Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Halcyon ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Halcyon (Ch. 11)
Author: Genuinelie(s)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine.
Pairing: AxY
Summary: The boys are finding that until death, all ends are just masked beginnings.
A/N: Continuation.
"R-ryo? Ryo?!"
Fingers tightened on his palm.
He blinked open his eyes to a sterile white ceiling, lit up too much by white lights.
In a hospital, again.
He stopped on that thought. Ryo had only been in a hospital once, and that was...
He turned his head. Asuka was by his side. "Still watching over me..." he chuckled at his wife, then coughed.
"Easy!" She said. She wasn't in her nurse's uniform, but the tone was commanding. She handed him a glass of water as he eased into a sitting position.
"How long..." he asked.
"Just a couple hours. They found you on the side of a road, they thought it was a hit and run, but you're not injured..." She answered, eyes worried. "Do you remember anything?"
He couldn't hold back the sardonic laugh.
Ryo had only been in a hospital once.
Yohji, however, had been in one more times than he could count.
"Yes, Asuka." He said, finally. He fell back against the pillows. "I remember goddamned all of it."
"I'm still Weiss!" Ran snapped into the phone, pacing his apartment.
"And right now, you're on leave!" Persia's voice snapped back.
Mamoru, Omi. He hadn't given the others enough credit for the transition of his own switch between Aya and Ran. He wanted to shout at the former member of Weiss, but it would lead nowhere. This incarnation of Persia knew him better than the last.
Ran flicked off the phone, then threw it across the room.
They had enough members, it would be good for him to continue with his current work, a break would be healthy for him...
What he hadn't told Persia was that it was definitely unhealthy for him to keep running into Yohji. It couldn't be healthy for Yohji himself.
And when he'd explained the situation to Aya-chan, the disappointment in her eyes was evident.
She thought they were both doing the wrong thing.
It hadn't been Yohji's choice though, and it wasn't Ran's place to interfere with his fate. No more than he could save Omi from his, he doubted it would make any difference if he tried.
He leaned his dresser for a moment, shoulders hunched, his palms pressing into the wood.
Finally, he pushed off, and went to find his phone to call the construction firm. Perhaps they would at least give him new placement.
It took Yohji a couple days and all the detective skills he now remembered he'd once had to track down Ran's new site of employment. It was across town, out of the way, by some railroad tracks that shook dust over everything whenever a train passed by. Which seemed to be every hour.
It was, in Yohji's opinion, unpleasant and ridiculous. But didn't that just fit Ran? The man would rather suffer inconvenience after inconvenience, than face the truth when it came to Yohji.
He was always so honest about everything else, Yohji mused.
Perhaps, Ran, you're just afraid of being happy. Because the last time you were happy, everything came crumbling down, didn't it?
His sister in a coma.
Yohji leaving Weiss.
That last thought made him snort at himself. He doubted he had any impact on Ran's happiness. Wasn't that just like him, to be so self-centered?
And yet, he was still there.
Because while he might not affect Ran, Ran certainly had an an impact on his happiness.
But maybe - maybe that wasn't it.
Maybe Ran had switched jobs because he wanted to be free of Yohji, of his past. Maybe he was finally putting Weiss behind him.
The realization settled uncomfortably over him.
Omi, he suddenly remembered, was probably still Mamoru. Persia. Not Omi. Where was Ken, then? Yohji didn't remember seeing him this past year, not once...
Suddenly, he felt ill.
His life was gone.
He couldn't go back to Asuka, not when the name recalled a ghost to him. Not when their marriage was successful only because he'd been someone else this past year.
He couldn't go back to Weiss...because it was gone.
He ran a hand through his hair, the strands were a little longer than they had been at Kua Academy, and were still a pale blond.
He had a divorce to finalize. He couldn't linger here any longer.
It doesn't seem fair, he thought as he slipped through the fence, back to the sidewalk behind the warehouse, That you're moving on, after that nice speech you gave me about not forgetting your past, Ran. Ah, and it's definitely not fair to show me peace, just to throw me back into this hell. However it happened.
He had a feeling that he'd never know for sure.
He'd had recurring nightmares about a familiar wide grin, though, in the days since his collapse. He strongly suspected that its owner would have an idea.
He wasn't about to find Schuldig to ask.
Ran finished showering off the fine crust of dirt that had had accumulated on his skin from his new job site. He stepped out and rubbed his hair, upside-down, with the towel before wrapping it around his waist.
He was going to have to request a transfer, again. The environment was intolerable there. He was lucky they valued his ability.
And that Kritiker backed his choices.
He was still valuable to them as well, it seemed.
A sharp knock came on Ran's door, just as he pulled on his pants. It settled a block of ice into his gut, because the only people who had knocked on his door in the past year had been Kritiker agents and Aya.
His landlord, too. The man was afraid of him, though, and had taken to sliding his bills beneath the crack.
He strode across the room without bothering to finish dressing and opened the door, expecting to see his sister.
His eyebrows rose.
Ken grinned at him from the hallway. He had a soccer ball cradled in one elbow, and he was dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt. It was somewhat sweaty. "So, man, you gonna let me in or what?"
Tbc…one more chapter!