Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Fates ❯ In the Arms of the Angel ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10 ~ In the arms of the Angel

It was early morning when Hitomi woke up sleepily. She remembered the events of last night. She smiled, thinking of the wild kisses. Did they really happen? Or was she just being fooled by her imagination again? No, they did happen, or else Van wouldn't be holding her like that. Hitomi stirred, and took a better look at Van. She guessed he was more hurt than he was showing. After all, his wings just gave up on him yesterday. He was her fallen angel, now more literally than ever. Hitomi gently broke Van's embrace. She was hungry, and her leg hurt. Hitomi crawled around, and searched for something she could support herself on. If no one would we coming for them, they'd have to make it out on their own, and Van wouldn't be able to carry her.

"Huh? Hitomi where are you?" Van asked startled as he awakened all by himself.

"Don't worry. I'm here, it's just that I need to find something that will support me since my ankle is sprained." Hitomi told him from the darkness.

"Be careful," Van said and tried to get up. There was an awful pain in his back. He hoped that his wings were all right, and that in the fall he had no broken any ribs.

"You, sit down where you are. I'll take a look at you in a second. Let me make my way over to you." Hitomi told him.

"How did you know I tried to get up?" Van asked.

"I heard you groan. Stay there." Hitomi said and limped back over to him. She had found a thick stick and that made her walking easier.

Van looked at Hitomi. Her face looked pale, and she looked in pain. All he wanted to do now was just get them out of there. He was sure Hitomi needed a doctor.

"Oh, we need to get out of here." Hitomi told him as she sat down beside him.

"I know. You need a doctor." Van observed.

"My foot is fine. It's just a light sprain, but you're probably hurt also." Hitomi observed.

"Nah, I'm fine." Van assured her.

"No you're not. Is that why your back is all bruised?" she asked.

"No it's not!' Van argued.

"Zip it! Take off your shirt. I need to see if you broke any ribs." Hitomi ordered.

Van obliged. He was indeed not feeling well at all, although all he would have liked to do was kiss Hitomi some more. Hmm, but she was concentrating on his back. Van felt Hitomi slowly massage it, and closed his eyes. He had never felt better. It was sheer delight for someone to take the time to do that. Behind him, Hitomi frowned. She didn't like the look of things.

"Van, could you sprout your wings please?" Hitomi asked.

Van's eyes opened in shock. She wanted to see them? The things for which he was cursed? "Why? What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think you might have hurt your wings in the fall. I want to see if they're all right. Maybe that's all that's been causing you all this pain." Hitomi reasoned.

"Are you sure?" Van asked.

"Yeah. There's nothing for you to be afraid of. I told you before, I think your wings are beautiful." Hitomi said and blushed.

Van turned around to look at her. She wasn't looking at him. She was staring at some point in the ground, but Van could see Hitomi's blush. She really believed what she had said. He smiled. The one person -besides Merle- who had never been afraid of his wings. She was truly something.

"Ok, brace yourself." Van told her.

Hitomi looked at him, with a look of sheer happiness, not fear. She was delighted to see his wings again. They were magical.

Hitomi watched in amazement, as two soft furry things started to come out of Van's back. She watched transfigured as the ivory wings grew and grew. They were beyond words; so beautiful. They represented all the purity and innocence Hitomi could imagine. It was like nothing she saw before. Hitomi felt like crying at the sight. How different Van looked with them. She concentrated on her plan. Hitomi put her hands on one of the wings. The feathers were soft. Softer than anything she had ever felt, besides Van's kiss. And light too. So light. Hitomi slowly traced her hand down the wing. It was majestic. She could feel Van tremble under her touch. Hitomi guessed that no one had ever done that to him. Her touch became even softer, gentler. She could see Van blush. He was actually crimson red from her touch. Hitomi noticed that halfway down the wing, there was dust, rustled feathers, and even some specks of blood. She took a closer look, and found that there was a long thin scratch under the feathers. Hitomi cleaned the wound as best as she could, and put the feathers back in place. She could feel the wing get soft and relax again. Hitomi proceeded on inspecting the other wing. It proved to be intact, except for a few rustled feathers. Van was as red as a boiled lobster, if not redder.

"It's ok. I was right. Your right wing is scratched. When we get out of here, I'll have Millerna take a look at it." Hitomi told him smiling.

Van pulled his wings in, and turned to face her. "No, although the others know who I am, only you and Merle have been close to me when I had my wings. Others will be frightened of them. It will heal all by itself." Van told her.

"But why, they are so beautiful." Hitomi said innocently.

Van blushed, thinking about they way she had caressed his wings. "You're not from here, so there will be no use to try and explain." Van told her.

"Ok then. So, how should we get out of here?" Hitomi asked, drawing back, and putting more logs on the fire.

"Hey, is that all I get?" Van asked, with a weird twinkle in his eye.

"What do you mean?" Hitomi asked.

"Well, isn't a kiss supposed to make it better?" Van asked raising an eyebrow.

Hitomi pretended like she didn't know what he was talking about. "A kiss?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, like this." Van said and drew Hitomi closer to him. He kissed her, a deep kiss, that awakened all the fire he had felt the night before. Hitomi pressed herself against Van harder, her mouth devouring his. Her hands entwined behind his neck, drawing him even closer. Van's hands were softly tracing the lines on her back. Hitomi felt like she was burning. The sweet fire of the pleasure was gently spreading through Hitomi. She was about to let out a soft moan, when a voice came from above.

"Lord Van! Hitomi are you down there?" they heard a familiar voice.

Van and Hitomi broke free, happy that they were rescued, but frustrated because their romantic moment was interrupted.

"Yeah, down here Merle!" Van called.

"Great! We'll have some people come down there as soon as possible! Hold on!" Merle said. They heard rushed steps on the surface.

"Hey, you know, we should just act normal. I bet everyone is dying to know what happened. If we just play it cool, we'll drive them crazy. Especially Merle." Van told her, with a mischievous look.

"We should do that. She has been trying her matchmaking techniques on us! I don't like being a lab rat." Hitomi said.

"Not that I haven't enjoyed it, but I want to teach her a lesson. I don't need that much help solving my problems!" Van said.

"Yeah! It would be great!" Hitomi giggled.

"Well, since we have to play it cool for a while, let's just get some kisses in advance." Van said and leaned over to steal some hot kisses from Hitomi.

"You do realise that I'll want more in a few hours?" she laughed.

"I'll be happy to oblige." Van chuckled.

"Yeah, but just as long as we don't blow our cover. I find I like your idea very much!" Hitomi told him.

"Don't worry!" Van told her, and kissed her again.

Footsteps were heard above-ground.

"Come on, we're supposed to be playing it cool! We're gonna blow it from the start if you don't stop!" Hitomi laughed and got Van off of her.

"Aww, I'm not sure I like this very much," he said looking at her with a wide grin.

"Come on, it was your idea in the first place, and secondly, when have u played such a perfectly orchestrated joke on everybody?" Hitomi asked.

"Well...." Van was silent.

"Well? You'll have fun!" Hitomi laughed at him.

"Hey Van, Hitomi, are you all right in there?" they heard a voice from up above.

"Just fine!" Hitomi responded.

"Ok, we'll be sending down some ropes, are you injured?" the voice asked.

"Only Hitomi. She's sprained an ankle." Van shouted.

"Ok. We'll be sending someone down there then." The voice said.

"No, I'm ok, I can tie the rope to my waist and you can pull me up. If you send someone down there, you risk more rocks to fall." Hitomi pointed out.

"Very well. Are you sure?" the man asked.

"Positive." Hitomi responded.

"Are you sure?" Van asked her.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine. It's only a sprain." Hitomi smiled reassuringly.

"I wouldn't want you getting hurt." Van told her as he snuggled closer.

"I won't be hurt, but thank you for the concern." Hitomi said as she ran her hand through his hair.

"Always. When it comes to you, I always worry." Van told her as he gently touched her cheek.

"I'm not that accident prone!" Hitomi laughed.

"I know, but I can't help but worry." Van confessed.

Just then, two ropes came down the narrow hole.

"Well, I guess we're really getting out of here." Hitomi said as she got up to limp towards the rope. Van himself got up and supported her. He tied the rope around her waist securely, and then signalled the people to pull her up. Van watched as Hitomi reached safety.

When Hitomi reached the surface, many unfamiliar faces greeted her. Then, out of nowhere, the red fur and tail belonging to Merle appeared. The young cat-woman jumped in front of the people, and gave Hitomi a big hug.

"Hitomi! I'm so glad you're safe!" Merle exclaimed while hugging her.

"It's ok Merle! We fell through the ground to the mine when the earthquake occurred. We're fine. Just tired and hungry." Hitomi told her.

"I was so worried when you and Lord Van didn't show up at the castle. We waited, and waited, but then went in search of you two this morning." Merle told her. "Lord Van!" she exclaimed jumping into Van's arms as soon as they pulled him out.

"I'm fine Merle. Just fine. A little bruised, but fine." Van told her.

"Good. Millerna can take a look at you two when we get there. Here, we brought two extra horses." Merle told them.

One of the men helped mount Hitomi on the horse. Van took the other one, and they were off in the direction of the Asturian castle.

"Hey Van, isn't it good to be back in the sunlight?" Hitomi asked, giving him a warm look.

"Yeah. Getting stuck in that mine was not a good idea." Van said with a mischievous look. Hitomi smiled at him. It might not have been that great for comfort, but other than that, she valued that time. Where else could they get that much peace and quiet. She smiled, thinking Van was thinking the same thing.

"How about a race?" Hitomi asked, grinning wickedly.

"You sure you're up to it?" Van asked, matching her grin with an equally seductive smirk.

"Yeah! Of course. I may not be able to run, but this horse can!" Hitomi laughed.

"Ready, set, go!" Van said.

And, they were off. At first Hitomi was in the lead. For most of the way there she was approximately one length ahead of him. However Van pulled in the last stretch, and reached the castle before her.

"Well Hitomi, I guess you owe me something now!" Van said grinning wolfishly.

"Well I guess I do." Hitomi said smiling at him.

"Hey you two! Where did you run off in such a hurry?" Merle asked finally reaching them.

"Oh, just having a friendly race." Hitomi told her innocently.

"Yeah, can we go inside now? I'm starving!" Van told them.

"Me too!" Hitomi agreed.

"Let me help you down." Van offered.

"Hey you two! We've been worried sick about you! Is it true you got stuck in the mine?" Millerna asked when she saw them enter the palace.

"Yeah, for the whole night." Hitomi answered from Van's arms.

"I see. Have you sprained your ankle or something?" Millerna asked.

"Yes. Can you take a look at it?" Hitomi asked.

"Sure, right this way." Millerna led them to her infirmary. There, she bandaged Hitomi's ankle. "Just stay off it for a few days, and you should be ?" Millerna smiled.


Later that night, after dinner, the Asturian royalty was holding a small party. Hitomi felt it safe to slip away carefully. She had to admit it was fun teasing everyone, since they were all curious about what happened, but she wanted to tend to Van's hurt wing. She took some bandages and medicines from Millerna's office, and went to sit on the roof of the castle.

Hitomi was looking up at the moon, and thinking how content she was. Being loved back what the best feeling in the world, next to loving. Hitomi hoped Van would come. If not, she'd have to catch him in the morning. She was determined on fixing his wing.

"Hey, what are you dreaming about?" Van asked coming up behind her.

"Oh nothing, I was just reflecting on Merle's reaction when I told her nothing happened in the mine. I told her that all we did was talk." Hitomi had to laugh.

"Yeah, I know. She had this sour look on her face. It was like she just ate a piskis." Van laughed, and sat beside Hitomi.

"I brought stuff to fix your wing, since you didn't want Millerna seeing them." Hitomi said and showed him the medicine.

"Hitomi, you didn't have to." Van told her.

"Yes I did. There's no point in you ruining your wings because of me. Come on, let me have a look." Hitomi motioned him to take his shirt off, and sprout his wings.

Van obliged, and his majestic wings sprouted into the night. Hitomi was again caught in a trance. Luckily, she recovered fast, and got to work on cleaning the wound. Van winced a little, when she bandaged it, but had to admit it felt much better when she finished. The stiffness in his back was almost gone.

"You know, no one has ever touched my wings before you." He told her when she finished.

"I know. I could see by the way you reacted that no one had ever laid hands on them." Hitomi told him.

Van stretched out on the roof, looking at the starry sky. "Everyone was afraid of them. They all fear the Draconians. You're the first human that hasn't. You and Merle." Van told her quietly.

"Why should I fear you? I think your wings are the most beautiful things ever, and that you should be proud of them. It is true that you shouldn't show them to everyone, but you shouldn't be upset of who you are. After all, you couldn't help it, and it's not your fault. Therefore, if you can't fight it, join it." Hitomi told him as she lay beside him.

"Hmm, how do you manage to make me feel better?" Van asked amazed.

"Well, all I know is that I love you for who you are. My fallen angel." Hitomi said, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"You're an angel. I can't believe I was a fool to let you go before." Van said, and kissed her back. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. You still owe me since I won that race!" Van said with a wolfish smile.

"What do you want?" Hitomi asked laughing.

"Well, hmm... how about this?" Van said, and leaned over. He kissed her. The fire burning inside of him, he could also feel Hitomi's deep desire. Oh, he COULD spend an eternity kissing her. Every time, it was different. Sweeter and better than before. Van moaned in pleasure. Hitomi broke the kiss.

"Well, how about these?" she asked and placed hot kisses on his cheek and lips. Hot playful kisses, only making Van chuckle.

"How could you guys lead me to think there was nothing in between you?" they heard a voice in front of them. Van and Hitomi looked up, only to see Merle's silhouette outlined in the moonlight. "How could you?" she asked.

"Merle, it was just a joke, meant to teach you better than to try your little matchmaking games on us!" Hitomi laughed, blushing that she'd been "caught in the act".

"Was I really that transparent?" Merle asked.

"Yes." Van agreed.

"Oh well, so tell me. Are you guys together?" Merle asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Hitomi said, looking in Van's eyes, her eyes never wavering.

"Great!" Merle jumped up into the air. "Err, I'll be leaving you now." She said and left.

"And Merle! Remember, no more matchmaking!" Van called after her.

"Yeah right! Now that I've got you two together, there's more work for me to do." She shot back as she was leaving.

"Well, there you have it. I present you Cupid's assistant!" Hitomi laughed.

Van chuckled too. He hugged Hitomi, tightly. It was so great finally having his feelings in the open. Van realised how much he loved her. Just for what she had said tonight, he felt his love for her blossom. She was truly a gift from the gods. How could he ever wish for more? She had already given him everything, and in return taken his heart. Van laughed, thinking he never wanted it back. She could keep it forever, for it was the beating of her own heart that kept him alive. She was the only thing he needed in his life. May the world fall apart and crumble, he would always have what he found in that mine.