Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures With SERVS ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ken was ready. This was about to be his moment of glory. He would beat SERVS today, no doubt about it. Ken had called Yohji for this triumphant moment (and also for a little help if he happened to get stuck).

"Hey Ken, What's this button for?" Yohji asked pointing to a big red button labeled `DO NOT PUSH'.

"I don't' know honestly." Ken shrugged. He started to type some more. Ken didn't care that it was now after school hours. He would finish this project NOW.

"I wanna see what it does!" Yohji said leaning over Ken's shoulder. Yohji reached out and touched the button. There was an odd silence, where nothing happened and then suddenly it all began.


The computer exploded and caught on fire. Omi ran into the computer room and saw what had happened.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~" Omi yelled "My poor, poor computer! I LOVEDED YOU COMPUTER! I LOVEDED YOU!!!!! I'll never try to mess with Ken's head again! JUST COME BACK TO ME COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oops" was all that Yohji could say. Suddenly all the lights went out.

"What the…" Ken said. He then got up from the computer and stumbled through the darkness to the balcony. Ken walked outside onto it just in enough time to see all the city lights go out for miles around.



The End

[Authors Note: Well that's it everyone! I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful insanity of Ken's head (or at least the Ken that lives in my head!) I'd have to say this is the first Weiss fic that I have finished. I hope that you'll all go and read my other Weiss works such as the "Santa Letters", "Adventures of Nek and Imo", "Kentus Babies" and the newest to the bunch… "You Are My Sunshine" songs!! ^.~ CHU~! Luv ya all!~ Thanks for being such great reviewers!!]