Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Zerbrechliche Seele (Fragile Soul) ❯ NIGHT ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Zerbrechliche Seele
(Fragile Soul)


It was strange, not having Aya by his side, or at least in reach through the com-link. Yohji moved around the corner of the building, a silent shadow in the dark. Omi and Ken were on the other side of the building, checking out the other two possibilites to get in undetected. Now he reached the opening and waited. "Clear," came Omi's voice over the com-link. Yohji pulled himself up and peeked inside, making sure, no one chose just this moment to saunter along the hallway. Seeing and hearing no one he slipped inside. Silently he dropped to the floor, his feet touching the ground making no sound in the still dark. "I'm in," he whispered into the communicator. He put the sunglasses up on his head and let his eyes adjust to the dark, then moved to inspect the hallways and rooms.

Every once in a while Yohji pulled up the map of the building in his mind, mentally checking off the areas he'd covered, and checked over the com-link with the other two on how far they'd come. They had the upper floor completed and moved into the basement.

Suddenly Ken's voice, in a harsh whisper. "Shit!" After a pause, "You won't believe who I've just seen!" Another pause, as if Ken had to reassure his findings. "Fucking shit... it's Schuldich..."

Yohji gasped. A deep growl formed in his throat. So it was indeed Schwarz who was behind this. Given that Schuldich didn't work on his own here... "Watch it now," Yohji hissed into the communicator. "And keep your thoughts to yourselves." He didn't add that all their efforts might be for nothing anyway if Crawford was here as well... The others knew. "Stay on his tail, Ken." He moved on.

For a long while it was totally still, then Ken again, "The others are here as well..." The young assassin's voice was grave. He described the room where he'd found the Schwarz members gathered and Yohji marked it on his mental map.

"Watch them."

"Okay... er..." Ken cursed under his breath. "Schuldich is leaving... be careful, guys!"

"Got it." Yohji took a deep breath and rounded another corner. Suddenly he stopped short. He thought he'd heard something. Quickly he removed the cover of an air vent and pulled himself inside. Again he mentally studied the various maps Omi had presented, trying to figure out which way he had to go. Then he heard the sound again. It rang metallic through the air duct. Steadily Yohji moved towards the source of the sounds and ended up peering through the slits of another air vent cover into a dark room. He squinted, his eyes, though adjusted to the poor lighting, still couldn't quite make out what caused the noise.

"I found something..." he whispered into the com-link. "I'm not sure yet what though... damn dark in there..."

"Where are you?" Omi's voice.

Yohji described his location according to the plans they all had viewed.

"Okay. Lemme know if that's Aya-kun you found there so I can set the charges!"

"All right, all right," Yohji whispered back. Again he strained his eyes to pierce the darkness. There was something pale catching the little light that seeped under the door. Yohji fixed on that point, willing to see.

Ken and Omi flinched when suddenly an anguished half-cry echoed through the com-link. "What?!" they both queried at the same time.

A low moan was the only answer they got. Yohji had slumped against the air vent cover, gripping the slats so hard they were deformed, the sharp edges cutting into his fingers. But the pain shooting up from his hands was nothing compared to the agony in his chest at the sight in the darkened room. A sob was wrung from his tight throat and tears stung his eyes, making his vision swim. "Oh my god..." he whispered almost inaudibly.


Yohji swallowed hard. When the door suddenly opened he slumped back against the opposite side of the air duct, fighting hard to keep his whole body from trembling, biting back the hysterical sobs rising in his throat lest he'd be discovered. "I found Aya..." His voice was barely audible, a shuddering breath. He felt sick.

The other two Weiß members were absolutely still for a moment. When Yohji reacted like that he must've found Aya in terrible condition...

"Get outta there and stay put close by," Omi finally said. "Ken and I will set the charges, then we'll come over."

Yohji nodded. He knew Omi and Ken couldn't see it, but it was all he could do for confirmation. Throat tight, he turned in the small room and slowly moved back to the opening. He almost fell out because his body refused to function properly. All the time he saw Aya before his mind's eye... lying in his blood, chained, battered, naked... broken...? Please no... no...

Schuldich sauntered over to the curled up form in the back of the room. Hooking one foot under the redhead's cheek he lifted his head. "I've got news for you." By now he was used to the lack of reaction, though that didn't mean he'd grown to like it any more. Jerking his foot up he smashed Aya's head against the wall, then he leaned down, hands still leisurely in his pockets. "You may die today." Still no reaction other than that the redhead sunk down to lie on his side again. Schuldich growled. Pulling his hands free he stepped over Aya's body. With his foot he pushed him over to lie on his back and knelt down, straddling him. Both hands forcefully pressed down Aya's shoulders, twisting them painfully, putting all their combined weight onto strained joints and wrists. With sick delight he anticipated the sound of cracking bones... "Brad tells me your friends come to get you today..."

Schuldich was totally caught by surprise by the sudden violent jerk that went through the redhead's body, the force of it actually throwing him off, and white stars exploded behind his eyes when Aya's head connected with his chin - hard. "Fuck!" he exclaimed and jumped up. Furiously he kicked at Aya, sending him back to the ground. With a growl he rubbed his assaulted chin and glared down at his prisoner. Then a slow grin spread across his face. "Gotcha, baby..." he said triumphantly, when he caught a fleeting glimpse of what was behind those iron mind barriers. He laughed, quietly at first, then it grew louder, until the screams of a mad-man seemed to fill the room.

Aya froze to the core...

Brad smirked. His midnight blue eyes opened, vision still vivid in his mind. He snapped his fingers. "Let's move," he commanded and crossed the room. Farfarello and Nagi followed him without a word.

They walked down the hall, Brad leading the way with that certain sureness. No sound was heard, their footsteps falling almost inaudibly, and no word was spoken. By the main stairs coming down from the upper floor into the basement Brad halted. After a split second he curtly gestured with his hand, sending Nagi into one hallway and Farfarello into another. He himself silently moved down the main hall.

Omi flipped over the switch that set the charge. That had been the last one on his side. Now they had approximately 20 minutes, enough time to get Aya and get the hell out of here. "Siberian? Ready?"

"Yup. Ready to rock!" Ken whispered back.

Omi nodded to himself and jumped up to hurry down the hall, towards where they were to meet with Yohji. "Balinese! We're coming!"

"Hurry!" Yohji's voice sounded odd, even considering the distortion by the communicator. Omi frowned. He heard Yohji swallowing hard. "Hurry..."

Omi bit his lower lip and ran. He tried to push all thought from his mind as he moved through the dim corridors. But Yohji's reaction had deeply troubled him. He feared for Aya, feared they were already too late. What in hell could they have done to Aya-kun, that Yohji wasn't even able to talk after finding him? Omi swallowed.

Suddenly the slight frame of the boy was thrown back and he crashed backwards into the wall. The impact knocked the air from his lungs and his head connected painfully with the concrete. He felt being pinned to the wall, but no hands were on him. He managed to open his eyes a crack wide. Seeing what hit him he groaned. Nagi...

The youngest Schwarz member stood in the middle of the hallway, hands raised, the force of his telekinesis whirling around him. He didn't say a word, just held Omi pinned, crushing him against the wall with the power of his mind. Before long Omi's body couldn't cope with the strain anymore and he passed out.

"Siberian? Ready?" Omi's voice whispered over the com-link.

"Yup. Ready to rock!"

With a gentle tap on the charge he'd just activated Ken jumped up. He grinned. "We're gonna kick your asses!" he whispered to himself. Then he wheeled around and sprinted down the hall on silent feet.

"Balinese! We're coming!"

Ken nodded in affirmation. His pace quickened. They'd get their team mate out and blow those damn Schwarz guys to hell!

"Hurry! Hurry..."

Ken swallowed at that. Damn... Yohji was taking this really badly... And that worried Ken more than anything. If the ever nonchalant, indifferent smart ass was so shaken, it wasn't only bad what he had found in that room... it was terrible... unspeakably horrible... Ken shivered. He ran down the hall at top speed.

When he rounded a corner he was suddenly thrown back as if he'd run against a solid barrier. He grunted, his head spinning, and tried to get back to his feet. But before he could even move a weight descended on him, pinning him to the floor. He felt the point of a knife under his chin and froze. Fuck! His eyes cracked open and he saw himself face to face with a madly grinning Farfarello.

"Hurry! Hurry..." Yohji leaned heavily against the wall. He felt nauseous. The images just wouldn't leave his mind. Painfilled amethyst eyes hovered over the scene, sometimes hopeful, sometimes accusing, sometimes empty... empty as death... Squeezing his eyes shut Yohji pressed his head back against the wall, a pained sob was wrung from his throat. He trembled.

Damn! Get your act together! You gotta get'im outta there! NOW! With all the strength he could muster Yohji pushed off the wall and moved down the hall. Sliding along the wall he drew near the corner and carefully peered around it. Nothing. Pulling up the floorplan in his mind Yohji reconstructed the path he'd taken in the air duct. Opening his eyes again he glanced into the dark corridor. It's gotta be here...

Quickly and silently Yohji crossed over to the other side, pressing against the wall and peering around the corner. Aahh... One of the doors that lined the hallway was slightly ajar. Suddenly he heard mad laughter and coudln't help an ice cold shiver creeping up his spine. Schuldich... His hands clenched into fists at his sides and unconsciously he slammed them into the wall behind him.

"You don't agree with Schuldich's methods?"

Yohji whirled around. His right hand flicked to the left wrist, but before he even reached it he was knocked back. His head snapped back, pain racing through his assaulted jaw and exploding in the back of his skull as it brutally connected with unyielding stone. He blinked, trying to clear the haziness, then he slumped with a grunt when Brad delivered a sucker punch to his stomach. Inwardly he cried out, terrified. He wouldn't be able to rescue Aya when he got himself caught! He forced himself to straighten up and charged at Brad with a growl - only to be thrown back again.

Brad snorted. "You're pathetic," he stated. Slamming Yohji's shoulders back, pinning him to the wall, he leaned close. "Now, just for the fun of it, tell me what you were up to? How did you intend to get your asses out of here?"

"Fuck yourself," Yohji ground out. He groaned at the blow he received for that.

"Now that wouldn't be much fun..." Brad's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "But then again I leave that kind of fun to Schuldich anyway. Maybe he wants you too..."

Yohji froze. Maybe he wants you too..... What the hell... His eyes widened. No... NO!!! He swallowed hard. Oh god, Aya... Brad's grin was sickening.

Suddenly the Schwarz leader's fingers closed hard around Yohji's throat and he yanked the slender man around. Brad literally dragged him along and into the room were the mad laugh had died down to make room for a silence that was even more terrifying.

When Schuldich fell silent, his mad laugh still echoed painfully in Aya's ears. He sat huddled against the far wall, knees pulled up to his chest, legs and feet set in a way that as much as possible of his exposed body was covered. For the first time in these past days something colder than ice gripped his insides, something of greater heat than lava burned in his mind, something heaveier than tons of lead pushed him down - fear, real cold, hot, heavy fear had a tight grip on him, seared through him, crushed him.

And Schuldich tasted it, drank on it. He grinned. So close... I'm so close to see him snap like a twig in a giant's fist... MY fist... The anticipation sang in his blood, stirring his desire. It got him high, more so than any potent drug could manage. Dark green eyes fixed with a glassy stare on tousled flame red hair, on empty amethyst eyes. He literally saw the screams building up inside the trembling body, and he felt heat rushing through his veins. Yes... Yes! Scream! Cry! Beg for mercy! - And I will give you none! I will destroy you! Totally!

Aya swallowed. His teeth were clenched so tight the muscles bulged at his jaw and the blood throbbed painfully at his temples. He tried to get the shaking of his body under control and tensed up, every muscle taut, every joint under strain. His eyes stared off into nothing, trying to see nothing, forcing his mind to go blank once again. Don't come... let them kill me... just don't come...

At sudden noise from the door Aya's head snapped up and Schuldich wheeled around.

Omi felt too weak to resist the driving force, but Ken fought to the last, even with a knife at his throat. Nevertheless he got pushed into the room just like Omi, and both were pinned to the wall, rendered immobile. Wearily Omi's gaze flickered around the brightly lit room. Suddenly he shrieked as his eyes fell on Aya. Ken's head whipped around, and his body went limp.

"Ah... our first guests arrived..." Schuldich dropped into a mock bow. His voice was pure sarcasm. "Take your places and enjoy the show..." He grinned at the shocked faces of the two younger Weiß members. Quickly he glanced over to Aya and saw a barely held up mask of indifference. The redhead didn't even look at his team mates. Schuldich chuckled.

Nagi and Farfarello easily kept Ken and Omi covered with the combined powers of mind and weapon. The two Weiß members were simply too shocked, too stunned into numbness to even consider fighting back. Helplessly they stared at their team mate, just now fully understanding Yohji's reaction. Yohji... Almost simultaneously Ken and Omi glanced to the door. Hopefully he didn't get caught as well...

But their hopes were crushed when Brad pushed the eldest Weiß member through the door, the force sending Yohji to the floor.

Aya gasped, unconsciously pulling on his ties. Yohji! No! He swallowed. Why did you come?! Why?!? Tears stung his eyes and he squeezed them shut, biting back the cry that threatened to voice itself.

Schuldich laughed, then gave Ken and Omi a sardonic grin and shrugged. "Sorry to disappoint you guys," he said, then sauntered over to Yohji. "I'm so glad you could make it!" He kicked the Weiß member back when he had just struggled to his knees. "Sit back, relax and enjoy."

Yohji crashed backwards against the wall opposite from Ken and Omi. He grunted and the world was spinning until he planted both hands firmly on the cold stone on either side of his body. His eyes cracked open and he glanced across the room to his younger team mates. Then, hesitantly, his jade eyes drifted towards Aya... An involuntary sob was wrung from his chest and he swallowed hard to not cry out loud. Aya looked even worse from up close and in harsh light. Yohji's body tensed and his hands clenched into tight fists.

With a chuckle Schuldich prowled back to Aya and planted himself in front of him, looking down on him with a predatory grin. "Let's finish it, shall we?" he whispered to the silent redhead and savored the slight tremble that went through the slender body. In a flash he bent down, gripped Aya's ankles and yanked on them hard, mercilessly stretching Aya's form. "Now let it be seen..."

Instinctively the redhead began to struggle. This wasn't only between Schuldich and him anymore! He felt his skin growing hot with a shamed flush as his body was presented to his team mates. A nauseous feeling settled in his stomach, dripping like burning acid into raw flesh. He swallowed, choking. Schuldich only laughed and dropped to his knees on top of Aya, straddling his chest.

"Oh, you're precious," he said sweetly, brushing his thumb over Aya's blood encrusted cheek. Leaning down he let his lips ghost against Aya's, tongue darting out and teasingly licking over the redhead's mouth.

Desperately Aya tried to turn his face away and he squeezed his eyes shut. He trembled in disgust. His fingers underneath him dug into his arms, and he ground his wrists roughly on the stone floor to create a painful distraction from Schuldich's ministrations. But like before it didn't help much...

"Oh come on... you were different yesterday." The tenderly teasing voice dug into his brain, dragging up the memory of his body's betrayal. Aya felt his skin burn with shame, revulsion. Schuldich chuckled softly, a sickening sound accompanied by the soft pop of a button and the low purr of an opening zipper. Aya swallowed, forcing down the hysterical sobs hitching in his chest. Please no... The thought hammered on the insides of his skull, but he refused to let it slip through the barrier he still maintained. Schuldich rose to his knees and hugged Aya's head close, grinding his hardened manhood against the redhead's face. Aya's body went rigid.

"You fucking pervert!!!" Ken's enraged cry echoed through the room, followed by a pained groan as his body crashed back into the wall from a simple sweep of Nagi's hands. Invisible forces closed around the Weiß member's throat, threatening to crush his windpipe.

Omi whimpered, face stricken. His small body was trembling already with the effort to keep him upright. Silent tears formed in his eyes for his helplessness.

And Yohji... He was frozen to the core, yet unbelieving. This was a nightmare, surely it was. He would wake up soon and Aya would stare him down with derision in his stunning amethyst eyes, that would be cold as ever, mocking the playboy in Yohji. Yes. He was just a moment away from waking up. Although he was somewhat surprised what cruelties his subconscious could think up. Was he really that mad at Aya for so obviously pushing him away? No. That couldn't be it... Maybe he was mad at himself for not daring to approach Aya in the first place. But shouldn't he be dreaming about himself being tortured then? This all didn't make sense... It was too real too... Yohji started trembling, slightly at first, then his whole body was shaking. This was happening! Schuldich was going to rape Aya in front of them all!

"NO!!!" The roar exploded from his chest, stunning everybody for a split second, and Yohji burst forward. He didn't get far though until Brad rammed his shoulder into Yohji's abdomen, doubling him over, and slamming him back against the wall, where he was held by Crawford's and Nagi's combined powers.

Aya kept his eyes squeezed shut. But there was no way anymore to pretend he and Schuldich were alone. Ken's outburst, Omi's whimper, Yohji's cry - they rang in his ears, undeniably verifying his team mates' presence. All he could do was getting through this, showing as little as possible of what was going on inside of him. There wouldn't be any kind of relief any time soon... His eyes drifted open, violet gaze staring up to the ceiling impassionately.

Schuldich snorted. "You still try... But you can't hide it from me," he hissed. "You're in pieces, you're broken, shattered, you're just too fucking proud to show it!" Suddenly he moved down, sliding his arms underneath Aya's thighs and lifting his legs up to hook the knees over his shoulders. Forcefully he rammed forward, almost bringing Aya's knees up to his chest, and forced himself between the now wide spread legs. Mercilessly his rock hard manhood penetrated Aya's tight passage, forcing a low moan from the silent redhead. The hazed amethyst eyes squeezed shut briefly at the burning pain. His teeth clenched tight, once again biting down on a barely healed lower lip.

"Come on, baby..." Schuldich moved swiftly inside Aya. "Show me your disgust, let me hear how much I hurt you..." But the redhead remained silent. "All right," Schuldich whispered, face only inches away from his victim's. "Then show me your real feelings, show me how much you enjoy this, let's all see the pleasure you get from this!" His free hand dug into the folds of his clothing, then disappeared to where their bodies were joined. He grinned and watched Aya's face closely. Seeing the surprise he laughed huskily. Then he let his free hand, slick now, travel over the redhead's body, finding every sensitive spot with a feathery touch, causing involuntary pleasant shivers to ripple through Aya. Then the slick fingertips brushed over his manhood and he jerked to live.


It screamed inside him, but he couldn't suppress his body's reaction. Did he need it so bad? Did he wish for it after all?!?


But the reaction was not to be mistaken, no misunderstanding possible.


His eyes flew wide open, staring up at Schuldich. This was his enemy! His violator! This was not what he wanted! But his body betrayed him once again.


His head whipped around, pained gaze finding Ken and Omi, staring at him in shock and disgust.


Schuldich's sickeningly soft chuckle burnt in his ears like acid as he felt him stroke his hardening manhood.


He tasted his blood, biting down so hard on his lips, on his tongue to prevent the scream from bursting from his chest. His body trembled with the heat of filthy desire and sick passion.


Amethyst met jade. For a split second. He saw revulsion, saw the loathing he felt himself. Tears stung his eyes and this time he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hold back. Desperately he tore his gaze away.


Writhing under Schuldich he tossed and turned his head, shying away from where he knew his team mates were. He couldn't meet their eyes, couldn't stand what he saw there. The self-loathing threatened to choke him. The heated desire singing in his blood churned up his insides, feeding the nausea that settled acidly in his stomach, while Schuldich slammed into him, skillfully pushing against the center of pleasure, again and again.


Schuldich's grunt of release remained unheard by Aya. His own unvoiced screams echoed painfully in his ears. The hot liquid of his own release burnt his skin, searing through into his guts. And then nothing anymore. He laid still, unmoving. Empty, unseeing gaze staring up to the ceiling. He felt nothing. Burnt out. Ice cold. Ready to embrace the permanent state of feeling nothing at all...

The room was absolutely still except for Schuldich's heavy breathing.

Thunder rolled through the hallways and shook the building, dust drifting down from suddenly instable concrete walls. Then a second and a third explosion, closer, let the walls around them shake dangerously. Steel girders suddenly crashed down, deforming with angry screeches, concrete crumbling all around them.

In a flash the Weiß members jumped into action. So sure of themselves as they were, Schwarz hadn't even considered it necessary to disarm the assassins. Ken's bugnuks snapped and slashed out at Farfarello, missing him just barely as the other jumped aside with incredibly quick reaction.

Nagi frantically tried to fend off concrete and steel and Omi used the chance to throw his shuriken, hitting home. With a yell the youngest Schwarz member whirled around, turning his telekinesis against Omi, but it was all too much. In a split second he had to decide if he wanted to live or take down the youngest Weiß. When he heard Brad's "Out!" he turned and made a run for it. Omi didn't waste his time pursuing the other, he grabbed the next shuriken and aimed.

Schuldich cried out, reached to his back and plucked out the darts that had hit him. He whirled around, letting go off the seemingly lifeless form of Aya. "You little brat!" he yelled and charged at Omi. He was stopped by whistling wire snaking around his throat.

"No you won't!" Yohji hissed as he jerked Schuldich back towards him. Without a shred of mercy he pulled the wire tight, ignoring the elbows slamming into his ribs, ignoring the head snapping back to smash painfully into his face. Teeth clenched, body tense, eyes narrowed to slits of jade fire, he held on, the wire biting into the skin, drawing blood.

Suddenly a shot penetrated the rumble of the crumbling building and Yohji gasped as his right hand was yanked back, pain racing up his arm. Before he could do anything Schuldich had pushed himself off Yohji and dashed away, and Yohji was faced with Brad's weapon. Before Brad could take another shot though Ken's bugnuks dug into his side, and both were actually surprised that Brad obviously hadn't seen it coming.

Omi had rushed over to Aya. Carefully he pulled Aya up into a sitting position. He whimpered where Aya only barely winced, giving the pain in the violet eyes a voice that the redhead still wasn't willing to allow. Worrying his lower lip Omi loosened the ties that bound Aya's hands, but left it to Aya to stretch his arms in his own time, even though they were hard pressed to get out. Then Omi unwound the odd sized lump from his side and unfolded it, revealing it to be Aya's trenchcoat - and the katana.

Instantly Aya was alert. Surprising Omi he snatched the coat and slipped into it, pulling it tight around his body, and without a word, without one single tone, he grabbed the katana and pulled the blade from the sheath. He moved with unexpected speed and ease, diving for Schuldich who was about to dash from the room. One strike and the redheaded Schwarz member cried out as the blade plunged into his body. Aya pulled close, face to face with Schuldich, ice cold empty amethyst eyes meeting painfilled dark green. Warm fingers closed around the cold hands that held the hilt of the katana. A grin spread on Schuldich's face. Next moment Aya found himself on the floor, concrete crashing down all around him. They had gotten away...

In a rush Yohji and Ken swept Aya up and dragged him out of the room. Omi ran ahead, safely leading them through the hallways he knew wouldn't be affected by the explosions - not yet. The second series of detonations was very soon to follow. They had two minutes at the most, before the next round of charges would go off, cutting them off when they were still in the beasement at that time, then another two minutes before the building would collapse for sure.

Silently Weiß made their way through a screaming chaos, and before long Omi led them out into the cool night, away from the collapsing, burning building. Quickly they rushed out of the range of flying embers and burning pieces raining down from the continuous explosions. They didn't waste any time on the spectacular view.

Moments later they reached their black Jeep Cherokee parked two blocks away from the site. Yohji and Ken carefully placed Aya on the backseat and Yohji slipped in beside him. Immediately Aya turned his back and retreated to the other side as far as possible, pressing his forehead to the cold glass of the window, staring out with unseeing eyes. Yohji watched him with a pained expression.

Ken raced them through the the streets that had come to life with sirens and flashlights and soon they had cleared the city limits and sped towards Weiß Hafen by the sea.