Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Touched by Darkness ❯ Flaming curses ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"CURSE YOU!!...CURSE YOU DESTINY!!! I WILL MAKE YOU SORRY YOU WERE EVEN BORN....." Takara's vision was blurred, and could only make out very vague shapes infront of her - a huge disadvantage in battle. Suddenly it got worse, and in one eye, she saw everything was just as she saw what colour it was, it quickly shifted into black again, her normal blood colour; she put a hand to her head which was throbbing in pain from the dangerous, and fatal feelings she never wanted to be familiar with ever again, consumed her like before, striving to revive her dead, cold, and lost heart.

BLOOD. Her blood. But why was it red?

It was like dying all over again, but just as people get stronger with time, get more used to dealing with certain situations should they be exposed to it enough times, will learn how to deal with it. And Takara has; as Destiny put her abilities to the ultimate test, using them on the eve of war, one that she and an innocent was present in, was a daring move, if not vulnerable for should it fail, could have backwards affects on the spell caster....

"She tried to change you.….. through me....." He went to help Takara to her feet, knowing such contact could earn him his death, but instead, she accepted it without a word or glance, and she lost her balance, but Sapphire caught her.....and held her. He should have wondered why she just stood there, in his embrace amidst the attacking Blade and Shiana who barely even cut his clothes as he dodged them with a dancer's grace; he should have been suspicious as to why she mysteriously turned towards him, snuggling into his chest, allowing his warm strong arms to wrap around her, and to protect her as he fought with the opposition; he really shouldn't have been so careless about holding the woman he had always loved; who had always loved him; the one woman who would do anything for him, who would even DIE for him if she had to....

All the fighter's stood still for a few seconds when they eventually parted, to steady themselves for another gruelling combat when they rejoined. When he was some distance away from them, Sapphire smelt Takara's soft, silky-smooth hair, loving the sweet scent of flowers in it.......liking to actually hold her, and that she actually let him hold her.....and so close to his beating heart......not being able to rest his head on hers like he did before, but that didn't matter now, nothing did, so long as she held him like he was holding her......

But Takara never ONCE held him, not even when she was dying; she only let him hold her then, because she didn't have the strength to fight back or push him away......Takara was born and bred in the labyrinth, a baron place full of suffering for all those who were not pure evil; flowers, in the extreme of even having any flowers in their realm, they were poisonous with deadly perfumes. Scented hair is too "girly" for someone like Takara, who was more of a fighting leader than a feminist, who likes all things associated with women; dresses, perfume, giggling, make-up...Takara hated all those things, preferring to be a tomboy instead, as it's more convenient in a world like theirs.….. Sapphire only got the chance to hols Takara close to him once, and it was that time when she died because of his love for her; but even then, her heart wasn't beating, and yet, and yet she was still alive... probably the way she's meant to be, being The Dark Lord's daughter, possessing half his heritage but all of his black powers...... Though they never did or ever will hold each other like that again, or to hold her properly when she's well again, there were occasions when he'd forgotten the ability to speak, like in the beginning when he first joined Takara's army and empire, she stood infront of him, a foot or so apart, and looking directly into his eyes, asserting her authority, making sure he knew it inside out, she was almost the same height as him, Sapphire standing 6ft tall, and Takara a close 5ft 10/11 inches......

At once he blasted a terrific amount of blue energy into whoever it was he was holding, not caring one bit if they died right there and then or not, all he wanted was to kill them, and if he didn't manage that, then he'd use all his strength to injury them until they're on the verge of death. As they were blasted away, he wasn't careful enough, and Blades spear sliced through his sleeve, which would have been his arm cut off, clean, and completely, if it wasn't for his high skills as a Dakra Mage; he saw them finally going away, tendrils of long, blond hair trailing with the falling tears......

And blood.

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"I've always been inlove with you... (always with you)

I guess you've always know it's true; (you know it's true)

you took my love for granted why, oh why,

this show is over say goodbye

say, goodbye.....

say goodbye..."

By Madonna from the song Take a bow; you'll soon see why I chose these particular lyrics for this chapter. Hopefully there will be more like this to come. ^_^ Email me at if you like; or better still, leave a review and tell me what you think of it.