Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ kira.kira ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

.∙-*| kira kira : a Japanese onomatopoeia used to describe the twinkling of the stars |*-∙.

A/N: at bottom

Warnings: Light shounen ai, shota-ish lusting and assault (by an OC), language.

Disclaimer: I know I don't own them, but this particular story is mine. So don't sue me! All you'd get is a bundle of my hair, which I cut off a few months ago. (I have yet to find it and donate it to charity... it's probably still wet too.. o_O;)


by Koyuki Aode


I don't know why I'm typing this.

I just got this computer today. Crawford bought it for me (note to self: he blinks rapidly when you call him Brad and has a wallet larger than the entire island of Honshu) and I wanted to try it out. This machine and I just clicked upon its awakening, like I'd known this rectangular radioactive monster from birth, and Crawford is satisfied.

But I didn't expect that my fingers would lead me to this program, and I'm not sure how they're typing along these keys. Perhaps my hands aren't speaking. Perhaps my heart is speaking, and this invisible force I seem to have discovered in myself is bleeding somehow. All I know, is that now everything has changed. And I don't ever want to forget how it happened.

Someday, I'll look back at this.

I wonder if I will regret it all. I wonder if I do now.

One useful thing I've learned in my time before Schwarz, is to have no regrets, that - if you really want to survive - all there is, is the future.

I didn't expect there would ever be a time when I could take it so literally.

Now, Crawford's hand has slipped from my shoulder and he leaves the room as uneventfully as he can, allowing me my privacy as I pour my heart out. "Don't forget to save constantly," he warns softly before the door clicks shut. Apparently, even Japan's computers are not without flaw.

He's also warned me that my heart will not last, that the twinkle in his eyes will fade, and that as soon as I take a life, my own will belong to him.

He forgot that he already has my heart.

He took it when he offered me his.

I don't think he wants to accept what has transpired between us just yet. I doubt he understands it. I'm not sure I want to. It makes me wonder what Haruki and Natsumare's reactions would be. Me, the disgusting little eel, gay? And slithering into - of all people - an American assassin's heart? This would only confirm their suspicions and, in their minds, justify their cruelty.

But I've never felt this way about someone before. It could just be the shock of living with an entire group of people who care about keeping me alive. It might be admiration for having saved me from that frightening man, Takaguchi. It could be the utter fear my heart collapses to when I realize just how powerful Schwarz is.

It could be gratitude for giving me a chance to taste victory by living a better life.

But above all, it could be…

Well, I was on a roll until just now. I suppose, if I can't even look at the word, the only emotional exchange between Crawford and I will be a dialogue of silence.

But that's just how it began. And look how far it's gotten me.


A/N:.. Y'know, a person tries to finish the most pivotal part of her fic, she TRIES to get ready to move to college, and she TRIES to get sleep, but somehow, she just ends up writing extra crud that keeps pestering her and keeps her awake till the sun comes out …….. Argh. Does anyone actually care about this? It's a short one, really. REALLY. /-_-; And pretty predictable too…