Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ After Thought ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter One

Fools. All standing there like idiots, waiting for my command. They're like loyal dogs awaiting their
master''s order. No matter how many times I beat them, yell at them and lower their self-esteem, they're always that perfect line awaiting my orders. I wonder what they would do if I killed one of them? Probably
nothing, they would be mad...but they wouldn't do anything. They know better then to get in my way.

What time is it? Early morning most likely. I never seem to keep track of the time, I have no reason to.
Every day is like the same, kill him...kill her. Burn that, and burn this. Not like I dislike doing those things, but
they seem dual after the millionth time they fled for their worthless lives. I sigh in frustration as I glance up from
my sitting position in my throne. My Dragon Slayers standing in formation, all wearing the same blue armor,
all standing straight, avoiding my eyes. I laugh bitterly to myself, they are wise to avoid my eyes...people say I hold
death in them.

"Report." I say simply. I do not need to waist my words with them. They know what I want and they give
it with no complaint. The tallest one steps forward, shoulder length brown hair waving about his face, his dark
purple eyes looking at the space above my head.

"The kingdom of Durdun wishes to speak to Lord Folken about peace treaties and they wish to have you
escort him. They also have forty two troops ready to attack on signal-"

"Only forty two?" I interrupt, slightly interesting now. The brown hair youth nods.

"Yes sir. They are standing on edge, nervous as a bunch of wild pigs awaiting for the wolf." I smileat his choice of words. Wolf would be my men and myself. We where known for our destruction, for the millions
of deaths and pain we had caused all across Geae. "But I believe that the choice in war is their last option. I do
believe they rather have peace then blood shed." My smile disappears.

"Bunch of bloody cowards..." I mutter under my breath as Dallet, or the brown hair soldier, goes back
into formation.

"Your orders sir?" I glance at the short blond, his hair cut like a bowl. I sneer. I always have this
uncontrollable urge to hit him. Maybe it was because I never did like him. He was too weak, but very skilled in the
position of the mind. I slowly stand, letting my arms hang at my sides.

"We stay put for the time being." I say casually. "Till then, stay on yellow alert. You are dismissed." I
watched as they quickly left my presence. They never stayed to close to me. They feared me, as they should.... I''ve
noticed that everyone seemed to fear me. With a heavy sigh, I return to my throne...not to sure on what to do next.


"Does...Dilandau-sama seem different to you?" Gatti asked curiously as he glanced back from the
double doors they just left from. There was a pause of silence between the slayers before one of them answered.

"He seemed distant." Dallet added, not to sure on how to act on his commander''s sudden change of
personality. He swore he would have gotten hit for stating the situation about peace, but no pain was directed
toward him. Chesta let out a long nervous sigh. That must of been the first time in his life he wasn't hit by

"I agree with Dallet...Dilandau-sama seemed very distant. More then usual." Viole agreed with Dallet.
They continued to walk to the mess hall in silence. Each with their own thoughts. Only yesterday had they returned
from their three days to themselves, and when they arrived each was rewarded with a slap from Dilandau. No one
knew why he slapped them, but no one truly understood that guy.

"Anyways..." Miguel said, breaking the silence. "What did you fellows do while away?" A small smile
crept onto his face as Gatti and Shesta blushed a little. "Come on tell me all the details!" Miguel urged, slightly
nudging the blushing Gatti in the side.

"Well I returned home and was greeted by me mum and pa." He paused slightly, not sure if he should
continue. "I was also greeted by April." There where some whistles from the surrounding Dragon Slayers as
Gatti's blush deepened. Gatti continued his story as the fifteen Dragon Slayers entered into the mess hall to have
a late breakfast. Each took turns about tell their story, on how their families where so happy to see them and if
they didn't have any family, how good it felt to get out and have some fun. Dallet told his friends about the new hotgirl he had meet on the way to his hometown, he was rewarded with some howls and whistles. Miguel also shared
his little story, but nothing as interesting as the others had happened to him. He had worked with his father in the
fields and visited his older sister and his two-year-old niece. All they seemed to have a story to tell and soon
separate conversations took place as the food was served and the morning slowly passed.


He paced back in forth slowly, from wall to wall, letting his long black cape drag on the floor. His eyes
never looked up to me, only looked into the distance as if he could see something I couldn't. I gave a heavy sigh as
I continued to watch him. He was starting to get on my nerves, his never changing face, that purple tear under his
eye and specially that face paint. What did he call it? Ah yes, make-up. Before I meet Folken, I had thought this
make-up was only for the opposite-sex. Guess I was wrong.

"Are you sure Dilandau?" He asked, his voice booming inside my chest. I gave a slow and steady nod.

"Yes I am sure, why would I be reporting this to you if I wasn't sure." He continued to pace back and
forth. "Dammit, Folken. Stop that!" I yelled, my frustration rising in my voice. Folken didn't stop of course, he
never seemed to listen to any one any more. I couldn't do much but watch him, he was my commanding officer,
and I had to obey matter what.

"If we make a mistake it will be taken very seriously. And you must remember if we start this battle
another war will arise." His voice was emotionless, as always. It boomed through every bone in my body, and made
me shudder just at the sound of it. If I was afraid of anything, it was he. To me he was death, and that scared the
bloody hell out of me. But that doesn't mean I will show him my fear...after all, I'm the commander of the Dragon

"Yes. Yes. I already know all of that, and I'm prepared to take the risk. I have great soldiers under me
and if they make a mistake, it will be their head." I leaned further back into the large red chair. The only light
was for the few candles and the rim of light out lining the door. I didn't quiet understand why Folken liked
everything so dark; I guess the dark comforted him in some strange twisted way.

I watched as he slowly stopped pacing, but he didn't remove his eyes from the wall. I tilted my head
slightly, raising an eyebrow. He was so strange sometimes. I often found myself wondering what he was thinking
in that mind of his. I also found myself admitting he was more a lonely then me, he creeped everyone out. Even my
dragon Slayers, they had some odd respect/fear for the man. I just didn't understand the fellow very much, and
what I don't understand scares me.

I have three fears. My first is death, I do not like the concept that one simply little thing could destroy a
single life. I love delivering death to other people, but the concept of it scares the living shit out of me. Even in sleepdeath is there, hanging over my head...hovering in my dreams... its everywhere no matter what happens. My other
fear is being alone. I hate it. I hate it with a passion. I will start talking to myself if I am alone, just to hear
another''s voice, just to reassure myself that I'm not alone. But sometimes it doesn't work...and that''s when I'm
frightened by it. My last fear does not understand something. I have to understand it, no matter what it is. I will
stay up all night trying every way possible to understand it. And if I cannot find a way to understand it, I make
a way. Like death, I didn't understand it, so I started giving it to other people, and then I found how much I could
love it and hate it at the same time. And people think I'm crazy? They just don't understand me.

"Dilandau? Are you listening to me?" I slowly realize that Folken was talking to me, about what I have
no idea. I slowly raise my eyes to him, his own eyes piercing my soul. With a sheepish nod, he continues. I listen
somewhat; not very interested in what he has to say but knowing I have to listen. Once again my mind travels to
my own thoughts, and I find myself starring at my own hand.

Turning it over so my palm is facing me, I look at the leather reflecting the dim light. I listen as it gives
silent shrikes as I ball my hand into a tight fist, and then slowly release it. Interesting how it does everything I
want it to. I wonder if I actually have to think to have it move, to have my own hands move with out my order.... or
maybe I just don't realize that I'm giving a command to my own hand. I separate each finger and slowly realize the
great length difference, each finger slightly large then the other. I wonder what Humans would be like if we
didn't have hands...They would be more idiots then they already are....

" something wrong with you?" I glance up to see a somewhat worried face of Folken, or
how worried the guy could actually look. I give a small shrug of my shoulders.

"Tired I suppose." I answer, lowering my hand to my lap. I watch as Folken studies my face, looking
for some sign of my thought. I give a silent smirk as he retreats in defeat.

"I have noticed you have been acting slightly different. Almost like you where distant from everything
else. Is something on your mind?" His words almost sounded kind. Distant? No, not distant...more like deep in
thought. Or depression. Depression? Is this what I'm feeling.

"Nothing is wrong." I answer simply, not even daring to actually tell him my own thoughts. I never tell
anyone my thoughts; they would consider me somewhat sane if I actually did. Heh, and that would ruin my
wonderful repatation...don't want anyone actually thinking I'm human, now do I? An odd silence fills the room
before I decide to get up. "It''s running late, do you have any orders for my Slayers and I before I depart?"

"Yes, don't get to carried away."