Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Back When I Was a Kid ❯ Otogi ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Back When I Was a Kid
Author: Vapid breath
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh
Rating: R to NC-17
Main Pairings: Jounouchi/Kaiba, Yugi/Ryou, Marik/Bakura, Malik/Mokuba, Honda/Otogi until I decide differently
Other Pairings: Jou and the following: Honda, Otogi, Yugi, Malik, Ryou, Mokuba, Mai and Bakura. Bakura and the following: Marik, Malik, Marik and Malik, Jou, Mokuba, Yami, Yugi, Ryou. HondaxOtogi, HondaxShizuka, YugixAnzu, RyouxYugi, and any other pairing involving only the mentioned.
Genre: Romance, Hentai, Angst, Psychological, Humor, and others
Warnings: Suicide, Rape, Non-Con, Original characters, but small ones to help story flow, so don't worry, Yaoi, Character deaths, Sadist, Masochist, Flashback, Drug use, Cursing, Dominance, Submission, Toys, Fetishes, Bashing, and anything else I can think of.
Important Notes: I have changed some of the pairings. If anyone has a problem with them, besides the fact that most are gay, I will gladly make changes since I'm not that far into the story. I have also added to the warning, so please check that. The edited version is on Fan Fiction only and will be updated less frequently than any other site because I will have so much to edit. The unedited version will be on Adult Fan Fiction and Media Miner. This fic is really hard for me to write. I should have finished it first then posted it. Since I haven't, all suggestions are welcome and will be considered. Please be detailed in your suggestions and they will more likely be fit into the story line. I've noticed that I've been going from Jou to Joey and I will try and fix that error. Kaiba and Jou are my all time favorite couple and, no matter how hard I try, I can't keep them apart in any story. Therefore, at times it will seem like the story is all about them, but I can a sure you that this story is not based on any romantic couple. It is to be focused on the aftermath of a life filled with every possible obstacle. I like this fic because I have so many characters to use with such different life styles. The reader will be able to see how the same problems and life affect people so differently. I want people to see how humans respond and react differently according to similar situations. Thank you for reading all of this.
Chapter Three
Yug' didn't talk to me for a while after that incident. I knew he'd been checked for STDs, but no one ever pressed charges. It was obvious he wasn't going to say anything. Ryou didn't ask any questions. A few weeks passed and before we knew it, we were back to the way we were, actin' as if nothin' had happened. I liked it that way. I didn't have to think about what I did to Yugi or what my father did to me. A few weeks later we got our first transfer student, Otogi Ryuugi. Now, Otogi wasn't your everyday kid. Not by a long shot. This guy thought he was the hottest thing since rap and the attitude to dare anyone to object. I think that's what I like about him. He was only the first of many to join our web of lies, betrayal, and deceit.
I leaned against a rusty locker that had once been tan, but was now covered in silver and red where the paining had been scratched off and rust was beginnin' to cover. Through my sources I had found out the location of the new kid's locker. After hearin' about him all durin' the day, I'd decided to see what the hype was about.
“Can I help you?” A smooth, arrogant drawl came from my side where a tall teen stood.
What stood out most about the guy was his daring jade colored eyes. They were sharp yet looked indifferent to what was goin' on around him. You couldn't miss them when he had black marks decoratin' his skillfully tanned features. Around his pretty-boy face were long locks of ebony hair. What wasn't danglin' beside his chin was kept up in a high ponytail and a red headband. Beside that was one dice hangin' off a long chain on his ear.
I smiled sexily, my eyes piercing as I moved closer to him. “Maybe you can.” I was a little surprised when he didn't even falter, his eyes lockin' on mine as leaned near my ear.
“I'm not interested, blond-y.” With those words he brushed me aside in order to open his locker. What an egotistical bastard. How dare he? I stared at him in anger, unable to form words. No one had ever just brushed me off like that.
“Are you going to stand there all day or was there something else you wanted?” He closed his locker and looked at me in boredom.
After finding my voice, I replied, “Yeah, there is. I thought since you were new here, you'd want someone to sit with you at lunch.” He only smiled.
“How cute.” This jerk was already beginnin' to work my nerves. I wasn't goin' to let him get me so easily.
“I'm, Jounouchi.” He seemed startled for a moment, expecting me to snap at him. I held out my hand to him.
“Otogi.” He took the offered hand in a strong handshake.
“So, you wanna sit wit' me or what?”
“Sure, blond-y.”
“Welcome to my kingdom, where food fights, mystery meat, and male lunch-ladies are my specialty.” Otogi grimaced before followin' me into the cafeteria.
I brought him to a smaller table where only six people sat. Two blondes, two brunettes, a redhead, and another with pale hair that was almost purple.
“Everyone, this is Otogi. Otogi, this is everyone.” Otogi seated himself between me and a male with dark skin and block-shaped brown hair. The tanned teen turned to him and introduced his self. “ Hi, I'm Honda.” Honda was cute. He had sharp features such as his jaw bone and chin. Large chocolate eyes made him appear innocent and child-like. He had lean shoulders like myself, but was obviously more muscular.
“This is Yuugi, Anzu, Shizuka, Ryou, and Mai. “ I was sure they all seemed young to the new kid. Except, maybe, Mai. She was a tall blond with hair restin' down her mid back. She had large purple eyes and wore a lot of make-up that made her look much older that she probably was. Even so, she was pretty to look at. Especially, when she was wearin' the very fittin' top of the girl school uniform. Otogi nodded his head and smiled politely at them all.
“Yug', Anzu, and Ryou are our age. You pro'ly got classes with `em. Shizuka is my baby sis'. She's shadowing someone today. Mai's a senior, but we go way back.” He smiled at me.
Yugi spoke up, always eager and curious. “Where are you from?”
“Idaho. In the States.” I watched Otogi as he talked with my friends. He made me feel weird. He was bein' a totally different person that in the hallway. I didn't know which side of him I like better, the sexy and arrogant or the cute and friendly version.
“—tonight. You coming?”
“I'd love to.” I must have missed somethin', but before I could ask the bell had wrung and the table had been cleared.
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