Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Games We Play ❯ Bored Games ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: “Yes…all miiiiiine…oooh pretty colors!”
Bored Games and Board Games
“Christ Aya, move!”
“Yanno' patience is a virtue I don't have!”
“Can't you go any fucking faster!?”
Yohji looked down, inspiration suddenly smacking him upside the head. He smirked, reached down and grabbed.
“Ayaaaaa…” He breathed, grasping the hardness in his hand and bringing it upwards. He brought it to his lips, licking the rounded tip, before sliding it past his lips into his mouth.
Well it certainly got a reaction.
He continued nonchalantly licking, occasionally sucking as he watched violet eyes widen, then narrow.
“Yohji! Leave the Pawn alone!”
Yohji raised an eyebrow, “Porn, Aya? Why you little Ecchi you! If you had hurried up and moved your Rook, I would have won already! I was getting severely bored.”
If possible, Aya's eyes narrowed even further, shuttering more light out, resulting in a decidedly dark and dangerous look.
“Bored Kudou? Fine!”
Before Yohji had time to react, he was hanging over a muscled shoulder, looking at the remnants of their Chess game scattered on the floor.
“I'll show you bored…I'm not boring!” Frustrated muttering could be heard all the way to the Red-head's bedroom, smug exclamations of “Bored now Kudou!?” following soon after, only to be drowned out by various sounds far too indescribable for virgin ears.
Yes, I have a juvenile sense of humour, I know this already, but feel free to tell me yourself.
I got inspiration for this from various messages on the Yahoo group, after it had filtered through the twist and turns of my mind for the erratic ten minutes it took me to write this crap.
WARNING: May turn into a series of shorts like this. Be afraid.