Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Angel of the Night ❯ Little Girl ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yeah I'm here. Mom and I just had a fight so I'm kinda ticked other then that everything is fine. Here's more.


The night Hitomi lay wide awake in her bed. She couldn't sleep, because she kept thinking about what Van had said. Dying? She hadn't thought it possible for a vampire to have that much compassion in them.

She was startled by an urgent knock on her door.

"Kanzaki. Open up."

Hitomi opened the door.

"What?" she barked.

Van raised his eyebrows as he took her in from head to toe. She was only wearing a long t-shirt that went to her knees.

"We have to do a scouting of the area."

Hitomi nodded.

"Alright. Let me get my clothes."

Hitomi closed the door and came out a few minutes later dressed in her regular slaying outfit.

The two of them locked their apartments and head down to the street.

Hitomi checked her watch.

"It's festive. Can't we just…." she whined.


"Just one?"
"For old times sake?"


They walked to the corner of Main and Spring. A familiar tingle ran through Hitomi's body.



"But I have to." she protested.


"Cause we know what they're doing in there. They lure humans to them and feast on them. Thats why it's called festive, cause that's when they're most active.


"Screw this I'm going in."

Hitomi darted off to the abandoned building behind them. She crept to the back of it and found the door. Unfortunately it was locked. She sighed and looked for a window or something.

"I can teleport you to the roof if you like." Van said pleasantly, appearing behind her.

"No thanks, I don't need your help." she snapped.

"Ouch kitty's got claws."

Hitomi discreetly scratched her head, using her middle finger.

"Thou has ruined my heart with thou rude gestures." Van said mockingly.

"Ass." she murmured.

"Now then how are you going to get in without my help?"

Hitomi looked around. The roof looked like her best bet to get in, but how to get up there?

"Ah-hah!" she exclaimed eyeing something on the side of the building.

There were numerous vines running up the side of the building. She tugged on one. It was surprisingly very strong.

"Are you going to help in the bust or not?" she snapped at him.

"I'll observe."

"You do that." she said irately. "Meanwhile, I'll meet you up there."

"Ok then. Try not to hurt yourself Little Kitty."

"Calm me that again and you'll be the one having to be careful of getting hurt."

"You keep baring those claws Kitty and they'll get removed."

"I'll keep that in mind."

In a flash he was gone.

"Damn vampires." she muttered as she started to scale the building.

When she reached the top, he was sitting calmly on the floor.

"Took you long enough."

"Oh shut up." she snapped.

"Touchy. Be careful you don't mouth off to the wrong vampire love. It could be trouble."

"Stop with the pet names. I'm not you're love or your Kitty."

"You keep telling yourself that."

"Damn vampires."

"Just terrible aren't we?"

Hitomi sighed.

"And here I thought it was going to be a boring night."

There was a glass moon roof on the roof top. Hitomi looked down in it. There were many male and female vampires alike. Some were holding limp humans in their arms as the vampires fed off their blood. Van came to stand behind her.

"You know something terrible about this?" he asked her surveying the scene.


"The humans enjoy it."

Hitomi looked at him.


"They enjoy it. That's why vampires usually go after the depressed and lonely humans. They enjoy the feeling of something suckling their blood from their neck. It doesn't hurt. It never does. Except for the part where the fangs first sink in, but it doesn't hurt for long. It's a very intimate experience, baby. Understand that not all vampires are bad. Some want to share this seductive experience with sad humans. To give them something to live for. If you were human I think you would be lured."

"What do you mean?"

"You live a very lonely life, love. You look so sad and lost all the time. A time spent in a vampires arms would do you a world of good. Unfortunately, you can't be touched by one. A pity indeed."

Hitomi pondered his words while she surveyed the scene below.

An elder vampire had moved into the room, stopping right under the moon roof. He held up his hands for silence and got it as well. Everyone had stopped dancing and talking. He pulled a little girl no older then ten on the small stage like area. In his other hand was a dagger.

"Oh no." Hitomi mumbled.

"What?" asked Van.

Hitomi knelt and pressed her face to the glass. Van knelt down beside her.

"Poor little girl." Van said sadly.

Van looked over at Hitomi when she didn't respond. Her eyes were wide and her body rigid and trembling.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Hitomi cleared her throat.

"Yeah I'm fine."

Hitomi knew she had to help the girl but she couldn't. She couldn't even move.

The vampire brought the daggers to the girl's palms and slashed them both. He brought the blood red palms to his mouth and started to drink her blood. The girl stood there petrified.

"Why doesn't she run away from him?" asked Van fiercely.

"You can't." Hitomi said quietly. It's like your muscles are frozen. In your body, your mind you know you have to run, escape but you can't. Your whole body won't move. All you can do is stand there and pray."

"Kanzaki…" he said a little unsure of what to do.

After the girl's blood clotted, the vampire threw her to the ground on her stomach. That's when the girl tried to struggle but it was no use. Hitomi knew what was going to happen next. The vampire brought the dagger over his head and slashed three vertical slashes on her back. The girl let out a terrified scream.

"That's it." screamed Hitomi.

She jumped through the glass, shattering it. She landed between the vampire and the girl.

"Who are you?" the vampire hissed.

"Your worst nightmare."

Hitomi quickly unsheathed her sword and stabbed the vampire in his stomach. He instantly fell over dead and crumbled into dust.

"Get out of here now." she barked at the vampires.

All of them stood there, defying her. Slowly, a couple moved toward her.

"Looking for a meal are we?" she taunted.

They continued walking towards her.

"Well you won't get one here." she spat.

Hitomi was about to release her aura when Van jumped and landed in front of her, facing the crowd.

Hitomi felt a powerful tingle pass over her body as he released his aura.

Every time a vampire or hunter releases their aura, a tingling feeling passes over others in a certain distance that have auras or are at least sensitive to them. Most humans couldn't feel it because they didn't have an aura.

Immediately, all the vampires bowed down, recognizing the aura.

"It's the Prince of Darkness." the whisper was said many times.

"There shall be no more rituals such as this one until I say so. Any defiance means instant death. Now leave."

At his words, everyone scampered out of the room. Van turned and grinned at Hitomi. She scowled.

"What?" he asked.

"I didn't need you're help."

"You could at least thank me."

Hitomi maintained her scowl. Van scowled as well and they started a staring contest. That's when Hitomi felt a tug on her hand.

"Excuse me." said a small voice. "But who are you?"

Hitomi reluctantly broke the staring match and looked down. It was the little girl.

She had short pink hair and slightly tanned skin. Her blue eyes looked at Hitomi expectantly. The girl was wearing and orange dress with white puffs on the sleeves.

Hitomi bent down so she was eyelevel with the little girl.

"My name is Hitomi. What's yours?"

"Merle." she said shyly.

"Where are your parents?"

"The vampire killed them."

"She's a slayer." Van whispered to her.

"I know that. I think I can recognize my own kind thank you very much." Hitomi whispered back.

"How old are you?" asked Hitomi.


"I see. Have your parents taught you about vampires?"

"A little. How did you know I was part of a vampire slaying house?"

"Your aura." Hitomi answered. "Humans don't have auras and I doubt that the vampires would slay one of their own. Do you know how to sense vampires?"

"Yeah but my mommy was teaching me how to hide my aura. I guess I'm not doing a good job."

"Are you sure you know how to sense vampires?"

"Yeah you're a slayer." she said pointing to Hitomi. "And he's a vampire." she said pointing to Van.

"Very good."

"What's a vampire and a slayer doing together? Are you two secret lovers?"

'What did her mother teach this kid?' thought Hitomi.

"Hardly." she said out loud.

"She wishes." Van said at the same time.

Hitomi hit Van's leg with the hilt of her dagger, hard.

Merle laughed as Van hopped around holding his leg.

"Quiet Fanel."

"That's hurt Kanzaki."

"Weird first names." said Merle. "Though I thought your name was Hitomi.

"It is. We just call each other by our last names."

"Cause we are not friends."


Merle yawned and fell into Hitomi's arms, dead asleep. Hitomi picked her up.

"We'll take her to my place." Hitomi said.

"Wait we?"

"These first twenty four hours will be crucial."


"Yeah it means very important or life threatening."

"I know what it means. I meant why?"

"She just had a traumatic experience."


"So we have to take care of her."

"There's that we again."

With Merle in her arms, Hitomi and Van walked down to her place.


^_^ Night of the Raven