Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Tears Of Trees ❯ Tears Of Trees ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N Nya!: This is a revamped early work of mine from before I disliked Tsusoka. Weird style.
Disclaimer: Nothing mentioned belongs to me.

A beautiful little emerald-eyed toddler, not yet able to speak, smiles a toothy grin to his beloved parents & stumbles off to play with the falling petals.

That same little boy a year later explains to a horrified mother how he knew she was angry. A life changes beneath the moon and the peach blossoms bear silent witness.

A blond child is scared and lonely, so lonely in his very own dungeon cell. His large, expressive leaf green eyes are dull and longing, longing to see, if only once more, those pink flowers float peacefully against the backdrop of the night sky.

'Freedom!' He thinks, 'I am free. No more cage!' An angel holds a maiden's body with blood stained arms. A young boy's screams disturb not the sakura's soft journey to the ground, though, in a way, it is the second murder they have been forced to watch this night.

The body of a boy just before his manhood lies in a hospital bed, wracked with pain. The consolation that keeps him is that soon it won't be there. He sighs, sickly contented with thoughts of impending, inevitable death. He watches and wonders as the sakura trees weep their silken, pink tears.

A funeral procession trudges through an eery place, the boy, has died. Both of the boy's parents are there,but only for show, A new baby held protectively in the mother's womb, and thus, they have no use for the broken figure buried in front of her. No one sheds a tear as they lay the innocent teenager into the ground. Not one being weeps for his pain or for his passing. No one, that is, but the trees who know all of his suffering.

Our boy walks to his friend, his lover, & his everything who stands in a clearing near his childhood. They've come to pick up their collegues, after a grueling investigation. Keeping in mind the last time Tsuzuki had been too quiet for his liking, Hisoka asks, “What wrong?”
“It's just...I just realized how much sakura trees look like they're crying.”