Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Fates ❯ Rain Washes Everything Away ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2 ~ The Rain Washes Everything Away
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Chapter 2 ~ The Rain Washes Everything Away

The rain came slashing down on the grey city. Clouds of smog and smoke raised grim columns in the air. There were little people in the streets, and the ones that were around all wore colourful umbrellas. The tall slender woman walked slowly through the streets, shielded by the black umbrella. She carried some flowers with her. The colourful reds, oranges and yellows of the flowers contrasted with her all black outfit. The woman headed towards the small graveyard near the church. She slowly walked through the small rows, and stopped in front of three small headstones. There, she placed the flowers evenly between the three graves, and just sat there on the wet grass, remembering.
"But mom, I don't want to go. Can't I just stay home? Yukari can come stay with me," a younger Hitomi said.
"But honey, I thought you wanted to come. What made you change your mind?" Mrs. Kanzaki asked.
"Well, I have to study, and well... I just don't feel like it," Hitomi told her sadly.
"Does it have to do with your disappearance?" her mother asked.
"Well... yes and no... but it's not a good time. Can I stay home, please?"
"Very well, we're going to call you when we get to your aunt's ok?"
"You're not going Hitomi?" her little brother asked.
"No, I can't."
"Yeah! I have the back seat all to myself. See you in a week Medusa!" her little brother laughed.
"Squirt, what did you call me?"
"We'll be going now Hitomi," take care, her father told her.
*end flashback*
Upon coming back from Gaea, Hitomi had been distant and sad. She didn't want to leave Van behind, but she also wanted to continue her education. For almost three months, she had talked to him, and had started to regret her decision with the passing day. That's when she decided that if she's going to get through her highschool and college career, she would have to stop talking to Van. Hitomi regretted that decision very much now, but what could she do? She was stuck this way. Their link broken. She was alone in the world, the only thing left was her schoolwork, and her running -and even those were unsatisfying. Hitomi thought back to that horrible night one year ago when she received that phone call.
"Hello?" a puzzled Hitomi answered the midnight ring.
"Hello, is this Hitomi Kanzaki?" a soft woman's voice was heard.
"Yes, who is this?" Hitomi asked puzzled.
"Hi, my name is Anja Lee, and I'm calling from General Hospital. Your family has been in a terrible car accident. I'm so sorry for your loss..."
The voice went on, but Hitomi couldn't hear it. She dropped the phone, and she dashed out the door, not believing what she had heard.
*end flashback*
"Mom, dad, little bro, I miss you all." Hitomi whispered between tears, for she was crying freely now. She was feeling so alone. The last year had not been easy for her. She made a deal with a social control agency, that they will not send her to an orphanage. A social worker would check on her every week to see that she's all right, and her neighbours and friends watched over her. Yet, Hitomi was alone in the world. So alone, and so empty. There was no reason for her to live. She practically lived in this cemetery. Every week, Hitomi brought flowers to her family's graves, and sometimes cried. On days like today she couldn't help it. It was times like this that she wished she never stopped talking to Van. On top of the grief from her family, she thought of him constantly. Sometimes thoughts of him made her smile, sometimes they made her cry. It reminded her of what she left behind, and what she could never have. Hitomi got up from the wet grass, and wiped her tears. With grim silent steps, she left the cemetery.
Later that night, having finished her homework, Hitomi couldn't stop the sad memories from flooding her. She knew that her family's death wasn't her fault, yet she couldn't help how much she missed them. Nowadays, Hitomi rarely smiled. There was so little to smile about, what was the point? Hitomi put on her track clothes, and went out to the park for a jog. The only way she could get rid of her anger, solitude and hate of life was by running. Pure exhaustion helped her sleep, and made her feel better. Using up all her life's power, Hitomi felt content, for she felt she had no place on Earth. She was so alone.
After running for about two hours, at times full sprint, Hitomi decided to rest on one of the small park benches. She inhaled the cool night air. She loved the fresh air after a rainstorm. She looked up at the bright moon up in the sky.
"It's no use," she said bitterly "no matter how hard I look I'll never see Gaea." Hitomi sighed. She missed Van so much it was tearing a hole through her heart. Her family's death, she could accept. In fact, she accepted that a long time ago, but Van? He was a different story. Why did she let him go? Why did she come back to Earth? All she had since she came back was loss, pain, suffering and loneliness. How could she walk out of his life? Why did she let herself be so stupid as to not tell him how she felt? Even if he didn't say it back. It didn't matter. Now, he probably moved on with his life and forgot all about her. Why was she so stupid?
As Hitomi sat there, her conscience battling with her tattered soul, a blinding pillar of light landed in front of her. Hitomi shielded her eyes from the shock.
Van arrived in a park. He guessed that this was the Phantom Moon. Great, how was he going to find Hitomi?
As soon as Hitomi recovered from the initial shock, she ran to the place where she saw the light hit. Unfortunately, she tripped on a rock, and landed in the arms of the tall stranger brought by the pillar of light.
"I'm sorry," Hitomi said raising up her head from his chest.
"It's all right............... Hitomi?" Van asked looking at the slender girl with the sad green eyes.
"Van, is that you?" the girl asked.
"Hitomi!" Van exclaimed hugging her tightly.
"Oh, I missed you so much!" she told him hugging him back. "When I saw the pillar of light hit, I hoped it was you," she said burying her head in his chest. "Stupid girl, what are you doing?" she thought "He probably came back to ask you to let him go, and invite you to his wedding. Don't be selfish, he's probably moved on."
"I missed you too Hitomi, and I just had to see you again." Van told her. "Idiot, she probably moved on with her life. There's nothing wrong with her. How are you going to tell her you just wanted to see her again and want her to come on Gaea for a vacation?" Van thought.
"So what are you doing here?" Hitomi asked, her voice trembling. "Brace yourself, here goes," she thought.
"Well, I... I... just thought that you might like to come back to Gaea for a while, I... I'm almost done rebuilding Fanelia, and would like your help with remodelling the capital city," Van said, uneasy. "Great explanation dumbo! That will make her want to come back for sure!" his conscience said.
"Oh, Van, I... I would love to come back to Gaea, and I would love to help you remodel the city," Hitomi told him. "Ok... so maybe he's waiting until you get to Gaea to introduce you to your wife. At least you'll get away from this forsaken place. A vacation would help you. Just go." Her conscience advised.
"Are you serious?" Van asked.
"Yes, let's go!" Hitomi exclaimed.
"Great, Hitomi, I........................ didn't think you'd want to come," Van said. "Idiot! Just say it!" he thought. However, his lips were sealed.
"I would love a break from this place. Come on!" Hitomi blushed. "For a moment there I though...... ah, never mind, just enjoy this time alone with him. If he's truly engaged than this is all you'll have." Her inner voice muttered.
Van embraced Hitomi, and the pillar of white light swallowed them, carrying them to the world of wishes known as Gaea.