wake him up, and Meia don’t follow me." said the captain as she leaves the bridge.


In the holding cell, the captain looks at the sleeping Zero with tears rolling down his cheeks. "You don't see that many men cry." the captian said to herself. "Wake up!" said the captain as she pushes Zero with her foot. "Huh. What’s going on?" said Zero wiping the tears off his face. "I’m going to ask you a couple questions, so get up!" said the captain. "Ask away." said Zero. "First of all my name is Magno Vivan, what is your name?" asked Magno. "My name is Zero Stardust." replied Zero. "Well now that I know who you are, you’re from the Earth, right?" said Magno. "Yeah, sort of." answered Zero. "What do you mean 'sort of'." asked Magno. "I lived on a Federation Battleship." explained Zero. "So you came from an Earth Federation Battleship?" asked Magno. "Yes. But I’m not a soldier, I’m a civilian." replied Zero. "If you’re a civilian, why where you on a battleship?" asked Magno. "My father’s a scientist." answered Zero. "I see, then why were you in a Cryogenic Stasis pod?" asked Magno. "The battleship was attacked and…" Zero started but couldn't finish as tear start stinging his eyes. "I see. I’m sorry." Magno said apoligizing. As an explosion outside rocks the Nirvana. "What the?" yelled Zero. "Captain, the harvesters are back and they brought one of the big guns!" BC told Magno over the com system. "I’ll be right there!" replied Magno. "Well our little chat is over, I have to go back to the Bridge." said Magno as she walks out leaving the cell open
"Huh. Why did she leave the cell open? Okay, I have to make a decision, I could stay here or I can go fight." Zero thought about it for a few minutes. "I’ll fight, to protect this ship, Mia and myself." said Zero with a smile of determination on his face. He runs out and down the hall toward the hanger.


"Alright, they left some!" Zero said out loud. He climbs into the cockpit of a dark blue Vanguard. "Now let’s see, power on." said Zero to quietly himself. He flips a switch and the Vanguard powers up, he tries moving the Vanguard. "This won't work it's too slugish!" yelled Zero in frustration. "I can will help you, if you want." said the Paksys to Zero. "Can you make this Vanguard linked directly to my body." asked Zero. "Yes, I think I can do that." replied the Paksys. "Okay then thanks. Paksys!" screamed Zero, as he launches the Vanguard it gets surrounded by Green Paksys.


: Finally Chapter 2 is finished. Sorry it took so long but its worth waiting for good stuff, but I'll try to speed up on the next Chapter. I will be calling it 'The New Vandread'. Please R&R.