Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Baby of Mine ❯ Babies of Mine ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Babies of Mine

Bakura jumped out of his seat and Ryou began to shake. Yami and Seto quickly stripped themselves of Isis' lingerie and ran to get Seto's limo ready. Bakura and Marik helped Ryou to her feet and she almost fell down.

"Labor is like friendship!" Anzu said bouncing around like an idiot. Ryou began to cry.

"Breathe, Ryou, Breathe! Remember the class."

"It hurts….yami."

Bakura kissed her head. "I know, baby. This is all our fault, Ryou."

"Something's wrong, Marik," Ryou whimpered.

Marik tried to hold back his desire to run to the hospital himself and drag the doctor to the house. "What's wrong, Ryou?"

"Don't know. My chest hurts now….Bakura," Ryou whimpered. Joey grabbed a blanket to cover Seto's seats in case Ryou's water broke.

Malik and Bakura held onto Ryou in the car as Anzu ran after the limo again screaming at the top of her irritating lungs, "I WANT TO SEE THE BABYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!"

Ryou gasped as she began to wheeze. "I'm…..going….to kill……Anzu…myself!"

Malik caressed her hair trying to fan her. Marik was sitting across from Ryou periodically looking up her dress.

Bakura growled suddenly feeling very possessive of Ryou and protective. Here Ryou was in great pain and all Marik could do was look up her dress! "Will you stop looking up my wife's dress, Ishtar?" Bakura growled.

Marik shrugged. "There's nothing here that I haven't seen before, Bakura."

"You son of a bitch!" Bakura lunged at Marik. Marik and Bakura wrestled as Malik covered Ryou's belly with his body to prevent any blows to her. Marik kicked Malik in the back and he winced.

"Yami! We have to stop them!" Yugi screamed gripping Marik. Yami grabbed Bakura as Bakura kicked Malik again. Ryou leaned over and grabbed Bakura's arm. "'Kura! Bakura, please stop!"

"Take that back, Ishtar!"

Joey grabbed Bakura and pulled him back beside Ryou who was rubbing the assaulted back of Malik. Seto pinned Marik's shoulders to the black leather seats.

"That wasn't an insult," Marik sneered struggling against Yami, Yugi, and Seto. "That's a fact!"

Malik sat up slowly, his back aching from the assault. "You could have kicked your son, Marik!"

Marik breathed deeply and the anger turning his face red had disappeared.

Ryou gripped onto Bakura. "Can't breathe…"

Seto saw a lump grow on Ryou's belly and his eyes widened. "Not to be crass, but what the hell is THAT???!!!"

"My baby, dumbass!" Bakura said.

"She's not settling down. What is she doing in there!"

Bakura held Ryou until they got to the hospital. Marik and Malik ran in and a stretcher was wheeled out. The doctors looked at the group of boys and one pregnant woman.

"Who's the father?" one of the doctors asked.

"I am," Bakura and Marik said in unison.

Bakura and Marik followed them to the emergency room. Ryou wasn't dialated, but her heartbeat was erratic. Bakura held onto Marik trembling and terrified. They did an ultrasound and both watched the screen in shock. Two distinct figures emerged on the screen and both boys stepped closer to see.

Bakura's POV

The monitor showed my baby on the screen. She was big…just like her daddy. On the screen, she seemed to stretch and Ryou arched her back and screamed. It was hard to believe that child was mine. Hearing the heartbeat of my baby for the first time was incredible. Seeing my child on that screen was almost a miracle. She curled up again and Ryou relaxed. Sweat was covered on her forehead as the new life was moving inside of her.

"Is my little girl….alright?"

Ryou pointed to the screen and showed me her arms, her legs, the curve of her back. Ryou turned to me again. "Watch this, yami!" Ryou rubbed the area where my baby girl was and she curled up sucking her thumb. "Ain't she cute, yami?"

The doctors moved the scanner over to the other side.

Marik's POV

The scanner came over my baby and I heard Anubis' voice almost in my ear declaring my son would be weak. I looked at the thin form on the screen. My son was only half the size of Bakura's baby. I honestly feared for him. Even the doctors exchanged glances as they whispered to each other. What were they saying? What did they suspect? Was my baby healthy? Would he survive? No matter what anyone said in that room, I knew my baby was special to me. How could he not be? He's a part of me.

Just like Ryou, I wanted to hold my son…and tell him…it was all going to be O.K.

Normal POV

The doctors exchanged quiet whispers. One doctor approached Ryou and took her pulse. "How far are you into this pregnancy, miss?"

"Second or third trimester," Bakura called to the doctor.

The doctor took out a tablet while the others checked her for dilation. Marik turned to Bakura. "Why aren't you kicking their asses?"

"Because they are professionals."

Ryou's blood pressure began to drop. The doctor looked down at her as another doctor tried to stabilize her heart with an injection.

"Have you recently had surgery, miss?"

"Pacemaker…..," Ryou whimpered.

Bakura walked to the doctor. "She had a damaged left ventricle from being poisoned by her father. Her doctors said much of the heart muscle was damaged. They put a pacemaker in to keep her heart going."

"How was her health at that time?" The doctor wrote down Bakura's testimony.

"She was suffering from malnutrition and poisoning from…her father."

"Malnutrition, huh? Was she thin?"

Bakura growled. "Very thin. Now what can you do for her?"

"We have to evaluate her." The doctors hooked the drowsy Ryou to a machine and listened to the heart. It was slowing down and becoming sluggish.

"She's on heart medication," Bakura said calling to the doctor. "She always takes her medicine."

The doctor ordered a scan of her heart to figure the problem. "This pregnancy may have stress the pacemaker."

"But it is a brand new pacemaker!!! HOW CAN IT GO BAD SO QUICKLY????"

Marik held Bakura back. "Marik! Let me go! RYOU! No! Let me go, Marik!" Bakura tried to pry his arm from the other yami.

The doctors pushed Bakura and Marik out of the room. "You helped us for now. We need to run the tests on her."

"Will our babies be ok?"

The doctors nodded. "They'll be fine. We just have to make sure that Ryou can be stabilized. That shouldn't be a problem. Go relax."

"My wife's life is in danger. How can I relax?" Bakura turned on his heels and stamped out of the ER.

Bakura went to the waiting room and sat down beside Yami. "If anything happens to Ryou or my baby…I am never going to forgive myself."

Ryou watched Bakura and Marik leave. Through her foggy senses, she could tell Bakura was struggling with the doctors and calling her name. Ryou heard them talking as she closed her eyes.

"Don't worry, miss. We'll get you fixed up in no time."

"Do you think there's a chance for that one?"

"Probably not."

"If it does survive, it would be a miracle."

"Miracle, nothing. It would be more than a miracle."


Ryou's Dream

Ryou opened her eyes to hear a baby cries beside her bed. She climbed out of bed and went over to it. She picked up the babies and carried the crying babies downstairs.

"Shhh….baby girl, don't cry." Ryou rocked her and sang her a lullabye.

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

Ryou rocked the baby girl and boy as they sucked their thumbs. She kissed both of them on the forehead when Bakura and Marik came downstairs. They both went to Ryou and kissed her cheeks.

"We love you so much, Ryou," Bakura cooed into her ear.

"Thank you, Ryou," Marik said kissing the boy's forehead.

Ryou saw Yami enter the room. "Yami! Yami! Did you look at my pride and joy?"

Yami stared silently looking at the boy in Ryou's arms.

"Yami?" Ryou asked.

Yami slowly approached Ryou. Bakura shivered and went to close the window. "It's getting cold in here," Marik said rubbing his bare arms.

Yami turned to Marik. "You should be congradulated, Marik. Who would have known you would turn out to be a decent father?"

Marik picked up his son and held him to his chest. "Well, it's nothing too difficult."

"Who would have known that father and son would eventually share the same fate?" Yami turned his back to Ryou and father and son let out a scream. Marik's eyes went wide and he fell to the floor. Ryou stood up and Bakura quickly turned to see Ryou screaming as Yami brought down the dagger missing Ryou and the baby girl by an inch. Bakura jumped onto Yami's shoulders and bit, punched, kicked, and clawed to bring the pharaoh down. Ryou ran to Marik and her son.

"Son? Son?! NO! Wake up, baby! Marik? Marik, is he alive?"

"Ryou…" Marik gasped and his head fell back.


Ryou turned around to see the house dissolve into a dark dungeon. Yami and Bakura disappeared. The baby in her arms disappeared. Where did her daughter go?

Ryou walked down the long row of cells lit only by torches. She came to one and it was Bakura.

"Yami! Bakura! I'm so glad to see you!"

Bakura didn't lift his head from the ground. "Tenshi, talk to me. Say something."

"He can't talk to you," a deep voice said.

Ryou turned and saw Anubis beside her. Ryou staggered and jumped back. "Anubis! Anubis! What happened to my children? I was just holding them."

Anubis brought out two babies from under his cape. The girl was biting at Anubis and snarling. The boy cringed as Anubis held onto his collar. "Do you mean…these two?"

Ryou dropped to her knees. "Let my babies go, Anubis! Please! I do not want them harmed!"

"They are mine to use as I will, Ryou. Much like your husband."

Bakura rolled over onto his back staring up at the night sky though the bars. "Marik….wherever you are…..please……help me."

"What is wrong with my Bakura?"

Anubis grimaced. "This is ancient Egypt. This is his last night."

Ryou gripped the bars. "Bakura!"

"Your children are my puppets, Ryou. Mine to do as I please."

Tears fell down Ryou's face. "They are not yours, Anubis! I carried them! I gave birth to them! They are not yours!"

"Just like this Bakura, Ryou, you will die. But you will die by the hands of another, just like Bakura. Your children will kill you. You will die. I killed Bakura. His blood is on my hands." Red blood spilled onto the babies in his hands. The boy began to whimper and the girl calmed down. "The taste of blood soothes your daughter. She will be the one to take your life."

"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!" Bakura screamed out to the night sky on his back.

Ryou turned to Anubis. "Why would my daughter kill me?"

"Because like her father, she loves the taste of mortal blood. Your son shall be my servant. The only way to end this, Ryou, is you must destroy them. They are destroying you as we speak. Your heart is weak. It cannot take the stress of this pregnancy on your already-weak body. Your system cannot handle it."

Ryou stood up tall and proud. "I will not stop them from being born, Anubis. I love them and if I die in the process, then so be it."

Bakura turned to Ryou. "Don't…give in…to….him."
Anubis advanced on Ryou and dropped the children. Ryou grabbed them and ran hearing Bakura struggling with Anubis.

"Don't…look back…Ryou….run."

Ryou ran down the long hallway.


"Ryou?" Ryou heard Bakura's whispering voice. "Ryou, please wake up."

Ryou opened his eyes and saw his friends standing over him. "Are the babies alright?"

Bakura nodded. "The doctors said the babies are just stressing your pacemaker and your body too much. They are fine."

Ryou brought Bakura into a hug. "I love you, Bakura." Ryou pulled Marik down for a kiss. "I love you, too, Marik. I'm sorry about this."

"We wanted to make sure you were alright, Ryou."

"You're right, Bakura. Anubis is after the babies! He told me!"

Bakura and Marik glared at each other.

"We'll take care of it, Ryou. You just get batter."

Bakura pulled Marik aside. "We have to do something."

"But what?"

Marik and Bakura thought hard. Anubis had to be stopped, but how do you stop an immortal enemy? The hospital allowed Ryou to go home since she was stabilized.

Seto drove Ryou home. On the way, Ryou rested her head on Bakura's shoulder rubbing her belly singing the song. "Never to part….babies of mine."