Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Kingdom Hearts: I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you (off) ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Roxas/Kairi: "I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you (off)"
Roxas both hates and loves Kairi.
Loves her, because of the way she makes him feel, because when he's with her, it doesn't matter that he's only a part of something (someone) bigger, and her kisses always taste sweet and they could spend hours talking about anything and everything, or saying nothing at all, and it would still be the best conversation he's ever had.
Hates her, because sometimes he catches her looking at him, as if she is saying `Sora would've done this,' or `Sora did this differently,' and he wants to shake her, scream in her face that he's not Sora, but then it hits him that he is Sora. Or, at least, he's a part of Sora; the angry, hateful part of him, in fact.
It's that hate, that anger that Kairi likes though. He knows this, because the last time he called her on her looks, they got into a huge screaming match that turned into a rather violent session of sex. Both of them came away bloody from that. Kairi with a split lip and dark bruises on her skin and bite marks where Roxas broke her skin with his teeth; and Roxas with deep bloody scratches down his back, and countless cuts and bruises and a split lip and loose teeth from the beating Riku gave him when he saw what Kairi looked like. Riku didn't apologize to him (still hasn't) after Kairi explained what happened (leaving out several details), that it was an accident (not really) and Roxas didn't mean it (he meant it just as much as she did).
Roxas didn't mind though. He knew that Kairi got off on their fights just as much as he did. They just got better at hiding the marks.