Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A Night Song ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: A Night Song

Series: Yami no Matsuei

Category: Poem, shounen-ai/ yaoi, Romance(?), PWP

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Tsuzuki x Hijiri

Author: Requiem Duindain

E-mail: r_duindain@hotmail.com

Homepage: www.geocities.com/r_duindain

Author's notes: My first Tsuzuki x Hijiri piece!

Disclaimers: Yami no Matsuei belongs to Matsushita Yoko.

Solemn night, undisturbed and tranquil under the silver rays

But a soft tune carried on a gentle breeze

Floating to my ear with the hidden yearning

Lust and Love

Secrets that you hide from me under the sun

The music you weave to fire my own passion

And we, unable to refuse, fall into

A mess of tangled limbs and soft caresses

Silent with our touching

While I take of your body as you take of mine

The fulfillment of some dream

Long had by both of us.

--Tsuzuki Asato