Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ GetBackers: A Haunting, A Haunting ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: A Haunting, A Haunting!
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Fandom: GetBackers
Rating: PG-13?
Pairings: past reference to Yamato/Ban, reference to Ban/Ginji and future reference to Ban/Ginji/Shido and Ban/Shido
Summery: It was only once and a while, something would catch his eye…
Warnings: Ban angst~ omg
Notes: For Torsui
Words: 1,464
It was only once and a while that something would catch his eye, and when Ban would turn his head to look, nothing would be there. As Yamato's birthday (or the anniversary of his death, take your pick) wore on, the little flashes became clearer. Ban was seeing Yamato out of the corner of his eye everywhere. When he was stopped at the red light, he heard Yamato's soft laugh, but when he turned his head to look, nothing was there. When he went out to get cigarettes, he thought he saw Yamato passing him on the street, but when he went to look... again, nothing. Every time he saw the flash, he'd turn, but nothing would be there. Ginji kept asking Ban what was wrong, what was the matter, was he feeling alright, did he want to take a small vacation for the weekend, until Ban finally snapped and yelled at Ginji to shut up. This, unfortunately, caused Shido, who had been sitting in a booth at the time, to get in Ban's face about it, which started a fight, which wrecked half the Honky Tonk (more than half), which was why they were both in the back room in the middle of the night, long after Paul went to bed, still cleaning up from their mess. Ban had been trying to ignore the flashes of Yamato (sitting on the counter smoking, watching him from by the window) but still jumped a little whenever he saw them. He was startled when Shido finally spoke.
"Hey, Asshole."
Ban lifted his head. What did the Monkey Tamer want now? Ban hadn't even said anything. "Monkey Tamer what-?"
"He can see you, you know." Ban looked at Shido, and saw that Shido wasn't looking at him at all.
He was looking past him at... "Yamato?"
"Uh, hey, kid," Yamato scratched the back of his head, almost sheepish. "So, uh, how long could you see me, Monkey Tamer?"
"It's Shido, Dead Boy. I could see you the whole time." Shido shook his head. "If you've got something to say to Snake Bastard, say it and move on already. I'm starting to get a twitch from watching him jump because you keep hiding from him. Wuss."
"Hey!" Ban turned on him. How dare he?! This was Yamato, it was Yamato who Ban had killed and Monkey Tamer of all people had no right to speak to him that way!
If anyone did, it was Ban.
"Maybe you should stop hiding as well, then."
"This isn't about me though, now is it?"
Ban felt like he was missing something, like that something missing was a very large and important piece of a puzzle. The feeling didn't happen to him often, but when it did it itched at him for days until he figured it out. He hated it. "Um..."
"I am going into the front. To do dishes. You two will talk, then Dead Boy leaves, Snake Bastard stops being jumpy and I can have my sanity back. And that's the way this will work, okay? Okay." Shido put the broom he was leaning on against the wall and walked out.
"...nice guy."
"He's an asshole." Ban muttered and continued sweeping. "...What brings you around here. It's been a while."
"I just wanted to see you." Yamato shrugged. "See how you've been holding up."
"I've been worse." Ban crossed his arms over his chest (His chest where Yamato still had that horrible gaping hole, his own hand dripping with blood, his heart still beating a few times in his hands before stopping, the scent of Yamato's death hanging in the air, filling his mouth and nostrils seeping it's way into his lungs, his skin, staying with him for years...). "Why are you bothering me?"
"Because Himiko won't listen. She can't hear me. Doesn't want to."
"Oh, like I do?!"
"She's very content with believing you are a horrible murderer and hating your guts. She knows I'm gone and doesn't want me back. You still listen for my laugh, sometimes, don't you?"
Ban scowled. "No, I don't."
"When you woke up on the Venus Dakkan, you thought Shido was me."
Ban's eyes widened. No one knew about that. No one was supposed to know about it. It had only been for a second, and for that second Ban had been so relieved...and then Shido opened his mouth and shattered it. "I loved you. Love you." It hurt to say it. It hurt to say it out loud, but if he didn't get this off his chest now he'd never be able to get past it.
For awhile, he thought he'd never want to, but now...?
Yamato smiled. "I know, kid. But you're in love with other people. Well, in love with one, and terrible in lust for the other. You just love it when people fight with you, don't you?"
"Shut up." Ban rolled his eyes and lit a cigarette. "You didn't come here to harass me about my love life."
"Maybe I did."
"You're just pissed 'cause I'm getting more than you, now." Ban said causally, a smile twitching on his lips.
"Hard to get any play when you're dead, but I can watch all the naked guys and dolls I want like this, so I guess it can be a fair trade."
"...You're a pervert." Ban chuckled, and started sweeping again.
"Hey, you had to get it from somewhere." Yamato smiled. "I missed you, Kid."
"I killed you. How can you miss the man-"
"Excuse me?"
"The boy who killed me. You weren't a man then, and you're not a man now."
Ban glared at him. "And what makes you say that, huh?"
"A man would've had that Shido guy bent over the counter and screaming his name by now."
Ban sighed. "You are hell bent on me fucking the Monkey Tamer, aren't you?"
"You could say that. I just want you to be happy. Bantering with him, and being with Ginji...those things make you happy."
"Please note that 'fucking Monkey Tamer' isn't in there."
"It should be. He dreams about you."
"Yeah, about killing me, probably."
"More like about fucking you."
"He likes you. It pisses him off, makes him angry, and he takes it out on you. That's where at least half of his aggression towards you comes from anyway."
"And the other half?"
"You know about the other half."
"Oh right." ("You stole Ginji from me, you bastard!" was the drunken growl of the Monkey Tamer as Ban helped him out of the car while Ginji ran ahead to open the door. "I love him and you took him from me! Asshole!")
"You can have them both, you know. No one would be angry with you."
"Except Madoka."
"Madoka dumped Shido months ago. Realized that while, yeah, she loved him, she wasn't in love with him, and he's always seen her as his little sister."
"So, what, in the end of your little fairy tale, I end up with him and Ginji and all is happy happy love love?"
"Something like."
"You're insane."
"It was never proven." They both watched each other for several moments before both opened their mouths to speak. "Look, Ban-"
Ban shook his head. "Yamato, I-"
"Ban, you'll take care of Himiko when the time comes, won't you?"
Ban wasn't surprised by the sudden change in subject. "What, like I took care of you?"
Yamato had no answer for that. "Just promise me."
"I already did." Ban shrugged, it was nearing midnight, and Yamato was getting more translucent by the minute. "Was that all you wanted? To tell me to get in a threesome, watch out for your sister who hates me and be happy? Did I get all that?"
"Yeah. That's about it." Yamato smiled. "I'll catch you later, Kid."
"Yeah.... Later, Yamato."
And then it was midnight, and he was gone. Just like that.
Ban walked out of the back, and set to drying the dishes Shido had been washing.
"So that was the infamous Yamato, huh?"
"Nice guy. I can see why you liked him."
"Mm." Ban squared his shoulders. "I know you have good hearing. Were you listening?"
"Not really. I heard the part about the Venus Dakkan."
Ban bristled. "Oh, really?"
"Mm. I think it's the hair, but I don't think I've got the flair to pull off smirking around a cigarette."
"I thought you hated smokers?"
"I like it when you smoke menthols. ...I think that's 'cause it reminds me of catnip."
"Catnip?" Ban snorted. "What, you get high on catnip?"
"Oh shut up. I live with fucking stoners when you use that logic."
Ban just laughed.
Maybe Yamato was right. He usually was.
Ban would just have to wait and see.