Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Yami No Matsuei: Pocky ( Chapter 31 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dolphina: Tatsumi/Tsuzuki; Pocky
Tsuzuki twirled a stick of pocky between his fingers. “Tatsumi~ You need to relax once and a while you know…”
“I'll relax when these expense reports are finished.”
Tsuzuki held out his box of pocky. “You should have some then. Get a bit of sugar in your blood stream so you don't pass out like last time.”
“I'll tell Watari.”
Tatsumi scowled and took a stick. “Fine.”
Tsuzuki grinned and turned to leave. “I'll let you get back to those expense reports.”
Tsuzuki paused in the doorway and turned. “Hm?”
“…Next time bring strawberry.”
Tsuzuki's face split into a grin as he nodded and walked out.