Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bakura Chase ❯ The Stop at Albany And Hannah's Annoying Brother Andrew Follows Her! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yana: This fic is also in fanfiction.net, but it might be deleted, so I put it here instead!

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Chapter Two: The Stop at Albany And Hannah's Annoying Brother Andrew Follows Her!

Hannah: Can we stop yet? Can we stop yet? Can we stop yet? I'm tired. Can we stop yet?

Andrew: Hi Hannah! ((jumps up behind Hannah))


Anji: The heck?

Yana: You have a brother?

Hannah: Yeah, two of 'em... The good news is the one stayed home, the bad news is the one that came is annoying, although I'd rather deal with him than my other one because the other one's a jerk...

Everyone: Oh...kay...

Andrew: ((looks at Yana, in uber gay happy-go-lucky voice)) Hi, I'm Andrew! Who are you?

Yana: You're just like my brother. It's sickening.

Hannah: I know...

Andrew: ((starts pouting))

Hannah: Let's just hope he doesn't recite Arfenhouse lines...

Andrew: Blatant Ripoffs! Terrible echo effect! REALLY BAD VOICE ACTING!!!

Hannah: Oh no! He's reciting Arfenhouse!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Everyone: ((covers their ears))

Andrew: 30 seconds long but 4 megs in size!

Joey: Speech is silver, BUT SILENCE IS GOLDEN!

Hannah: ALRIGHT! TIME FOR THAT DUCTAPE! ((gets out the ductape and ductapes his mouth shut))

Andrew: ((muffled)) Gfh mm yr mny! Zn! (Translation: Give me your money! Zing!)

Hanabi: Eh?

Hermione: ((walks in, points wand at Andrew)) Silencio!

Andrew: ((can no longer make noise))

Yana: w00t! We're saved!

Hannah: Hiya Hanabi! ((pounces Hanabi))

Hermione: ((walks out))

Anji: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Don't take me! ((gets Ryou and uses him as a sheild)) Take him instead! He's British!

Hannah: Ryou! ((pounces on top of Ryou))

Andrew: ((is silent because he can no longer make noise))....

Yugi: O-o Anyway, where are we?

Hannah: I know! We're in Albany!

Joey: ((turns back to normal)) Who's Albany?

Hannah: Albany is a country in... Was it Europe? Yeah, it was Euprope!

Yana: No.... I thought it was in New York...

Hannah: Oh yeah..... ((begins playing Creepy Crawlies on the clarinet again))

Looks like our heroes are a little distracted! Let's see what our favorite tomb robber is up to!

Bakura: ((is stealing the Millenium Crystal from a girl name Sami))

Random raining Cows: ((fall on Bakura))

Bakura: ((cow falls on his head)) Ow. ((several cows fall on him)) Ouchies.

Sami: You won't get away with this, Baku!

RRC: Mooooooooooooooooooo....

Sami: ((smells something)) Maybe I'll get my Millennium Items later... ((runs off to get air fresheners))

Hannah: ((is eating pickles from a car and drinking pickle juice, walks in, sees Bakura)) HEY, THERE'S THE THIEF!! YANA, ANJI, HANABI!!! THERE HE IS!!!!

Anji: ((playing Pokemon Sapphire on her GBA))

Yana: GO, ANJI, GO!

Hanabi: ((is glomping Ryou))

Hannah: ((becomes red with anger, steam comes out of ears)) YOU IDIOTS!!!!!! HURRY BEFORE HE GETS AWAY!!!!!

Malik: ((talking to a random cow)) Did you see Bakura?

Cow: Moo.

Hannah: Hey Malik! Where's Marik-Sama?

Malik: I dunno... Somewhere...

Marik: HOOYAA!!! ((tapes RRC with duct tape)) That should do the trick! RRC: ((start squirting Marik with milk))

Hannah: What..... the....... hell.........

Ryou: This is just too much...

Yami: ((sings)) STOP! IN THE NAME OF LOVE!!!

Hannah: ((glomps Ryou as well))

Sami: ((is wearing lots of air fresheners)) Okay, I'm ready for you, Baku! Wait, where is he? ((camera view zooms out to show that Bakura's not in Albany))

Hannah: ((is busy glomping Malik))

Yana: I think he ran off while we weren't looking...

Hanabi: Well duh!

Hannah: ((still glomping Malik))

Malik: Ack... choking...

Andrew: ((silencing charm wears off, takes ductape off his mouth)) Hi Bakura! I'm Andrew! Hannah's annoying brother that talks too much!

Bakura: ((is already 100 miles away from the gang)) ARGH!

Meanwhile, with Kaiba...

Uncle: ((pours gravy on Kaiba))

Kaiba: ((wakes up)) What the hell? Why you pouring gravy on me, old man?!

Uncle: Uncle is washing away baaaaaaaaaaaad chi! ((begins chanting chi spell))

Kaiba: You're crazy. ((starts floating and bumping into walls and stuff))

Uncle: Uncle is not crazy!

Kaiba: ((has a black eye, a nosebleed and other stuff 'cause of bumping into things)) YES YOU ARE!

Uncle: Ah well. Come, Toru. Let us get some ramen.

Toru: Yes sensei.

Kaiba: ((is still flying and crashing into stuff)) GAH!!!

Mokuba: Hello, big brother!

Andrew: ((walks in)) Hi Mokuba! Hi Kaiba! I'm Andrew, Hannah's annoying brother that talks too much!

Mokuba: O-o ((backs away))

Kaiba: Hello! I'm over here, getting mortally wounded by this old geezer's spell! NOW WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!

Andrew: I'll do it! ((says random words, causing Kaiba to fall))

Kaiba: ((falls on top of a giant spike sticking out of the ground)) X.X

Andrew: ((pours gravy on Kaiba))

Oh Kaiba, if you hadn't refused to sweep HQ...

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Yana: That's another chapter of Bakura Chase!

Hannah: ((is still glomping Malik)) Malik-Sama!

Malik: What is it with you girls and random raining cows?

Hannah: ((wasn't paying attention to what he said, still glomping him)) Malik-Sama!

Yana: Gomenasai for not updating my other fic, "RS X2"! At least you get to read this one while chapter 35 is still in the works!

Hannah: n.n R&R