Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Faith In You ❯ Pleasureville ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

JG: Okay okay, I know it's been forever! But I'm not gonna babble on and bore you all to tears so you can now start the fic ^_^

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!! And I also don't own the song `Lifeline' by Brooke Fraser.



- 1 week later -

"I can't believe how quickly the time has gone." Mokuba muttered. He dug his toes further into the silky sand he was sitting on.

Meison shielded his eyes from the vividly bright sunset with his hand. "I know… I never believed it would work."

"Neither did I." Mokuba admitted.

"I guess we were both wrong then huh?" Meison asked with a little laugh.

That laugh sent delightful shivers down Mokuba's spine, as it had done so many other times. He was kind of sad to be leaving in only three days. He was going to miss Meison, and though he only lived a couple of hours out of Domino, he had a strange suspicion that he might not see him ever again. He supposed all he could do was make the most of his time while he was here, and hope for the best afterward. His crush had grown intensely strong over the past week, making all his confused thoughts toward Seto fade away.

Mokuba looked at the shirtless boy sitting on the beach beside him. "Wanna go for a paddle?"

Meison grinned. "Sure."

Together they walked toward the crashing waves and rolled up their trousers. The sludgy sand felt pleasantly slimy between their toes.

"You know Mokuba," Meison said, staring out to the sea beyond. "I'm really glad I wasn't the only guy that was confused about his identity."

Mokuba blushed a little. "Well, I know who I really am now. What about you?"

Meison nodded. "Yeah… I'm proud to be gay, you know? I don't care what anyone else thinks… I'm just worried about when I get home. That will be when problems start happening again."

I have this sinking feeling,
Something weighing me down,
I am completely saturated…
The waves are crashing closer,
My feet already drowned.
Doing the thing I said I hated…

Mokuba understood. "It will be alright Meison. I won't let anyone hurt you…"

"What do you mean? We don't even live in the same place…"

"I know, but we can find a way." Mokuba said, turning to Meison and twining his fingers within his.

"I…I don't know, Mokuba… it's complicated…" Meison replied, his voice shuddering slightly.

"Meison, listen to me. If you go home back to your father, things will go back to the way they used to be…"

Meison was crying by now. "I know… you have to help me Mokuba."

They've been swimming in the wrong waters
Now they're pulling me down
But I am clinging to you
, never letting go,
Cause I know that you'll lift me up

"I will help you, Meison." Mokuba said, tilting the boy's chin up slightly. "You don't have to suffer anymore."

Meison's hair blew in the wind behind him. He closed his eyes and sighed. "I can't leave my Mom, Mokuba. Her and my sisters are all I've got."

"You've got me too. I'm sure we'll be able to help your Mom and sisters too…"

Meison sighed. "My mother is very deniable. She tries to tell us that everything is fine, when it's not. My sisters are going half crazy." He added with a little laugh.

Have your way,
Keep me afloat
Cause I know
, I'll sink without you
Take this ocean of pain that is mine

Throw me a lifeline

The waves lapped around the boys' feet and ankles as they simply stood their embracing one another gently. Meison gripped onto Mokuba's white t-shirt and lay his head on his shoulder. Meison knew that Mokuba had been sent from the heavens; in fact he had really had no hope until he came along. His chances of returning to a safe, normal life were slim to none. Seto Kaiba would come and pick Mokuba up in a few days time and leave on their private jet, never to be seen or heard of again.

I wake up feeling convicted;
I know some
things aren't right.
Reacquaint my knees with the carpet
I have to get this out
Cause its obstructing you and I
Dry up the seas that keep us parted

"I don't want you to promise me anything Mokuba. I've had my hopes up for so long now and I don't want to be disappointed again. Just because you say you will help me doesn't mean it's going to happen!" Meison cried out, his bipolar disorder clearly taking a swing.

Mokuba was a little taken aback, but quickly collected himself, realizing what just happened. "Sshh… it's alright Meison. I'll do the best I can for you… for us."

Meison nodded and wiped his tears on Mokuba's shirt. "Alright… but can I ask something from you?"


"Love me. Even if it's only for the next couple of days."

Cause They've been swimming in the wrong waters
Now they're pulling me down
But I am clinging to you
, never letting go,
Cause I know…
I won't let go,
I won't let go,
I won't let go…

It was almost dark, the last patches of orange and red disappearing into the surrounding blackness. Nobody else seemed to be on the beach at all, and everything was turning dark. It was like Mokuba and Meison were in a world of their own, like nothing and nobody mattered. Storm grey suddenly fused with animated lilac as Mokuba and Meison caught eyes, and before another moment passed, their lips were captured.

Meison leaned in closer to Mokuba and buried his hands into his mass of blue-black hair. Mokuba obliged and played with Meison's blue bangs. Their tongues engaged in a sweet battle for domination while Mokuba's hand roamed Meison's naked upper body, making the slightly smaller boy jump a little but moan at the same time. Mokuba could tell Meison was enjoying this display of affection and therefore pulled him closer, only to find Meison's arousal levels had skyrocketed.

Meison pulled back, flushed and panting, with surges of electricity coursing through his body. His groin particularly felt like it had swollen to its limits. Mokuba, however, hadn't felt this good in a long time. His sexual frustrations seemed to result in a date with Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters* and a Playboy mag. Either that or he just stared at Seto all evening and fantasized about him. But with Meison around, it was different… he put Mokuba's perspective on love and sex in a whole new light.

"Uh, Mokuba?"

Mokuba was quickly interrupted from his trance. "Yeah?"

"Do you… wanna go inside? It's getting a bit chilly." Meison suggested as he rubbed his arms which were covered in goosebumps.

"Sure." With that said, the two aroused youths left the beach and returned to the privacy and safety of their hostel room.

Meison climbed up onto his bunk up the top and gestured for Mokuba to follow. "Have you locked the door?" Meison asked quickly as Mokuba climbed up.

"Yeah, you don't think I'd let anyone walk in on us now do you?"

"I hope not… unless you're some sort of kinky thrill-seeker." Meison joked.

Mokuba giggled. "Nope, not me. I'd rather make love than have sex."

Meison stopped for a moment, processing the words in his head. "Oh!" He said, finally understanding. "Yeah… me too."

Mokuba smiled and settled himself between Meison's legs. "Good…" He licked the sensitive, creamy-tan skin just below Meison's ear, causing a surprised giggle, and then a pleasured moan.

Meison gently clasped Mokuba's face and brought him down for another crushing lip-lock, their tongues sliding and gliding over the other. Mokuba slowly rocked his hips against Meison's clearly visible arousal as he roamed the still-naked torso beneath him. Looking at the smooth, dark skin below him, Mokuba quickly found what he was looking for, and lowered himself so he was eye-to-eye with Meison's right nipple. He closed his mouth around it and teased it until it was at its peak. Meison writhed and wriggled beneath him, groaning to let him know not to stop.

Meison ran his hands along Mokuba's back, underneath his shirt. Meison pulled at the hem, pulling up the offending shirt, momentarily stopping Mokuba from lavishing at Meison's hardened nipple. When the interfering material was rid of, Meison grabbed the chance and ran his hands over Mokuba's smooth chest, feeling the pulsating of his heart beating rhythmically within his ribcage. Raising his eyes to Mokuba's height, he saw Mokuba watching him, hovering above him, waiting for him to continue.

Mokuba looked down hungrily at the boy lying so innocently below him, wondering what one thing would fulfill his hunger. Meison smiled lazily up at him and within half a nanosecond, flipped Mokuba onto his back and straddled him. Mokuba looked up, slightly shocked at what had just happened. Meison smiled devilishly, as if possessed. Mokuba would have to get used to Meison's disorder if he was going to be with him, he decided.

"Do you want me, Mokuba Kaiba?" Meison whispered into Mokuba's ear.

"Oh Gods yes." Mokuba replied as he felt his pants tighten even further.

"Then me you shall have."

Meison unbuttoned Mokuba's jeans and pulled down both his boxers and his jeans in one go, freeing the much desired piece of hardened flesh that he had fantasized about over the past week. Licking the tip, Meison quickly removed the last of his clothes before returning to Mokuba's need. Taking the erect penis in his hands, Meison slowly squeezed and tugged at Mokuba's cock causing it to ooze pre-cum.

Groaning from the warmth wrapped around his hard member, Mokuba started
gently bucking his hips into the other boy's hand. "Meison…oh Gods Meison," he
moaned as the blue-and-white haired boy picked up the pace a bit.

"Do you like that?" Meison asked dirtily.

"Fuck yes," Mokuba choked out, his voice slightly husky and lazy.

Meison complied and returned his rapturous motions, but this time added to the pleasure by fondling the velvety sacs at the base of Mokuba's erection. Mokuba, close to his peak, figured their torture had reached it's height. He sat up and pushed Meison onto his back and regained his previous posture between the boy's legs, so they were now upside-down on the bed. During the process, he removed Meison's pants and boxers with expertise speed.

"I need you Meison… now…" Mokuba whispered in desperation.

Meison nodded. "I want you."

"And I want you. But… have you done this before?"

Meison's eyes suddenly flickered with sadness and fright. "I… I was raped, Mokuba."

"Oh shit." Mokuba said. "Meison… why didn't you tell me?"

"Because then I knew you wouldn't want me!" Meison blubbered. "I want you so bad Mokuba… I don't want anything to stand in our way."

"I don't want to do this unless you're completely sure, Meison…" Mokuba said softly and cautiously.

"I am sure. It was a long time ago now anyway…"

Mokuba nodded and kissed the trembling body beneath him. "I'll be as gentle as I can."

"You promise?" Meison asked.

"I promise."

Meison nodded and quickly reached down into his suitcase to get some lubricant. He handed the bottle to Mokuba, who then squirted some onto his fingers.

"Let me know if I hurt you, and I'll stop, okay?"

Meison nodded. "Alright."

Taking is fingers away from Meison's face, Mokuba wriggled back a bit and parted and lifted Meison's legs to a comfortable resting place on his shoulders to make his access
easier. Slowly pushing his fingers into the tight entrance, Mokuba stopped to see that the look on Meison's face was one of pleasure, not pain. He continued to slide his fingers up the channel and back out again slowly, causing Meison to arch to the sensation.

"Oh Mokuba…take me now…please…" Meison whimpered in ecstasy.

"Alright, here we go…" Mokuba thought out loud as he withdrew his fingers.

Feeling Meison was prepared far enough, Mokuba directed his weeping erection to the heavily lubricated entrance and penetrated Meison, letting out a strangled moan from how much tighter and warmer it was in comparison to Meison's hand masturbating him.

Meison let out a noisy groan, before forcing his body to relax. All of a sudden he felt
a warm hand close around his length and a warm, tantalizing mouth invading its way into his. Panting, he hardly noticed when Mokuba had sunk all the way in, but this didn't last much longer as Mokuba started pounding at a faster pace.

"Deeper, Mokuba, harder, please, faster, Mokuba, faster!" He urged between breaths, not wanting the exquisite feeling to come to an end.

Mokuba happily complied, and took Meison in his hand, stroking him in time to his own thrusts, grunting and snorting as he felt himself coming closer by the second. Squeezing Meison's balls gently with his other hand, he felt Meison grip onto him for dear life and cry out quietly as sticky white fluid spurted out and onto Mokuba's stomach and over the sheets.

"Oh! Oh, Gods! Here it comes Meison! Oh…!" Mokuba finally gave in, driving as far in as he could go, and collapsed onto the practically-passed-out boy beneath him, as his body pulsed and shuddered with the aftershocks of his orgasm.

Meison took deep breaths and stared absently at the ceiling. He held the quaking boy close as they drifted down from their high. Mokuba finally pulled out of Meison and grabbed his [already dirty] t-shirt to clean himself up. After a few moments of silence, they both caught eyes again.

"Are you okay?" Mokuba asked.

"Yeah," Meison replied hazily. "But you can forget about walking tomorrow, cause I won't be doing it." He giggled.

Mokuba blushed a little. "Sorry."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Are you boys in bed yet?" It was Gaia.

Oh, we're in bed alright, Mokuba thought. "Yes Gaia." Mokuba replied.

"We're just going to sleep now." Meison said, trying not to erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Alright, good night you two!"

Once they were sure Gaia had gone, Mokuba and Meison practically fell over each other laughing. Once the entertainment had worn off, the two teenaged boys kissed each other good night and fell asleep before their heads hit the pillow.
