Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Rain ❯ Endless ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not Escaflowne or any of its characters.

*Mature themes ahead. (hence the R rating)


May 2003



It was endless. The melodious patters of water droplets hitting the ground sang wonders. Sometimes it even lulled me to sleep, into sweet simplicity, into wave after wave of sweet surrender.

I found that it soothed my thoughts, just listening to it. Just listening to rain. It talked and whispered as I listened. It washed away the complications of life for a time being. It halted life. It made me stop and give in as it broke upon my skin whenever I was caught among the barrage of falling water.

Rainy days.

Such was the case today.

I lay there as his strong fingers traveled down my spine and traced patterns on my skin. I let a sigh escape my lips and saw his smile through the candlelight that lit the room. I would never tire of his smile. Never.

My gaze met his and I felt his hand caress my face and his fingers brush across my lips. I wanted him. I wanted him to make sweet love to me. I wanted him hold me and never let go.

Our lips met hungrily, in a whirl of passion, burning passion. My need for him was overwhelming. My skin was fire to the touch.

My hand raked through his sky blue hair as he placed light butterfly kisses along my neck, only to stop and capture my lips once more in heated need. His tongue slipped in to explore and I tasted him.

We reluctantly parted. Our bodies now melded together perfectly, bare under silk sheets. He tucked one of my rebellious strands of hair behind my ear and traced a finger down my face.

"Hitomi…" he whispered my name with such care and tenderness, as if a piece of fragile glass that would shatter any moment.

Me? Fragile? Not in the least.

"We'll be together. I promise we'll be together." He murmured, a sense of determination evident in his masculine voice.


Promises to me, to Hitomi Kanzaki were always meant to be broken. I learned this a long time ago. There was no use in making promises. There was no need for promises.

Especially promises made when rain was falling.

"We have tonight." I said.

His hands slowly slid up and caressed my thigh as he continued placing gentle kisses down my chest and naval. He lightly brushed between my thighs and I let out a moan.

I was ready to accept him. I was ready for our raw emotions and passions for each other to take control and get lost among the pants and sweet ecstasies.

I felt his manhood probe my entrance and he thrust forward. My back arched as pleasure filled me to the core, as pleasure leaked in tendrils from my body and his. Thunder now roared and the rain fiercely pounded on the ground. Our bodies were slick with perspiration as he continued to thrust into me, as I continued to hold onto him.

It was bliss. Complete and utter bliss. It tore through me like a thief on the run, snatching my sanity away for a brief moment and acting on pure instinct, almost primal.

This was what he did to me. This was where he brought me too. And I loved him for it. I loved how with every little touch, he made me shiver and with every heated whisper, he set my blood on fire.

I loved him.

And I would never stop loving him.

"Folken Lecour de Fanel, I've fallen in love."

He stared into my eyes, so intensely. "Hitomi Kanzaki, I've fallen in love too."

But our night wouldn't last.

The door suddenly burst open and the candles went out. We were purged into darkness. I heard Folken get up and the unsheathing of his sword. Thunder bolted. Swords clashed.

"Fanel, you are condemned to death."

I heard the voice. I heard the sharp intake of breath. I heard the staggering of feet.

The rain fell.

My legs carried me to him.

My body fell victim to the second thrust of the sword.

I breathed.

One last breath.

"We're together now." I whispered to him.

He held me close, his own body wavering in the effort.

Glass shattered behind us and we fell.

I felt the heavy water drops break on my body, on my body and his. I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of rain drenching us both, lulling us to sleep…into an eternal sleep…together.


Rain was endless.
