Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ GetBackers: We're the new face of failure, prettier and younger but not any better off ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ban/Kazu: "We're the new face of failure, prettier and younger but not any better off”
It's surprising that they're still together, Kazuki thinks. He and Ban fight all the time (money, Ginji, moving in, Ginji, Shido, money, sex, pity, money…), and Ban says the most hurtful things (“The only reason I'm with you is because you're so much like a girl that it doesn't matter what hole I fuck you in.”), and half the time they end up not speaking to each other, but they never break up, and they always make up, because Ginji reminds them of the good times they have with each other (Kazuki's first time at the beach, the museum, the book store, Kazuki's first time having sex at the beach, the koto that Ban saved up to get him for his birthday, the violin he bought Ban on a whim…)
Ginji doesn't realize that they make each other miserable. They want to keep it that way.
Besides, the fact that they make each other miserable doesn't matter to Kazuki. It's enough that Ban always comes back.
It has to be enough, because Ban sure as hell will never say “I love you.”
Not to Kazuki, anyway.