Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Baby of Mine ❯ House of Evil ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I want to thank all of my wonderful reviewers for all your reviews!!! I really love you guys!!!

Below this chappie, I have details about the sequel to "Baby of Mine". The sequel will be called "Anything for You", Rated nc17 most likely, though a lower rated version will be on ffnet (since they are a bunch of pussies who can't take NC17 content, but it's their site)


Bluesummers: I'm sure you'll like it…I hope…

Ryous mistress: Marik never prepared Malik before they made love. No, Marik was Malik's first, but Marik never prepared him…ever.

Mystical Dragon: Glad you liked.

Dragondreamer: Yes, you know me…I can't get enough of it.

Mira chan: prepare your sennen staff….Steven's in this one…

Buffy M: There will be a sequel…look below the chappie for details

Falling Leaves: This is the epilogue. The sequel will be posted Sunday.

Rhea: Thank you, rhea. I'm glad you like. I really don't do many NCS's. I think I only did one implied. The next story may have a hint in it, but I'm not sure if I want to go into details.

Hato chiisai: *hands tissue * thank you.

Pharaoh Yami's princess: The sequel will come out Sunday. Entitled Anything for You

Angle Black: Thank you. I know I try to do lemons differently every time. Adds variety.

Ssjgodesschico: The sequel will be out Sunday entitled "Anything for You"

Michael: Hmmm…good question. Maybe we can, but I haven't decided on doing that yet. At the end of Nanny Bakura, he says that he is standing at Ryou's grave 600 or so years after Ryou dies. He says he has to return to the ring to relive his life with Ryou during the day and at night, he cries by the grave. If you want to know how Ryou died, just email me or ask me in your review. I will email you the answer if you want.

Steven's POV

I have to hand it to the warden. It was tight security. I had to pull a few strings…and some other things that I'd rather forget….to get out. I had some money left over from selling my house for my legal fees. I had a way out with that.

Feigning amazement that I had a visitor, I was taken to a little room. There, my old friend….well, Cinetti's old lover, Jessica,….met me. She slipped me a kiss. (Boy, was I happy for a kiss from a girl!!! If one more man kisses me, I know I'm gonna snap!)

Within that kiss, she slipped me money. I don't know how she could hide money like that. I didn't question.

It wasn't long before I asked around for a disgruntled prison guard. Saller was no longer content with his job. He was in control of my cell block. I slipped him the remainder of my money. I was able to sneak out in the laundry. Disgusting, I know, but…..for me to be near my son, it would be worth it.

After I was smuggled out, I immediately ran to Jessica. She was staying with Cinetti's son. That kid's gonna be just like his dad someday. He has a good head on his shoulders, unlike my own son. Well, Jessica accepted me into the house and now that's where I'm staying. After everything I had to do to get out of prison, it felt good to sleep with her. Jessica and I made love…..Yes, my son will never know the pleasures of sleeping with a woman…..

Ungrateful bastard that kid!

Well, he may hate the idea of it now, but maybe later….I can make him…"accustomed" to the idea.

I had to see the ungrateful son of mine. Seeing as police were patrolling the area, I could only go out at night.

Well, there's only so many places he could be staying. When he came to the trial, he showed up with his friend, Malik and his……boyfriend. I knew where Malik lived.

I ran over to Malik's house with Tim. We looked inside that house that I can only describe as a `house of sin'……..

Ryou, my son, was playing with his children. He held up a piece of cloth and hid his face only to show it and squeal.. "Peek-a-Boo!" to the little girl and boy. The children laughed and clapped as my son played with them. Bakura took the little girl and laid her on her back suddenly. Was afraid that abusive spirit would hurt the baby girl. Instead, he pressed his lips to her belly and blew making her little tummy ripple with the effect. The little girl threw back her head and giggled and squealed with delight.

"Daddy! Tickles!!!! HEHEHEHE!!!!"

My son took the boy and repeated the action. The little boy with white and blonde hair threw his hands and head back letting out a baby giggle.

"Mommy!!! Mommy! That tickles!!!! HAHAHAHHAAHA!!"

Mommy??! MOMMY!!!??? I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! My son was already effeminate to a fault…and now…he was subjecting innocent children to his….fiendish ways….his evil ways…..

I had no other choice…..I had to take those children……away from that house of evil….that house where my son and Bakura must be screwing ….even with their kids in the room probably! No. I had to save those kids….to whisk them away…


Maybe now that I have Jessica ….now I have a mother figure for my son. We can be a family. Me….Jessica…..Tim……and Ryou. My son will have a proper family. My reputation in the field of archaeology is ruined thanks to my bastard child. Well, don't worry, Ryou….

Me and you will be together soon….

The little girl stood up and ran to her `daddy' and hugged him. Ryou planted a gentle kiss on Bakura's lips as he hugged the child. The little boy ran to Malik and jumped into his arms. The boy beside Malik gave Malik a kiss..

I had to save these children……

Save them from this House of Evil……..

Save them from their `parents.'

Save them from the lives these boys are living……

I had to take them away…….

`Don't worry, Ryou,' I said, my lip curling into a smile.

`We will be together again really soon, Ryou……'

Real soon…….

FINISHED!!! *observes silent moment of silence * I'm gonna miss this one like I missed The Fall of Icarus. But, don't be sad, guys!



The sequel to "Baby of Mine" is going to be called, "Anything for you."

Summary: Steven kidnaps Aria and Aten. Ryou is forced to exchange himself for Aria's safety. Steven kidnaps Ryou and Aten and moves away…Will Marik and Bakura get back Aten and Ryou? Love is forced to go the distance and Ryou must make sacrifices to keep Aten safe from his father…..What kind of sacrifices?? Read and find out…….

THE SEQUEL TO BABY OF MINE IS CALLED "ANYTHING FOR YOU" AND WILL BE POSTED ON THIS SUNDAY JUNE 1, 2003!!!!!!! I need a day to pack for a trip to …another country….

Which reminds me…….

ALSO: I WILL NOT BE UPDATING ON FRIDAY JUNE 6-7 POSSIBLY. I AM GOING OUT OF THE COUNTRY TO GO MEET MY………UMMM…….TO GET …UM….MEET MY BABY!!!! *waves to my baby * Yeah, that's it. If I do find the time to update, I will. I will see if I got the time. (probably not)