Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ GetBackers: Untitled Drabble #3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Untitled Drabble #3

Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess

Fandom: GetBackers/ Yami no Matsuei

Rating: G

Pairings: none

Summery: Akabane meets up with an old friend
Warnings: none…not really.

Notes: written for the crossover challenge at just_100

Words: 100

Tsuzuki held fast to his barrier `fuda, hoping it would hold against Muraki's magical barrage. Hisoka clasped his hands around Tsuzuki's, lending his own strength to it.


The silver haired doctor turned. "Akabane!" He smiled warmly at the man in black. "How have you been?"

"Very well, Muraki-kun." Tsuzuki and Hisoka nodded sagely in agreement and vanished to Meifu. "Oh dear, your prey seem to have vanished."

"It's all right. My dear Tsuzuki-san will come back to me. He always does." Muraki sighed. "He has such lovely eyes."

Akabane smiled. "Tell me, have you ever heard of Mido Ban?"