Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing or Weiss Kreuz, so don't sue.

Authors note: hey, sorry I haven't up dated for a long time but I have had a major writers block. I think I now have more of an idea to write about. Review my stories please. I like people's opinions and right now, I have no idea what anyone thinks of any of my stories.

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Around the same time as when the Gundam Wing boys arrived in the Weiss Kreuz world, another man was compleating the next task he had planed…

Sterrick walked up to an old house deep in the forest, behind were his closest followers. He raised his hand to knock when the door opened and there stood a man in a business suit. The man frowned at the guest and asked in a harsh tone, "What do you want?"

Sterrick stepped aside letting a small girl with snow-white hair and sea blue eyes walked forward holding a small blue bag. "Go" he commanded. Before Crawford could think, the girl opened up her small bag and withdrew a large ring. Then with surprising speed that even surpassed Schuldig, she placed the right on Crawford's neck. "Now let me in." ordered Sterrick as he pushed passed Crawford.

"I…what the hell did you put on me?" demanded Crawford pulling at the ring hat fit snugly around his neck.

"Well that is rude Bradly." Sterrick commented as he settled himself onto an old armchair. "All your cursing and glairing. I almost believe you didn't want me here."

"Well why don't I show you how much I don't like you here," mumbled Crawford. Sterrick continued to laugh as Crawford continued to grow angrier and angrier. He finally lunged at Sterrick as he pulled out his gun from his pocket and aimed it at Sterrick temple. "I don't know what you were planning but I never ordered around by anyone," Crawford smirked as he pulled the trigger. But Crawford started to turn the gun in his hand towards himself against his will.

"Good job Amorra," Sterrick said looking behind Crawford. Crawford turned his head to see the small girl who had placed the ring in his neck standing behind him with a blue light swirling around her.

"Do not do anything to hurt my master," warned the small girl named Amorra in a small voice.

"What?" Crawford's own hand placed the gun against his own temple. Small beads of sweat broke out on Crawford's forehead as he struggled to force his hand to let go of the gun. Crawford's finger started to pull back the trigger once again but the gun suddenly flung fro his hand against the wall. Crawford looked to see that it was Nagi standing in the doorway with Farfarello and Schuldig.

"Wonderful! You are all here!" "Have a seat Bradly. I want to have a chat with you."

Crawford grudengly sat across from Sterrick, trying to regain some of his dignity.

"I am here to ask you 4 if you would like to join me. Your talents and knowledge will be very useful."

"Why should we even listen to you?" Schuldig stated.

"Apparently you know us yet we do not know you." Nagi questioned quietly.

"Apparently." nodded Sterrick. He stood as he pointed to himself. "My name is Sterrick. This is my servant Amorra," he waived a hand to a small girl with long white hair and crystal blue eyes holding a small blue bag, "and my faithful followers Drarlath," a tall slim man with short black hair and yellow eyes in a white business suite bowed, "and his sister Sevavia." She too bowed her long light green hair falling over one shoulder. Her green eyes sparkled with a little red as she smiled the members of Schwartz. She stood again fixing her very reveling short red dress.

Sterrick looked up at Schuldig and smirked causing a confused look on Schuldig's face. "Don't try to read my mind or my servant's minds. It won't work. Drarlath is a very powerful psychic and telepath. Also, all of Sevavia contains so much poison in her body that she could destroy half of the country without even trying."

"So why are you here?" snarled Crawford.

"Like I said, I would like for you all to join me."

"In doing?"

"In destroying some annoying pest standing in my way to victory and rule my home planet."

"And why would we help you?" questioned Nagi walking beside Crawford.

"Because I know what you all want."

"And what would that be?" Schuldig asked

"Cayos. The whole planet earth in total cayos and one other thing…" he smirked leaning back in his chair.

"Yes?" smirked Schuldig back.

"The death of Weiss Kreuz"

"That seems all fine but…" Crawford paused for a moment, "but what if we say `no'?"

"And why would you all do a stupid thing like that?" snarled Drarlath.

"We could do our own planning for the destruction for the world and death of Weiss Kreuz. We don't need you." Nagi answered suddenly seeming board of the conversation.

"Our plan will work better if we don't have to deal with listening to an old man with stupid ideas of taking over the world." Farfarello smirked playing with one of his knives.

"Then I could make you." growled Sterrick standing up quickly.

"Really? Go ahead and try," smiled Schuldig taking a few steps forward.

"Fine." smiled Sterrick snapping his fingers. "Amorra, bind them." He ordered sitting back down.

Before any of the Schwarz team could move even think, the small girl opened up her small blue bag and withdrew four large rings. Then with speed that surpassed even Schuldig, she placed one ring on each of the members of Schwarz. The rings shrunk fitting snuggly around each neck.

"What the hell did you put around us?" demanded Schuldig pulling on the ring on his neck.

"Amorra has the power to bind any person to her command. She is quite a good little elf I captured some time ago. I was able to use one of her own rings to bind her and now you will all follow her command and in turn follow my command. I tried to work with you but you all gave me no choice. We will eliminate the five princes and capture the medallions. Now…" Sterrick was about to continue but Schuldig interrupted.

"Get this fucking thing off of me or I swear I'll…" Schuldig swore.

"Shut up Schuldig!" ordered Crawford.

Schuldig opened up his mouth to argue but a harsh glair from his leader left Schuldig mumbling in German to himself glairing at the new "boss". The other two members of Schwarz quieted their anger as Crawford gave them the same warning glair.

"Smart more Bradly," commended Sterrick, "thank you".

"I didn't do it for you," warned Crawford, and don't call me Bradly."

I know Bradly. Now, get me a drink of your best wine." He snapped his fingers.

"My master wants wine Bradly." Amorra said softly. "The best."

"No…" Crawford growled but even as he protested, he rose and walked over to the kitchen.

"Resist all you want but after a while you will be overcome by it. They all do in time." Laughed Sterrick.

Authors note: Well I re wrote this one. What do ya think? Does it sound more like how Schwarz would really act?