Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Halcyon ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Halcyon (Ch. 7, Viginette)
Author: Genuinelie(s)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine.
Pairing: AxY
Summary: The boys are finding that until death, all ends are just masked beginnings.
A/N: Continuation.
The streets were crowded, and Tokyo seemed empty to Ran.
The night hinted at the coming spring, a cool breeze threading through the strands of his hair like the fingers of a ghost.
He'd given up.
Yohji was gone.
Ken had been right. If Yohji had made the decision to leave, he wouldn't be found so easily, and probably never again in the city.
Omi was right as well. If Yohji had decided to leave, who was he to say otherwise?
He had been so mired in the events of the past all these years. If Yohji hadn't been patient enough for him -
He had never wanted you to begin with. Ran corrected himself. You were just a challenge.
What had he been looking for in Yohji, anyway? The pull had been there since the beginning, but Ran had assumed the feeling was fate, the simple similarity of their hells. He hadn't examined the difference in his feelings toward Yohji and the other Weiss.
The man had bothered me since the beginning, Ran acknowledged. But he was also the one Ran was most honest with.
It doesn't matter. Perhaps he himself had only been looking for a distraction in Yohji. It was a scant few days since the tower -
Since they had all nearly died.
Nothing in their lives were certain, least of all their survival.
But he had done what he had set out to do. He was still alive. He hadn't expected it.
Perhaps he had just been trying to touch the whispered possibility of freedom, like the phantom kiss of wind on his face.
Of all people, he never thought he would have become so deluded.
Yohji must have seen it in him. It was his nature to find Ran's weaknesses, and use them against him.
Ran's finger's curled, then relaxed by his side. He stuffed his hands back inside the pockets of his coat.
Throngs of laughing college students and drunk businessmen stumbled past him on the street. Tokyo never slept. A fitting city for an assassin.
He turned down an alley and looked up at the glowing sign.
In a way, he supposed, this is where it started. A realization that watered the seed of hope he hadn't even known he'd held.
"Hey, man, I recognize you, yanno. You coming in this time?"
Ran blinked. He recognized the bouncer as well.
He looked back up at the sign.
He gave a short nod to the man, who practically beamed at him as if Ran had done him a favor. "Enjoy yourself," the bouncer called.
It was fitting, Ran thought, that he said goodbye to the possibility of another life in the same place.
Or maybe I'm just stalking Yohji's shadow.
Like he'd lived in his sister's, like he'd taken her name. Looking to keep a ghost by his side.
I'm allowed to be curious. The thought surprised him.
The air was warm inside, with a slight breeze from silver fans attached to a high warehouse ceiling. An all-male band was singing on stage, accompanied by an electronic beat.
A crush of people was on the dance floor. Seeing so many bodies, knowing that among them perhaps there were one or two that deserved his blade, and the others protection, and feeling so many possibilities for ended lives -
Ran turned sharply on his heel and followed the stairs downward to the bar, in the quieter underbelly of the club.