Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Fates ❯ The Unexpected Proposal ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7 ~ The Unexpected Proposal

Hitomi was not one of the women who could cry and be all right the next morning. She woke up with puffy red eyes, and overall, a puffy face. Her heart was deep with sorrow, and she just wanted to bury herself in a deep hole. Her love was doomed, as well as her life here on Gaea. The only thing left for her was to return to the Phantom Moon. Hitomi laughed at herself. She didn't even think about it as Earth anymore. When did she get accustomed to life here? Hitomi sighed, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks again. Van, he... didn't love her. Hitomi started crying again. He had been engaged to that princess all along and didn't even tell her. He just led her on. She was now downright enraged. Why, oh why did life torture her so? Hitomi got up from the bed, and in her rage, she kicked the dresser. She fell on the floor in pain, yet laughing maniacally.

"Hitomi? Are you all right?" a voice came from outside her room.

"Merle, come in, it's all right! I won't bite!" Hitomi said still laughing. She had finally broke, her despair reaching unthought of levels.

"What's so funny?" Merle asked coming in. She had expected Hitomi to be sad, not on the floor of her chamber laughing crazily.

"Oh Merle, life is so cruel that you just can't help but laugh. It's comic really. I came here hoping my feelings are mutual, and then my worst fears come true." Hitomi broke into another fit of laughter.

After hearing that, understanding dawned on Merle. In very little words, Hitomi had managed to confess her love to Lord Van, and her disappointment at the engagement. Merle could see that Hitomi had broken down from all the pain.

"There, there, Lord Van knew nothing of this engagement. It's all Wazir's fault." Merle told her, helping Hitomi off the floor.

"I'm sure he didn't. And even if he did, he wouldn't have told me. All he wanted was just a little experience for his new wife." Hitomi said bitterly in her deplorable state.

"Hitomi! Don't say that! Lord Van is not like Allen Schezar. He cares about you very much." Merle told Hitomi.

"I'm sure he does." Hitomi laughed and plopped onto the bed.

"Come on, let's go get you washed up!" Merle said and hurried Hitomi to the bathroom. She needed to get the poor girl out of her state, or else her plan would never work.

After washing and literally waking Hitomi up, Merle proceeded on dressing her.

"Merle, for how long have you been here?" Hitomi asked as if she remembered nothing.

"Oh, not that long. Here, put this on." Merle said and gave her a red dress.

"Oh Merle, thank you. Thank you very much." Hitomi told her in a serious voice.

"It's my pleasure. I want to see that Princess gone as soon as possible, and Wazir kicked out of office. God I hate him!" Merle told her making a face.

"But she's Van's fiancée. They can't reject her!" Hitomi observed sadly.

"Not for long. Since Lord Van did not know anything of this, he is liable to break off the engagement." Merle informed Hitomi. As she was looking at her face, Merle saw Hitomi's features get lighter. Almost as if a weight was taken off her shoulders.


In the council room, Van was sitting at the head of the table, looking at his council disapprovingly. What a bunch of idiots, with low views of how things should be. On days like these, Van was compelled to do what he always did. Daydream about Hitomi. However, a more important matter was next on the list of items. His marriage with Princess "Annoyance". Whenever Van saw that woman, he wanted to strangle her. And now Wazir got him engaged to her? Van was downright outraged.

"Is that all right with you sire?" a member of the council asked.

"Whatever, I don't care the least bit about this hunk of junk. You can decide. I came here today to scorn prime-minister Wazir." Van said gruffly. He had ordered Wazir to be excluded from this meeting. Van didn't think he could trust himself not to jump at his throat.

"Why, what did he do?" Leto, his eldest advisor asked.

"That incompetent got me engaged to Princess June of Roma." Van yelled.

"What's wrong with that?" the minister of private affairs asked.

"Oh, you see no problem? Well let me tell you the problem! I can't stand her! That's the problem. Aside from the fact that I don't love her, I can honestly tell you that I do not see myself laying a finger on that wretch. Nonetheless make her queen of Fanelia." Van yelled.

"Sire, no need to get worked up." Leto told him quietly.

"Excuse me, but you are asking me to marry a catastrophe. Meanwhile, the woman whom I truly love is probably never wanting to see me again." Van said, a desperate look crossing his face. If Hitomi would go back to the Phantom Moon because of this, Van swore he would decapitate Wazir. That fool ruined everything.

"Sire, there is very little we can do." Leto told him.

"I don't care. Send her back to her parents. Tell them it has all been a misunderstanding and that Wazir took too many liberties. Tell them that their wonderful daughter is too precious to be made part of the Fanelian court. She deserves someone better. I don't care you hear me?" Van told them all.

"And in your opinion, what qualities must the queen of Fanelia posses?" the minister of private affairs asked.

"For one, she must love me, and not because I'm the king of Fanelia, but because of who I am. Then she must have a brain. Those are the only things I wish for." Van said, sincerity echoing in his voice.

"It's going to be pretty hard to find someone who will love you for who you are, milord." The minister pointed out.

"Maybe I've already found her." Van muttered to himself. "As you can see, that is not Princess June. I don't care how, you do it. Get rid of her." Van told them.

"Milord, you do realise that you must marry by your eighteenth anniversary, and that is pretty close. Now an event like this may put you in a bad position with other royals for quite a while." Leto observed.

"Just worry about getting rid of June. I'll find myself a wife." Van told him.

"Remember that all of your court must agree on your wife. It has always been the way." Leto told him.

Van threw him a look that would have killed had it been made real. Leto looked at his king with a defiant look. He wasn't afraid of his king's temperament more than his king was afraid of his. However, Leto knew Van to be most temperamental. After all, he had seen him in swaddling clothes. What he was doing, was mostly to intimidate the rest into letting him choose his own wife. Leto had a nagging suspicion that Lord Van wanted to marry the seer from the Phantom Moon. He had noticed how his mood changed around her. Leto found nothing wrong with the girl, except that she wasn't royalty. However, people might be able to overlook that considering her role in the Destiny war, and the fact that she was a most presentable lady.

Having nothing more to discuss with his council, Van left them to decide the decorations for the ball going on at the Fanelian castle that night. On this day, it had been two and a half years since they formed the alliance with the other countries. Fanelia was giving a summer ball to commemorate this occasion. As he walked through the halls, he sighed, thinking of Hitomi, and the way she had left him last night. Why did Wazir have to complicate things like that? He was just about ready to tell her how he felt. Somehow, Van was feeling more confident. The way she had acted around him gave him the confidence. He couldn't stand it any longer. As he was walking the halls, he noticed Hitomi sitting on the balcony, looking down at the garden. He quickly made his way to her.

"Good morning." Van said somewhat shyly.

"Hello Van." Hitomi said with a cold voice.

Van's heart shrunk. She was probably mad at him for not telling her about Princess June. He took a stab in the dark.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked trying to make conversation.

Hitomi flashed him a not quite angry look. It sort of said "Well gee I don't know. Would you have slept like a baby?" Instead, she just nodded.

"I'm glad. You didn't seem well." Van said, uneasy with each word.

"Van, why didn't you tell me that Princess June was your fiancée?" Hitomi asked, finally confronting him about what was bothering her.

"I didn't know. I suspected that that's why Wazir brought her to Fanelia, but I didn't expect him to actually say I would marry her." Van told Hitomi.

She looked at him, with a clouded expression. Van could see, pain and confusion in a turmoil with all other emotions. Hitomi was upset with him. Did that mean she harvested deeper feelings for him?

"Ok, I'm willing to accept that. Let me be one of the first congratulating you on your engagement then." She said with a sad expression of acceptance.

"No, Hitomi, don't look at me that way. You're breaking my heart." Van thought. Instead of bringing her joy, he brought her more pain. She would probably be leaving soon. "Say something Fanel." His conscience dictated. Van's lips were sealed. He couldn't say anything, in fear of bringing more pain. "Uh, it's still being discussed." Van said quietly.

Hitomi's face flushed. She had never felt more jealous. "What's wrong with me?" she thought. "This isn't meant to be, and Van can't help it. If I love him hard enough I should be able to let him go without these emotions. He'd be happier this way, and this is all that matters." Hitomi thought. She mumbled a few words to excuse herself from Van's presence, and left, her head spinning with pain and confusion. How could love hurt so badly? Why was fate so cruel with her? Hitomi smiled bitterly at a servant girl that passed by. How would she ever get out of this one? She had made up her mind. Maybe it was best to go to the Phantom Moon anyhow.


That night, the ball was a big success. People from all over Gaea gathered to the Fanelian castle. Hitomi saw a lot of her old friends. Allen, Millerna, Dryden and the crew of the Crusade were there. Hitomi felt like she was at home. Never had she been more surrounded by people she loved. Hitomi was happy. She smiled dazzlingly at everyone talking to her, except Van. She avoided him for the whole night.

After dinner, Allen approached her. Hitomi could see Van from a corner, turn pale. She wondered why.

"Hitomi, I'm very glad you came back to Gaea." Allen told her.

"I'm glad to be here. How have you been Allen. We barely got a chance to talk." Hitomi said smiling at him.

"Oh, I've been very well. Do you want to take a walk with me?" Allen asked.

"Umm... sure." Hitomi said. "Let's see how that's to Van." She said to herself.

Allen took her down to the gardens. They were walking and talking.

Van saw the way Allen managed to get Hitomi away from everyone. He hated to mistrust his good friend, but Van felt compelled to listen to their conversation. He felt like he needed to see for himself that Hitomi didn't like Allen. Merle had told him of the incident in the morning. He wanted to see for himself. Van sneaked quietly through the bushes, and hid behind the big rose bush where Allen was leading Hitomi. He motioned her to sit on the bench.

"Hitomi, it's been so long since I have seen you. For these past two years all I could think about was you." Allen told her breathing deeply.

Hitomi was shocked. Was he confessing his love for her? "Allen, I too have thought of Gaea many times." Hitomi told him.

"But I have thought only of you. How could I have left you escape me? Hitomi, whenever I'm with you, my heart is at peace. I... think... no... I love you Hitomi." Allen told her getting closer.

Van's heart skipped a beat. Oh no, now he wasn't sure he wanted to be there any more. What if Hitomi... no, he mustn't think that way.

"Allen, I don't know what to say." Hitomi breathed quietly. This was bad. Why did she agree to walk with him? "Oh, Van won't be able to get me out of this one." She thought. "Let's hope it's only the booze talking. I do smell booze in his breath." Hitomi's mind was silently racing. She didn't knew how Allen acted when drunk. "Oh, why did I want to make Van jealous in the first place?" she wondered.

"You don't have to say anything. Just hear me out. Hitomi, would you do me the pleasure of being my wife?" Allen asked seriously.

Hitomi just stared at Allen. No, it wasn't real. She wasn't hearing this. It was the second time he proposed. What was it with this guy? Did he not know when to give up?

"Allen, I'm sorry, but I can't marry you." Hitomi told him.

From the bushes, Van breathed a deep sigh of relief. Finally, a girl that managed to stand up to Allen. Curiosity was eating away at Van. Why did Hitomi say no to Allen?

"Why Hitomi?" Allen asked.

"Because it wouldn't be fair to you. I'm sorry Allen, but I can only think of you as a good friend. I'm not ready to make a commitment" Hitomi told him. "I'm not ready to make a commitment to YOU." She thought.

"You reckless girl. After all the times I saved you. You owe me that much." Allen said, and tried to kiss Hitomi. She moved, and he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Hitomi yelled and tried to get away from him. "It's your duty as a knight to help people. Don't you hold me responsible for that." Hitomi told him. "Let me go!" she yelled.

"No. I have a mind to teach you a lesson!" Allen yelled at her. He tried to kiss her again, when a firm had touched his shoulder.

"Leave her alone Schezar." Van told him firmly, rage written in his eyes.

"What do you want Fanel. Hitomi and I were just having a little talk. Leave." Allen told him.

"I don't think molesting a lady is part of that." Van said.

"Oh yeah? And what do you know?" Allen said getting up.

"More than you. She said she didn't want you, now take it like a man." Van told him.

"Hmm, ever since did you become the expert?" Allen asked.

"None of your business." Van said. "Now get lost, can't you see you're drunk?" Van asked.

"I'm not drunk!" Allen said and made a clumsy swing at Van.

Van ducked, and decked Allen with a right blow. He fell on the grass, and retreated. Van was enraged at his behaviour.

Hitomi looked at Van, with tears in her eyes. She got up, and ran away from the garden. Van followed her. Hitomi just ran into the direction of the forest. She couldn't stand it anymore. Just look what she caused. She just went and sat under a tree, crying her eyes out.

"Hitomi, Hitomi, where are you?" she heard Van's voice call in the distance.

Hitomi didn't answer. She had caused enough pain for one day.

Van spotted Hitomi crying under the big oak tree. He quickly made his way over to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked concerned. "Did Allen hurt you?" Van asked.

"No, go away, I, I didn't want this to happen. Just go away." Hitomi cried.

"No, no I won't. I promised you that there'll be no pain during your stay on Gaea. That promise has shattered, but I make another one in return. I'll always be there for you through the thick and thin." Van said hugging her fiercely.

"Oh Van, can't you see that by being here I cause only pain? Now your friendship with Allen is gone, all because of me. I'm not worth it Van. All I do is bring pain. Can't you see that it's best for me if I go back to the Phantom Moon?" Hitomi said burying her crying face in his chest.

"Hitomi, Hitomi don't say that. It was just an unfortunate incident. Allen was drunk. He's had a lot of misfortunes lately, and he began to drink. He only did that because he never accepted your rejection in the first place. Hitomi, you don't bring pain, you brought joy and sunshine into our lives. Especially mine." Van whispered into her ear.

Hitomi looked up at him, her sad green eyes sparkling with a feeling Van couldn't identify.

"I, I don't think so. I never wanted to hurt anyone, yet I put you in a bad position. I'm sorry," she said, her eyes filling up with tears again.

"Please don't cry. It's ok. Everything can be fixed as long as we have faith. Don't worry Hitomi." Van said sweetly, brushing her hair, and making her look up at him.

"I don't want to complicate things any further." She told him.

"Shh," Van said brushing his hand past her cheek. She looked at him with a surprised look on her face. Yet his hand on her face was so soft. Hitomi felt herself burning from his touch. After all that happened, she could only think about what it would have felt like to kiss him. To finally be able to let her love flow free, to finally feel his moth against hers. Oh, she longed to share her love with him. To unleash the devastating forces that were inside her. To finally tell her angel how much he meant to her, and that she'll never leave his side. He was her pillar of strength. The only thing capable of mending her broken soul. Hitomi felt him lean down towards her. He was going to kiss her. He really was. Then, Hitomi remembered Princess June, and the fact that Van was engaged to her. Hitomi quickly snuggled against his chest, the moment broken. She silently cried, for there was nothing she wanted to do more than to kiss him. Unfortunately, she didn't want to complicated things any further.

Van looked at Hitomi, and brushed his hand past her cheek. It was so soft, and so blossomed. Even stained with salty tears it maintained its strange beauty. Van looked down at her red lips, and he found himself wondering, like many times before, how it would feel to actually kiss those lips. To taste all the honey that mustered on them. To let his love flow from the depths of his soul, and to tell her that he only wanted her. It was as the prophecy had said. The first woman whom he'd shown his wings to, he would fall in love with. He never believed in it, but he found himself staring in her deep green eyes, and acknowledging his love for her. Yes, Van was deeply in love with this strange girl from the Phantom Moon, and at the moment, all he wanted to do was to feel her red lips against his and tell her how much he was in love with her. He felt himself lean towards her, his instincts acting for him. However, she was quicker, and buried her face in his shirt. Van looked up at the sky, with disappointment written in his eyes. She may not love Allen, but she certainly did not love him. He felt her hugging him desperately. Something was wrong with Hitomi. He was bound on finding out, as soon as nosy Princess June left.

"Van, please sing me something." Hitomi asked, with a sad voice.

"Hmm, what do you want me to sing to you?" Van asked.

"Anything, I don't care. I just want you to sing. Please." Hitomi said tiredly. Her heart was full of sorrow. She needed a bit of music now.

"Ok, I'll sing." Van said, and began to sing her the soft lullaby she sang him when he was sick.

Dancing bears,

Painted wings,

Things I almost remember,

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm.

Horses prance through a silver storm.

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory...

Hitomi was falling asleep. "I can't believe you would memorise it. You're so adorable." She said before falling asleep.

Van blushed deeply in the moonlight. Maybe not all was lost.