Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Fates ❯ Shifting Patterns ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12 ~ Shifting Patterns

Hitomi woke up with commotion outside her door. She sighed, and dressed quickly. What was going on? And where was her husband? She had been married to him for one week, and this was the first night she could see that he had not returned home. Hitomi hurried out of her room.

"What's going on?" she asked a servant girl.

"It's the raiders. We've had rumours that they are heading for the city. The king has left to intercept them at the North Pass." The girl told her.

Understanding dawned on Hitomi. That's why she woke up alone. Nevertheless, this was a problem among many. Hitomi headed for the council room. There were some meetings she would have to attend today. The task of a queen was to be able to protect her country. She wasn't doing any good just lying around, waiting for others to do the work. Over the last weeks, Hitomi had found a safe haven in the palace library. There, she spent countless hours trying to master the history, geography and political constitution of Fanelia. As a queen, she had responsibilities to the people. Hitomi was determined to do them good. For a start, she started attending council meetings, sometimes offering feasible solutions, to hard problems. She sighed, rubbing her eyes. If a battle were to occur, she hoped Van would make it back alive, and unhurt.

"Good morning, gentlemen." Hitomi said as she walked into the council room.

"Milady, what are you doing here?" Leto asked.

"I have come to attend this meeting. It's not in the range of meetings that I usually attend, but since the king is otherwise engaged, I feel one of us must attend." Hitomi told them firmly.

No one objected. Wazir smiled at her treacherously. Hitomi returned his smile, with an icy glare.

"Well, we are all here to discuss the trade contract with Solaria." Wazir told them all. "I think we all agree that Jonathan should go over there, and establish the taxes for them to import their materials into the country." Wazir told them all clearing his throat.

"Wait a minute." Hitomi objected. "Wazir, would you be so kind to refresh my memory and tell me what EXACTLY we are trading with Solaria?" Hitomi asked.

"Well, milady, we are trading a few grains, fruits, dairy and meat products." Wazir told her.

"Aren't you forgetting something Wazir? Or has old age caught up with you?" Hitomi asked him maliciously.

"What am I forgetting milady?" Wazir asked in a dangerously low voice.

"The chrome steel that is found only in Solaria. That is also on our trade list. How could you forget such an important item Wazir? After all, only all our weapons, ships, and flying fortresses are made of it!" Hitomi told him.

Wazir turned pale. Where was she going with this? He made profits from the taxes. What did this revolutionary wench have in mind THIS time? "Umm, what are you suggesting your majesty?" he asked politely, yet coldly.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a free trade contract be of more use here?" she asked.

"A free trade contract? How does that work?" Leto asked.

Hitomi looked at him squarely. She forgot that this world didn't have that.

"Well," she begun "it works like this. Fanelia and Solaria sign a pact decreeing that they can sell particular products on the other country's market tax free..." Hitomi continued.

"That's outrageous! Where will we get our profit from?" Wazir yelled across the table.

"Cool down Wazir, I think I see where our queen is going with this!" Leto told him.

"You probably do," Hitomi smiled "now am I right when I acknowledge that the chrome steel is very precious on the market, and that puts Solaria in the highest esteem of the circles of trade, since good quality steel can only be found there?" Hitomi asked. Leto nodded. "Well, that means that Solaria trades with almost every major country in Gaea, but has to pay taxes to that country for selling their steel there. If we make them this outrageous offer -from their point of view- Fanelia will become a main importer of this steel, since Solaria will sell most of it here, tax free. Thus, we will be able to improve our armies, and create a surplus in parts. Those parts we can sell on other markets, and make more profits than we normally do in taxes." Hitomi told them.

"A most interesting idea, I must admit milady." Leto confessed.

"Not only that, but the trade contract works the other way too. We can sell items tax free within their borders. If so, we can lower the price of sale, thus competing with their producers." Hitomi told them smiling.

"It's outrageous! They wouldn't accept! We have all the advantages!" Wazir told her.

"No, they would, because from their point of view, they will see things in a similar manner." Hitomi told them.

"So then, who has the advantage?" Wazir asked.

"We do, because we get the most steel." Hitomi told him.

Just then, a soldier burst through the door.

"Our army was beaten. The raiders were using powerful weapons. Our spies told us that they will be here by dusk. We should hurry and prepare! Their troops are coming from the north, AND south!" the soldier told them.

Panic erupted between the council members. Hitomi looked up at the soldier, all the blood from her face gone.

"Were there any survivors?" she asked.

"We don't know for sure. All the message said was that the army was beaten, and that the barbarians were making their way to the city at a hurried pace." The man told her.

Everybody was getting ready to jump out of their seats, and spread about, when Hitomi spoke.

"Everyone, sit down! We need to discuss measures and actions we will take." She told them all, a voice of steel.

At the tone of authority, everyone took a seat again, except the soldier.

"You too. I need you to inform me on the conditions of the troops left here, and of the arsenal we have." Hitomi told him firmly. To the council, she appeared as hard as a rock. However, she was breaking inside. What if Van was dead? What if she couldn't get the people to safety? What if the barbarians arrived too early? What if they couldn't stop them? Hitomi was very worried, since more than her life depended on her. It was the whole city who would listen to her decisions. More or less.

"Milady, are you ok?" Leto asked her.

"Yes, just fine!" Hitomi responded sharply as she came out of her dreaming. Oh, she wasn't ready to deal with this. No one ever taught her war tactics! She'll have to base herself on what she read in the war books back on Earth. "Ok," she said coming to a decision. "We are surrounded by the mountains to the west, and the river to the east. The north pass to the north, and nothing to the south, except more land. Since they are planning to bottle us up, and squish us like bugs, we are going have to be clever. The river is too violent to cross, and it would be too tedious. Thus, the friendly mountains must be our resort. Go, send a man with notice to the people, to take the barest necessities, and head for the mountains." Hitomi told them.

"Yes, my queen." The soldier got up to leave.

"Wait a minute, how much of the royal army is still here?" Hitomi asked.

"Well, one quarter of the formal army, plus the royal guard, plus the men from the village willing to fight." The soldier told her.

"Ok, they are all armed? Good now, only the army and the royal guard will remain in the city. All the other men are to go up to the mountains with their families. Each must have a good weapon. They will be provided with a guide. They shall shelter in the caves there, until the danger passes. Now, since we are few, and they are many, we must be sneaky. The army will split into two parts. One will take the south side, and one will take the north side. When the barbarians come, they will find the city deserted, and will be puzzled. We shall seal the two entries with rocks and cut tree logs, and we will trap them within the city. The will not be able to escape through the river, nor through the mountains. The paths will be too dangerous. In the meantime, we call for reinforcements from the rest of the country and our allies. How does that sound?" Hitomi asked.

"Well, it is a daring plan, and it might indeed work." Leto told her.

"Well, I don't see anyone coming up with something better. It's useless to try to fight them face to face, since we are outnumbered. Thus, let's use the advantages we have." Hitomi told them.

"A very good plan, milady." The soldier said.

"Great, if you have all that, then go share it with your commander, and get to work." Hitomi motioned them to hurry. They didn't have much time.

"I am the commander milady." The man said and left.

Hitomi blushed, thinking she was still naïve from many points of view. She smiled, thinking she handled that pretty well. Who knew old cowboy movies would be of such great help? Hitomi's mind returned to matters. The palace had to be evacuated and members of the council had to be transported to safety. Much depended on their leaving the country before it was too late. They needed to bring back reinforcements. Hitomi rubbed her forehead. Why did all bad things have to happen at once? She hoped Van had survived the first fight, however, she couldn't afford to think about him right now. She had to stay strong for the people. If she panicked, it all went down the drain.

"Get ready to leave within the half an hour." She told the council members.

"Where will we go?" Wazir asked.

"Asturia, Solaria and all other countries where you can get some help, and establish connections for Fanelia. If this city falls, economy must get back up somehow. You are going to be the links that make it happen. Also, you have to get reinforcements here in time. Hurry!" She told them and got up to leave.

As she left the stuffy council chamber, Hitomi felt compelled to take one look out the window and see the city whole. There will have to be a lot of rebuilding when they will come back. She wanted to commit it to memory, so she could see how to rebuild it later.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are you going to be during all of this?" Leto asked her.

"Here, with the people. It's my duty to stay behind, now go." Hitomi told him.

"Lord Van would be very upset if something happened to you." Leto told her.

"Listen, for all I know, I could be a widow at the moment. So don't give me that. Secondly, when I agreed to become queen of Fanelia, I took the responsibility to look after the people, on my own shoulders. So don't tell me to run away. This is where I belong. Right along with them. I have to take care of my subjects, whether you like it or not, so I don't think you have a right to tell me to flee." Hitomi told him hotly.

Leto didn't say anything. He only nodded his head in approval. Hitomi was alone in the hall, once people got running about completing their tasks.

"Oh Van, please be all right." She whispered, and then left for the village. Her help was required there.


"Hitomi! Hitomi wake up!" Merle knocked on her door.

There was no answer from inside.

"Come on sleepy head! Everyone wants to see you. Lord Van can't make the announcement without you! Hitomi! Come out, or I'm coming in there!" Merle said and burst in through the door.

She saw the woman lay on the bed, unmoved. Her face looked congested and pale.

"Oh no! Lord Van! Lord Van!" Merle screamed and ran out of the room. Her voice was echoing in the grand halls, awakening everyone.