Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Thief of Hearts ❯ Nowhere Left to Turn ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No where left to turn

Hitomi walked beside Van, in silence. The castle was huge, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to find her way out. From time to time, Hitomi shot a side-glance at Van. His eyes were stormy, and he looked tense.

"Were you not expecting this messenger?" Hitomi asked him.

"No. Not this early anyway. He probably brings bad news." Van sighed. "Why am I telling her all of this?" he wondered.

"Fanelia is going through an economic crisis isn't she?" Hitomi asked seriously.

"That's the problem. I don't know. Somehow, money keeps on leaking out, before, when my father used to rule, Fanelia was a tight ship. Nothing escaped us. Ever since his death, I've just not been able to keep up." Van said upset.

"Are you sure someone is not trying to purposely turn your people against you?" Hitomi asked.

"I don't know. Somehow, it's like I don't see the traps that are set for me. And now this messenger. I wonder what King Amano wants." Van wondered.

"Well, you're a new ruler. He wants to be the first to win you over to his side. From what I know, Lowenia is not so well off. He made a few enemies, and by making an alliance with Fanelia, he hopes to keep those dangerous shadows at bay." Hitomi said, talking more to herself than to Van. "What?" Hitomi asked when she saw the young king looking at her strangely.

"Nothing. It's the exact thing I've figured." Van said.

"What does your council say?"

"That I should make the alliance. Lowenia is situated on the North-East mountain range, which holds the famous North-Eastern pass. If Fanelia were to be attacked from a country such as Solaria, or Grolash or Ispan they would have to pass through there. If we make that alliance, Lowenia is obliged to stop them. We all know that the three countries I just mentioned are the most advanced technologically." Van said.

"So why not sign a contract with them?" Hitomi asked.

Van laughed dryly. "That would be the ideal thing to do, except signing a contract with them, would betray the Inner Circle Alliance. We suspect that the three kingdoms are looking to add some more territories to their area. That means that the countries protected by the North-Eastern mountain range are in danger. If Fanelia signs that contract, then it turns against herself, Asturia, Freid, Lowenia, and a few dozen smaller countries." Van explained.

"What about adopting the neutral position?" Hitomi asked. She had once read that in situations such as these, the neutral position was the best.

"Fanelia can't do that. We're one of the more powerful kingdoms. All other smaller countries depend on us for different things. Adopting the neutral position, would affect commerce, both import and export, and it will also give Asturia, Freid and Lowenia a reason to start a conflict. In this delicate condition, Fanelia can't afford mistakes."

"So what are you going to do?" Hitomi said, forgetting the customary "your majesty".

"I don't know. I will have to talk to my advisors." Van said.

"In other words, you're the king, but you're still not free to do what you want. Are you telling me that you're so weak you can't take a simple decisions without your council?" Hitomi said bitterly. Just when she had started to appreciate him…

"This is not just any decision. And I wouldn't expect you to understand." Van bit back. He really did not mean to be so rude, but the girl was absolutely impossible to get along with. Van felt his blood begin to boil. "I can't expect a commoner to understand." He thought. He then gasped when he realised he actually spoke aloud.

"Oh I see, you're still tall and mighty on your pedestal." Hitomi replied angrily. "Let him think I'm a commoner." She thought. Her fingers ached to show him how much of a "commoner" she really was, but Hitomi restrained herself.

Van said nothing. He just shot an angry glare towards the girl. She was impossible. One of these days…

"Well, here's your messenger, your majesty." Hitomi said mockingly. She then exited through the front gates, and walked out, as if nothing had happened. Van watched her step lightly on the stones, and thought how he would probably not ever see her again. The only person to challenge his authority openly, and provide reasons too. He smiled sadly.

"Where's the messenger? Van asked Dilandau, who was guarding the door.

"He insisted on taking his horse to the stables, and then speaking to you." Dilandau answered promptly.

"I see… tell me Dilandau, how far along are you in your training?" Van asked. He looked at the young man promptly. Dilandau had come to Fanelia looking for a job, just a half of a year before his parent's death. He started out as a city guard, and only in six months, he had advanced to a palace guard, where Balgus had discovered him, and began training him as his understudy. Van had to admit, Balgus didn't miss anything when it came to soldiers. Dilandau was very talented, almost built for being a fighter. Van had to admit, he was a little rash sometimes, but his impressive fighting skills compensated for that.

"Just a few more weeks and a final test." Dilandau answered. He and Van had become somewhat friends, after the young king's death. Dilandau watched the king with his bloodshot eyes, a secret smile slowly curving his lips. "Just you wait Fanel, just you wait." He thought.

"That's good." Van said. He was in need of people he could trust, and Dilandau was one of them, he had proved his loyalty for Fanelia a few times during the years. Van's train of thoughts was disturbed by a warning cough. He came out of his dreaming only to find that a man kneeled below him.

"Rise." He said calmly.

The man rose. "King Van Fanel?" he asked a little unsure of himself.

"Yes, that is my name." Van answered coldly.

"Sire, I have an urgent message from King Amano of Lowenia." He said.

Van examined the man. He had long blond hair, and blue eyes. He was wearing black pants, with a very meticulously crafted blue top with puffy sleeves. By his side, there was a beautifully crafted sword.

"What is your name? And what proof of this do you bear?" Van asked.

"My name is Rafael, and I bear this letter." He said and showed Van a letter with the seal of Lowenia on it.

"Very well, come, we must discuss this in my office." Van said.

He passed by Dilandau, not glancing at the boy with the reddish eyes. Rafael followed him, his cerulean orbs shining oddly. He smirked at Dilandau and followed the king.


The day was peaceful as the two cat-women sat on the balcony drinking their tea.

"So sister, what must we do today? What meetings have we to attend?" the silver haired cat asked the gold haired one.

"Well, Naria, you have to meet with the minister of internal affairs, while I meet with the committee of external affairs, and then we must both meet with the King of Solaria. Remember, he has asked for an audience weeks ahead of this." The golden-haired cat said.

"I know… I know Eriya, but there's something not quite right about him. He's trying to pull something, I can feel it." Naria told her sister.

"I don't know. He looked kind of cute…" Eriya said dreamily.

All of a sudden, the air around them began to vibrate, and three flying fortresses appeared around the Grolash palace. They began shooting down the capital city, and destroying the palace, with their flame- throwers. Naria and Eriya ducked under a pile of rubble, tr6ying to shield themselves from the shock.

"What is this? How come we never heard anything about an attack?" Naria yelled at her sister.

"We've been betrayed sister! We've been betrayed! Run, before we're history!" Eriya yelled.

"No, I will stand here and fight to the death. This is my kingdom, and my kingdom alone. I won't let anyone hurt my people!" The silver-haired cat said and unsheathed her sword. By this time, from the floating fortresses, soldiers were coming out, and scattering on the ground.

"I'll fight, with you!" Eriya said.

Together, the two cat-sisters began fighting the unknown army. Back to back, they slit the throats of all the soldiers who tried to get inside what was left of the castle. It was amazing how they could move in unison, without even talking to one another. Whether Naria took a step to the right, or to the left, Eriya was right there to watch her back. Together, the cats did a dive flip, followed by a jump, their swords never losing contact with the bodies of their attackers. However, they forgot of the flying fortresses.

A net sliced the air from above, trapping the two warriors under it. They tried to break through it, but they couldn't, and soon after that, they saw someone descend from one of the fortresses.

The fighting had stopped, and the palace was now conquered. The two cats shot out evil glares, to the soldiers standing by, ready to kill them in a spilt second.

He walked slowly, his steps echoing distinctly on the broken stone, with only the sound of the cloak disturbing the uneasy silenced which engulfed the balcony. It had been a fairly easy fight, as he knew it would be. The princesses had damaged his army, but they were all replaceable. Grolash had enough people to support his armies now. Smiling wickedly, he revealed his face to his two prisoners.

Naria gasped in shock, as she examined the face of their captor. Her gaze slowly traveled past his fine-lined face, to his blue-gray hair, back to his face, and to the tear-like marked, the symbol decreeing his position.

"You scumbag! You dirty scumbag! I thought you were our ally!" she burst out in a fit of anger.

"Times change, Naria." He said with a lazy smile.

"This kingdom will never be yours, Folken." She said, accentuating his name.

"But it already is. Thank you for accepting my visit." He said with a mocking tone.

"You solarian b@st@rd! I hope you rot in hell!" Naria spat out.

She looked over at her sister, who was sitting silently on the floor, sobs shaking her body. Naria's eyes softened, as she kneeled down to hug her younger twin. "It's ok, we'll get out of this, somehow." She whispered.

"I'm afraid you won't get out of this, my pretties. Your kingdom is now a territory of Solaria, and you, you'll be my personal bodyguards." Folken laughed.

Eriya looked up, her eyes filled with tears. "You're a sadistic demon." She uttered through clenched teeth.

Folken's lips curved up into a smile, and rich deep tones of laughter filled the air. "Oh, you're just so innocent. Don't worry. With time, your hate will pass, and it will turn into more. Don't worry my princesses, you'll have the exact kind of life which you make for yourselves as my servants." He laughed and motioned his men to take them away. "Don't try to struggle now, it won't help you…"

The cat-princesses were quiet, as the net was removed. The soldiers circled them, laughing menacingly.

"Hello boys," Naria stood up with a fishy smile on her face. In a split second, she did a dive roll, and knocked one of the soldiers out. Then, she twisted the neck of another, and kicked one in the stomach. Having made an exit for herself, Naria ran, and picked up a sword abandoned on the floor. She continued her race, charging straight for Folken. With a deafening cry, she struck the king's chest. The sword shattered in the cat's hands, not even scarring him. She gasped, and took a step back.

As if he transported himself there magically, Folken came up behind Naria, and squeezed her shoulders painfully.

"Didn't I tell you to be nice?" he asked

She looked up, and spat in his face.

Folken blinked, and squeezed her even more tightly. "When your king tells you to do something, you obey, understood?" by now, Naria could feel how all the bones in her shoulders were being crushed.

"You're not my king." She said, wincing in pain.

"How wrong you are." Folken said, and without further warning, he broke her left arm. Naria cried a deafening cry, as she felt the bones crack, and blood gush out. She fell to the floor, tears glistering in her eyes. "Don't you ever disobey your king." Folken said, and grabbed her by the hair, with that, he flung her into the balcony's ledge. Naria screamed again, her already broken arm having took this impact too.

Folken turned around, letting out a silent breath of relief. She had come close to damaging his shield, and then, he would have been dead. Lucky for him, she missed.

"Senior Folken!" he heard the clear voice of the second cat-woman call after him. He turned around, his redish eyes starring straight at her.

"Senior Folken! I beg you, spare the life of my sister, and I promise you obedience and loyalty from us, from now until forever." She said, tears of terror flowing down her cheeks.

"From now until forever you say?" Folken asked.

"Eriya! Don't do it! My life is not worth our kingdom!" Naria yelled from where she had crumbled, unable to move.

"Yes, from now until forever." Eriya said clearly.

Folken smiled. He knew they would act like that, and in the end, he got what he wanted. Having the two exquisite cat-warriors by his side was a great advantage, if he were to take control of the countries of the Inner Circle. Especially Fanelia.

"Very well. Take them inside." He ordered his soldiers. "I hope you're true to your word, young Eriya." He said looking down into the cat's eyes.

"I am, senior." She answered quietly.

"Good, I like honesty." He said, and brushed a hand past her cheek.


After leaving the castle, Hitomi had not gone directly to Nadya's shop. She passed by the library, where she checked out a few books on economy, and politics. The conversation with the king had deeply raised her interest. The king… he had been an interesting person to talk to, despite being so stubborn and hard headed. But now that Hitomi thought about it, she liked sparring with him. It had kept her on her toes, though she would never admit it to herself how much she truly liked him.

Hitomi walked down the street quietly, not bothering to stick her hands in the pockets of those she passed by. Somehow, something inside her had made her wish to stop her stealing. It just wasn't safe anymore. Too many people around that could suspect her. Hitomi stopped outside of the coffee shop, admiring the landscape. Although it was late afternoon, everything was very still. Too still. Hitomi had a bad feeling about Nadya. Something wasn't right. Her shop just wasn't like this. She always had customers.

Hitomi burst in, and gasped at the scenery in front of her. Tables were turned upside down, the curtains were ripped, rags were all over the floor, and broken chairs were everywhere. Papers everywhere, coffee spilt all over the place. It looked like a tornado had hit the shop. Nothing was were it was supposed to be, and it all looked terrible.

"Nadya!" Hitomi screamed, as she began to look for the cat-woman in all the rubble. The shop was all Nadya had, and Hitomi knew for sure the cat had fought whomever did this to the last drop of blood. She just hoped that she would find her alive. "Nadya! Nadya!" Hitomi continued screaming. As she flipped over tables, and checked under every mound of broken wood and torn paper, Hitomi wondered who would do this to the most honorable woman in the city.

The young woman found the cat in a pool of her own blood, breathing labored in a corner beside the bar. A chair's wooden leg had pierced her back, coming out from the stomach. Hitomi kneeled near her friend, checking for life signs.

"Nadya! Nadya, wake up!" she said softly, as she caressed her friend's cheek.

The cat opened her green eyes tiredly, and her blue lips formed into a smile.

"Tomi, I'm so glad you're here. I wanted to see you one more time before I died." She said slowly.

"Nad, don't speak like that. I'll go get the healer right now. I promise, everything will be fine." Hitomi said. She got up, and began to head for the door.

"No, please, don't go. Stay a while. I've been here for four hours, you can wait a while longer." She pleaded.

"Are you sure?" Hitomi asked. "I really should get you a doctor for that wound."

"No, please stay. It's not bleeding any more. Hitomi, you've been like a daughter to me. I want you not to cry when I am gone. You, you've brightened up my old age, and made me feel alive again…" Nadya paused for a while, trying to catch her breath.

"Who did this to you? I promise, I'll make them pay." Hitomi asked fiercely. Tears glistered in her eyes. Seeing her friend's pain, Hitomi felt how her heart broke in two, and rage filled her veins. No, they couldn't do this to her. Nadya was the sweetest woman on the planet. Whoever did this, was an animal.

"He came in here, asking for money, and when I didn't give it to him, he did this. I'm sure he had magical powers. I tried to stop him…. But I just didn't have your skill…"

"Oh Nad," Hitomi whispered. Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"Don't cry dear, please don't cry. I want you to have this." Nadya said, and struggled to get a weird shaped pendant off her neck. It had a golden thread, and a pink tear-shaped stone attached to it. "It was a symbol of mystical protection given to me by my grandfather. Apparently, it's supposed to have magical powers. I want you to have it. Think of me, when you wear it…." Nadya said, and then her head slouched to one side.

Hitomi sat there for hours, just starring at her friend, with her paw in her hand, and the pendant in between.

"Nadya is dead. Nadya is dead. Nadya is dead. NADYA IS DEAD!!!!!!!!" her mind screamed, as tears ran down her cheeks. Her only friend, gone, stolen away from her. In a blink of an eye she was gone, and Hitomi was all alone. Alone like before, with no one there beside her. And Nadya, she had died all alone, because Hitomi hadn't been there. She hadn't been there to help her friend. She was nothing. She was no one. She was the one that deserved to die, not Nadya. She had been the one that hadn't wanted to mend her sinful ways. She had enjoyed taunting the cat. She had never appreciated her before, and now, now, when Hitomi saw the truth, Nadya was gone, and there was nothing she could do. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Nothing, nada, everything was gone, in the blink of an eye. Hitomi continued sobbing, until she could cry no more. No tears fell, having cried so much, she now felt nothing. Then anger began to take the place of pain. Anger at the man who did that. Anger, at the man who took the life of one innocent woman. Anger, and the circumstance. Anger at herself for not being there. Anger at how she wasted her time with Nadya, anger at the world.

"I just wish to see him, so I can rip out his heart." Hitomi yelled.

Suddenly, the pendant from Nadya began to glow, and Hitomi could see the man burst into the shop, and assault Nadya. Hitomi gasped in shock as she realised it was the same man she had failed to kill in Van's room. The same murderer. He took away her friend. Her only family in this wretched country.

Hitomi sobbed, and walked out of the shop, stopping straight at the police office, and announcing the death. She then walked out, not wanting to see anymore. She knew exactly where she must go, in order to catch the criminal.


Van Fanel had just finished listening to the message Rafael brought. Apparently, King Amano wanted him to take a trip to Lowenia, where he would be given significant information about the attempts on his life. Van had to talk with his council, and decide if he should take the bait. It seemed like a trap to him, but then again, he might be overreacting.

"Hey lady, you can't go in there! The king's still in a conference!" he heard his guards say.

"I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't get out of my way, I will." He heard her clear voice.

"I'm sorry, but I can't…." Van heard a crashing sound, and in the next five heartbeats, the door flung open.

"You're going to help me catch him you hear?" Hitomi Kanzaki burst in.

"Catch who?" Van asked.

"The killer. He killed her, and you're going to help me catch the little stinking s.o.b!" Hitomi said in a dangerously quiet voice.

"What are you talking about?" Van asked her girl. He could see by her red eyes that she had been crying, and he wasn't sure how to help her.

"The man that tried to kill you. He killed her too. I… I need your help to catch him." Hitomi said coming closer.

"Killed who?" Van asked.

"Nadya that's who!" Hitomi said coming up to him. "You've gotta help me." She said, grabbing his shoulders, and forcing him to look in her green eyes.

When she grabbed the king, Hitomi got a flash, of an arrow bursting through the window, and stopping straight in his neck, just as they were standing now.

"No! Duck!" she said, and pushed him out of the way.

Just as she said that, the glass broke, and an arrow zoomed past them. Van and Hitomi hit the ground, Hitomi landing on top of him.

"Are you ok?" Van asked, after he got past the initial shock of the impact. "You saved my life again." he added after that.

"You have to help me catch him. I have to avenge her death." Hitomi said, and tears glistered in her eyes, but none of them found their way down to her cheeks.

"I'll do my best, but meanwhile, how would you like a position as my bodyguard?" Van asked.

"Just as long as I get to catch him, everything will be fine. I won't let Nad's death go unpunished." Hitomi muttered.

"I will help you catch him. But come now, let me get you a place to stay." Van said, and helped Hitomi to her feet. She wobbled, but then hang on to him.

"Thank you, I had no where left to turn." She whispered.

"You're welcome." Van said silently, and they both exited the room.

A/N: ok, so that sucked…. I hope it wasn't too bad…. Heheh, what's the trap, and who is Rafael, really? Ok, a few things for the people that reviewed. Thank you so muc for doing this!!!!!!!! I hope i really haven't disappointed you. I'm trying here. Hmm... Personiffication of Fluff don't you dare say that your story isn't goood. I'll smak you really hard if you do that again! like really hard. The beauty and magnitude of your fic insipired me to create my own. In my eyes you are the best writer ever. That fic can't possibly get any better. The reason why my fic's so twisted and screwy is because i've never ever seen this done. Hitomi's been stubborn and everything, but she was never mouthy. Heheh... it goes well with her. So yes... dunt try to change your fic in any way or else i shall smak you, I am still your faitful reader, I hope you will be mine. ^_^ What else... yes, for everyone that's wondering, I am a HUGE V/H fan, and i would never have it any other way. Dillandau is NOT fanelian as you can see, and dunt worry, everything is related somehow. Just so you know, because I am a twisted writer, and I enjoy messing everything up, you will meet more characters from Earth here. Oh, and everyone's doing something else, but then again, that is the beauty of an AU is it not? Don't worry, I promise it'll be interesting. Hhehehehehehhe... but i'll leave you now... please review. Thank you for all the coments, they mean a lot to me, and I hope, hope hope hope that you'll keep on reading. I'll try to get the next chapter out asap. Thankies for all the support so far!!!!