Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Back and There Again ❯ Return of a Boy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 2 - Return of the Boy

"Hello? Doctor?" Hitomi's mother talked fast on the phone. Hitomi had fainted and her mom didn't know why. She had been having visions of Van dying....

"Yes, my daughter is ill...I don't know...please...yes thank you...see you shortly...bye!"

She runs back to her daughter, picking her up off of the floor. "Oh Hitomi. You've been getting worse since that day haven't you? My poor baby."

She sets Hitomi on her bed and raps her in blankets. She walks over to the window and opens the curtains. She stares outside with tears in her eyes, waiting for the doctor to come.


The city of Fanelia has almost been finished. The castle is beautiful. All the walls painted white with blue and red decorations.

Van lies motionless in his bed. Allen sits by his side with his sister Celena. After a few moments she gets up and leaves Allen to be alone with the lifeless body.

"Oh Van... how can I tell Hitomi, that your......gone. I'll miss you Van, you were a great king." Allen bows his head while holding the kings cold hand. Suddenly Allen feels a twitching under his own hand. He looks up at Van whom is slowly opening his eyes.

"Van! Your alive! I'm so pleased! Everyone thought you were gone!"

The sleepy king looks around his bedroom, then down at his soars.

"Why am I hurt? Where am I? Who are you?"

Allen looks at him shocked. (Thinking) "Maybe he's just confused about the accident."

"Van it's me, Allen. Allen Shezar."

Van stares at him with complete blankness. "Allen Shezar? I'm not sure I know an Allen

Shezar...What is this place? Where am I?"

Allen's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

(Thinking) "The rocks....they must have come from Dafoe. He knew where Van was going so he stopped him with the rocks...."

Van thought for moment and realized he didn't know anything. Where he was, why he was cut and bruised, or even who he was. He had heard Allan call him Van but that's all the lost boy knew.


By the time Hitomi woke up it was dark outside. She sat up after having another horrifying dream. Yukari, Amano and her mother were sitting watching her in silence. They didn't want to say anything to upset her. All of them had never seen this side of Hitomi before. She was about to speak when she realized that the visions she had had were not dreams. She sunk back down into her blankets.

"What happened?" she whispered. Her voice was quivering from her frightening experience.

Her mother stood up and sat beside her on the bed. Wiping her sweat with a cool cloth. She was relieved to see her daughter a lot calmer then before.

"Honey, you had a nervous breakdown. You were screaming and then you fainted. Are you alright?" Hitomi couldn't believe she had a nervous breakdown. She's gotten upset before but never that upset.

"Oh mother! I'm so very sorry. I didn't mean to scare any of you."

Yukari felt really bad for her best friend, but she wanted an explanation. Everyone knew it had to do with last year. She could see the curiosity and disappointment in their eyes. "I know I owe all of you an explanation. I'm just not ready yet. I'm not ready to talk about it." Yukari left the room. She didn't want to hear anymore because her best friend was lying to her. Amano said goodbye and followed Yukari out.

The two women just looked at each other. Her mother gave her a hug. "Hitomi, I just want you to know I'm always here for you. Now I have to go do some errands again. Do you mind? Will you be okay? I could always stay here."

Hitomi broke there and embrace. "I'll be fine mom, and thank you." She put on a big smile so that her mother would feel better.

Hitomi was left alone once again. She couldn't sleep. The visions had stopped but she knew nightmares would still be there.

"I wish this was all a dream but it's not. I need to warn Van. I need to tell him what I saw. I can't just let him die."

Hitomi closes her eyes. She tries with all her might to focus on the pendant but she can't. She 's too stressed. She feels hot and her hands are shaking like crazy. Despite her situation she keeps trying. Every time she would come close, nothing seemed to be responding on the other end. Eventually she ran out of energy. She couldn't help giving into her heavy eyelids.

As she drifted off she spoke in a mumbling voice "I know your still alive Van. I believe in you."


Van stands at a window inside the castle. He's wearing one of his red short sleeve shirts and a pair of his beige pants. Him and Allen must have been walking around because they were no longer in the same room. All the houses looked amazing. They all had new roofs that sparkled in the sunlight.

"So this is Fanelia?" He turns facing Allen.

Allen still hasn't smiled once since he found out about Van's memory. Neither has Van.

"Yes Van, Fanelia is your kingdom." Van looks back out the window and shakes his head in frustration.

"Why don't I remember anything? There's nothing in my head besides what's happened in the last few hours."

Allen still not moving spoke with a calm voice. He knew the king was very upset and didn't want to make matters worse.

~visions while Allen's talking in the background~

"Van, you were on your way to visit an old friend."

A picture of Hitomi appears.

"An extremely powerful and evil man called Dafoe, caused rocks to fall on you."

Rocks fall from the sky and land on Van.

"He knew that if you and this friend were reunited, his evil forces would come to an end. The accident caused you to lose your memory. I've talked to one of our friends Dryden, about you and he says there's nothing we can do. You used to know Dryden."

A picture of Dryden appears.

"He helped us in many battles."

Van looked as if he were remembering something.

"Who is this friend I was going to visit? What is they're name?"

Before Allen answered he thought to himself.

"Should I mention Hitomi to him? Should I explain the love he had for her? Or is it to soon?..."

"Hitomi...Hitomi is her name. She was a great friend to you and Fanelia." Allen tries to see Van's face, for some clue that he could be remembering something.

"Does she live near Fanelia or was I planning a long journey to visit her?"

Allen still motionless, "She lives...(thinking) I can't tell him, it's to soon...."

"She lives in another village a few days from here. She left one year ago to be with her other friends and her family."

The truth was, Van did recognize the name. He remembered there being something special about her. He felt some sort of connection but he couldn't remember. He decided to ask other questions about his past. Although he was very curious about this strange girl....

"Allen, do I have any family?"

Allen was shocked. He wasn't prepared to answer questions about Van's late family.


Meanwhile Hitomi was dreaming again. It was about Van but not a bad bream. A pillar of light appeared with him in it. Hitomi hugged him and said the words she had been dying to say forever, "I love you Van". Then the dream changed. It was longer a happy. It wasn't of Van's death but of her own. Her and Van are fighting an evil force. Van's about to get sliced in two by what appears to be a huge mallet with a sharp blade on one end. Hitomi jumps in front of Van before he gets hurt.

She wakes up breathing heavily and sweating. She's about to try and contact Van again when her grandmother appears by her side. "Grandmother? What's happening? Is Van...."

Her Grandmother interrupts her with a soft shhhhh. She kisses her granddaughter on the forehead and hands her something.

"This will help you to reach him Hitomi."

Hitomi doesn't look at what it is, she had to ask her grandmother something else.

"Grandmother? Will I die if I go back to Gaia?"

She looks at young Hitomi and smiles. "For every door that is closed can be reopened by the loving hearts of two beings." Hitomi didn't understand but it meant but was too late to ask. Her grandmother was gone.

She looked down in her hand. There was a red stone on a chain. It looked exactly like the pendant she had given Van. She slipped it over her head and concentrated really hard on the other pendant. She didn't care if she had to die for Van. She would do it everyday for a million years as long as he didn't have to die.


Three people are sitting by a fire somewhere in the woods. One of them is holding a dark purple energist. He has greenish blue hair. He looks about 7 or 8 years of age. He turns to the middle person, who just appears to be a shadow.

"Sire the energist is glowing. It must be reacting to something."

The man in the middle talks with a deep voice. Only appearing as a shadow.

"The girl must be getting some super naturel help. The energist only reacts when she has the second pendant."

The other person is a 14 year old girl wearing a short skirt and a white blouse. She some how resembles Hitomi.

"Dafoe, should we strike the girl down before the boy gets to her? She could become a danger to our plans."

"No! She must be in Gaia when her time comes. We took the boys memory so their love for each other wouldn't make them stronger. So they wouldn't be able to become the ultimate good."

The girl looks confused. "What if the boy falls for the princess once again Lord?"

The shadow laughs. "Foolish child. I have already thought of that matter. When my magical rocks fell on the boy, it erased not only his memory, but his memory of love. His memory of what love feels like and what it is. No one can teach love. It has to come from an inner feeling. Now that this inner feeling his gone he can no longer love the young princess." All three beings laugh at their magnificent plan.


Hitomi's sitting on her bed still concentrating on Van's pendant. Hers starts to glow.

"It's working!!" She smiles.


"They're...they're all gone? Mother, father and my brother Folken? All of them dead?"

Allen now standing behind Van with his hand on the young kings shoulder. "I'm afraid so."

Van looks down and notices his pendant for the first time. "Where did I get this?" Again Van felt a strange feeling.

"Our good friend Hitomi gave it to you before she left."

The pendant starts glowing. Van picks it up off his chest..

"What the...?"

A pillar of light appears around Van and he starts floating up.

"NO VAN!!" Allen scream. After the light disappeares Allen whispers to himself, "Oh Hitomi, this is not good timing."

Hitomi moves back as the light appears on her bed. Van flops down on it. Hitomi runs to him and gives him a huge hug.

"Van! You have no idea how much I've missed you! I need to tell you something..." she backs away to see his face. He looks extremely confused. "What is it?"

"Who are you?"

Hitomi thought it was a joke at first. "Very funny! I haven't seen you in one whole year and your making jokes!"

Van thinks for a moment. "Hitomi?"

He made a connection with the informtion he had got from Allen.

"Quit playing games Van. I had a vision again it was..."

Van interrupts her. " Playing games? Visions? I'm sorry Hitomi I don't remember you. Allen said I lost my memory after an accident. He said you went to your own village one year ago and gave me this pendant that mysteriously glows. Is this your village, it's very interesting."

Hitomi looked deep in his eyes. She realizes he's not joking. Her visions were starting to make sense.