Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Changes ❯ Changes ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write

Pairing: None

Category: General

Rating: PG

Warnings: None

Title: Changes

Author: yellowhorde

Note: For a challenge issued at the lj community, anime100. 11/18/04 - 11/22/04: Three random phrases - a cat, falling leaves, damp

hundredword challenge Day 2:4. Only 96 days left! (If I don't miss one)

The world constantly changes. That's what makes it special.

Tsuzuki gazed at the overcast sky, the fallen leaves dancing in the wind. His attention was drawn by a soft purring near his feet. Smiling, he reached down and stroked the cat. It's fur was damp to the touch.

"So beautiful." He murmurred.

The cat arched its back in pleasure, rubbing against his trousers. Tsuzuki knew that this cat would change, it would grow old and eventually die.

He realized suddenly that he envied the cat. Because growing, changing, that was what made life wonderful.

And he missed that.